Ice Queen

I spent all the rest of the week working, I haven’t seen Jaejoong or Junsu, is not that I have been avoided them, I’m really so full of work that I had even been having lunch inside my office, I need to finish so many things so I can leave next week, I already buy the tickets, I haven’t said to my family that I’m visiting them, I want to surprise them, today is Saturday, the day Jaejoong will spend with Tiffany, such a jerk, he hasn’t even text me to know how I am, should I call him?, I shouldn’t. I heard Hanna arriving, she had to work today.

- Hey Hanna, how are you, I made lunch

- Hi ______, I’m so tired, did you already have lunch?

- No, I was waiting for you.

- Great.

We set the table and had lunch together, is been so long, even thought we live together, we barely see each other, and now that she is dating Junsu I’m not able to see her even during weekends, but is ok, I guess, I miss her though.

- Hanna, I’ve missed so much, I never see you anymore.

- I know, I miss you too my friend, but you how is work, by the way, why I haven’t seen Jae here? Did you two have a fight or something?

- Yeah… he…I don’t know, is complicated, this girl Tiffany is always all over him and he never does anything to push her aside…I know he is not into her, but is not a very pleasant thing to see.

- I’m sorry hun, I know you two will work things out, maybe the holidays will help.

- Yeah… I don’t think so…

- Why you say that?

- I’m leaving for a couple of weeks, to see my family for the holidays.

- does he know?

- Yes.

- What did he say?

- nothing, he saw me leaving his father office and asked me why I was so happy I told him I was going to see my family, he thought they were coming and when I told him no, he just stood there, I was pretty pissed at him at that moment so I just continue walking, I haven’t seen him since then.

- When was that?

- 4 days ago.

- Oh.

- And today he has a diner with Tiffany and her family at her place.

- Tssss…that man .

- I know.

- don’t worry babe, you’ll solve everything, you always do.

- You know how I solve things…

- You have to come back, you can’t leave me here.

- I know…I’ll come back…for you- I was almost crying, I feel so bad, it hurts so much no knowing about him, it hurts knowing that he doesn’t care- I’m going to my room, I need to finish some things, leave the things here, I’ll do the dishes later.

- don’t, go and work, I’ll clean everything, I’m going out later, do you need anything? Do you want me to stay?

- No, thank you…and please don’t worry about me- I went to my room.

I’ve been trying to finish this last paper and is impossible, I can’t stop thinking about him

- ____________ I’m leaving, if there’s anything you need just call me, bye!

- Bye! Have fun!!

 Ok, here I am, alone…again…I miss having someone to talk to, maybe I should call Micky, but I don’t think I can tell him what is happening, he is friend with Jae. Grrr just focus and finish this thing you stupid girl!!!... after almost 5 hours I was able to finish, which was great because now I’ll have to focus just in the things that will come up during the week, and on Saturday I’ll be travelling.

God I feel like a statue, I should go out and walk a little, I put on my boots and went out, it was so beautiful, kids were playing with the snow in the park, I decided to stay here with my coffee that I bought on my way here and sat on a bench listening to music, I love cold weather I could stay here all day long, but I don’t feel like dying of hypothermia today, so I decided to return home after some hours of watching the landscape and the kids playing, when I was getting closer I saw someone sitting by my door, I hope is not a drunk guy, is too early for that.

- Ehmmm…excuse me?- I told the guy hitting him with my foot- Jae? What are you doing here?

- I needed to see you- he said standing up- where were you, I’ve been waiting for hours in here.

- I was out…what do you want?

- I told you that I needed to see you, can I come in?, I’m frozen in here.

- Sure- I open the door and went inside to turn on the lights- do you want a coffee or something?

- A coffee is ok

- Ok, sit- I told him going to the kitchen, but he followed me- I told you to wait over there, in the living room

- I want to be here, with you.

- weren’t you supposed to have a date today?

- It wasn’t a date, it was a familiar thing, about business, and I didn’t go.

- ok…here, do you want sugar or cream.

- Sugar?

- There it is, you can put the sugar yourself- I went out with my coffee.

He came to the living room and sat next to me.

- jagi…

- don’t call me that.

- What? Why?

- You really wanna know why?

- I’m sorry… and I’m sorry for disappearing, I had to go to Japan, I know I should have told you, but I was a little angry because you are leaving.

- For two weeks…

- I know…but I wanted to spend the holidays with you…I wanted to be especial.

- Whatever Jae…I miss my family, I need to see them and you’ll be spending this oh so special date with Tiffany.

- No, I won’t.


- I already told my father I won’t be here during that time and he agreed.

- ok…

- If you accept me, I want to go with you, I want to meet your family.

- What!?!- Half of my coffee was all over me and the sofa.

- careful jagiya- he said cleaning my face- and what you heard…I know I messed up, and I won’t do that never again, right now you are my everything and I want to make you the happiest woman on earth. Will you let me go with you?

- I… …I don’t know what to say…you really , you know that, right?

- I know…I already change your tickets to first class…and my father knows I’m going with you.

 - WHAT!!!

- That…he knows we are going to travel together, I think he knows we are a couple, remember when I told you that if it was for me I would tell everybody.

- And I told you to stop telling people things about us without asking me first.

- I know, but you were so busy, and I wasn’t even in Korea, so I just told him one night we were talking on the phone.

- fine…but make sure to tell that same thing to Tiffany next time, I’m getting tired of this and I’m not a very patient person, for your information.

- I know…and you have no idea how much this hurts me…I will never make you feel bad again- he said kneeling in front of me and taking my hands, then he kissed them

- Ok, enough, stop it- I said taking my hand from his.

- Uh?

- You are so corny…too much for me.

- You love it jagiya!

- No, I don’t!- I told him smiling a little.

- Yes you do, I can see right through you.

- Whatever…stand up, you look ridiculous kneeling there.

- Ok…but go change, we are going out.

- No we aren’t

- Yes...I already told Yoochun and Junsu that we were going to meet them at Mirotics.

- But…

- No buts…go, go, go- he said pushing me into Hanna’s room ¬¬

- That’s not my room silly…is this one…wait here- I closed the door in his face.

A couple of minutes later I went out wearing a black dress and golden shoes and almost no makeup

- How can you look so beautiful in so little time?

- are you saying that I don’t look beautiful all the time? You really - I walk passed him and went outside

- No, jagiya…you are always beautiful…but…. I…

- hahaha you are so stupid, come one, the guys must be waiting for us.

-__________- he called me, taking my hand and looking right into my eyes

- Yeah.

- Please forgive me, I will never do anything like that again, I am in love with you, and I’ll do anything to stay by your side.

- I…I don’t know what to say…you love me? It hasn’t been so long Jae…

- I wanted to be with you since a long time ago, I know you for almost a year, the fact that we have been together, as a couple, for no so long, doesn’t mean that my feelings for you started then…I have been having this feeling since a long time.

- I see…I…

- is ok, you don’t have to tell me you love me, or anything…I just want to show that you can trust me, that I’ll be here for you- he said touching me face, I’m almost crying- hey, don’t cry…

- I’m sorry…nobody has never told me that…

- don’t be sorry…I hope they are happy tears, right?

- of course! let’s go- I took his hand to take him to his car, but he didn’t move and just hugged me, the he looked at me with such tender eyes, so full of love and kissed me, the sweetest kiss ever, I never thought he could kiss me even softer than he always do.


New chapter!!! it's a little long i think, but i think i wont be able to update very soon, so that's why i decided to write a long one.

I had a huge problem with my brother deleted them from my photobucket site, but i'm uploading all of them again =(  ....but that doesnt mean i wont give you some gifs today ;)


Please comment after reading, i enjoy reading your comments ^^

I hope you're liking the story so far...ok no more some gifs for you








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miakay #1
Chapter 44: Oh gosh! This is soooo sweet!! Jae is very understanding..One jae for me pleaseeee!! kekeke
hmm...for me, I don't think a sequel is needed. This story is nicely wrap up..well, that's just what I think ^^
Chapter 46: This is an awesome story along with your other ones.I don't think a sequel is needed.It's perfect like this.Plus it would be to hard to think what would it be about.
stay awesome and I hope you write more and finish other stories(which I love and subscribed to)
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 46: Wow!!! This story is Daebak and I really enjoy reading it :)
haftiani #4
Hi !! I just found this story, n i just will start to read this ^^
growingdaisy #6
Yes a sequel!!! I finished this fic in a day!!! Nice~~
shinsookyo #7
<3 <3 <3
just keep writing another jae fic.
love it so much <3
14 streak #8
wwaaahhh!!!! that was an awesome story!!!!!! lol you should make a sequel for this story but first you should finish fallen leaves.....
i love the fact that jaejoong and _____ have a daughter X] im so happy for them........
i like how jaejoong's parents didn't force jaejoong into an arrange marriage cause that would big time....... i also like how tiffany didn't bother them anymore when she heard about ____ pregnant and they're getting married. i thought she would think of some plan and separate them even though _____'s pregnant like the other story from other writers but i am so glad and relief!!!! >.<
Just finish fallen leaves first lol
Aneziente #10
Thanks for your story, it was a nice story and interesting!!! ;)