
All Because of You

Your Pov


“What about him?”

I stared cautiously into his eyes as he held me to face him. What about Kyuhyun? They haven’t really spoken to each other as far as I know.

“You gotta believe me when I tell you this. It’s the only way you’re going to find out.”

“Find out what? Just tell me already, Eli.”

“…The relationship with you and him needs to stop.”

“W-what are you talking about? You’re not—“

“Please… stop dating him before you get hurt. Trust me…” He looked away, avoiding my eyes. “I can’t tell you now but sooner or later you’ll find out why I’m telling you this.”

“Are you implying that Kyuhyun is cheating on me?” Aish, why isn’t he telling me? Is this stuff even true? It’s hard for me to believe him right now…

“He could be but that’s not—“

“So you’re accusing him of cheating? That’s my boyfriend and I’m pretty sure I know him well,”

“But you weren’t there to hear what he said…”


“At the hospital,” he said. “Why do you like him…? Why can’t you like…”


“Never mind, just stop dating him. He’s a player.” SLAP!

“Okay, you don’t believe me; never mind…” SLAP!

My slaps were pretty hard against his face and he didn’t move an inch. His cheek was turning really red. He took hands off my arms and stared at the ground.

“Y-you didn’t need to hit me… at least not twice…” He mumbled and sniffled “I see how much you love him and that he comes before me... the guy you knew for at least two years,”

 After I realized what I’ve done, I ran out of his room holding back tears. I ran past the kitchen and to the door, putting on my shoes to hurry up and leave.

“Y-yah, ____-ah! Where are you going?” Kiseop called. “____-ah!”

Sorry Kiseop, but I have to leave… Once I got my other shoe on, I ran out the door, going anywhere. As long as I get far, far away.


I don’t know where I am. These streets are unfamiliar to me. It’s not like I care though. Why would Eli lie to me about something like that? He could’ve at least had proof and then I might have not been as upset. Aigoo, I think I need a drink. Am I near a bar?

It’s been fifteen minutes since I’ve been walking and I already lost complete sight of the house of U-Kiss. It’s pretty dark outside and an average number of people walking outside so it doesn’t feel too lonely.

Beep! Beep!

“Aish… my phone is dying…” I said to myself. I looked around and spotted the same car that Suju has parked in front of a bar. “That’s strange; none of them said they were drinking tonight.”

Approaching the alcoholic shop, I stepped in to a slightly emptied place. Is that Sungmin? No way… he wouldn’t come alone. He sat at the bar with a drink, playing with the straw and looks drunk. Aigoo…

“O-oppa?” I tapped his shoulder and took a seat next to him.

“Oh look who—it is. That s-stupid girl~”

“Oppa, are you drunk?”

“Not if you want me to be baby~” His breathe smells like alcohol~

“Ahjusshi, can I please have a drink?” I asked the bartender.

“What would you like?”

I’ve never really been a drinker before. Maybe Sungminnie has… “Just give me whatever he had.” I said and he got started on it.

“_____-ah, why are you—drinking at a young age? Don’t you know it’s bad and—may cause uh… a disease or whatever,” Sungmin took another shot. “You’re too beautiful to drink.”

What he says may not be true. He’s drunk so it doesn’t count although I was blushing. The bartender came back with my drink and I gulped it down in one shot.

Five minutes later, I took another.

Three minutes after that, I felt a bit drunk. Aigoo, it’s either I’m the weakest drinker alive or the drink Sungmin had was hell a strong. Why is he drinking anyway? What’s wrong with him…?


I think we should leave before I get any drunker. Oppa is totally wasted but is still talking nonsense. I don’t have cab money, my phone is… dead, and he doesn’t have his phone. Then I remembered what Sungmin said to me before when I was going to get my bathing suit. ‘Sorry ____-ah, but when you’re with me, there’s no such thing as you paying,’ Yes, that was it. [a/n - that was said in chapter 3^^]

I dug in his wallet and paid for the drinks then led him towards a cab to take us to a hotel. I don’t know where Super Junior’s house is located and we’re pretty under the influence of alcohol so what could we possible do.

Sungmin only has enough money for one bedroom. I checked it out anyway and went straight up to the room.

“Sungmin oppa, please don’t pass out on me…” I said while tripping over my own feet.

“I-I’m good~” He went to the hotel’s bedroom and plopped on the bed. “Aigoo…”

“Oppa, there’s only one bed so we need to share arasso?”


“Good now—“

“Wait, let’s get undressed. It’s uncomfortable to sleep in our clothes.”

I’m wasted. He’s wasted. Why not sleep with barely any clothes on? He’d probably only be in his boxers and I could just wear my underwear and shirt. I don’t sleep with a bra on so a shirt is the only option~

“T-turn around. I don’t want you to watch me undress…” I said with my hands at the rim of my jeans.

“Just get undressed. I’ll let you watch me.”

“But that’s different!”

“Let me watch this one time, stupid.”

“Aish… ert.” I pulled down my jeans and unclipped my bra from underneath my shirt and quickly slid in the bed so he doesn’t see me.

He smirked and stood up. “Stupid, I saw you.” He stripped down to his boxers and got underneath the covers with me.

“Don’t touch me. I swear if you touch me…”

“Shh…” He cooed and closed his eyes. He looks so cute. No wonder he’s the king of aigoo.

We laid there for ten minutes and it was hard for me to sleep. What I did to Eli… my friend. It’s still in my mind. That means drinking doesn’t help. I don’t know what Sungmin was drinking for but he seems better. I’m glad that I’m not alone though.

“____-ah…” Sungmin mumbled. Is he dreaming about me?

“Yes?” I said in a very low pitched voice.


“Why what oppa?”

“Why do you like him?”

Could he be talking about Kyuhyun oppa?

“Did you know… why oppa was drinking a lot tonight?”

“Why were you…?”

“Because… oppa had to fight him for mistreating the girl that I love,”

Sungmin has a girl that he loves? I never knew that?

“He cheats on her… tells her lies… and makes her want him more so he can keep doing those things,” Once again, I said nothing and let him continue. “I know it’s wrong to hurt a brother like he is, but this girl is one in a million times in my heart.”

He can’t be talking about Kyuhyun oppa. I’m his girlfriend and it’s obvious Sungmin doesn’t like me. Who could he be talking about…?

“She’s so pretty, so amazing, so stupid.” He chuckled. “But I love that girl so much. I can’t be with her though.”

“Why not?”

“Because, a good friend of mines loves her more than me. So tell me ____-ah, why were you drinking. Was it because I was there? Where did you come from anyway?”

I gulped. “N-no, I walked from U-Kiss’s house,”

“Heh, that’s pretty far.”

“It wasn’t actually. I left because I hurt someone who was close to me,”

“Was it Eli?”

How did he know? “Y-yeah,”

“So how did you hurt him?”

“Physically; I slapped him twice and then felt guilty about it. So I came to drink on it,”

“Ouch, not to make you feel even guiltier, but you just killed him emotionally. That guy is in love with—oh never mind. Go to sleep baby. You need the rest and so do I.”

I sighed and closed my eyes. How does he expect me to sleep like his?


I’m sorry Eli…




Reasons for not updating quicker than usual:

School (UGH!)

Practicing for basketball

Writer’s block…? (that thing where you can’t think of what to write >.<)

I gots more subscribers and more comments! That makes me soooo happy!! *hugs for you all* <3 

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Whimsical_Princess #1
Chapter 47: I loved it hehe
Whimsical_Princess #2
Chapter 1: Hahaha that song nobody from wonder girls is my ringtone too hehe ^_^ we have something in comment
Lets be friends if you want too I love you're story so far
All my bias are here! 8D
belovedkpop #4
Chapter 47: I just love your story ! :)
Great story
Wow... superb combination!!
minee26 #7
nice story.. dbsk plus suju plus ukiss... yeah! all my favorites here!!! HWAITTING to you!! :)
:) cOOl! Story`!!
Rirumu #9
Nice story! Everybody got a happy ending :)
I like this story ! So cute! Eli is my favorite!