
Ice Queen

It was so hard going back to work after two weeks enjoying life, but that’s how thing are, the holidays already end and I need to come back to reality. It seems like it was a good year for the company, we close the year we a lot of earnings, which is really good, I hope this new year will be as good as the last one.

Jae’s birthday was getting closer, what should I buy for him? I can ask Junsu or Micky for help…I’ve heard his father intend to throw a huge party at one of his hotels, probably all the office will be invited and also family and friends, what worries me the most is how I should act in there, does people know we are together, I’m not very sure if his parents know, it might be inappropriate to act as a couple in an event like that, but is his birthday, he should be relaxed…aish! Why am I dating some rich guy? Is so complicated, I’ll give a call to Micky to see if he can help me.

- Hi Micky how are you?

- Hey princess! I’m great and you, how was your trip?

- I’m fine, the trip was…special, we had a great time with my family and Jae.

- Good to hear that, now tell me why are you calling me?

- Well, Jae’s birthday is in a couple of weeks and I don’t know what to buy him.

- You shouldn’t worry about that princess, he is not into material things, I’m sure that he’ll by happy with you just being by his side.

- God, you are all so corny- I said rolling my eyes, don’t know why, he couldn’t see me.

- hahaha is the truth though, but if you want to spend money on him fine, I’ll help you, let’s go out this weekend.

- Great on Saturday at 3 o clock, I can’t early I have to work

- You work too much, but ok, Saturday at 3, I’ll pick you up at your place, bye

- Bye.

Great, one thing less to worry about. Now, what should I wear? Maybe Micky can help me with that too, he has gone to thousand of these parties, he knows how women are supposed to dress.

- jagiya, lunch time! Jae said standing by the door.

- Uh? Oh, hi! I didn’t hear you knock- I’m pretty sure he didn’t do it.

- Oh…I didn’t…- he said scratching the back of his neck, he knows how much I hate when people don’t knock.

- Yeah, that’s what I thought. I can’t go to have lunch with you today though.

- Why- he was pouting.

- I’ve got to finish some things; I’ll have lunch in here.

-  I’ll stay here with you then, give me some minutes and I’ll be back with our lunch.

- Jae I’m staying here because I need to concentrate and I don’t want to lose time having lunch outside, and you being here means me getting distracted and wasting time.

- I won’t distract you, I promise, just wait here, I’m already helping you, you won’t lose time going down to buy food, I’ll do that for you- he said walking toward the door.

- Fine…I can’t never win with you…go, fast!...I’m starving

- like always

- Yah!

- hahah sorry…I’m leaving…love you!!

I stayed there sat smiling like a fool, I think I am in love…and that scares me. Some minutes later Jae came back with tons of food, does he really think I eat like a pig?

- Why so much food?-

- You said you were hungry, so I brought all type of things for you- he said while setting the things on my desk.

- aish! You are so annoying!- I told him because he was moving all my papers, then I felt bad for what I said, he looked sad- sorry babe, come here- I kissed him- thank you, everything looks delicious, bring that chair and sit next to me, can you help me with this?- I told him handing him some papers.

- Of course! Why do you have so much work?

- I don’t know…and I’m so tired

- don’t worry jagiya, I’ll help you, give me those also, you eat, I’ll finish this for you.

- No! Just help me with the ones I gave you. You eat too.

- I can work and eat at the same time, you just rest…besides, I haven’t got a lot of work since we returned, so let me help you- he said kissing my hand, I couldn’t help but to blush a little- I love when you blush, you look so cute!- he said my cheek.

- stop it! Now let me eat, I’m dying already.

- Why so hungry?

- I didn’t have time to have breakfast

- Uh? Why not?

- I over slept today…so I had to run so I could arrive on time…

- You…over slept? Who are and what did you do to my girlfriend- he said staring me and I just laugh.

- don’t be silly…I just that yesterday I had to finish some reports for today and I slept a little late.

- What time?- he raised one of his eyebrows, he doesn’t like when I work so much.

- I don’t remember…

- tell me…

- Like 5…

- You shouldn’t do that, you’ll get sick…I don’t want a sick girlfriend, and I don’t want you to skip meals again, is not good for your health, ok?

- Fine…

- Good, now eat!

We were eating and working when my phone rang

- Yeah? No I can’t earlier…I told you I have to work…at 3, yes…fine, bye

- Who was that?- he asked me, I could only see his eyes behind the piece of paper.

- My lover, we are going out on Saturday, you weren’t supposed to know…

- You are already cheating on me? So soon jagiya? I thought I was more interesting.

- Well, you are not…

- Then I’ll have to look for a new girl.

- go…look for a new girl…I don’t care…I already have another man- I told him with a smirk on my face

- jagiya!!! Don’t lie about that…I’ll end up believing you have another man.

- But is the true…I’m going out with another man on Saturday

- …- Jae’s face was priceless.

- I’m going out with Yoochun you silly- I can see the color returning to his face

-oh good…for a second I thought you were really seeing another man

- hhahahha…I would never do that to the man I love…

- … what did you just say? That you love me?

- Yes…I love yo…- I couldn’t finish because he was already kissing me

- You have no idea how much I wanted to hear those words from you…but I knew I couldn’t pressure you.

- I’m glad you are happy…- he could stop smiling

- So… I won’t see you on Saturday?

- I don’t think so… I really need to see Micky

- What about at night? Can we see each other then?

- Fine…I’ll call you once I’m free

- Great!...I love you jagiya

- I love you too Jae



New update, hope you liked it...thanks to my new and old subscribers...thank you for your comments, specially the regular ones ;) 

oh and please dont die because of my gifs...

Now some Jae from Spain...Spanish fans you are so lucky...also the German ones...I envy you






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miakay #1
Chapter 44: Oh gosh! This is soooo sweet!! Jae is very understanding..One jae for me pleaseeee!! kekeke
hmm...for me, I don't think a sequel is needed. This story is nicely wrap up..well, that's just what I think ^^
Chapter 46: This is an awesome story along with your other ones.I don't think a sequel is needed.It's perfect like this.Plus it would be to hard to think what would it be about.
stay awesome and I hope you write more and finish other stories(which I love and subscribed to)
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 46: Wow!!! This story is Daebak and I really enjoy reading it :)
haftiani #4
Hi !! I just found this story, n i just will start to read this ^^
growingdaisy #6
Yes a sequel!!! I finished this fic in a day!!! Nice~~
shinsookyo #7
<3 <3 <3
just keep writing another jae fic.
love it so much <3
14 streak #8
wwaaahhh!!!! that was an awesome story!!!!!! lol you should make a sequel for this story but first you should finish fallen leaves.....
i love the fact that jaejoong and _____ have a daughter X] im so happy for them........
i like how jaejoong's parents didn't force jaejoong into an arrange marriage cause that would big time....... i also like how tiffany didn't bother them anymore when she heard about ____ pregnant and they're getting married. i thought she would think of some plan and separate them even though _____'s pregnant like the other story from other writers but i am so glad and relief!!!! >.<
Just finish fallen leaves first lol
Aneziente #10
Thanks for your story, it was a nice story and interesting!!! ;)