Something About You Face...[Yongguk]

We Fell in Love [a collection of oneshots]


“There’s something about your face that really just bothers me,” you muse.


He arches a brow, “like you have something to be proud of?”


You punch him in the arm, “you’re a pathetic excuse for a best friend.”   


He laughs this low laugh and for a minute, it’s kind of seductive, but it’s not like you’re going to tell him that, he’s your best friend.


“So what exactly is it about my face that bothers you,” he prods on.


“I don’t know, it just bothers me,” you shrug.


“And I’m the one who’s a pathetic excuse for a best friend,” he says with a roll of his eyes.


You shoot a glare at him.


“Well, I’ll tell you what’s wrong with yours, since you’re obviously not competent enough to tell me what’s wrong with mine.”


You huff, “there’s nothing wrong with mine, my face is pretty fab-”


“You frown too much,” he says, cutting you off, “and half the time, your face is all gross and splotchy because you keep crying, which pisses me off because I want to kill whoever hurt you, and your cheeks get all rosy and stuff, which isn’t a bad thing, except it gets me completely flustered and makes me feel like a stupid school girl, which is what you are, not me, because I'm a manly guy who watches war movies and and I can't be seen as some lovey dovey kid. And your eyes are pretty damn beautiful, but half the time they’re clouded with worry, which is really retarded. And don’t get me started on your lips, they’re the worst; it’s like their sole purpose is to mock me and and-”


You kiss him straight on the lips, shutting him up.


“What the..” he starts.


“Your face is fixed now,” you grin.


He just gives you another dumb look.


“Your lips were missing mine”


“That’s retarded,” he laughs before pulling you close and kissing you again . 


A/N: Please forgive the failure that is this fic. I wanted to write after such a long break (actually it wasn't that long, but it feels long) 

but I am afraid that this is absolutely pathetic, and I apologize

The dumb AP Chem test today has fried my brain and I'm sort of incapable of logical thought right now

and it's not even like it's all over; I still have APUSH this friday and Lang next wednesday

I can not wait for all of this to be over T________________________T 

Sigh, sorry for the disappointment 

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sorry that I haven't updated in forever ): please wait just a bit longer!


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Chapter 20: Omg it's so awkward being called noona when I'm way younger than zelo XD LOL
Chapter 47: What, how' you can't end it like that!

NOOOOOOO! Jongup!! I'm bawling my eyes out now!

You've killed me.

I am dead now.
Chapter 6: SO AMAZING!!! *o* It really made me feel like I was a part of the story!!!
Chapter 2: You are an amazing writer. Looking forward to now reading the rest :)
Chapter 47: What is the last line suppose to mean?? They die without each other or something?
Chapter 47: /SOBS JONGUP T^T
Also :"he feels a bit sad for harming Himchan's face, mostly because he paid good money to get a poster sized version of it" AHAHA YESSS <3