Ice Queen

Time went by so fast, I can’t believe I’ve been working in here for almost a year, I know I told Hanna I would visit her soon, but I’ve been so busy that is impossible for me to travel any time soon. I barely talk with her, she has been so busy also, the only way to know about her regularly is through her facebook page, and is the same way with me. At times like these I think that it will be impossible to continue our friendship like before, but on the other hand I have made some good friends here, Kristen, my co-worker, we meet with clients together, she is so funny, we are so alike, is a little scary, we like and hate the same things, so we get along very well, even my boss became one of my closest friends, he is so down to earth and sweet, also he is one of the smartest people I’ve met.

Tomorrow night is the company’s anniversary, so that means a huge party, that kind of parties I hate, because of the party, Rob let Kristen and I leave earlier, so we could buy some nice dresses for tomorrow, I don’t think I’ll buy one, I still have the one I bought for Jae’s birthday, and I haven’t gain weight, so there’s no need to buy a new one, I’ll use the free time to rest and watch some movie, I can call Hanna also, I was finishing some things when someone knocked on my door.

- come in!

- You are still here? I thought I told you to leave early.

- is still early Rob.

- Just leave already.

- tss, so annoying.

- show some respect to your boss you little brat.

- Yeah, whatever…I’m leaving, happy now?- I said taking my purse and walking to the door, when I was about to pass Rob he took my hand, what?! I looked at my hand and then at him- what?

- would you be my date tomorrow night?

- yo…your date?

- Yes, I don’t have one, and all the ladies have a date already.

- So, I’m your last resource? That’s…you !

- hahaha…just say yes

- When was the last time you asked a girl out?

- I think a long time ago, I don’t even remember, why?

- Now I understand…never mind…I’ll go with you

- Great! I’ll pick you at 8, be ready at time please, bye- he kissed my hand, which now I realized he never let go of me while asking me out, and then he left, I couldn’t stop smiling like a retarded. I don’t know why, but out of nowhere Jae’s face came into my mind, how he used to kiss my hand also and the butterflies I felt every time he did that…well, every time he did anything, juts by having him close to me I could feel how my stomach came to life. After his first call he never called again, I’m not sure why, and I am to coward to call him, Micky told me once that he was always busy working his *ss off and that he didn’t see him much, all this time I’ve tried so hard not to think of him, because every time I do that I think that I made a mistake by coming here, by leaving him…but at the end of the day, this is what I chose, he probably has a new girlfriend already, who knows…after a long time thinking about things I shouldn’t, I decided it was time to go home and call Hanna.

- Hanna?


- Yes

- OH MY GOD!!!! HOW ARE YOU!?!- She ALWAYS yells at me when I call her.

- Hanna please stop yelling at me.

- Sorry! You are not gonna believe where..mmhh

- Hanna? Hey! Are you there?- I heard Junsu on the background stopping her from talking

- Sorry about that…so, how are you?

- I’m fine, what was that Hanna?

- What was what?

- aish! Never mind, how are you? Is Junsu with you?

- No?...yes! He is with me, I’m with him- why is she acting so weird?- so tell me about your life, what’s new? A new lover?

- Uh? A new lover? Nothing’s new; I have no life, so no, no new lover.

- And what about work, is there anything interesting?

- mmh…well tomorrow I have a horrible formal party, you know how much I hate those things.

- How can I forget that…______ you have no idea how much I miss you, you promised me to visit me, you are such a liar.

- I am not! I promise that once I’ve got time I’ll to see you, but right now is impossible Hanna, really, you wouldn’t imagine how much work I have in here, is like 3 times the one I had in Korea, my boss is always giving me new clients, I think I need holidays, soon.

- tsss, your boss sounds like an ogre.

- ahahah, not at all, he is the opposite of that, he is so young, like our age and he already has this huge company, and he is so ing smart…and quite hot.

- Really?! Uhmm…and how close you are with him?

- We are good friends.

- WHAT!?- I heard Junsu and Micky yelled at the same time

- What the Hanna! Are those two listening to our conversation?! You Hanna, big time! I have to go, talk to you later, bye- tsss, I was starting to talk some private things and she let everyone listen to it, that pissed me off, I think the best way to forget about it is with a movie.

Micky POV

- I can’t believe she’s dating another guy, and her boss!- I said, I was a little angry.

- she isn’t dating anyone guys, they are just friends, like we used to be, because thanks to you two she won’t talk to me again- Hanna said hitting our arms, she is really strong.

- I think she likes her boss, did you hear how she was describing him? Oh so sweet and smart- Junsu said imitating her voice, we laughed at his horrible mimic- she forgot about hyung- he was now a little sad.

-and there he is, not dating anyone since she left, do you think our plan will work? I asked them

- Of course it will! Now let’s go to her place!- Hanna said all exited.

- Now?- Junsu asked

- Yes! I want to see my friend, hurry Yoochun!

- But what if she is with another guy there?- I told her

- Fine, if you don’t want to go, don’t go and just take me there

- No way! I want to see my princess; you just want her all to yourself

- I want to see her too!!- Junsu said

- Then stop talking sh*t about her dating other guys and how she forgot Jaejoong, I know she still feel something for him.

- How can you know that babe, you barely talk with her anymore.

- I am her best friend, I know her, by the way she talked about that guy I could see that she is not into him, he’s just her friend.

- And what if he is into her?

- His problem…we are here!!!- Hanna said all exited forgetting about our previous topic, she really misses her friend- wow, this building is so pretty, are you sure this is the correct address? I can’t imagine her living in here.

- Yes, this is the place, and guess what, she live in the last floor, you know what that means?

- No…- Hanna answered

- She live in the penthouse? No ing way!- Junsu said looking up.

 We went inside to the last floor, when we were getting closer to her door we heard someone complaining really loud and in Korean, we all laughed at that, she’s still the same.


Your POV

I cut my finger trying to cook, I ing hate cooking!, I started to yell and complain to my knife in Korean, I don’t know why, I was still fighting when my doorbell rang, who could it be? Probably Kristen to show me her new dress. When I opened the door I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, my first reaction was to close the door again, then I heard Micky.

- What the princess? Open the door! Or are you hiding something…or someone?- I opened the door again, I was still a little shocked.

- Are you really here?- was the only thing I could say.

- Of course we are here you silly! What are you now, a schizophrenic?

- Very funny…OH MY GOD!! YOU ARE REALLY HERE!!!- I jumped on Micky and hugged him so hard, the I hugged Junsu, I’ve missed these guys like crazy and I saved the best for last, my best friend, my sister, Hanna, we hugged each other so hard, I don’t want to let go of her, I’m afraid she’ll disappear, we both started to cry and then laughed, we looked like some crazy girls, after some minutes I realized we were still outside, so I made them come in, Junsu and Micky looking at the place very carefully, especially the pictures.

- Who is him?- Micky asked me pointing at a photo.

- My brother…

- I see…and this one?

- My cousin

- mmm…and this? He doesn’t look like he is related to you

- He’s not…he’s my boss.

- Why do you have a picture of your boss in your house?- why does he keep asking me this questions?

- Is not a picture of my boss…is a picture of the people I work with- I said taking the photo from his hands- and stop touching my things!

- Oh you have photo of us!- Junsu said all exited

- What are they doing?- I asked Hanna

- Don’t know, is impossible for me to understand those two- I know she’s lying, but I’ll let it pass…for now.

- Hey princess we should have a little party today in here

- I can’t…I’m sorry

- Why not? You have a date?- what’s wrong with Micky?

- No…I have things to do tomorrow, so I can’t party today

- And what about tomorrow night?

- Nope…guys I’m really sorry, if I knew you were coming I would have done everything to cancel the thing for tomorrow, but now is too late.

- What are you going to do tomorrow.

- I have a party celebrating the company’s anniversary.

- Can we go?- Junsu asked sounding like a 5 years old.

- I don’t think so Junsu…

- But for those things you can always go with a partner, right? I can go with you- this was Micky’s turn

- I…uhmm…well…I already have someone to go with.

- WHAT?!- The three of them yelled at me, what’s with all this screaming and overreacting

- aish! Why so loud guys, seriously, control yourselves…I  have a couple already.

- Who?

- My boss…he asked me today and I couldn’t reject him

- Why not?- Hanna asked me.

- Because he is my boss…and my friend, I can’t say no to a friend.

- You are telling us no right now…

- Why are you so angry Micky?

- I’m not angry.

- Well, you look and sound angry, tell me why…and all of you tell me why you are all here, now!- I was starting to get a little angry.

- We are here because we missed you!-. Hanna told me hugging me

- And…

- And…we want you to come to Korea with us

- What!? Are you crazy? I can’t go, not now.

- Why not- Junsu complained

- because I have work to do…look guys I’ve missed you, to ALL of you- they knew what I meant with that ‘all’- but I can’t go, maybe in a couple of months- I could see their sad faces- hey! Let’s enjoy the time we have here, ok. Let’s go out, I know a great Korean restaurant, my treat.

They smiled a little, but with the minutes passing we all forgot about the sad things and started to have fun, the food was great, they loved it, and we talked and laugh, just like the old times, it’s been so long since the last time I laughed so hard, I couldn’t believe I was with them again, surrounded by the people I love the most…well, most of them…

After a long time of fun we decided to go back to our places, Micky took me to my house and they left to their hotel, I told them they could stay with me, they agreed but they would go on Sunday, after the party, to give some room for this special thing, is not so special, but is ok, I won’t have a lot of time for them tomorrow, I said goodbye and went to sleep, tomorrow is going to be a long day.


A really long chapter about nothing LOL...sorry if you got bored.






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miakay #1
Chapter 44: Oh gosh! This is soooo sweet!! Jae is very understanding..One jae for me pleaseeee!! kekeke
hmm...for me, I don't think a sequel is needed. This story is nicely wrap up..well, that's just what I think ^^
Chapter 46: This is an awesome story along with your other ones.I don't think a sequel is needed.It's perfect like this.Plus it would be to hard to think what would it be about.
stay awesome and I hope you write more and finish other stories(which I love and subscribed to)
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 46: Wow!!! This story is Daebak and I really enjoy reading it :)
haftiani #4
Hi !! I just found this story, n i just will start to read this ^^
growingdaisy #6
Yes a sequel!!! I finished this fic in a day!!! Nice~~
shinsookyo #7
<3 <3 <3
just keep writing another jae fic.
love it so much <3
14 streak #8
wwaaahhh!!!! that was an awesome story!!!!!! lol you should make a sequel for this story but first you should finish fallen leaves.....
i love the fact that jaejoong and _____ have a daughter X] im so happy for them........
i like how jaejoong's parents didn't force jaejoong into an arrange marriage cause that would big time....... i also like how tiffany didn't bother them anymore when she heard about ____ pregnant and they're getting married. i thought she would think of some plan and separate them even though _____'s pregnant like the other story from other writers but i am so glad and relief!!!! >.<
Just finish fallen leaves first lol
Aneziente #10
Thanks for your story, it was a nice story and interesting!!! ;)