Rejection feels...good...?

All Because of You

Sungmin’s Pov


What the hell does he mean ‘if she’s dressed’? Don’t tell me they.......

“Let me see her,” I said. I don’t believe that they would do something like that in just one night.

“It’s cool, I’ll just bring her out here. Like I said, she might not be dressed yet.” He told me and went back to his room. Kibum came back and told me to take a seat on their couch. I sighed.

This is what I wanted right? For her to break up with Kyuhyun and get back with Eli…right? Then why do I feel like this…?

______ came out of the room with, surprisingly just a dress shirt on. It must have been Eli’s shirt but wow… she looks—not cute—but…hot…

“Minnie~” She cooed as she walked up to me. She stood on her tippy toes and wrapped her arms around my next for a hug. It was difficult to hug her back since Eli was standing right there. His eyes were glued on me. “What brings you here?”

“…May I talk to you alone?” I asked her but glared at Eli. He didn’t moved which was making me angry.

“Oppa…” _____ looked directly at him, asking him to give us some privacy. He obeyed her and went to his room. “So you were looking for me?”

I nodded, “Um, all of your things are still at the other place…”

“Yeah. I’ll get them whenever I want to go back.”

“What do you mean whenever? You’re not coming back?”

“No, I refuse to live there any longer. Ever since I been there, I was only getting hurt.”

She has a point… “I-I want to protect you.” I bit my lip, trying to fight the blush. “We went shopping together, I introduced you to TVXQ, and I even showed you my favorite hiding place… my fountain…”

Hopefully, she’ll get my message of what I’m trying to tell her but of course, she’s too stupid to even solve a four-pieced puzzle.

“I made sure you ate every day, we had some great times together. Now all of a sudden you’re not coming back…”

Her eyes glistened from the light in the room. I didn’t say anything more. Who knows what she’ll say next.

“I…” I gulped. “I’m sorry oppa. I’m not going back. Yes, you’re right about us having some great times… and we can continue that but I’m living here now. I’m—“

Without hesitation, I pulled her into a hug. I didn’t need to hear the rest. It was clearly said that she wasn’t coming back.

“_____-ah…” I said in a whisper since I was directly near her ear.


I can’t believe I’m doing this but, “_____, I love you.”


My words… made the whole world stop moving…


Your Pov


Sungmin oppa… loves me? Is he just  saying that to get me to move back with them. I can’t accept this no matter how bad I feel for him. I’m with Eli now. If I knew how he felt a bit earlier, there would’ve been a slight chance of me not leaving.

He pulled back from our hug and looked into my eyes. What is he trying to look for in my eyes? I tried following his gaze but I still couldn’t tell.

And next the next thing you know… his lips landed onto mines…


Sungmin kissed me….


No one’s Pov


_____ didn’t move. In fact, she didn’t even kiss him back. Her hand was on his chest, wanting to push him away, but she didn’t have the strength to do so.

As for Sungmin, he felt terrible for his actions but his heart was telling him to do so. No one can help on who they love. That was something he was fighting.

When _____ had her courage back, she pushed the Super Junior member off of her, cause him disappointment.

“I’m sorry…” She says once again. “Like I said, I’m not going back any time soon oppa. Thanks for the visit.” She bows to him in a 90 degree position and continues, “I think you should go. We’ll see each other sometime in the future…and I’ll visit the fountain often as well.”

“…” He was speechless but he was prepared for this visit. Somehow he already knew he’d get rejected. This is just one of his plans that succeeded. If she did agree to go back with him, that’s a different story that’s extremely easy to predict. Only this time, he leaves with his pride.

“Goodbye…” ____ said and bowed again. Sungmin surprisingly smiled and patted his dongsaeng on the head then left of the door.

He left feeling like he accomplished what he wanted to do for some time now. He confessed to the girl he loves. Even though he got rejected, the feeling of happiness was fluttering in his heart.

What Sungmin didn’t know is that it’s possible for him to become a dead man.


Eli was watching the whole time and heard everything.




Don’t let those last two lines fool you~ You may think Eli’s not like that :3 (unless I make the dramatic twist again~) But hey, you’ll never know

So I had basketball tryouts today… All I know is that I don’t play like I used to  T__T I’m about to just quit already. I’m more of an artist anyway -.-

Thanks for reading!! *HUGS YOU ALL*

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Whimsical_Princess #1
Chapter 47: I loved it hehe
Whimsical_Princess #2
Chapter 1: Hahaha that song nobody from wonder girls is my ringtone too hehe ^_^ we have something in comment
Lets be friends if you want too I love you're story so far
All my bias are here! 8D
belovedkpop #4
Chapter 47: I just love your story ! :)
Great story
Wow... superb combination!!
minee26 #7
nice story.. dbsk plus suju plus ukiss... yeah! all my favorites here!!! HWAITTING to you!! :)
:) cOOl! Story`!!
Rirumu #9
Nice story! Everybody got a happy ending :)
I like this story ! So cute! Eli is my favorite!