The Visit 4

I'm a Goner, Somebody Catch My Breath

Key wakes up in the middle of the night, dripping with sweat. He takes heavy breaths trying to calm himself. Kibum perks up, he remembers pieces of his dream. He jumps out of bed and runs for the living room. Key slams into a wall, making him fall flat on his . He crawls further into the darkness in search of a light switch. When his head hits another wall, he gets up and paws at it. He flicks on the light when he finally finds the switch. He runs around the living room in search of his book. After checking the living room, he runs for the kitchen. He finds his book sitting on the kitchen counter. He throws himself at it before bolting off with it. Kibum hops back onto his bed with a pen in hand. He flips through the pages frantically. Key smiles at the sight of a blank page. He touches the pen to the paper, but pauses abruptly. Kibum shuts his eyes tightly, I can’t remember what my dream was about anymore. He throws the book as he screams in frustration.

Key wakes up with half his head hanging off the edge of the bed.

“Rough night?” chimes a familiar voice.

Kibum groans, “Very.” He peeks over lazily at Minho. Minho is sitting on the floor next to Key’s bed. The spook smiles as he reaches out. The poltergeist stops inches away from Key’s head. Kibum watches him pull his hand away, his countenance repentant.

The haunt turns away, “your book is on the floor. It’s also open. Can I read it?” Key shakes his head while sighing.

The wraith crawls towards the book, “why not?”

Kibum jumps out of bed towards the journal, “’cause it’s not for you! I’ve said some mean things about you that I regret now. I just don’t want you reading it.”

The apparition sits up and stares at Key, “now I really want to read it.”

Kibum blushes, “no.” Key picks up the book. He pulls a pen out from under his bed, “I had a dream last night…”

The spirit lies down, “oh, do you not dream often?”

Key uncaps his pen, “at first I didn’t think I did, but the more I think about it … I could be … Maybe I just don’t remember having them.”

Minho rolls onto his back, “so you remember having this one?”

Entry 17

I was going to write earlier today, but couldn’t remember something. I think I dreamt last night. I’m not sure anymore.

“Yes I do,” Kibum replies as he writes.

As soon as I picked my book up I couldn’t remember what I needed it for. When I finally remembered about dreaming I couldn’t remember what my dream was about. My trouble with memory is starting to scare me. I’m too young to be going senile.

The phantom stretches, “what was it about?”

Key grimaces, “I don’t remember. The first time I remember dreaming and I can’t even remember the ing dream.”

The shade looks down towards Key, “must be frustrating. It’s comforting to find you in your bed for once.” The visitant rests his forearm on his temple, “have you thought about my offer?”

Kibum stops writing, “I have.”

He casts his eyes, looking past Key, “and?”

Am I crazy or just forgetful? Is he really a ghost? Is he even here?

Kibum shakes his head, “why are you nice to me?”

The revenant seems shocked by the question, “why not?

Key slams the book on the ground, “am I crazy? Why are you here? You’re not even a ghost are you?”

The specter becomes serious, “it must be difficult living a life of questions.”

Kibum scowls, “it would be a lot easier if I got a straight ing answer!”

Minho shakes his head, “I can’t do that.”

“Why not?” Key yells.

Minho sits up, “I can’t tell you! It’s not that easy … I can’t … I tr-

The spirit covers his mouth with an angered expression. He rubs his bottom lip then pulls his hands away, “it’s not my place to say.” Key’s eyes widen as soon as he hears the familiar expression. He throws the book aside and runs out of the room. Minho chases after him.

Kibum paces in the living room, “I can’t ing believe this . I am crazy. I’m ing crazy!” He catches Minho watching him pace, “you’re not ing real. You’re not ing real, are you?”

Minho frowns, “don’t ask me that.”

Key screams while throwing one of his chairs, “why not?”

Minho stares at him, “because I won’t answer you.”

“Why the not?” Kibum yelps. He covers his mouth feeling his face heat up. Minho walks toward him. Key can feel himself shaking.

The specter wraps his arms around Kibum, “you already know the answer. You don’t need me to tell you what I am. I wish you’d just say it.” His arms tighten. “Calm down. I know it’s hard,” his voice trembles. Key is surrounded by Minho’s scent. It’s intoxicating, all he wants to feel is the owner of that scent. Kibum feels overwhelmingly disheartened. He shuts his eyes tightly.

Key pushes Minho away, “I don’t want you to comfort me! You aren’t helping! I know you’re trying, but you’re not real! You’re not real! You only make me feel more empty! Go away!” He continues to mumble the last two words as he drops to his knees. He begins to cry uncontrollably. He stops crying when he realizes what he’s done. He opens his eyes while panting loudly. The room is empty. Key walks over to the couch and sits down. Kibum wants to keep crying, but can’t. Past Key’s breathing the room is silent. Kibum curls up on the couch.

Key wakes up. The house is still empty.

He touches his fingers to his lips, “Please come back. I’m sorry.”

“I would never leave you. Even if you wanted me to,” a voice emanates from behind the couch. Kibum sits up, he jumps over the back of the couch onto Minho. Key hugs Minho, trying to imagine the feeling. He buries his face into Minho’s chest and breathes deeply.

“You can sleepover,” Kibum murmurs into Minho’s chest.

The wraith smiles. 



I found chair's notes :3 LOVLIES! DID YOU GUYS READ THAT?!?! I FOUND THE NOTES! :D I got another upvote. I'm still not sure what it does 0.o I can't remember if i got more subs xD Thanks for reading        

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Kairi_Moon #1
Chapter 74: That was a good story. Good job.
Engravedintomyskin #2
Chapter 74: TT_TT I will miss you so much I loved this story so much. I hope you have a bright future thank you. XD
thepaperpackage #3
Thank you for giving the story an audience. I really appreciate it cookies. Thank you DarkScene13 I'll miss you too TT^TT
thepaperpackage #4
Saina96, Minho was Key and Key was Minho ... does it make sense? I was afraid it wouldn't v.v
DarkScene13 #5
Chapter 74: Very sad ending, I'll miss this story like no other. Goodbye Author, thanks for all the great times we've shared, maybe there will be a next time.......I'll miss you
Saina96 #6
Chapter 74: Oooo sad ending T__T your writing touched me so much , it was a great mysterious sad story!
I'm also happy because after all of my dumb theories one was true ^_^ remember ? The one I said white rooms were for madhouse or something?!
But there's something I still don't get it...umm at the ending who died?or was it just minho leaving key to work abroad?how can minho and kibum be one person? O_O
thepaperpackage #7
Because they did have to leave, and they did leave. They had some abroad work they were asked to take care of.
Oh god, i can't believe i was right asdfghskajhs
Just one more question! Why were 'Minho' and Jinki always saying that they had to leave?
thepaperpackage #9
I was planning to write shorts to explain your questions further, but I'll have to think it over.
thepaperpackage #10
Moveslikeshinee, yes he was Minho the whole time. Jinki was Minho's (who is Key) co-worker and friend. 'Minho' couldn't shower with Key because of his injury. He would've needed to cover it before getting wet. That man was the guy who Key when he was in the psychiatric facility. The room number Key had for that place was seven.