Your Problem, Your Choice

Secret Friendship

L walked outside of Infinite's house and just close the door behind him. Veronica was standing in front of him holding an umbrella on one arm and giving L a disappointed look. "You're such a babo." Veronica said disappointed.

L didn't respond anything. His expression softened since he knew Veronica would talk to him about this. His eyes showed sadness, L felt bad about what he did. He knew that this would happen. He actually never wanted to hurt Krista, was already too late. L stood silent and didn't make any eye contact with Veronica. He did the stupidest thing to hurt a girl, now he just doesn't feel like seeing one in person, like Veronica. "Why the heck would you do that?!  You know how much Krista is mad at you and yet you made her more confused. Yah! Are you out of your mind?!" Veronica said furiously.

L sighed sadly and just listen to what Veronica was explaining, "Thanks to you, Krista is going through depression. This time it's more worst. You have to make her heart confused babo! Why didn't you give her time? If you would have given her time this would-" 

"I DID IT BECAUSE I CARE ABOUT HER!" L suddenly blurted out.

Veronica's eyes widen as she looked at L's expression. His softened expression change into annoyed, his eyes showed how mad he was and how he couldn't take this kind of pressure anymore. He hate to see the group break up. Forever Beatz has not broken up, but Infinite slowly is. 4 people already have taken Forever Beatz's side, 2 people including himself took Everlasting Queens' side. One group, split into 2...each group chose one side. "Myungsoo..." Veronica spoke as her expression softened.

Silence came between them, all they can hear in the background was the sound of raindrops surrounding them. L was breathing in and out, Veronica could tell how mad L was. Blurting that sentence out of nowhere, the first thing that came to Veronica's mind was, Does he really mean it? 

L sighed sadly and then his expression softened back again. He gave Veronica a guilty expression, his eyes showed sadness once again. "You heard me..." L spoke sadly. "I did that stupid thing because...I care about her..."

Veronica was shocked to see L like this, but she notice one word that L was lying to her. "Lies, you did that stupid thing not just because you care about her, L...don't tell me you did it for her because you love her?" Veronica suddenly mentioned.

L looked up Veronica shocked. Veronica was giving a suspicious look at him and raised a brow at the same time. L sighed sadly and spoke, "I really don't know. ...but, what you're saying...I guess it's true. Krista is different, I knew her since the first time I met her. When we were little kids. We didn't see each other until both Sungyeol and her have met each other. Now all this drama is happening, but I guess you're right...I am in love with her."

"If you really love her, why didn't you tell her that before making her more confused. This is your problem L, you're in this drama with her and now it's time to end with your choice and the other members choice. Hara or Krista, which one do you love?" Veronica explained.

Veronica glared at L and then she walked away. L watched Veronica as she walked away from the Infinite's house and slowly disappeared from the rain. L gave a sad look and then just thought about the words Veronica had told him. Krista or Hara, both of them I hurt and now I can't decide on one. ...But, when I think about it...I mostly think about "her" than the "other."


L walked back inside and notice all 6 eyes staring at him. L blinked with a confused expression and just ignore them and went to his room. It was silent with the other members. All of them exchanged glances and just ended with a shrug. L was laying on his bed just staring at the cieling thinking what the heck he should do. 

L looked at his phone and then there was 2 people he wanted to call, Krista or Hara. L slowly start to think about it but, that didn't work out well so he sat up from his bed and ruffled his hair angrily. "Why is this so hard?!" L asked impaitiently.

"What's so hard?" A voice interrupted.

L suddenly looked up and notice his roommate Dongwoo has walked in the room. "Did something happened when you were talking with Veronica?" Dongwoo asked curiously.

"It's nothing." L said as he continue looking at his phone since he really doesn't want to talk about the conversation right now.

Dongwoo gave L a worried expression and just slowly walk up to him. "If it's about Krista and Hara, all I'm going to say can choose both." Dongwoo mentioned.

"I know that! They hate each other that much!" L said. "...but, to be honest I actually think of one person than the other. She's always there for me and I knew her before. As for the other one, I actually really did like her. Not just because she's pretty but because on how she help me out a lot."

"Which one would you rather be with your childhood friend or your evil girlfriend who keeps starting this stupid drama between her friends?" Dongwoo asked.

L's expression softened and start to think about it. He looked back at Dongwoo and then slowly speak...


Lexy was at a cafe while the others were at home. It was later on in the day and it was still pouring. Lexy was sitting at a table next to a window and making a sad look. A waitor came by and set down a hot chocolate for Lexy that she just order a while ago. "Gamshamida." Lexy said as she did a small bow to the waitor.

The waitor walked away and Lexy grab the cup and lightly sip it. She set the cup down and then looked out the window once again. "It's sure is a nice day..." Lexy said as she sighed.

A door suddenly open and a person came in with an umbrella. As that person came in he close the umbrella and walked up to the counter to order something to drink. Lexy gave a curious look. Why does that person look familiar for some reason? She thought to herself.

Lexy tilted her head to the side and moved a little to the side to see that person's face. It was no used, she couldn't see who that person was. All of a sudden that person turned around and her eyes widen. "Sungjong..." Lexy softly called out.

Sungjong was shocked as well seeing Lexy here. Lexy was sitting across from Sungjong and she had a shocked expression just like his. "Lexy..." Sungjong said shocked.

Everyone was talking and all the both can hear was chattering since people didn't really pay attention to their moment. Sungjong looked away and Lexy did the same. The atmosphere changed into an awkward feeling. Both looked away and both didn't feel like saying a word to each other.

Lexy and Sungjong were sitting at a table. Both of them just looked at each other without saying a word to each other. A waitor came by and set down Sungjong's hot chocolate on the table and then walked away. Sungjong grabbed his cup of hot chocolate and lightly sipped it. He set it down on the table and notice that Lexy was still watching him. "I didn't suspect that you would be here." Lexy said.

"Me niether. It's been a while since we last saw each other." Sungjong said awkwardly.

"Nae, right after that drama. I see it's still going on." Lexy said sadly.

"Kind of." Sungjong said.

"What you mean?" Lexy asked curiously.

"I mean, being in this kind of drama is stupid. I am about to give up. I just realize, what's the point of not hanging out with other people. If Na Eun is that jealous than let her be. All I'm going to say is, no one can't stop me from seeing my friend." Sungjong explained.

Lexy slowly start to smile at Sungjong. "Gamshamida." Lexy said happily.

"Nae, I was about to go and apologize to you after this, but I guess might as well do it now since you're here." Sungjong said.

Lexy chuckled and siad, "Nae, but does that mean are we friends again?"

Sungjong looked at Lexy and notice that she was giving him a worried look. "If you want. If you're still mad at me, I understand. I will give you some space." Sungjong suggested.

"Aniyo." Lexy said as she nodded. "We can be friends once again. Besides, what you said...was right. Being in this stupid drama, it's just well...stupid. If someone is jealous and told you not to see that person. Nothing can't stop you from seeing that person."

"Nae..." Sungjong said as he looked out the window. "Oh! How are the other members doing? Mostly Krista?"

"The couples are ok. Since we have like 4 members of Infinite joining our side. And you guys joining Everlasting Queens' side, everything is pretty much the same just as when the drama started. Nothing really is going on, or so I think. Krista has been acting strange something has happened but none of us don't know. Of course Sungyeol would have known about him because he was giving a disappointed look. Veronica also know about it I think. Since she was comforting Krista." Lexy explained.

"This morning, she actually came over to our house. She said she needed to talk to L about something. I have no idea what it is...but, I thought you would know." Sungjong mentioned.

"Ani," Lexy said as she nodded sadly. "If I would have known then you would have understand why Veronica went there. But, I really haven't gotten any news from her. So nothing, I think no one in Forever Beatz knew that she went to your guys' house. When she got back, she really didn't say anything. Plus, when we woke up it looks like she didn't go anywhere. She just stayed home."

"I guess you're right." Sungjong said sadly. "But, haven't you heard. L said he's going somewhere today. Something about telling someone something. You think it's about Krista?"

"Molla," Lexy shrugged. "Being in this drama and kind of mad at you guys, I really don't care about this whole rumor or gossip thing. It's just stupid."

"Sorry..." Sungjong said sadly.

"Not now, I mean like before babo." Lexy grinned.

"I know!" Sungjong said as he pouted.



~Krista's POV~

It's raining and pouring and I have got to admit it's a sad weather today. I was standing alone at the park. Grey clouds and a gloomy atmosphere was going on. Of course I had an umbrella over my head, I'm not that depressed. Or...maybe I am.

From where I'm standing I can see many couples walk by in the pouring rain. Having a pleasure smile on their face. It despite me in my opinion. Seeing couples everywhere I think it's stupid. Seriously, whenever I'm depressed you have to torture me with this?! I thought to myself annoyed.

Seeing people giggle and laugh, it makes me more depressed before. I gave a sad expression as I see couples walking by. Seeing happy couples, it makes me depressed. I bit the bottom of my lips furiously. I was that upset. The first person that made in that first place. This whole was L.

Thinking of what he did. He didn't really have to do that to me. He knew that it would hurt me. It would have made me more confused, but what the heck am I suppose to do? Seeing L, I have got to admit...I still have a crush on him even now. It's just that, Myungsoo never notice how I actually felt. He always have feelings for Hara...the only person that he thinks of is Hara, Hara, Hara. Hara this, Hara that! I had enough of it!

I suddenly felt something vibrated and ringing in my pocket. I gave a curious look and just looked over at my phone. I slid the phone off my pocket and notice that I was getting a call...but this time it was the person I hate. I can't believe this is happening, L is calling me and I am like mad at him right now.

I start to think about it, what should I do? Answer the call or just leave it alone. All I did was shrugged and just left the phone ringing. Talking to L like this, that's no way that's going to happen. He hurts my feeling, I will hurt me by making him confused. This was how much I was mad at him for what he did. ...Until, I didn't know that this would be unexpecting...


~No One's POV~

Taeyeon - Closer

Krista looked over to her side since the sound was coming from there. There stood L who was holding an umbrella and he was making a worried look at her. Krista's eyes widen in surprised and spoke, "Myungsoo..."

L was gripping on to the bottom of the umbrella and he bit the bottom of his lip since he was shocked at what he saw what Krista did. "Yah, are you seriously that mad at me for what I did?!" L suddenly asked.

"Nae!" Krista said shocked. "S-So?!"

"Do you know how worried I was?! I went over to your house a while ago just to see if you're there. But, apparently you were not! Veronica didn't know where you went along with Sungyeol. You know it's stupid to run off on your own and not just walk around feeling depressed about what happened." L scoffed.


L's eyes widen in shock. He didn't know that he would see Krista act this way. Krista gave a sad look and her eyes slowly start to become watery. Krista was holding her tears back and she looked up at L. "This whole thing...the reason why I'm''s all because of you..." Krista said sadly.

L's lips start to quiver as he heard what Krista said. Krista looked at L with a sad expression. As her eyes become more watery than before, a small tear sild down on the side of her cheek. As one slid down, more tears has start to fallen. Krista was shaking and she start to bit her lip. L's expression softened since he felt bad about seeing Krista this way. " has to be your fault. This whole's your fault. ...What did I ever do to you? ...You have to make me fe-" Krista said sadly.

Krista's eyes widen as she felt something warm touching her lips. Krista notice that warm thing touching her lip was L. L interrupted Krista by forcing a kiss on her lips. Krista was stunned to see L this way which slowly made her drop her umbrella. Her umbrella landed on the ground and both of them were still in the same position. ...Myungsoo, mwoyoe...? Krista thought confused.

L slowly moved away and he gazed at Krista who was still stunned about what he did. "Mianhae Krista, I will like say it how many times to you until you forgive me." L said sadly.

Krista was shocked to see L this way. So she asked, "Why did kiss me?" 

L smiled at Krista and just patted her head. "Because I care about my best friend more than my girlfriend." L said.

That's still not helping..." Krista said as she gloomed her head down.

"Yah!" L said as he quickly gripped on Krista's shoulder. 

Krista slowly gazed up on him and notice how furious L was getting. "What I'm trying to say is...I like you..." He said.

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Small haitus for a while. Having a writer's block on this story. T_T


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Chapter 77: Whoaaaaaaaa~ I'm checking this fic after a long time and you've done it^^ this is a really awesome story <3 I love the ending~ You're daebak! \(^-^)/
Fredakpop #2
Chapter 73: Omgomg .. Na Eun is gonna get in trouble >< haiss goodluck Na Eun :(

btw , update soon !
starlightdust #3
Chapter 73: ooooooh NA EUN'S BUSTED
Chapter 72: Mwahahah Na Eun ur a good girl! Spy them well! (~^^)~ :3
Fredakpop #5
Chapter 72: Woah that's great ! I hope they are able to find them soon & more romantic couple scenes coming up ^_^
Update soon ! ~ ^-^
starlightdust #6
Fredakpop #7
Chapter 71: Hoho please update soon ! ~
starlightdust #8
Chapter 70: well it could actually be very hard to kidnap a girl especially if she learned martial arts or something
Chapter 69: Hara! Stop it! Can't you just let them be happiliy ever after...
Fredakpop #10
Chapter 69: Woohoo ^_^ finally ~
Update soon