Back-Up Plan

A Different Kind Of Love




Nobody's POV




"Jess stop it, please. Just please stop yelling. I'll tell you everything, I promise. But please stop yelling at me." Sooyoung said with tears.


Jessica looked at Sooyoung's face. She could see how distressed Sooyoung was so she knelt down on the floor in front of Sooyoung who was sitting on the sofa.


She began to wipe the tears away from Sooyoung's face and then in a very calm voice she said.


"I'm sorry for yelling at you Baby, but I'm so scared. I'm so scared that you're going to tell me we're over."


Sooyoung looked at Jessica.


"There's no way I would tell you we're over but you might want to tell me we're over after I tell you what I want to tell you." Sooyoung said sadly.


Are you really about to say something that could put an end to this special relationship, thought Jessica.


"Okay well, just tell me then." said Jessica.


"Jess can you please not yell at me when I tell you about the reason why I don't want Tiffany to be dating, because there's more to it. I need to explain it all to you and you won't take it in if you're yelling at me in anger." said Sooyoung.


"Okay I'll try really hard not to yell at you but it feels like you're about to break my heart." Jessica said calmly but sadly.


"I don't want to break you're heart Cutey but you really need to know what's going on in this head of mine right now." said Sooyoung.


"Okay go ahead, tell me I'm ready." said Jessica.


"So I guess I'll start with the Tiffany thing. After what happened to me with Lauren, I had no interest in dating anyone and I definitely didn't want to be in another relationship again. So from the time of that awful night with Lauren all the way up to my Fashion Launch night, my heart felt nothing for nobody except my family and friends but besides them it felt nothing." explained Sooyoung.


"Then I met Tiffany and I can't explain why but my heart started to flutter again. I didn't think I would fall for anyone ever again but I did and it was Tiffany."


"But then when we all took the bus to the After Party that night, I felt my heart flutter again but this time it was for you as well as Tiffany. All of sudden I found myself meeting two new people in the one night who just happened to be best friends and I found my heart was going crazy. It didn't make sense to me why after so long I was feeling something for two girls at the one time when I had gone so long without feeling anything for anyone." she continued.


"I remember having a talk with Sunny that night and she told me that she thought you were really hot but she told me you said that you only dated guys. So instantly I knew Tiffany was the one for me, well I thought she was seeing as you weren't interested in girls."


"Then when I was on my date with Tiffany that night and you bumped into me,  you started saying things that made me question if you actually did like me. And well as I've told you before, when I looked at your eyes I felt like you really did want me. So when I asked myself who I wanted to be with most my head told me Tiffany while my heart told me you."


"So the reason why I don't want Tiffany to date is because and I know you'll hate me when I say this but that dinner we had with Nicole, I can't get it out of my head Jess what she said about......." Sooyoung felt tears escape again.


Jessica wiped her tears again.


"It's okay Baby, just say it."


"She said that the odds were against us lasting because usually if someone's dated guys all the time and they change it up for a girl that they always end up going back to dating guys again. I don't even know if that's true or what the actual odds are but doesn't it seem likely that eventually you'll want to date guys again?" asked Sooyoung worriedly.


"Is that what this is all about? You think I'm going to leave you for a guy?" asked Jessica.


Sooyoung felt more tears escape.


"Yes....... so I don't want Tiffany to date because she's my back-up plan for when you leave me. Because she's the only other girl I've had feelings for and I don't want to lose her too because when you leave me I'll have nobody again." Sooyoung said full of tears.


Jessica stood up and grabbed Sooyoung's hands so that she would have to stand up too. Once Sooyoung got up Jessica wrapped her arms around her tightly.


"y I'm not going to leave you for some guy. I don't know what the odds are either but I don't care because I believe in you and me. I just have to get you to believe in you and me."


Sooyoung looked at Jessica.


"I want to believe in us Jess. I really do but I can't get these doubts out of my head." said Sooyoung.


"If you can put your doubts aside for just a minute. Don't you believe that what we have is close to perfect?" asked Jessica.


"Yes, when I'm with you it does feel like that but Jess I've had what I thought was close to perfect before and all that got me was a birthday party spent being by some creepy guys and totallly betrayed by the one I loved." Sooyoung cried.


"Baby I know you're still hurting. And I know it's so hard for you to trust again but please can you try and trust me. I would never ever do anything like that to you and to be honest, what happened to you should never happen to anyone and it normally doesn't happen to the majority of us, but Soo....... I know the right word isn't unlucky but that awful, awful night for you is not something that would normally happen in a relationship."


"But sadly it did happen to you and it was your first relationship so now you think it's normal and that it's going to happen to you again. Then Nicole did what she did to you, once again that's not normally what would happen to somone but it did happen to you. Baby I get it, I totally understand why you have doubts and why you think everything might have a really bad ending."


"But I'm not Lauren and I'm not Nicole. I'm Jessica Jung and I have fallen so far deeply in love with you that I wouldn't of thought it was possible for me to be this much in love with someone. I know you love me Choi Sooyoung, I know you love me just as much as I love you. So please believe me when I say that I'm not going to leave you for some guy." said Jessica.


"Jess I hear everything you're saying and I know that I love you just as much as you love me but.......... Why me? You dated guys all the time without being one little bit interested in girls. Why are you now in love with a girl?" asked Sooyoung.


"I know that it must seem strange that I've fallen for a girl when I've never been interested in any before but Soo you make me laugh even when you're not funny. You make me be less selfish because I want to do things for you that I would never of wanted to do for someone else."


"I mean I went to see the animals tonight with you and I even went on that haunted house ride even though I screamed the whole way during the ride. And now whenever it rains I can't help but think of you. I use to hate the rain but now because of you I love the rain, I love it so much Soo."


"I know that you think I'm doing things just to please you but you have to understand that I feel so alive when I'm with you. I actually want to do those things now even though I didn't want to do them before. I'm a better person because of you Choi Sooyoung. I couldn't imagine not having you in my life."


"So yes this is a different kind of love for me but Sooyoung this is also the happiest and greatest kind of love I've ever felt and I don't want to lose it. I really don't ever want to lose it." said Jessica.


Sooyoung smiled at her.


"Good because I don't ever want to lose it either." 


"So y, you can throw that back-up plan you have with Tiffany out of your head because you won't be needing it. Okay?" Jessica smiled.


"Okay but I can't guarantee that more doubts won't enter my head from time to time but I can guarantee that I'll tell you about it if they do." said Sooyoung.


"Soo you have had some really terrible things happen to you in the past and well I know that we'll have times when you might feel like this again. But if we be honest with each other than I just know we can make it through, because you and I are meant to be. right?" Jessica smiled.


"Right." Sooyoung nodded her head and smiled at Jessica.


"I think what you need the most right now is this.........." Jessica kissed Sooyoung lovingly for a long time.


Meanwhile Tiffany and Taeyeon had heard most of their conversation because Tiffany had left her door slightly open.


"Wow, those two are so sweet together." said Tiffany.


"Jessica was able to talk to Soo about the worst time in her life and still have a happy Soo at the end. I guess they really are meant for each other." said Taeyeon.


"Sooyoung has my best friend the happiest I have ever seen her. I never ever would of guessed that Jess would have a girlfriend and I never would of imagined it would come so naturally to her. She is completely herself with Soo. I've seen her with past boyfriends trying to be someone she's not but with Soo she's just being herself." Tiffany smiled.


"So you were Soo's back-up plan. How does that make you feel?" asked Taeyeon.


"I know she'll never be mine but I'd be lying if I didn't say it made me feel good that I'm her next choice." smiled Tiffany.


"Oh wait..... I'm sorry Taeyeon that was completely insensitive of me to say that in front of you." 


"Hey don't worry about it. Soo will never see me as anything more than a best friend. No matter how hard that is for me, it's just the way it is." said Taeyeon.


"Well I'm sure there's someone perfect for you out there somewhere. That's what Sooyoung says to me so we need to believe there's someone out there for us somewhere." said Tiffany.


"I guess." said Taeyeon.


"When you're ready to find that someone Taeyeon just let me know and we can call this fake dating thing off. Okay?"


"What about you, I'm sure at some stage you'll meet someone you would want to date. Even if we fake date for a couple of weeks then pretend to break up it'll probably put Sooyoung off seeing I have feelings for her." said Taeyeon.


"Yeah probably." said Tiffany.


Once Sooyoung and Jessica finished their kiss.


"Are we okay now y? You're not worried anymore?" asked Jessica.


"No I'm not worried anymore thanks to you." she smiled.


Sooyoung Jessica's face.


"You Cutey, you support me so much and well you do so much for me but it feels like I don't do as much for you." 


"Oh really, are you the same Choi Sooyoung that was brave enough to see my parents for me just so my relationship with my family wasn't destroyed. Don't worry y I know you're there for me if I ever need you." Jessica smiled.


They kissed sweetly.


"Jess, I've really been wanting to ask you something but I don't want you to feel like you have to say yes. okay?" asked Sooyoung.


"Okay, what is it?"


"Next Friday night I've been invited to the Children's Hospital Charity Night. I was just wondering if you would like to come with me as my date for the night?" asked Sooyoung.


"Well I would of been offended if you didn't ask your girlfriend along and you asked someone else." said Jessica.


"No of course I wasn't going to ask anyone else. It's just there's heaps of media and photographer's there for the event. Which means if you came as my date our photo would end up in the paper. I wasn't sure if you would want to be seen so officially in the paper as my girlfriend." said Sooyoung.


"Oh I see, so we'd be in the paper."


"Yeah actually it doesn't matter Jess, I can just tell them you're my friend. So that in the paper they'll just put Sooyoung with friend instead of Sooyoung with girlfriend. Then you won't have to worry." said Sooyoung.


"No y, I am your girlfriend and I'm proud to be your girlfriend. I'll go with you and they can put it in the paper that I'm your girlfriend then the whole city will know that you're my girlfriend and I guess we're not hiding it from anyone anymore right?" Jessica smiled.


"Are you sure Jess?"


"Yes I definitely want to be known as your girlfriend in the paper because It's the truth and someone once told me to stop hiding behind the truth because I was denying myself the chance of something special. And you know what, she was right." Jessica smiled at Sooyoung who had said that to her not long after they had met.


"So that person who told you that must be someone really special huh?" Sooyoung smiled.


"So special that I made her my girlfriend." Jessica smiled.


Sooyoung smiled back at her.


"I love you so much Cutey." Sooyoung said as she pulled Jessica in for a hug.


"You know another thing my girlfriend once told me. She said that instead of falling apart with our ups and downs how about we become stronger. And you know y you and I are becoming stronger. Dont' you think?" asked Jessica.


"Seriously Jess your girlfriend sounds really smart." Sooyoung laughed. "But yes we are getting stronger. We may not have been together for a long time but we have already been through a lot together and here we are still standing together as one. Now that's what I call love." Sooyoung smiled.


Jessica met her lips for a long romantic kiss.


"Well I think we should really get some sleep. Did you want to have a shower with me?" asked Jessica.


"Are we just showering and nothing else?" asked Sooyoung.


"Yes Baby don't worry. I promise I won't make moves on you in the shower. Okay?" said Jessica.


"It's not that I don't like you making moves on me..... It's just......"


"Hey don't worry y you don't have to explain why. Let's just go have a shower." Jessica smiled.


Sooyoung and Jessica had their shower together and headed to bed.


"You know if you want to wear pyjamas tonight you can if you want." said Jessica.


"No it's okay Cutey, I want to be so I can snuggle up to you and keep warm." Sooyoung smiled.


"Good because I want to snuggle up to you too." Jessica smiled.


The two of them snuggled up together before they drifted off to sleep.


The next morning.


The two of them woke up to Sooyoung's alarm going off.


Jessica rolled over and hugged Sooyoung tightly.


"Hey y, seeing as it's Friday, how about we try and get all your friends together for a pizza night tonight. I mean I know you havn't seen much of them lately." said Jessica.


"Are you sure that's what you want to do tonight?" asked Sooyoung.


"Yes, I think a night with your friends is just what you need right now. Don't you think?" asked Jessica.


Sooyoung smiled at her.


"Yes Cutey, I'd love to do that tonight." 


She met Jessica's lips for a long, loving kiss.


"So how about we have it at my place. I'll check it's okay with Yuri first." said Sooyoung.


"Okay sounds like a plan." Jessica smiled.


"Now you grab some more sleep while you can and I'll get going. I'll see you tonight." she smiled and gave Jess a short, sweet kiss.


"Okay y, I love you."


"Bye Cutey, I love you too and just so you know, your girlfriend thinks you're the best girlfriend in the world." she smiled.


Jessica grabbed her for one last kiss before she got dressed and walked out.


Tiffany and Taeyeon were in the kitchen when she walked out.


They both said Goodmorning to her. Sooyoung went and gave the two of them a hug and then said.


"I'm so sorry for how I carried on last night. I had no right to say anything about you two sleeping together. I feel really bad. Please forgive me." asked Sooyoung.


Taeyeon and Tiffany looked at each other and then back to Sooyoung. And they both said at the same time.


"You're forgiven Soo."


"Really? Thank you. Hey I'm going to have a pizza night tonight. Will you two come please?" asked Sooyoung.


"I'll come" Taeyeon smiled.


"I'd love to come Soo." said Tiffany.


"Okay well I just need to check with Yuri but we'll make it for 7pm okay?"


"Yep sounds good." said Taeyeon.


"Well I better go or I'll be late. Shorty am I dropping you home now?" asked Sooyoung.


"Yes please Soo."


Taeyeon grabbed her things and headed off with Soo.


"Are you not going to give Tiff a kiss." asked Sooyoung.


"Oh yeah of course" said Taeyeon as she rushed back to Tiffany and kissed her on the cheek.


"Bye Tiff, have a good day and I'll see you tonight." Sooyoung smiled.


"Bye Soo, bye Taeyeon." she smiled.








Later that day at Jessica's work.


Jessica was busy working in her office when there was a knock on her door. She opened the door to be greeted by a man holding a big bunch of yellow roses.


"Hello." said Jessica.


"Hello, I was told this was the office of Jessica Jung."


"Yes, that's right. That's me." she said.


"Well these are for you." he said while he handed her a big bunch of yellow roses.


"Thank you." she smiled.


"I was told I had to tell you that there are 51 roses in the bunch." he said.


"Okay thanks." she said.


51 roses hey, I'm guessing my y sent me 51 roses so that it was one more than what I sent her, Jessica smiled to herself.


She placed the roses on her desk then pulled the envelope off and opened it to read the card :


Hi Cutey,

Some roses for you to say thank you

for being so understanding and

supportive of me last night. I chose

yellow for you because you brighten

up my life in so many ways. I'm so

happy to have a girlfriend as special

as you. I love you Cutey xxx

By the way I hope this isn't to cheesy for you ;)


Jessica felt a slight tear form in her eye. I love you so much y, she thought to herself.........................






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Chapter 61: Heart heart <3 <3 SOOSICA
Chapter 61: Damm it girl!!! You made me cry hard mote than laugh...but i still love this story...
Chapter 12: share more please
Chapter 61: OMG!! It ended already.
And the ending is sooooo good. Especially the rain part. ^_^
Awww I'm going to miss all the characters here. And I'm going to miss squealing everytime y gets so much cheezy on Cutie hehe. Thank you for this wonderful story author. I'll definitely support your new fic.
Chapter 61: it's ended already.. soosica is just too sweet and romantic.. glad that taeyeon already have a girlfriend. so happy for all of them. such a wonderful story.. thank you :)
Chapter 61: SooSica 'till the end ..yAy.!
i love the ending it's cute and romantic :)
thank you for this wonderful story author-shi :)
Chapter 61: Its end already. Thank you for writing this beautiful story.
Shorty got herself a girlfriend.
Soosica couple getting married what a happy ending
Chapter 61: Amazing story~ xD