A Moment With You

Secret Friendship

It was already the weekends. Ever since what has happen between Krista and L, recently Krista has been happy lately. But, right now it was a bright morning. What Forever Beatz has been doing was stay home lately. Anabell and Gaby were playing video games. As for Krista and Veronica both of them were on the computer. Almiera and Lexy were just watching Anabell and Gaby play video games and as for Cindy she just watches everyone else just like a leader.

Aigoo, even though it's the weekends, this is what they will do. Cindy thought with a sigh.

"What the heck?!" Anabell shouted. "Those stupid campers!"

"Unnie, calm down." Almiera said.

"Nae, what Almiera said." Lexy agreed.

"Aniyo, just let it be you 2. Anabell is always like this whenever it comes to video games." Krista said as she was typing something on her laptop.

"What Krista said is right." Veronica said.

Anabell looked at the "twins" and she sighed, "Krista, how can you type that quick?! But at the same time, how many times have you been on the computer lately?"

"Mianhamida unnie, it's a force of habit for me." Krista said as she couldn't keep her eyes off her computer while she was continuing typing.

Veronica looked at her and then try to distract her by waving her hand in front of Krista quickly. Krista gave an annoyed look and said, "Dongsaeng-ah, you know that getting annoying."

"Araso araso." Veronica sighed.

"Seriously, we should find something better to do." Cindy suggested.

"I think we're fine. Besides, I always have a feeling of playing video games." Gaby smiled.

"I know but, seriously it already the weekends, and this is what you girls would do?" Cindy asked surprised.

The other members looked at each other for a moment and then shrugged, "Yeah I guess." They said.

Cindy facepalmed herself and sighed, "Aigoo you guys."

"What?" Almiera asked curiously.

"We should like go out more often." Cindy suggested.

"Umma, you're just saying that since you want to hang out with Hoya." Veronica teased.

Cindy blinked surprised and then said, "A-Aniyo."

"Liar!" Krista pointed.

Cindy sighed and said, "Araso araso."

"Umma is in love." Gaby giggled.

"Bleh! What about you Gaby?" Lexy suddenly asked. "You're already dating Dongwoo."

"Araso araso." Gaby said.

"Aigoo you guys." Anabell said as she nodded her head.

Suddenly Anabell's phone start to ring. She took out her phone from her pocket and notice that Woohyun text her. She her phone and read the message that Woohyun have sent her:

To: Anabell
From: Woohyun
Anabell~! Are you doing anything today?

Anabell start to smile since Woohyun have text her. For some reason, reading a text from Woohyun, it makes her day. She suddenly then start to reply:

To: Woohyun
From: Anabell
Aniyo, Cindy umma suggest I should go out more often instead of playing video games. :/ Wae?

To: Anabell
From: Woohyun
Perfect~! Since Cindy suggest you going out. We should hang out today. :) The Infinite members are bored as well. Hoya and Dongwoo suggested that we should go out more often instead of sitting at home. Hoya was planning to ask Cindy on a date. Bleh! Seriously ever since they were a couple, they have been acting all lovey dovey lately. Dongwoo was about to do the same for Gaby. Seriously, those 2. -_-' L is going on a date with Hara. Sunggyu was going to ask Almiera and Lexy to go to that karaoke place again with Sungjong as well. And Sungyeol, he's going to hang out with his best dongsaeng Krista and Veronica.

To: Woohyun
From: Anabell
Aigoo Woohyun, that seriously a lot that the members are doing. :O But, since you're the only one that's left out. Might as well hang out with you. Besides, it won't be so bad...right?

To: Anabell
From: Woohyun
Nae, it is. But, anyways yay! I'll come pick you up, araso. :) See you then!

To: Woohyun
From: Anabell
Araso, araso. Annyeong~!

Anabell suddenly stopped texting Woohyun and she sighed. When she looked up, all the other members were looking at her curiously. "Mwoyoe?" Anabell suddenly asked.

"Nothing~!" The girl said as they continue what they were doing.

Anabell gave a confused look and she sighed. Aigoo these girls... Anabell thought.


Later on in the day, Woohyun arrived at Anabell's house. He was waiting outside and he sighed. Anabell suddenly walked out of the house and she suddenly start to see Woohyun waiting outside for her bored. "Woohyun~!" Anabell called out.

Woohyun looked up and then he spotted Anabell smiling as she happily walk up to him. "Annyeonghaseyo!" Anabell said.

"Annyeonghaseyo." Woohyun smiled. "Ready to go?" 

"Nae!" Anabell said as she start to walk with Woohyun.

The other members were watching from the window as Anabell and Woohyun walks away happily. A smile appeared on all the members and they sighed happily. "Have fun on your date unnie~!" Veronica said happily.

"She will have fun." Krista smiled.


Anabell and Woohyun were both walking around. Both of them stayed quiet and they start to have an awkward moment. Woohyun didn't make any eye contact with Anabell, but he made a nervous look as both of them were both walking by. Come on Woohyun you need to say something. Woohyun thought awkwardly.

~Woohyun's POV~

Right now, I am having an awkward moment with Anabell. I ask to hang out with her today and she said yes, I didn't know that she would say yes. Great! Now what are we going to do?

I feel like my heart is beating nervously at a quick paste right now. Is it me or is my hands sweaty right now? Aigoo, what am I going to say?! I'm like having a nervous breakdown right now. 

"Woohyun?" I heard her voice called out.

I looked over and spotted Anabell with a curious look as we continue on walking. "Gwenchana?" She asked me curiously.

No, I'm not ok. Right now I am having an awkward moment with you. I suddenly gulped and gave a fake smile so I can try to hide my nervous look from Anabell. "Nae." I said with a fake smile.

"Ara..." Anabell sighed.

I can tell, she must be bored. Gr! Why did I even ask her to hang out? Babo! Babo! Babo!

~No One's POV~

Woohyun sighed since he feel so stupid right now seeing Anabell all awkward and curious. "Um...where do you want to go?" Woohyun suddenly asked.

Anabell blinked surprised and then said, "Molla, you can pick. Besides, you're the one that plan this. So you can pick."

"Ani." Woohyun insisted. "Since I'm the one that invite you, we're going to be doing what you want."

Anabell made a confused look until she felt Woohyun suddenly grabbing her wrist and dragging her along, "BWOH?!" Anabell said surprised.


The first place Woohyun dragged Anabell was a small cute store. Both of them arrived and Woohyun suddenly let go of Anabell's hand and then start to look around. Anabell start to gaze around until she spotted a character that got her eye. Mickey Mouse. Anabell seen how many kinds of Mickey Mouse and it makes her smile.

While she was looking at the things, she suddenly felt something on her hand. It gave her a curious look at first, but she notice there was a mirror in front of her and she suddenly make a surprise look. A Mickey Mouse headband on her head. Anabell was shocked but instead, a smile has slowly start to appear. 

Woohyun suddenly start to stick his head out to the side. "Well, you like it?" He suddenly asked.

"Nae!" Anabell nodded.

She then looked over and start to smile widely at Woohyun. "Aigoo, if you're going to let me wear one, you're wearing one as well." Anabell suggested.

"Araso, which is why I got myself one as well." Woohyun smiled he start to wear his Mickey Mouse headband.

Anabell start to smile widely and said, "Kyeopta~!"

Woohyun smiled and then he start to do some aegyos in front of Anabell.

Anabell gave Woohyun an awkward look and said, "You're still a fail at doing aegyos."

Woohyun slowly put his heart down and he pouted, "You're so mean."

"Gamshamida~!" Anabell smiled.

Woohyun gave Anabell a serious look and Anabell just smiled happily. "Kaja!" Anabell said as she dragged Woohyun out the store.


"Unnie!!!" Hani whined.

"What?" Hara asked as she gave an annoyed look to Hani.

"I'm bored." Hani pouted.

"Well go find something to do. Sheesh, I'm not your slave. As you can see all of us are older than you, so deal with it." Hara said.

"But, I don't want to deal with it!" Hani whined.

Hara sighed and then start to look at the other 5 members. "Don't look at us." Un Hae said with a shrug.

"Aigoo..." Hara said as she facepalmed herself. "Anyways, has anyone seen Jessica?"

"She went out. Apparently, she's looking for Woohyun. Since well, she hasn't seen Woohyun in a while." Yongjae said.

"Seriously?! She went alone?!" Hara asked surprised.

"Well yeah." Na Eun shrugged.

"Besides, Woohyun is probably hanging out with Anabell." Un Hae mentioned.

"I suggest that we should put a stop to it." Haneul suggested.

"I couldn't agree more..." Hara smirked.


Jessica was walking around alone making a lost look. Aigoo, where could he be? Jessica thought curiously.

Jessica was looking around until she spotted someone familiar. She was about to walk up to the person to take a closer look but instead, Jessica figure it out right away, which gave her a shocked look. "Ani...it can't be..." Jessica said sadly. 


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Small haitus for a while. Having a writer's block on this story. T_T


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Chapter 77: Whoaaaaaaaa~ I'm checking this fic after a long time and you've done it^^ this is a really awesome story <3 I love the ending~ You're daebak! \(^-^)/
Fredakpop #2
Chapter 73: Omgomg .. Na Eun is gonna get in trouble >< haiss goodluck Na Eun :(

btw , update soon !
starlightdust #3
Chapter 73: ooooooh NA EUN'S BUSTED
Chapter 72: Mwahahah Na Eun ur a good girl! Spy them well! (~^^)~ :3
Fredakpop #5
Chapter 72: Woah that's great ! I hope they are able to find them soon & more romantic couple scenes coming up ^_^
Update soon ! ~ ^-^
starlightdust #6
Fredakpop #7
Chapter 71: Hoho please update soon ! ~
starlightdust #8
Chapter 70: well it could actually be very hard to kidnap a girl especially if she learned martial arts or something
Chapter 69: Hara! Stop it! Can't you just let them be happiliy ever after...
Fredakpop #10
Chapter 69: Woohoo ^_^ finally ~
Update soon