Chapter 6

Cover It Up!
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The three-day SMTOWN concert progressed smoothly. Today is the last day of the concert and of course since I'm Baekhyun's manager, I had to be with him and follow him around.

Nothing much happened during the past two days of the concert. All I had to do is to stick beside Baekhyun and tell him what are his schedules for the day which is mostly concert-related. We still haven't spoken to each other that much unlike before the hotel chaos happened but it's fine rather than having to fight with him.

After using the comfort room, I went back inside the dressing room where I left Baekhyun. The moment I stepped in, I saw him filming himself through the mirror, probably for his VLOG. Quickly, I tugged on the door I saw and went inside the other room.

"Now I will show up on the stage." I heard him spoke from outside the small room I'm in. "Actually, I should've taken a lot of self videos today..."

Sticking my ear on the door with my hands on the either sides of my head, I listened to Baekhyun as he continued speaking. Even when he's not really nice around me, I still can't help but fall in love with him every time I could hear his voice and when my eyes settled themselves on his figure. To be honest, I can't stand rude human beings. It wasn't just because he's Byun Baekhyun why I'm enduring all of this, partly yes, but I guess it was because I purely love him.


I flinched and pushed myself away from the door. "Yup?!"

"Come out."

And so I did opened the door and peeked from the crack, seeing Baekhyun waiting for me to come out. "What is it?"

"Film me." he hands his camera to me.

I stepped out of the room and approached him shyly before taking the camera from him without any words.

"No one knows that I have a female as a manager. So as much as possible, don't make any noise." he informs while eyeing the huge mirror in front of us, hands fixing his outfit.

"Okie." then I pressed my lips together and examined the camera, fangirling inside because finally! I've seen his camera up close and even had the chance to use it for filming him.

An intent stare that could be felt from Baekhyun made me stop pressing random buttons on the camera and lifted my gaze up to the mirror. Only to be greeted by his serious eyes through his reflection with one of his eye brows twitching up in a questionable manner; why are you pressing those buttons of my camera?

"I just... Don't have any idea how to use this." I lied, followed by a grin. Of course I know how to use a camera. I just don't want to be busted after fangirling over that sacred thing he owns.

He lets out an obviously irritated sigh, then snatching the camera from my hands. "The only button you can press is this," he points to that certain button. "It is the button that starts the recording and also ends it if needed."

"I understand now."

I exited the dressing room first, walking backwards so I could see what I'm recording. Baekhyun follows shortly after and what I saw made my jaw drop slightly.

He was smiling. A genuine smile that I thought I saw for the first time in my entire life wherein fact, I've been seeing him smile for his fans for the past two days of the concert. But this one is different, there are only two of us trailing the hallway. That sight maybe not for me but I'm the only one seeing it. That genuine smile maybe isn't directly for me but for his fans who will probably watch his vlog once it's uploaded, but it made my heart flutter.

Using the camera, I hid the lower region of my face after I bitting lip to stop myself from squealing. Not until I heard a loud voice coming from another man approaching behind me.

"Eeeeeeeeeeeh!" it was Chanyeol that I guess was doing a vocal warm up.

"Eeeeeeeh!" Sehun's deep voice followed shortly after. Baekhyun did muttered the same word quietly as we heard towards the noise with some staffs passing beside Baekhyun, refusing to look at him.

The moment I passed by SeChan and a bunch of backup dancers, I stopped walking to wait for Baekhyun.

"Everyone please say hi to my vlog." after he said those, I turned the camera to show EXO-SC and the dancers. They all cheered and wave at me while I showed them an amused expression behind the camera.

"Give me 3000 won every second of my appearance." Chanyeol suddenly blocked the view and even made a funny face, which almost made giggle. But remembering that I have to keep myself quiet, I couldn't, so I pursed my lips hard.

Baekhyun waves a hand to someone approaching from my back and excitedly yelled, "Lay hyung! Come here! Say hi to my vlog!"

I quickly snapped behind and saw Lay walking up to us, looking so dashing with his outfit. His eyes found mine that I was stunned for a bit until he beamed at me, showing his deep dimples. I avoided his gaze and focused down on the screen of the camera, turning towards him slowly.

"Hello everyone! I'm Lay." he then bowed formally.

"Ask them to like and subscribe."

He pops out both of his thumbs and says, "Please give lots of love and support to our Baekhyunie!" all while staring straight at the camera and smiling, and since I'm behind the screen it looks like he's talking to me.

I have vowed to give him the love he deserves and support him as much as I can. Even if it seems like he's never going to feel it and probably notice it. But still.

We trailed our way towards the stage lift that Baekhyun is going to take once it's his turn to perform. After some performances from the first set of performers which are mostly SM's girl and boy groups, Baekhyun is the first soloist to go up on the stage, followed by Lay.

As we were walking, Sehun suddenly appears, hand covering the lens of the camera I'm holding and then bending over to hide himself. He covers the lens and shows up again. He does it repeatedly while wheezing that I couldn't help but let out a giggle at his elevator game.

The sound of my laugh made Baekhyun glance at me with his brows furrowing. What's there to be mad about? The editors could cut the sound of my laugh why is he such a killjoy?

I bit my bottom lip hard and bulged my eyes at Sehun who's still doing his game. Giving him a don't make me laugh or I'll be killed look, and then kicking his leg, he finally stopped but still cackling. And since we were just waiting for the current performance to end, I turned the recording off and smacked Sehun's shoulders.

"I could accidentally drop the camera if you did that surprisingly again!"

The taller stuck his tongue out to tease me. "But you didn't!"

"Bbiyak Bbiyak!" I intentionally raised my voice for everyone to hear what Sehun had as a nickname. Chanyeol once told me that no one knew about Bbiyak Bbiyak as Sehun's other name.

He stomps his feet and whined. "Tiny! Little! Small!"

I gave him a threatening glare and tiptoed my feet in attempt to level my face with his. "What did you just called me?"

Sehun laughs. "You can't even level your face with mine without tiptoeing, tiny!"

The loud sound coming from the speakers playing the performers song isn't enough to overlap how Sehun and I teased each other. The other artists waiting for their turn to perform tilted their heads at us to watch me, an idol's manager, fight another idol that I don't even handle.

Baekhyun had enough of my loud voice so he cleared his throat, obviously annoyed and is directly for me. That made me stop and shut my mouth close, clasping my hands together and avoided Sehun's direction. The latter noticed how I changed suddenly so he did the same while his eyes roamed around the whole place.

"Sehun-ah. Let's not fight again." I told with a quiet voice but enough for him to hear.

"We weren't fighting. It's a friendly tease because we're comfortable with each other." he shrugs. "Also, why shouldn't we fight?"

"Because you are the only person who's nice to me that I have to encounter everyday." I slowly shifted my head to glance at him and cracked a small smile. "Also Chanyeol."

Sehun nodded. "Okay. But you're still my Tiny or Little or Small."

"Then you're my Bbiyak Bbiyak." we stared at each other like those scenes in movies where the characters fell in love at first sight. Like how Cha Yuri and Cho Ganghwa first set their eyes on each other and took three seconds to fall in love.

It was the scene I hoped for Baekhyun and I to have the moment we first met. It's something that only happens in dramas and stories and thought that it will never happen to me. It did, with Sehun, but there was no love in between us.

When the performer's song approached its end, I pried my eyes away from Sehun's and excitedly ran towards the stage lift's entrance just so I could watch how it moves.

I had an amused look on my face as I watch the platform go down. Since the exit is on the other side, I guess it's where NCT Dream made their way out after their per

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Happy 200 subs to CIU! Yey! Thank you so much! ❤️ Do you have any questions about the story or plot holes noticed? I'll try giving you an answer if ever ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡


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Chapter 17: He was so smug at the end of this chapter I laughed so hard
Chapter 4: I remember this is the chapter when we all realized that they were each others Twitter friend lol
myungsoodaehyun36 #3
Chapter 54: I love this story T.T 💙
Chapter 28: Tbh, she doesn't really act as a manager in the story BUT I feel like... Because her feelings are bursting at the seams now compared to before, that's why she can't handle the pressure anymore.
Chapter 28: Hmmm. You know whether or not they're on good terms... It doesn't matter. You're a manager. It's your job to cover for your artist one way or another. It's a job you applied for and it's a job you're accepted for. Regardless of what you feel, what you feel isn't important because it's a job. It's unrealistic. Kinda threw me off. Maybe because she's young, I assume? And she's not professional... That's the reason why she can't distinguish between professional and personal. I hope she could lessen her personal emotion cos it makes her look rather selfish. I could understand how hurtful Baekhyun has been to her but it's not Baekhyun's responsibility? I mean she confessed but it feels like she should be respected because she confessed. I don't know because it doesn't work that way in reality. I guess I'm just too realistic. So I checked the next chapter... I don't know. In the real world, even if people don't like what they're doing... Even if they abhor their boss and want to set the office on fire, they don't have a choice but to act professionally. I mean that's how work is in the real world. Sorry, I'm just trying to be realistic. I guess she's somehow immature.
Chapter 2: Wow, what a diva he is. I really love this story tho! It's unique. Now I'm excited to see how Baekhyun falls in love with her. I, somehow, want a little bit of angst too but anyway, this is really GOOD.
Chapter 54: waa I just finished the entire story.. manager yn and barkhyun is so adorable! This is pretty story, thank you for sharing!
BubuBaek_Na94 #8
Chapter 54: I’m going to miss this!! Thank you for writing this master piece~~❤️❤️
Nlnz2016 #9
Chapter 54: Thanks for sharing your wonderful story.
vero3lee #10
Chapter 54: awesome!!!!!