The Visit 2

I'm a Goner, Somebody Catch My Breath

Kibum wakes up on the couch hugging his booklet. He shuts his eyes and stretches while groaning. Kibum throws his book in the direction of the coffee table as he rubs his eyelids.

“umph,” the sound emanated from the table. Key turns with a surprised expression pasted to his face. Minho is sprawled on the coffee table, his gigantic body spilling over the edges of it.

The specter picks up an arm and rubs his ribs, “your house is boring.” The apparition doesn’t receive a response. He begins to open his mouth again when Kibum suddenly jumps out of his seat and runs for his bedroom, screaming the entire way. He can hear the wraith laughing in the distance as he slams the door shut. He can feel his pulse in his ears he’s back. Why am I relieved? If I’m relieved, why am I afraid? Key’s back is pressed against the bedroom door. He slinks down to the floor sluggishly. Footsteps move closer to the door, Kibum feels chills run up his finger tips to his skull. He listens to the phantasm sit down quietly. Key looks down and purses his lips, he thinks about what exactly he wants to do. Kibum lies down slowly. He can feel a breeze creep in from under the door. He breathes in lightly catching Miho’s scent in the zephyr. He can feel his heart strain. He nuzzles his face into the bottom of the doorway. He wedges his nose under the door carefully. Sounds emanate from the other side of the door. Kibum tries to focus on it, imagining what exactly the spook is doing. Key continues to breathe in the familiar scent, feeling himself relax. He flinches suddenly to a disturbance in his nostrils. When he continues to feel something poke his nose he pulls away, he furrows his brow as he looks at the opening under the door.

A finger wiggles into view, “what’s your nose doing under the door weirdo?” Kibum doesn’t respond. The fingers disappear, but reappear once more with three others, “Key, don’t leave me alone in this boring house.” There is another moment of silence.

The fingers stop moving as if to convey the visitant’s transition from playfulness to seriousness, “Key…”

The long pause keeps Kibum on edge. He stares down at the fingers waiting for them to disappear again and the ghost to get belligerent like in a horror film. The spirit sighs on the other side of the door. The fingers slowly begin to retreat. The sigh almost felt human, it conveyed his emotion too clearly.

Kibum suddenly feels anxious, “you smell nice!”

The fingers stop, only the edges of them are still visible, “thank you.” They finally disappear behind the door, Key jumps to his feet and swings open the door. The apparition is still sitting close to the entrance his legs crossed, his hands neatly placed in his lap. Kibum blushes then shuts the door. A soft “ow” comes from the other side. Key wants to apologize, but doesn’t. Kibum lies back down, this time peeking under the door. Key watches the ghost slide his hand under again, “are you smelling me again?”

Kibum feels his face heat up, “no.”

“You sound like you’re still close to the door,” the haunt’s voice sounds like a whisper past the barrier that kept them apart. The fingers reach out as far as they possibly can, stopping short of Kibum’s nose.

“I am,” Key murmurs under the doorway.

“Not close enough to touch,” the phantom interjects. Although Kibum is still afraid, he smiles at the thought of the shade wanting to touch him. Key picks himself up, he walks around the room in search of his journal. He sits back down to find the fingers have disappeared. “What are you doing,” the look-a-like inquires.

Key continues to scan his room, “I’m looking for a book.”

“Your story,” Minho yells excitedly.

Kibum laughs, “Yes.” The double can be heard running around.

He sits back down on the other side, “you threw it at me and ran for your room. Here.” Key’s journal barely squeezes under the door. Kibum can hear Minho lean against it, “why don’t you have a TV?”

Key opens the book, “I broke it.”

Entry 10

Minho’s twin is back. I guess my ghost hasn’t lost interest in me. At first I was happy, but now that I write in a journal I’m having second thoughts. They say people who become cozy with the dead welcome death. I always thought it was bull, but I’m not sure what to think anymore. Is he just a bored demon looking for something to do? Are his intentions more sinister? I can’t shake the feeling he’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Minho’s duplicate sighs, “what’s your story about?”

Kibum stops writing, “it’s not a story. It’s a journal.”

Minho shifts, “really? Can I read it?”

Key slams the book shut suddenly feeling embarrassed, “no!”

Minho snickers, “are you writing dirty thoughts in that book?”

“No,” Kibum screams.

“Are you going to stay in there all day,” Minho questions. Key doesn’t answer, he’s not really sure.

Minho pauses, “I never pegged you as a recluse.”

 Kibum flips through his book's pages, “yeah? You’ve watched me long enough to make assumptions?”

“You could say that,” Minho replies lightly. Minho groans as he shifts once more, “do you like it here Key?”

Kibum stops rifling through his journal, “yes, why?”

“You aren’t lonely,” the spirit pries.

“Yes,” Key pouts, “but it’s hard to not feel lonely when the one you love dies. It’s like a piece of you is missing and you can never get it back.”

“Who died,” the shade is almost inaudible.

Kibum looks down at his bare ring finger, “my husband.”

The door moves as if the wraith were pushing against it again, “say your husband’s name.”

Key rubs his finger to remind himself he can no longer wear the ring, “Minho.”

Footsteps can be heard moving quickly away from the door. Kibum jumps up and flings the door open. He sees the manifestation standing towards the edge of the living room.

The specter’s expression perplexed, “what do you see when you look at me?”

Kibum stares at him, “you look a lot like Minho.” The haunt grimaces.



I finally got it yes! SUCCESS! I was having a lot of technical difficulties. I had to post before I could check it one more time for mistakes. Ugh! v.v Tired. Anyways! i decided to post some more since you guys asked so nicely. I'm a little bummed about all my comments for this story having sad faces but i guess i kind of signed up for this when i wrote the story. But c'mon guys! Turn those frowns upside down :D 

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Kairi_Moon #1
Chapter 74: That was a good story. Good job.
Engravedintomyskin #2
Chapter 74: TT_TT I will miss you so much I loved this story so much. I hope you have a bright future thank you. XD
thepaperpackage #3
Thank you for giving the story an audience. I really appreciate it cookies. Thank you DarkScene13 I'll miss you too TT^TT
thepaperpackage #4
Saina96, Minho was Key and Key was Minho ... does it make sense? I was afraid it wouldn't v.v
DarkScene13 #5
Chapter 74: Very sad ending, I'll miss this story like no other. Goodbye Author, thanks for all the great times we've shared, maybe there will be a next time.......I'll miss you
Saina96 #6
Chapter 74: Oooo sad ending T__T your writing touched me so much , it was a great mysterious sad story!
I'm also happy because after all of my dumb theories one was true ^_^ remember ? The one I said white rooms were for madhouse or something?!
But there's something I still don't get it...umm at the ending who died?or was it just minho leaving key to work abroad?how can minho and kibum be one person? O_O
thepaperpackage #7
Because they did have to leave, and they did leave. They had some abroad work they were asked to take care of.
Oh god, i can't believe i was right asdfghskajhs
Just one more question! Why were 'Minho' and Jinki always saying that they had to leave?
thepaperpackage #9
I was planning to write shorts to explain your questions further, but I'll have to think it over.
thepaperpackage #10
Moveslikeshinee, yes he was Minho the whole time. Jinki was Minho's (who is Key) co-worker and friend. 'Minho' couldn't shower with Key because of his injury. He would've needed to cover it before getting wet. That man was the guy who Key when he was in the psychiatric facility. The room number Key had for that place was seven.