Hangover Hotel

All Because of You

Sungmin’s Pov


Slowly opening my eyes to the morning light, I realized I wasn’t in my room. I didn’t forget anything from yesterday so it’s obvious that drinking doesn’t help. Although that hangover should be kicking in momentarily…

_____’s back was facing me and my arm was wrapped around her petite waist; we were dangerously close to each other. She’s sound asleep~

Maybe I should order room service and make sure they bring us tea. Our heads are going to hurt like hell.

I went to the phone and dialed the room service. “Yoboseyo~ I’m going to need a cup of tea and a cup of coffee,” What was _____’s favorite food again…? Wait, I know, “and two orders of the finest strawberry pancakes you got. Thank you~ “ I smiled then hung up.

“Mm…” ____ said in her sleep. Damn Kyuhyun… maybe I should come up with a plan to separate those to for good. Or would that be too harsh…


About ten minutes later, my order came. “Room service! ~” A feminine voice called behind the door. So it’s a girl…

Omo, I’m still in my boxers~ should I answer it like this and make her faint? Nah… she’ll drop the food… unless it’s on a cart. Yeah, I’m going to answer it anyway.

I opened the door and leaned against the opening with a seductive look on my face. “Good morning, Miss.”

Her face was flushed as she covered and backed away slowly.

“Is this… my food?” She nodded and ran way leaving me with the cart. “O-oh thanks!” I called out but she was already gone. Hehe now how should I wake up _____ to make her eat~


Your Pov


I heard the door shut in my sleep. Whoever is in here better get out of my room~

“____~” Sungmin’s voice said. What does he want? “Wake up baby~”

“MMM, go away~”

“You gotta wake up and eat.”

“I’ll be out in a minute just get out of my room~” I mumbled into the pillow.

“Your room? You mean we both had separate rooms?”

“What are you talking about?” My eyes were squinted when I picked up my head to look at his smirking face. My eyes travelled down south to see his bare chest and pink boxers. W. T. F happened last night?!

“YAHH!! LEE SUNGMIN!!” I yelled and threw the covers off of me and got up from the bed. It didn’t take too long to realize that I felt a breeze go past my legs. I looked down and saw I was only in my underwear and a t-shirt.


I jumped back into the covers and glared at the singer. “Explain… now. Where are my clothes you ert! Where are we?!”

“In a hotel…”

“My clothes?!”

“I don’t know. Wherever you took’em off,”


“Wait, don’t tell me that you don’t remember anything from yesterday… you didn’t seem that drunk considering that you only had two shots of what I had.”


“I had about six shots or more and you had two yet I can remember everything from yesterday.”

Wait, yesterday was the day that I went over to U-Kiss’s house for dinner with Yumi unnie… and I left because of Eli… then I walked to this bar and found Minnie… and then….it’s all blank?

“I don’t remember anything after finding you,” I sat up in the bed and folded my arms. “What’s with that cart? And if you touched me in any type way I will find out and kill you.”

“That’s a little harsh. I see you used all the pocket money I was carrying. But I should thank you for not taking the car and bringing us here. Who knows how good of a driver you are.” He smiled.

“That doesn’t answer my question…”

“Oh, this is breakfast. I got us the best strawberry pancakes that they have.”


He chuckled and brought over a tray to the bed. “Here you are, princess.”

“Oh oppa, you’re so charming~” I said with a hint of sarcasm and picked up the fork and knife to eat.


OW! OW! OW~ hangover~

“Drink this.” He gave me a cup of warm tea.

“Thank you,” Aigoo…

“Can I see your phone? I left mines at the house.”

“Oh about that… it’s dead.”

“Well isn’t that great. I’ll call Teukie hyung on this phone but it’ll add on the bill…” He picked up the phone and dialed the Super Junior leader. Of course if my name is included in this rescue, he’d come right away.


Aigoo… Hangover, Hangover, go away. Come again NEVER.






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Whimsical_Princess #1
Chapter 47: I loved it hehe
Whimsical_Princess #2
Chapter 1: Hahaha that song nobody from wonder girls is my ringtone too hehe ^_^ we have something in comment
Lets be friends if you want too I love you're story so far
All my bias are here! 8D
belovedkpop #4
Chapter 47: I just love your story ! :)
Great story
Wow... superb combination!!
minee26 #7
nice story.. dbsk plus suju plus ukiss... yeah! all my favorites here!!! HWAITTING to you!! :)
:) cOOl! Story`!!
Rirumu #9
Nice story! Everybody got a happy ending :)
I like this story ! So cute! Eli is my favorite!