chapter 18

21st girlfriend


Dara POV

I swear, if hell really does exists, I’m going to throw Kwon Jiyong-sh!t right through it. Where does this vivaciousness coming from? Isn’t he supposed to be scared of my brother? Does he really wanna die? And seriously!!! What the hell is a ‘babe’???!!!

I was staring directly at Jiyong-sh!t and from where I’m sitting it was too late to stop my brother from punching him straight through the gut.

“Who the hell is your ‘babe’, huh?! Teddy-oppa asked Jiyong-sh!t who is curved down at the front step. OMO!!!

“Oppa!” I yelped at my brother as I reached them. I helped Jiyong-sh!t but when he hugged my waist to regain balance, my brother head locked him. When did he learn wrestling moves?

Jiyong-sh!t was struggling for his life and I honestly don’t know what to do. I should be enjoying this, right? But no, I don’t think I want to see my first kiss dying right in front of me. I have yet to settle these disturbing feelings I have towards him.

I stood there, arms folded on my chest. It’s a move that even my dad can’t oppose. “Yah, Teddy Park,” I held in a monotone as I glared him down, “Let go of him now.”

And Teddy Park obliged but, “Dara-ya, princess,” he started as he took a step in front of me and took hold of my shoulder, “You know I only want to protect you, right? I already told you a million times, dating him is a bad idea. Look at him; he’s not even your type”

“What do you know about my type?” I said still on my I’m-angry-at-you-so-you-better-give-me-what-i-want-mode.

“You mean you like this moron?” He asked incredulously. What the hell does liking him got to do with this? And NO!!! I do not like that moron. Err..He’s just a past-time.

“Hyung,” the idiot spoke, but oppa deliberately ignored him, like he doesn’t exist.

“Dara-ya, listen to me,” Oppa slightly shook me, as if doing this might convince me.

“Hyung, we need to talk?” Jiyong called out with a stern voice. Woah!!! He really is a brave soul.

Oppa turned his gaze that now turned into glares to Jiyong-sh!t’s direction. And the brave soul said, looking down, “If you have time, you know, I know that you’re a busy man.” Tsk. What a wimp.

“Go to school, Dara-ya” Oppa told me.

“No way! I’m gonna wait until you finish talking.” I said.

“But your gonna be late.” Oppa whined. Oh my God!

“Then make your talk short.” I know I sounded like a brat but I seriously don’t want them to talk. God knows what stupid things they’re gonna talk about.

*sigh* My brother sighed defeated. Yay! I won.

*sigh* Jiyong-sh!t sighed relieved. Idiot!


Jiyong POV

Phew! That was close. I didn’t mean to blurt it out but it was just a spur of the moment thing. Good thing ‘the talk’ didn’t push through. I don’t even know what to tell him. After my realization, all I can think about is Dara, nothing else matters. Not even Teddy Park. Stupid me.

Enough about that, I’m relieved that we’re out of Teddy hyung’s radar but I’m getting nervous for a different reason, that is, *ehem* my girlfriend *ehem* is currently staring at me.

“Stop staring at me,” I shyly said. Gosh! I look like a teenager in love. Sh!t!! I am a teenager in love.

She chuckled mockingly “There’s a difference between staring and glaring, you idiot,” she said. What a cold-hearted girl.

“You seem to be in a good mood today, what’s up?” She asked suspiciously. You’re the reason of my good mood, you little cutie.

I grinned at her as I pinched her nose and, as to be expected, she resisted and started hitting me. She’s so cute.

“Stop it. I’m driving here” I said as I finally got a hold of her hands. I clutched her left hand with my right as my left hand maneuvered the car.

“Yah! Let go!” she exclaimed.

“No.” I said as I kissed her hands.

“Yah!” she yelled and struggled and ‘accidentally’ punched me.

“Aw!” I yelled dramatically, it doesn’t even hurt.

“It was your fault. Who told you to kiss my hand?” she said bratily.

“It’s just a hand. We already kis-“

“YAH!!!” I didn’t get to finish what I was saying because I got alarmed by her voice.

Before I get to park the car, she already started unbuckling her seatbelts off. I can sense that she’s gonna start avoiding me now that I’ve opened up the ‘kiss’ topic. What’s her problem? We really did kiss. And it was magical. God! It was better than my first kiss, hell, it was better than all of my past kisses combined. It was the best kiss ever, and I wanna do it again, hell, I wanna do more than kissing with her. Sh!t!!! I’m such a ert.

“It’s just a kiss.” she declared before stepping off my car. ‘JUST a kiss’???!!!


Writer POV

Teddy was left alone in their unit mulling over the current situation. How could have this happened? Of all people, why Kwon Jiyong? It was fine when he was still his dongsaeng, hanging around his club. To hell with him being a total playboy, he can do whatever he wants for all the world cares.

But now, he’s cute little sister is involve; he can’t possibly allow her to date someone as sinful as Kwon Jiyong. Hell, he hasn’t even thought of her dating anyone. He should’ve just got her some bodyguards, that way, no ones gonna come near her. But it was his choice to let her be by herself, though he is still around to take care of her. He just wants her to experience things she wasn’t able to do when she was still in Busan. She’s not saying anything but he could tell that she is suffocating. A little freedom wouldn’t hurt.

But it might. Now that she’s with that playboy, there is no assurance that she’s not gonna come home crying, and when that happens, someone’s gonna get it.
He just hopes that what the other guys told him is true.


“That brat!! He won’t forgive me if I interfere? Ha! I’ll definitely get in your way, you fcking retard.” Teddy yelled at the door that Jiyong left opened.

Teddy cursed as he slumped at his seat.

Youngbae got him a glass of water to calm him down a little. Teddy looked at him like what he just gave him is a glass of poison.

“Dara told me not to let you drink too much” Youngbae said.

Teddy just complied, knowing that Youngbae is really gonna tattle on him if he retaliates.

“Teddy, you gotta give it to Jiyong, he’s bold enough to date Dara even though he’s aware that she is your sister.” Kush said as he massaged Teddy’s shoulders.

“Give it to him? Sure, I’m gonna give it to him. A beating, that is.” Teddy said as calmly as possible but failed to do so.

“Hyung, you never know, Jiyong might really be serious with Dara.” Youngbae said and then diverted his gaze when Teddy glared at him.

“Kwon Jiyong? Serious? With a girl? And with Dara, no less?!” TOP exclaimed.

“You’re on my side, right? Choi Seunghyun.” Teddy ‘asked’ TOP.

“Don’t try to scare me hyung, I’m not on yours or Jiyong’s side. I’m on Dara’s side.” TOP beamed as he looks at the confused faces of the people in front of him.

TOP begins, “What I meant was that, this is Dara we are talking about. It really is possible that Jiyong is falling for her, I mean; she’s a very…unique type of girl, different from what Jiyong and I used to have. I’m sorry hyung, but, I’ll come clean now that Jiyong had already ‘declared’ his feelings, I myself, was attracted to Dara but she shunned me off in a blink of an eye. Can you believe that? A guy with a very charming personality that is enough to rule the world was shut off by the most beautiful creation of God that is your sister.” TOP said waiting for a positive reaction.

“What’s your point, you idiot?” Teddy asked annoyed.

TOP just continued, though disappointed of their we-don’t-care-reaction. “It’s like this you see, Jiyong might be serious, no, he really is serious with Dara, I can tell because I’m great, but it’s not Dara that we should be worrying about. It’s Jiyong! You never know what Dara might do to him.” Youngbae nod his head to this, totally agreeing.

“Are you saying that my sweet sister might violate that animal Jiyong?” Teddy asked incredulously.

“Sweet? Are we talking about the same person, hyung?” TOP responded.

Teddy is now struggling from Kush who is trying so hard to prevent him from killing TOP.

“Hyung, I think TOP-hyung is right.” Youngbae said “Your blinded with you love for your sister that you don’t see what kind of person she really is, I’m not saying that she’s a bad person but you know, she’s not the weak type that you perceive her to be. Dara is really strong-willed and is capable of protecting herself. She’s badass, just like you” It’s at this statement that Teddy calmed down, he realized that its true, Dara is just like him.

“And Jiyong is an idiot for pursuing her.” TOP said nonchalantly.

“Oh, so you’re saying that Jiyong’s also blinded with Dara’s ‘unique’ personality that’s why he got attracted to her to the point of maybe falling in love with her?” Kush asked after understanding the situation.

“There’s no maybe in there hyung, Jiyong IS in love with Dara. No doubt.” TOP said “And if there are hearts breaking, I’m pretty sure it’s Jiyong’s, especially with how cold-hearted Dara is towards him.”

“Hyung, might you happen to ask Dara why she suddenly claimed Jiyong as her boyfriend?” Youngbae asked.

“I didn’t, God knows what she’s thinking. She never tells me anything.” Teddy pouts.

“I can sense that Dara is plotting something evil against our Jiyongie.” TOP said, “Poor Jiyongie, well, it’s his corpse if he ever crossed Dara-ya. Best of luck to him.”

“You see hyung, you know yourself that Jiyong is a good guy, apart from the fact that he’s a womanizer, he’s good for your sister. I’m sure he’ll change when Dara reciprocates his feelings.” Youngbae is so asking Jiyong for a new pair of shoes for saving his .

“Well, I guess Jiyong is okay. Dara can protect herself.” Teddy confusedly said.

“But she’s still my one and only sister, I haven’t thought of marrying her off just yet.” Teddy suddenly said, enraged.


“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves now, hyung,” TOP said appalled upon hearing Teddy. “No one said anything about marriage.”

“Let’s just stick with them dating first.” Youngbae said.

“I know your angry bro, and that you want to hate someone because your sister is now dating someone. No one’s stopping you from hating Jiyong; you can still hate him on principle.” Kush said. “But please stop thinking about them marrying. It’s just wrong.”


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