Ice Queen

- Hi princess, I’ve missed you, hey Siwon! Long time, how are you?

- Great and you?-

- fine, oh you don’t know each other, Siwon this is Jaejoong, Jae Siwon- they shook hands, but Jae kept staring at me, but neither of us said hi.

- Hi Jae, nice to meet you.

- Nice to meet you too.

- Yoochun help bring some beers a cokes, so this girl won’t get drunk… again.

- tsss I’m not that bad- I said sipping my drink Siwon and Yoochun rolled their eyes, yes I get drunk easily.


- You didn’t answer my messages, I was worried- Jae told me right after the guys left.

- hello to you too…I did answer.

- ‘I’m ok’ is not an answer…

- Yes, it is.

- are you mad at me or something? Did I do something wrong? If I did I’m sorry.

- can you stop apologizing?! I’m so f*ucking sick of your apologies Jaejoong.

- WTF is wrong with you? You are acting crazy!

- Maybe I am crazy… I’m leaving, tell the guys I wasn’t feeling good- before I could leave Jae grabbed my hand and right then Yoochun and Siwon arrived.

- What the… what’s going on here, let her go!- Siwon said kinda angry.

- Hyung what’s happening?- Yoochun looking worried.

- Nothing guys, I’m not feeling very good, so I’m leaving first, have fun, bye.

- let me take you home.

- no Siwon, it’s ok…I’ll see you next week, I  promise, bye Micky- I kissed them both and left.


I guess I wasn’t the only one leaving because right outside the club someone hugged me from behind.

- Please don’t leave like this…

- Jae…

- I’m sorry

- Are kidding me?- he just laughed a little.

- Every time I say those words to you I mean them.

I just looked down and tell him – I know…

Then he turned me so I could look at him, but I was still looking to the floor, so he made me look up and kissed me, just like that, I couldn’t do anything else but to kiss him back, I never thought his lips were so soft and sweet, after we ended the kiss he looked at me right into my eyes.

- You have no idea how much I wanted to do that.

- I…- no words came out from my mouth

- I never thought I was such a good kisser that I would leave you speechless.

- tsss don’t think so much of yourself.

-  am I a good kisser?

- Why don’t you ask Tiffany?- crap! He wasn’t supposed to know I saw them.

- You know…how?

- I…I just saw lights in your office and went to say goodbye and I saw you two…

- That’s why you are mad at me? Are you jealous? – Why is he smiling?

- So full of yourself…- I turned around and started walking, he followed me.

- is not what you think…SHE kissed ME…out of nowhere and I…

- You don’t have to explain yourself Jae.

- I want to…me and Tiffany, we are nothing, I feel nothing for her- He stopped walking right in front of me, making me stop also- you already know that you are the one I like…can you give a chance? To let you show you what I feel?

- I shouldn’t…

- You shouldn’t? So that means you want to, right?


And here he comes with another kiss, such a sweet kiss, I’ve been kissed before, but there’s something different with this one, it’s been a long time since I felt butterflies in my stomach, I never thought I would meet another guy who could make me feel like this…but here he is, right in front of me, asking me to accept him, here making me believe again that maybe love exists after all…

After the kissing and hugging, he likes to hug, he insisted in taking me home, I told him it wasn’t necessary

- Can’t you just let me help you? I’m sure your feet hurt with those shoes- he was right about my feet.

- I’m not a damsel in distress Jae, I don’t need your help… and I wasn’t walking home you silly.

- aish, so stubborn- and he just took my hand and dragged me to his car, he even opened the door for me, that’s sweet, from where I come from guys don’t usually do that- get in. He told me raising an eyebrow.

- I’m getting in.


We didn’t talk a lot on the way home, with Jae we always have this moments of silence, but they’re never uncomfortable, all the time he had my hand in his, I was just looking outside the window and thinking about just happened.

- Are you tired?

- Not really

- Can I take you somewhere?- he looked at me.

- Sure…


Some minutes later we arrived to a park, it was quiet late, so nobody was there, I sat on a swing, he sat beside me.


- My mum used to bring me here when I was little… I love this park.

- It’s really nice

- I think I’ll bring my kid here…when I have one

- You want to have kids?

- don’t you?

- No.

- Why not?

- I don’t think is a good idea to bring someone into this world just because I feel like having a kid- I told him looking right into his eyes, so he could see I wasn’t lying.

- And what if you fell in love, not even then?

- no- he was going to ask something, but I cut him before he could say something- If I fell in love and decide to have a baby, that would also be a very selfish decision, I would be having a baby because me and my couple want to but… what if my kid realizes that he or she doesn’t like being here? And is stuck in this place because of his parents’ selfishness?

-what happened to you to make you think this way?- he asked me standing and kneeling in front of me taking my hands, right there the tears that were treating me with falling a while ago just fell- hey, come here- he hugged me- it’s ok if you don’t want to tell me.

- I’ll tell you…one of my stories…

- You have more than one?

- yeah…- I told him with a bitter smile, I stand and took his hand to guide so we could sit on the grass, we sat against a tree, his arm around my shoulders and my head on his shoulder. He smiled at me giving me the courage I need to give him a part of me.


- ok, I’ll start…you know that I had a problem in America while I was there, but I won’t talk to you about that…after I returned home I was really depressed because of what happened, my parents couldn’t understand why…I…I tried to kill myself once, so they decided to put me into a psychiatric institution, I stayed there for almost a month, there I met one of my best friends back home, after some time he became my boyfriend, not a good idea to go out with someone that is as unstable as you, right?- I laugh a little, he looked at me with sad eyes- tss, don’t look at me like that- I punched his arm.

- I….

- if you say ‘I’m sorry’ I’m leaving- we both laughed

- What should I say then?

- nothing, just listen to me…anyway…we went out for almost a year and everything was perfect, I was feeling really good, I had some bad days, but nothing serious, but he, he was always bad, always getting worse, I had to go to his place so many times because I was thinking about killing himself…I tried to help as much as I could, but he started using drugs and I’m not into that, he wasn’t the guy I met 2 years ago, so I broke up with him, I continued with my life, I started university made a lot of friends and dated another guy…one day he called me asking me to go to his place, I couldn’t say no, so I went…when I saw nobody was opening the door I decide to use the key he gave me while we were dating…when I went to his room I saw him…dead…he never asked for anything that happened and because of his parents he had to go through all that pain, I don’t want that to happen to my kids.

- I…I’m sorry, that’s really sad, I understand a little why you think the way you do, but that won’t happen to you kids, you will make them happy…

- I know I can make them happy…but what I don’t know is if I will always be ok to make them feel good, to give them what they need, all the love and happiness they deserve.

-of course you can, you have no idea how much happiness you bring to those who are with you…you have no idea how happy you can make me with just a look or a smile…even when you insult me…auch!- I HAD to hit him after that comment.

- hahha sorry…so that’s my story…maybe I’ll change my mind, with time…who knows…everything can happen, right?- I told him with a smile, he kissed me again…so many butterflies in my stomach again.

We stayed there till we saw the firsts rays of light, so we decided to leave, he took me home and left me at my door.

- From now on we are together, do you understand that?

- …

- I’ll take that as a yes- I smiled at him- now go inside, you must be really tired, rest- he kissed me on my lips, always so soft and I went inside.

Some minutes later I received a message

‘I’m in my bed already…do you have any idea how happy I am today? You make me happy, let’s continue like this, ok? Kisses sleep well my baby <3’

‘ I think I can imagine how you feel…sleep well…I’m going to sleep now so don’t text me again’

And as I said I fell asleep.




new chapter before leaving...they are together, finaly!!

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miakay #1
Chapter 44: Oh gosh! This is soooo sweet!! Jae is very understanding..One jae for me pleaseeee!! kekeke
hmm...for me, I don't think a sequel is needed. This story is nicely wrap up..well, that's just what I think ^^
Chapter 46: This is an awesome story along with your other ones.I don't think a sequel is needed.It's perfect like this.Plus it would be to hard to think what would it be about.
stay awesome and I hope you write more and finish other stories(which I love and subscribed to)
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 46: Wow!!! This story is Daebak and I really enjoy reading it :)
haftiani #4
Hi !! I just found this story, n i just will start to read this ^^
growingdaisy #6
Yes a sequel!!! I finished this fic in a day!!! Nice~~
shinsookyo #7
<3 <3 <3
just keep writing another jae fic.
love it so much <3
14 streak #8
wwaaahhh!!!! that was an awesome story!!!!!! lol you should make a sequel for this story but first you should finish fallen leaves.....
i love the fact that jaejoong and _____ have a daughter X] im so happy for them........
i like how jaejoong's parents didn't force jaejoong into an arrange marriage cause that would big time....... i also like how tiffany didn't bother them anymore when she heard about ____ pregnant and they're getting married. i thought she would think of some plan and separate them even though _____'s pregnant like the other story from other writers but i am so glad and relief!!!! >.<
Just finish fallen leaves first lol
Aneziente #10
Thanks for your story, it was a nice story and interesting!!! ;)