Helping Someone Similar

Magical Liar
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"Why is she here?" Kyungsoo's eyes narrowed into slits at the sight of her. She shuddered at the sight of his deadly stare faced towards her. "Why is everyone here?" He snarled, he stood in the center of the door not letting us in at the sight of the boys and herself. Suho placed his hand on her shoulder, nodding for her to speak. They said that she could trust him, that he could actually be the most trustworthy person she could ever meet and then Baekhyun muttered Lay's name as well. She agreed with that. 

Haeun tilted her chin up, eyes challenging his own. "I am a stealer as well." His lips parted as his expression completely changed. Haeun wanted to laugh at the sight of his shocked face. She gave him a small smile, glinting her eyes in swirls of colors. Kyungsoo took a step back, he couldn't believe what he was seeing. 

"You're telling me that the whole time you lied to the school saying that you didn't have a single power in you and now you're actually a stealer that has stolen others' abilities?" His stare crumbled her confidence, he was then blaming her. Accusing her of the things that she didn't do. Of course, this would be the reaction she would get when she tried to help someone else. If Kyungsoo kept talking then his sister was going to be suffering even more. 

"I can explain later? Your sister could really be hurting if we keep standing here and you condemning me for crimes I didn't commit." Haeun whispered, hearing the thought of his sister soften his eyes a little. Concern flashed through the chocolate eyes of his, with strong reluctance he moved away so she could come in. "Where is she?" 

"I'll show you, but all of you besides Suho I don't want you to take a single step into my house," Kyungsoo muttered glaring at the sight of the boys. Sehun stuck his tongue out while the others rolled their eyes and walked away from the door. Suho walked near Haeun their shoulders barely touching. She let out a smile at the sight of him, with Kyungsoo's back faced toward them he couldn't see that Suho had interlaced his hand with hers and gave her a soft squeeze. Haeun's heartbeat thumped briskly tempted to melt into his warmth. Once they got to the door he had untangled his hand making Haeun slightly disappointed but, of course, she didn't show it. The door was soft ivory, wooden letters painted of a light purple wrote Miyoo, hung up by a thumbtack. On the door frame were lines showing the height growth of each year she had grown. She must be eight now. 

Kyungsoo knocked on the door, "Miyoo?" He spoke softly as if he was afraid he was going to spook an injured animal. 

"Don't come in! I'm not letting you in! I-I'll hurt you again." The little girl yelled behind the door. Haeun almost broke at her words. 

"There are people here that can help you," Kyungsoo said, eyes burning onto the doorknob, he was crushed. He didn't care about his power that was almost gone, he cared about his sister. For once, she didn't see someone who loved their power more then they had loved anything else. It made her want to help him even more if Miyoo even let them first.

"H-help?" Her words muffled through the wooden door. "Are they a stealer like me?" She asked, curiosity blending with the fear. 

Kyungsoo looked at me, his eyes protective but I had given him a small smile. A show of innocence. "Yes, she is." Haeun tried to listen to a reply or of steps to the door but she had heard nothing of such. 

"I-I can't. Everything I touch is growing vines, The door..." Vines

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Chapter 43: Update son please
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AiiSoo #7
Chapter 43: I just discovered this story and read it until the latest chapter. This is a good story. I have always been a fan of exo with their powers so I’m glad that I found this..! Thank you for all the updates. I’ll anticipate how the story will progress from now.
aliceinchanyeolland #8
Chapter 43: THIS IS TOTALLY AMAZING! Hope you can update more soon~
Imthtdiamond95 #9
Chapter 43: This story is amazing!! I can’t wait for the next update.
nanalay12 #10
Chapter 43: this story is too beautiful