Ice Queen

I was sat at the waiting room in the hospital texting Hanna when the doctor called me, I was sleepy, I woke up really early, and even like that I wasn’t able to see Jae, when I opened my eyes he was already gone, he has been working a lot these last few days, he will be so tired tonight, I told him to celebrate his birthday on Saturday, but he insisted on doing it today. I was inside the room when the doctor came with my exams.

- Hello miss __________ how are you today?

- I’m ok…

- have you been feeling sick lately?

- Uhmmm…yesterday, but I think it was because I ate too much.

- I see...ok, let’s check these then…-he was reading the papers without saying anything, is he going to talk anytime soon?- ok…

- Ok…what’s wrong with me?

- Nothing wrong with you, you are perfectly fine. It is what I was expecting, you are 3 weeks pregnant.

- WHAT?! No ing way, I took a test yesterday and it was negative…it can’t…

- well those tests are never 100% accurate, but this…this the result you should trust in, the morning sickness should stop with time, and you will have to do an ultrasound and I will give you some vitamins to take and you must eat lots of vegetables and fruits

-…- I was in shock…I wasn’t supposed to be pregnant

- miss ______ are you ok? You are a little pale.

- I’m fine…

- You are not happy.

- is not that…is just that I wasn’t expecting this. Ok doctor, thank you for everything, I’ll go and do that other thing, bye

- Bye.

Once outside the hospital I called Hanna, she was working, but told me to go over there, she only had one more patient and after she would be free. I was waiting for her at a café near the place she works, almost an hour later she arrived.

- Hey hun! What happened? Did you and Jaejoong have a fight?

- No…

- Then why do you look like someone died…oh my god! Who died!?

- Nobody…

- Then tell what is wrong please

- I’m pregnant…

- What!? OH MY GOD!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!- she stood up to hug me but I didn’t move- why are you like this, are you going to cry?- and yes, I started to cry- are those happy tears right?

- I don’t know…I suspected it could be this, but yesterday I took a pregnancy test and it was negative! And today the doctor told me I am pregnant, I can’t be pregnant Hanna, I’m 25 years old…I have a great job, I am independent…I have so many things to do, I’m not ready for this, and neither is Jae.

- do you think he will get angry or something? Because I don’t.

- no he won’t…he will be delighted, that’s the problem, he will start to daydreaming about the future and all that, and for him his future is in here, and my life is not here anymore.

- I understand, but you should be less selfish _______, right now is not about you anymore, is about you and your baby. You will be a real family now, you know that right? And both of you have to think what’s better for the three of you, and I don’t think that the best thing is for you to go to the US…I mean you can go back for now…and finish your work there, but later…well, you can come here with Jae.

- Ok, you’re just saying that because you live here…

- Not really- she said drinking from her coffee-  I missed you while you weren’t here, but I respected your decision, it was something you needed to do at that time, but now…I’m not so sure…I really don’t think your life is over there anymore.

I didn’t know what to say about that, is she right? Was my stayed in the U.S. over? I really loved my life there, I have everything I need…but Jaejoong would be there just for some time, he would have to come back here sooner or later, we both know that, we even talked about it once, but it didn’t end up very nicely, so we decided not to talk about that anymore.

- My life in here was always great Hanna, but when I started to go out with Jaejoong everything became hell for me, you know why

- Tiffany…

- Yes and I’m always thinking that she will come and do something to star problems again; I don’t feel good being here anymore.

- she won’t do anything, we haven’t heard of her since so long ______, she probably is not even in Korea anymore, Junsu told me she is always travelling, so maybe after seeing Jae would never be with her she just left.

- And what if she didn’t?

- aish! Is that your reason for not coming back? Stupid girl, I don’t think you have any other dark secret or something, so you shouldn’t worry…

- Maybe you are right and I’m just being paranoid.

- Yes, you are. So how should we name the baby?

- let’s not talk about it…besides I will just be sure about the baby after the third month.

- Oh yeah…ok…how are you going to tell Jae, it would be like the perfect gifts for today!

- I don’t plan to tell him in front of a lot of people.

- Tsss…you are so boring.

- Whatever…lets go, I need to prepare everything for tonight, come with me and help me.


We went to the supermarket and bought a lot of food, snacks and drinks, I totally forgot to buy a present for Jaejoong, he will understand…Hanna and I spent the whole afternoon cleaning and decorating the place, she did the cook and I was in charge of the decoration. It was around 8 pm when Junsu and Micky arrived.

- Hello princess, wow this place looks beautiful, you did a good job!

- Hey ________!

- Hi Junsu, thanks Micky.

- Are you cooking?- Junsu asked

- No, why?

- Oh good, then we can eat tonight- Micky added, both of them laughing

- Hanna is in the kitchen, go with her Junsu- he did what I said- Where is Jae?- I asked Mick, who was sat on the sofa

- No idea, he didn’t go to the office today.

- What? But he left really early…that’s weird…I heard you’ve got a lot of work lately.

- Uh? Not really, I don’t know about Jae and Junsu…but not me.

- Oh…I’m going to take a shower, I’ll be right back.

I went to our bedroom and called Jae, his phone was turned off…what!? Aish! Where is this guy? I called 3 more times, but nothing, straight to voice mail, before getting really mad I decided to go and take a shower, when I was all ready I went to the living room, there were already some on Jae’s friends and Jaejoong was there also, when he saw me he smiled at me and walked to where I was.

- Hi, how are you?

- Hello, I’m fine and you? I called you…

- Sorry, I was in a meeting, you look beautiful.

- Thank you- in a meeting? Pfff, such a liar, I was a little angry so I just told him- I forgot to buy you a present- he smiled at me and caressed my face.

- don’t worry jagiya, I’m not interested in the presents, having you here is enough.

- Ok, so no gift for you, I’m going to help- I left to the kitchen.

- Wait!- he said grabbing my hand- stay with me, I’ve missed you, I hired people to serve tonight, so you can be with me all night.

- *sigh* fine. I’m tired, let’s go and sit- we went to where Siwon and the guys were.

- Babe!!- he said standing and hugging me, I hugged him back

- hey baby, I’m so happy you came, how are- I sat next to him, Jae sat with Micky and Junsu.

- I’m great and you, how have you been feeling?- the he whispered in my ear- how is the baby?

- Fine…everything is fine, I’m feeling better, the doctor said it should stop with time…

-_________!- I looked to who was calling me and was Jae’s sister, she came almost running and hugged me, I didn’t know what to do, why is she so happy

- Hey Suyoung, how are you?

- I’m very good and you…you look beautiful, is my brother treating you well?- I looked back at him, he smiled at me

- Of course- I said looking at her again- are you hungry, thirsty? Let me bring you something

- Oh don’t worry…

- Let me…you sit- she went to sit beside Jaejoong, I went to the kitchen, I took some snacks and a coke for her- here.

- And what have you been doing lately _______

- Just working…

- Nothing else?

- Not really…I’m just starting my holidays after almost 2 years of working nonstop.

- You shouldn’t work so hard…is not good for your health.

- You should say that to your brother, he has been working nonstop these last few days.

- Him?- I could see Jae making her sister to stop talking- oh yeah…he is all about work, work, work.

The party was really nice, we sang the happy birthday song, everyone was having a good time, eating and drinking, Jae’s parents couldn’t come, they were in a business trip, Jaejoong told me we would go out to have dinner with them next week, I just nodded, it was almost 5 am when the last guests left, I was dying, so tired…I really needed a bed…after Jae closed the door I went straight to bed. I was falling asleep when I felt Jae’s arm around me, he kissed me on my cheek.

- are you sleeping?

- yes…

- No, you aren’t. Did you have fun?

- Yes and you- I turned to look at him.

- Of course… thank you for everything, the decoration was really nice.

- I’m glad you liked it.

- is something wrong? You seem a little angry.

- Why are you lying to me?

- Uh?

- You told me you were in a meeting and Yoochun told me today that you didn’t go the office today.

- Uhmm…it was a meeting outside the office?- he said smiling.

- Tsss…whatever, I’m tired, good night- I turned to sleep. He turned me around again- what?! If you are not going to tell me, then there’s no need to keep talking, let me sleep.

- fine, I’ll tell you…but I really didn’t want to do it like this…aish…stupid Yoochun- he stood up and went to his closet…









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miakay #1
Chapter 44: Oh gosh! This is soooo sweet!! Jae is very understanding..One jae for me pleaseeee!! kekeke
hmm...for me, I don't think a sequel is needed. This story is nicely wrap up..well, that's just what I think ^^
Chapter 46: This is an awesome story along with your other ones.I don't think a sequel is needed.It's perfect like this.Plus it would be to hard to think what would it be about.
stay awesome and I hope you write more and finish other stories(which I love and subscribed to)
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 46: Wow!!! This story is Daebak and I really enjoy reading it :)
haftiani #4
Hi !! I just found this story, n i just will start to read this ^^
growingdaisy #6
Yes a sequel!!! I finished this fic in a day!!! Nice~~
shinsookyo #7
<3 <3 <3
just keep writing another jae fic.
love it so much <3
14 streak #8
wwaaahhh!!!! that was an awesome story!!!!!! lol you should make a sequel for this story but first you should finish fallen leaves.....
i love the fact that jaejoong and _____ have a daughter X] im so happy for them........
i like how jaejoong's parents didn't force jaejoong into an arrange marriage cause that would big time....... i also like how tiffany didn't bother them anymore when she heard about ____ pregnant and they're getting married. i thought she would think of some plan and separate them even though _____'s pregnant like the other story from other writers but i am so glad and relief!!!! >.<
Just finish fallen leaves first lol
Aneziente #10
Thanks for your story, it was a nice story and interesting!!! ;)