Ice Queen

I slept almost all Sunday, I was still so tired when I woke up that I went to take a shower and see if I could feel more awake, and it worked…a little. After taking a shower I went to the living room and I saw Hanna looking at me with a smile.

- Where were you last night?- she asked me with a bigger smile.

- Out…- I told her going to the kitchen.

- Where…- she followed me.

- Out!

- come on! Junsu already told me you were with Jaejoong, he called Junsu last night, he told me Jaejoong was so happy.

- tsss… those two are worse than girls…

- What did you two do?

- talked.

- About?

- stop asking me! I won’t tell you.

- you are such a bad friend, you never tell  me anything, anyway…are you two together now?

- don’t know.

- That’s not what Jaejoong told Junsu.

- If you already know everything because of your noisy boyfriend, why you keep asking ME?

- I want to hear it from you.

- Aish…fine, we are together… I think…- then the bell rang- uh? Who could it be?

- It must be Junsu, I’m going out with him, I’ll see you later, bye.


After she left I went to my room to eat what I had cooked and watch TV for a while, then I remembered I had to finish some things for tomorrow, so I spent the rest of the day working , just when I was finishing my phone rang, I smiled after seeing who was calling.

- Hi jagiya, how are you?

- Hey Jae, I’m fine and you?

- Why so cold, you can call me names also, you know?

- Really?  Can I? Because I have so many names for you, but I don’t think you’ll be happy

- Very funny jagiya…are you busy?

- A little, I’m finishing some things for tomorrow.

- Me too…I was bored so I decided to call you.

- What am I now, you personal clown?

- Hahahha…of course!

- Tsss…you are so annoying, I’m hanging up now.

- DON’T!

- ahahha so desperate to talk with me?

- … well yeah…if I weren’t so busy I’d go to your house, I already miss you- that left me speechless, he always says that kind of sweet things.

- You’ll see me tomorrow.

- I know, but I miss you KNOW!-  he complained.

- stop acting like a kid Jaejoong.

- Ok…- I can imagine him pouting, so cute!

- I have to go now Jaejoong, I want to finish fast so I can go to bed early today, ok?

- Fine…don’t work too hard; I’ll keep thinking of you, you do the same!

- hahhaa, ok Jae, I’ll see you tomorrow, bye!

- Bye jagiya!


I didn’t want to hang up, but I had to finish what I was doing, I need to sleep early today so I can start this week properly.


While I was answering some e-mails, someone knocked on my office door.

- Come in!

- Hi jagiya!- why is he screaming?!

- shhh, don’t be so loud, someone can hear you!- I told him standing up.

- So…- he kissed me.

- So?!? I don’t want people to find out I’m dating my boss’s son.

- You worry too much jagiya- he sat on one of the sofas, I sat next to him.

- I don’t Jaejoong, people love to gossip, especially at work, so can you please be more discrete? For me?

- ok, just because you’re the one asking me that, if it was for me I would tell everyone- he told me looking right into my eyes and grabbing my hand.

- don’t tell anybody else.

- Anybody else?

- I know you told Junsu and probably Micky

- are you mad?

- no… but I’d prefer if you could ask me before telling something about us, besides couldn’t you wait a couple of days at least before telling them?

-no… I was happy jagiya, besides I felt that the only way of making it real was if I told someone about it and the first person that came into my mind was Junsu- after that answer I could keep a little angry at him.

- Fine, but from now on keep your mouth shut, ok?

- Ok.

- Now leave, I’ve got a lot of work to finish before lunch.

- We’re having lunch together, right?- why does he sound worried?

- Of course and with Junsu as always.

- Great! I’ll come to pick you up- he kissed me and left

- Ok, bye.


I spent the rest of the morning working nonstop I didn’t even listen to Jaejoong when he came into my office.

- Jagiya?

- Uh?- I looked up-  Jae! When did you come in?

- Like 5 minutes ago…you where really concentrated, you didn’t even listen to me

- Sorry?

- It’s ok, come, is lunch time. I’ll take you somewhere; I don’t feel like eating here.

- Where are you taking me and what about Junsu? I thought we were having lunch with him.

- I already told you that we are going to some other place and you assumed we were having lunch with Junsu, he went out to eat with your friend.

- Oh, I see…let me take my purse so we can go.


Once we left the office I could feel how people were staring at us, me especially, this is exactly what I wanted to avoid, god this is so uncomfortable and embarrassing, I think Jae saw I was a little weird, so when we entered the elevator he asked me immediately.

- What happen? Are you feeling sick? I can take you home if you want.

- I’m ok.

- No, you are not, you look weird, you face looks funny- funny?!

- aish, so insensitive! I didn’t like how people were staring, that’s all- we arrived to the parking lot, I walked to his car leaving him behind.

- Hey! Don’t get mad, and don’t worry about the others, just lets enjoy ourselves- he told me touching my hair, I smiled at him.

- Yeah, I guess you’re right, let’s go, I’m starving!

- is there a moment that you aren’t starving?

- Yah! You are so mean!

- hahaha, sorry! Now get in so you can eat- he said opening the door for me.


All the way to the restaurant we were talking about some stupid things from our teenage years, he can be really funny; I couldn’t stop laughing with his stories and his faces, oh my god so funny.

- We are here- he said stopping in front of a huge restaurant, it looks so expensive- are you ok?

- Yeah…is just that…wow this place is big!

- I know, is one of my favorite restaurants.

- Oh.

- Come- he said leaving the car to open my door, he grabbed my hand to help getting out and closed the door behind me.

We were in a private room, everything was so fancy, I think one chair costs more than the place where I live, and what’s with the name of the food, I don’t even know what to order.

- What happen jagiya? You don’t like the place?- he looks worried

- are you ing kidding me? This place is awesome!- he laughed.

- I’m glad you like it, but can you not curse, every time you do it I think you are going to hit me or something- I just rolled my eyes at his comment.

- Whatever…

- Now tell me, why the face? You are making that funny face again.

- Stop making fun of my face! And I don’t know what to order, the names are so weird, I’m scared I’ll end up ordering snails or a rat- he laughed so hard, so I throw my napkin to his face.

- Yah! You don’t have any manners young lady?

- tsss, of course not… I like to have fun- he looked at me with such loving eyes, I felt my cheeks turning red so I looked down.

- I’ll order for you then, if that ok

- Please do it.


Some minutes later after the waiter took our orders our food arrived, and it was so good, the best food ever, now I understand why is Jae’s favorite place, the only problem was that the portions were a little too small for me, but after the dessert I was ok xD.

The lunch was full of laughs and interesting conversations about everything, is incredible how we don’t run out of topics. After we finished eating we decided to return to the office.

- Did you enjoy the food?- he asked me on our way to the office.

- You can’t imagine how much Jaejoong, it was incredible, really, the best food ever. Next time I’ll treat you to my favorite place, it won’t be as posh and expensive as this, but the food is good, I used to go when I was studying, and now I go once in a while, when I’m near.

- You know I don’t care about expensive things jagiya- he told me taking my hand.

- I know- I smiled at him.

- We are here- I took my hand from his- hey don’t be so paranoid, we aren’t even inside the building yet.

- Sorry…- he just took my hand again and smiled at me.


We walked to our offices, and once again, people staring, I don’t like this, is just Monday and everyone is looking at me like if they know something, is not the first time I have lunch with Jaejoong outside the office, maybe Jae is right and I’m being paranoid.

The rest of the day I stayed in my office working my as* off, is the only way I can forget about silly things, I was really immerse in my work when my phone rang, 1 new message

‘is late, get ready, I’m taking you home’

- Late? Sh*t is 9 already!- before I could answer his message he was inside my office.

- come on jagiya you shouldn’t work till so late

- tsss, look who’s taking.

- I was waiting for you, but I got bored and decided to text you…you really lose all track of time when you’re working

- Yes, is funny, I know nothing about the world when I work… lets go, I’m tired.

 The ride home was quiet, both of us were tired, is almost the end of the year, so we have so much work.

 - Thanks for the ride- I was opening the door when he grabbed my hand- what?

- let me open it for you, and I can walk you to the door.

-Is not necessa…- he raised and eyebrow and I stopped talking.

- That’s better- he smiled and left the car to open the door for me.

- Don’t you get tired of doing this?- I asked him while walking to my door.

- How can I? is for you…I’ll make anything to make you feel good, to make things easier for you, I’ll take care of you jagiya, please be aware of that- ok, now I think I’m melting.

I couldn’t say anything, he just smiled at me, when we reached my house we stood in front of the door, just looking into each other eyes, he touch my cheek with his thumb and kissed me, always so soft and gentle.

- Take care and don’t work, go straight to bed.

- Fine…you do the same then.

- I can’t, I have some papers to finish.

- tsss… fine, the you work, I’ll sleep.

- Good, you have to rest, I’ll work…you have to take care of yourself, I want a healthy girlfriend, so I can take you everywhere.

- You are so corny

- And you love it

- Whatever…I’m tired, leave.

- hahaha always so sweet…I’ll see you tomorrow, I would offer to take you to the office in the morning, but I don’t think you’ll want.

- And you’re right, having lunch and leaving together is already too much…if we arrive together I don’t even want to think what would happen.

- nothing will happen, you worry too m jagiya- he said kissing my forehead- rest, bye – he kissed on my lips.

- bye Jae, don’t stay up till too late, drive safe- I kissed him goodbye and I went inside.



I'm back home :(   but here it is the new chapter, hope you like it


here some gifs for you!!!







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miakay #1
Chapter 44: Oh gosh! This is soooo sweet!! Jae is very understanding..One jae for me pleaseeee!! kekeke
hmm...for me, I don't think a sequel is needed. This story is nicely wrap up..well, that's just what I think ^^
Chapter 46: This is an awesome story along with your other ones.I don't think a sequel is needed.It's perfect like this.Plus it would be to hard to think what would it be about.
stay awesome and I hope you write more and finish other stories(which I love and subscribed to)
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 46: Wow!!! This story is Daebak and I really enjoy reading it :)
haftiani #4
Hi !! I just found this story, n i just will start to read this ^^
growingdaisy #6
Yes a sequel!!! I finished this fic in a day!!! Nice~~
shinsookyo #7
<3 <3 <3
just keep writing another jae fic.
love it so much <3
14 streak #8
wwaaahhh!!!! that was an awesome story!!!!!! lol you should make a sequel for this story but first you should finish fallen leaves.....
i love the fact that jaejoong and _____ have a daughter X] im so happy for them........
i like how jaejoong's parents didn't force jaejoong into an arrange marriage cause that would big time....... i also like how tiffany didn't bother them anymore when she heard about ____ pregnant and they're getting married. i thought she would think of some plan and separate them even though _____'s pregnant like the other story from other writers but i am so glad and relief!!!! >.<
Just finish fallen leaves first lol
Aneziente #10
Thanks for your story, it was a nice story and interesting!!! ;)