A "Date" At The Park

Secret Friendship

Veronica and Woohyun were still acting like little kids and they actually don't know what's going on. Krista, Anabell, Lexy, Cindy, Gaby, and Almiera were so busy talking to each other and they didn't know that Infinite was standing behind them.

Infinite felt nervous and wasn't actually sure if they should scare them or not. Sungjong was nervous and then he took a step back by surprise. the other members noticed it and Sungjong just smiled at them and mouthed the words, "Mianhae."

Sunggyu looked at Almiera and he gave up as well. He suddenly took a step back and he stand next to Sungjong. Sungyeol did the same along with Dongwoo and Hoya. The only person that was left was L. "Aigoo, seriously guys?!" L whispered with a surprise look.

"Hey...it was your idea." Sungyeol whispered.

L sighed and he looked at Krista. He was nervous at first...but, he took a deep breath and he slowly walked up to her from behind. Krista was busy talking with her friends and all of a sudden while Krista was talking, L pushed her from behind and said, "Boo!"

Krista jumped up by surprise and screamed out of nowhere. L started laughing and Krista looked at L and she made a serious look. "Babo!" Krista blurted out.

L heard Krista and he knows what was going to happen. So he quickly took a step back and ran quickly. Krista got up and she ran just to catch up with L. "Babo! Get back here!" Krista called out.

The other members were laughing along with the other girls. Veronica and Woohyun were still playing and when they spotted L and Krista passed by, both of them made a curious look. "What's going on there?" Woohyun asked curiously.

Veronica just shrugged and said, "Molla..." "...Unnie wait up!" Veronica suddenly called out.

She quickly got off the playground and quickly went after Krista. Woohyun followed as well but, instead of running...he just went walking. L was running quickly since Krista was about to catch up. When he was about to stop, out of nowhere the sprinklers came on. Krista stopped and she made a surprise look. Veronica stopped as well and she was becoming wet. The others were surprise with the sprinklers...but, none of them didn't care...so they played around with the water.

Krista was looking for L but, notice he was gone. L came out from behind and grabbed Krista. Krista made a surprise look and she just slapped L from the arm. "Babo! Don't scare me like that!" Krista shouted.

"Mianhae..." L said as he put his head on Krista's shoulder. "You're so small." He added.

Krista sighed and she pushed L out of the way. "Ba...bo." Krista said.

"Unnie~!" Veronica called out and she hugged Krista from behind.

"Ani, leave her alone. Besides, I'm her appa." Sungyeol said as he hugged Krista.

"Babo, since when?!" Veronica said.

"We have the same smile." Sungyeol pouted.

"Ani! She's mine." L said as he grabbed Krista by the wrist.

"Aigoo, do you guys seriously have to fight over Krista. Besides, she's mine. She's my awesome dongsaeng!" Anabell said.

"Sure...what about me. She's my unnie as well." Almiera said.

"Aigoo, just because I'm cute small...doesn't mean I have to be love this much..." Krista mumbled.

"Ooh! I know what we should play!" Sungjong called out.

"...Which is?" Lexy asked.

"Tag~!" Woohyun called out happily.

"Araso...but, who's it?" Veronica asked.

"Woohyun!" Anabell and Cindy called out in a unision. "Jinx! You owe me a soda." Both of them said again.

They kept on repeating until that was when they got annoyed. "Aigoo! Umma! Unnie! Shikeurro!" Veronica shouted.

"Alright...Woohyun it!" Krista called out.

Everyone started running all except for Woohyun. Woohyun decided who he should go after...and, that was when he spotted Anabell. Anabell notice Woohyun was going after so that was when she started to run fast.

Woohyun was running quickly to catch up with Anabell and he was almost there to tag her, but...instead of tagging her...he just carried her from behind which made Anabell surprised. "Yah! Put me down!" Anabell called out.

"You're it then!" Woohyun said with a smile.

Anabell sighed and then she decided to go after someone else. They have been playing for the whole day until...that was when they got tired. All of them was laying down on the grass just looking at the sky.

It was almost getting late so they decided to head home. Once they arrived home, one by one...they got separated.

"Annyeong! I'll see you guys tomorrow!" Anabell called out.

"Nae unnie!" Veronica said as she waved.

"See you guys tomorrow!" Woohyun called out.

"Annyeong!" The other members said in a unision.

The next people to leave was Cindy and Hoya. "Well, see you guys." Cindy said.

"Bye umma." Lexy said with a smile.

"Annyeong!" Hoya said happily.

They kept on walking on until all of them were separated. The only people are left was Krista, L, Veronica, and Sungyeol. Since they kind of lived close. When they arrived all of them went to their house and said goodbye. Once they walked in the house, all of them got tired...so they just fell asleep right away...

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Small haitus for a while. Having a writer's block on this story. T_T


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Chapter 77: Whoaaaaaaaa~ I'm checking this fic after a long time and you've done it^^ this is a really awesome story <3 I love the ending~ You're daebak! \(^-^)/
Fredakpop #2
Chapter 73: Omgomg .. Na Eun is gonna get in trouble >< haiss goodluck Na Eun :(

btw , update soon !
starlightdust #3
Chapter 73: ooooooh NA EUN'S BUSTED
Chapter 72: Mwahahah Na Eun ur a good girl! Spy them well! (~^^)~ :3
Fredakpop #5
Chapter 72: Woah that's great ! I hope they are able to find them soon & more romantic couple scenes coming up ^_^
Update soon ! ~ ^-^
starlightdust #6
Fredakpop #7
Chapter 71: Hoho please update soon ! ~
starlightdust #8
Chapter 70: well it could actually be very hard to kidnap a girl especially if she learned martial arts or something
Chapter 69: Hara! Stop it! Can't you just let them be happiliy ever after...
Fredakpop #10
Chapter 69: Woohoo ^_^ finally ~
Update soon