Weekend Plans

Secret Friendship

Gaby turned around and spotted Dongwoo quickly walking up to her. Gaby made a curious look and Dongwoo was panting trying to catch his breath. "Mwoyoe...?" Gaby asked curiously.

"...We should walk together. Besides, it might be dangerous when you walk all alone." Dongwoo suggested.

"Thanks, but I can handle myself." Gaby said as she made an awkward look.

She then started to continue walking, but Dongwoo didn't care. He just walk with Gaby no matter what. Gaby felt awkward since after that situation with Hara. She was still upset that she had done that to Krista. Also, she notice that Dongwoo didn't come out to help her. It was only Sungyeol. Well, she understands that because Krista treats Sungyeol like her appa. So which explains why Sungyeol is always there for her.

Gaby continue walking and she wasn't paying attention on what was going on. So many things are going on in her mind. She just wanted it to stop. All of a sudden, out of nowhere Gaby was dragged back. She started to jump a little bit and she looked up with wide eyes. A car passed by her and she almost got hit. She stood there surprised since she how close she was when the car sped by across her. When the car passed by, Gaby was breathing in and out...trying to calm herself down.

Gaby realize that Dongwoo was still with her, so she slowly turned and looked up at him. "Gwenchana?" Dongwoo asked as he made a worried look.

"N...Nae..." Gaby said as she was shaking a little bit.

"Aigoo, your lucky I was with you or you would have caused an accident." Dongwoo said as he sighed in a relief.

"Mianhae...it's just that...I have so many things going on in my mind." Gaby said as she turned away and made a sad look.

Dongwoo looked at her with a sad look and out of nowhere he just held on to her hand. Gaby looked up and she made a surprised look. Dongwoo smiled at her and said, "If you let go of my hand...I'm going to get you. ...Never let go of my hand, because...I don't want to lose you again."

Gaby made a surprise look and she looked away and felt awkward. Dongwoo looked at her curiously and he sighed, he then started walking, but at the same time...he was kind of dragging Gaby. "Can't you just walk with me?!" Dongwoo asked as he was about to get annoyed.

"...Ani, besides...I kind of feel awkward." Gaby said as she looked away.

Dongwoo had a hard time walking and then he looked at Gaby. When he looked at her, that was when he started to smile out of nowhere. Gaby was confused on why Dongwoo was smiling, she suddenly asked, "Yah! Why are you smiling?"

Dongwoo chuckled and then he said, "You kind of remind me of my first love."

Gaby was still confused so she said, "First love? Don't tell me it's Hani!"

"Ani! It's not!" Dongwoo said surprised. He then looked away and he stopped walking. Gaby looked up and she made a curious look. Dongwoo took a deep breath and then...he slowly started to smile. "...Hani was actually never my first love. ...The girl...I met her when I was a kid. She used to go to the same school as me when I was in elementary. She was always the shy kind of person. I always see her playing at the playground and every single day...I always play with her at the playground at school. Her mom knows my mom when we met, that was when he became very good friends. We actually kept a promise...but, I actually don't remember what it was. But...I remember saying to her that I promise I won't leave her..." Dongwoo explained.

"And? What happened?" Gaby suddenly asked.

Dongwoo looked at Gaby and he smiled, "I broke that promise. I actually felt bad leaving her alone...I actually never saw her again...but, I remember something that made me fell in love with her."

"What is that?" Gaby asked.

Dongwoo stayed silent for a moment and then he took a deep breath. He couldn't stop smiling since he remember what it was, "...Her eyes. The first time I met her...I fell in love when I looked into her eyes. That's the only thing that's on my mind. I never forgot about her appearance...because, I have a picture of her. We actually took a picture...I ripped in half because I suggested that she keeps my part and I'll keep hers. When I told her I moved, I remember telling her, if we saw each other...someday, we'll know when our pictures come together." Dongwoo smiled.

Gaby smiled when Dongwoo said that. She thought...it was actually romantic. "Are you still looking for her?" Gaby asked.

Dongwoo looked at Gaby and he smiled, "Nae...and I know...someday I might meet her again." Dongwoo smiled.

Gaby smiled and both of them continue walking on. Gaby arrived home and she was in her room. She spotted her drawer and she just remember something. She slowly walked over to it and open the first one. Out of nowhere, she took out a folded picture. ...Ever since Dongwoo told that story...I feel like, that what happened to my first love. I actually never forgot about him. He was that special to me... Gaby thought.

She slowly unfolded the picture and it was showing a little boy at the playground. Gaby started to smile and all of a sudden, she stopped. ...Gaby started to feel weird, like she has seen this person before. She made a curious look and she just shrugged. She slowly folded the picture and slip it back in the drawer and closed it. She laid back on her bed and start to think, Why does that picture look familiar? I know when it was taken, but...the little boy. There's something about it...but, what is it?...


It was the weekend. It was the perfect day so Infinite decided to go to the beach. But, instead of inviting Hara and her friends. They decided to invite Forever Beatz. Hoya was packing his things along with Sungjong and Sungyeol in their room. "Do you think they might say yes?" Sungjong asked as he made a curious look.

"Molla. Besides, their probably going to think that we're going to invite Hara and the others." Sungyeol said.

"Then, we can tell them that their not coming. We can say that their busy." Hoya said.

"...True, you know what! I'm calling Lexy right now!" Sungjong said as he took out his phone.

He then started to dial Lexy's number. He put the phone up to his ear and it started ringing. Lexy was sitting on the couch watching TV being bored. All of a sudden, she heard her phone ringing which gave her a curious look. She grabbed her phone and looked at who was calling. She made a surprise look since it was Sungjong calling. She made an unsure look if she should answer it or not...but, she just answer it anyway. "Yobeseyo?"

"Annyeong~! Lexy, are you doing anything today?" Sungjong asked curiously.

"Ani...I'm bored! Jilu haeyo! I'm just sitting on the couch watching TV." Lexy said.

"Wow...boring." Sungjong mumbled.

"Wae...?" Lexy asked curiously.

"Oh! Infinite is heading to the beach today! You want to come?" Sungjong asked curiously.

"One question, is Hara and her friends coming?" Lexy asked.

"Ani...we didn't even tell them honest." Sungjong said.

"Then ok, I'll meet up with you guys outside." Lexy said. "Annyeong!" She added.

Lexy hung up along with Sungjong. Sungjong smiled and looked at Hoya and Sungyeol. "She said yes!" Sungjong said happily.

"Did you tell her to ask the others?" Sungyeol asked curiously.

Sungjong made a surprise look and then he blurted out, "Aigoo! I forgot!"

"...Nice going." Hoya sighed.

"It's alright." A voice said from behind.

The 3 of them looked behind and they spotted Sunggyu and Woohyun. "I called Almiera a while ago and I told her to ask the others. So, we're good!" Sunggyu said.

Sungjong sighed in a relief and said, "Aigoo...that was close."

After a while, mostly everyone came. The girls of Forever Beatz arrived in front of Infinite's house. When Infinite walked out with their things, right away they spotted the girls. "Annyeong~!" Woohyun called out.

"Annyeonghaeseyo!" Anabell smiled.

"Aigoo, I'm so excited, we're going to the beach!" Veronica said happily.

"I agree!" Krista nodded.

"Alright...then let's go!" Dongwoo suggested.

Everyone got on the van and they drove away. 2 hours passed and finally they arrived. It was the perfect day. When they arrived, both Veronica and Sungyeol ran to the sand. "Yah!" Krista called out by surprised.

"Let it be, besides, their just happy." L said.

"Araso..." Krista sighed.

Veronica landed on the sand and she was happy, but then something else caught her eye...water. Veronica kept on gazing at it so she ran to the water. It felt fresh...both of her feet were in the cold water and she was enjoying it. The others were setting up their things, and then finally they went to go play in the water. When all of them were in the water, that was when Infinite had an idea. 7 of them looked at each other and then...that was when they smiled really big...

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Small haitus for a while. Having a writer's block on this story. T_T


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Chapter 77: Whoaaaaaaaa~ I'm checking this fic after a long time and you've done it^^ this is a really awesome story <3 I love the ending~ You're daebak! \(^-^)/
Fredakpop #2
Chapter 73: Omgomg .. Na Eun is gonna get in trouble >< haiss goodluck Na Eun :(

btw , update soon !
starlightdust #3
Chapter 73: ooooooh NA EUN'S BUSTED
Chapter 72: Mwahahah Na Eun ur a good girl! Spy them well! (~^^)~ :3
Fredakpop #5
Chapter 72: Woah that's great ! I hope they are able to find them soon & more romantic couple scenes coming up ^_^
Update soon ! ~ ^-^
starlightdust #6
Fredakpop #7
Chapter 71: Hoho please update soon ! ~
starlightdust #8
Chapter 70: well it could actually be very hard to kidnap a girl especially if she learned martial arts or something
Chapter 69: Hara! Stop it! Can't you just let them be happiliy ever after...
Fredakpop #10
Chapter 69: Woohoo ^_^ finally ~
Update soon