Chapter 39: Hopelessly, crazy in love with you

More than words





Just a suggestion: I am so addicted to this song: More Than Words By Extreme

U need to listen










Feeling the softness and warmness surrounding her, Alice struggled to wake up, and what made it even harder for her is the soreness she felt all over her body from the love making activity she shared with the handsome girl laying next to her right now, she smiled at the thought of how amazing and caring Yuri was with her the night before.


 So to enjoy the calm peaceful moment in the arms of her lover, Alice fought to wake up, she closed her eyes tightly in attempt to go back to sleep, but the sun wasn't on her side that morning, she felt the sunlight hitting her right on the face stopping her from falling asleep again.


With the last drops of energy she has, Alice opened her eyes to welcome the new day.  And to make the day brighter, She titled her head to the side and was welcomed with the sight of a sleeping handsome figure, The girl who was been covering her with her strong secure arms the whole night.


Again, Recalling Last night's events, and with a smiley smirky face, she moved herself gently trying not to wake the girl beside her. But of course not taking her body off of the trap of Yuri's Arms.


Alice put her cheek on her palm, then used her elbow as a support to start staring at the girl who took all her senses away. The girl who makes her beyond happy.


Alice's Pov:


Oh god, I feel soreness all over my body, Aiiish, I still feel sleepy but I don't mind giving up on my beauty sleep just to look at the y handsome girl laying by my side.


I let a soft chuckle escape my mouth when I looked down at our joined body, She was encircling my bare waist  with her arms with so much force, like if she's afraid I may escape or something.


And to confirm my thoughts, I tried to move my lower part a little, but the grip around my waist tightened even more stopping me from moving away even an inch, and what made me chuckle even more was that she's still so deep in her dreamland, but yet she's determined not to let me go.


Oh my god she's so beautiful and familiar.


I have this strong fluttering inside my heart every time I look at her, Strong till the point that I only want to be here, sharing her warmness, I don't wanna move away either, I am afraid I may lose her if I lose sight of her, I am afraid someone will take her away, afraid she may suddenly disappear like how she appeared in my life a week ago. Afraid to face the world without feeling her touch and breath against my skin.


I only want her, no one else but her.


I moved my gaze away from her face, just to lay my eyes at the other parts of her beautiful body, don't call me ert okay, as long as I am with her, I want to enjoy every moment of it. And every part of her.


My eyes landed right on the part of her chest that was uncovered, the spot where a tattoo was laying comfortably a top of her skin.


I used my free hand and started caressing softly the words that are engraved exactly above her heart. I don't need to lean closer to read the words, they were totally clear.


Sica's love.


Sica!! okay, I really like this name right now.


It may sounds strange and unconvincing to my mind, but I don't feel hurt or jealous reading the words, I don't even feel a tingle of anger knowing that another’s girl's name will be forever living in Yuri's heart.


I even feel my heart flutter with joy and warmth, while caressing every part of the tattoo with the tip of my finger.


The tattoo fit perfectly above her chest, and I have no right to get jealous over the perfect sight I’ve ever seen in my entire life.


 I have this strong urge pushing me to lay my lips on the words, and I won't struggle with my own urge.


With the smile still covering my face, I leaned down towards her chest in attempt to kiss the Tattoo and feel her dark skin against my mouth. I closed my eyes, and with a slightly parted lips, I started feeling them brushing against the soft skin, but again, luck wasn't on my side this morning....


Bip bip bip ........


My damn phone interrupted me from having the full contact between my lips and the soft skin


I shut my eyes tightly with frustration But still I need to answer the call, or else Yuri will wake up with the nonstop ringing.


I started looking for my pants on the floor trying to find the stupid phone, and thank god it was right in my pocket. I looked at the phone's screen, and the moment I read who the caller is, I felt a tingle of guiltiness forming inside my chest.


I reached towards Yuri’s shirt that was laying beside my feet, wore it, then headed straightly and slowly towards the bedroom's balcony, I don't wanna wake Yuri up with my voice, or even I don't want her to hear my conversation with Sam.


No one's POV ( The balcony )


 The nervous girl took few breaths in and out before pressing the button to answer the unwanted call.


"Oh, Finally, why weren't you answering your phone, I tried several time to reach you but no one was answering, I was worried sick about you" Said Sam with a slightly loud voice.


"Firstly Good morning, and secondly I am sorry I didn't answer your calls, I was busy with some stuffs and the phone was out of my reach when you were calling" Answered Alice trying to act normal, the guilt is still eating her inside, but she can do nothing about it, she already made her mind the night before.


"Good morning baby I am sorry I didn't mean to shout at you, I called your family’s house but they said you didn't spend the night there, I was just worried, and thank god, from the tone of your voice, I bet you are fine" He stated, now with a calmed tone.


Hearing Sam's words, Alice felt uneasiness travelling all over her body, she needs to keep her voice calm so she won't make things suspicious.


"Oh yeah, I was with Yuri-shi last night trying to finish some work, and I ended spending the night at her house, you know there was so many company’s matters that needs to be done, Before the next meeting of the company headers" Alice ended her last sentence with a long sigh.


'I am sorry, I am hurting you' she Thought.


After the long silence, and hearing no response from the other side, Alice felt the sweats started forming on her palms, she needs to grab the phone tightly, or else it may slip away and land on the hard floor.


"Sam, you still there?" She asked.


"Oh yeah, sorry, I was just checking some files..."


"Ow, you are in the company right now???" She asked open-mouthed.


"Of course, don't you know what time is it???"


Alice moved the phone away from her ear, trying to look at the numeric clock on the phone screen.


"Oh my god, its 10AM"


"I bet you drained all your energy last night with your boss till the point you woke up this late" he said with a bit of sarcasm.


"Yeah, maybe just because of tiredness, But I am fine now, I'll be there in less than hour, there's still so much work to do" Stated Alice trying to change the uneasy subject.


"Okey honey, I'll be waiting for you, don't be late, you how much I miss you, can't wait to have you in my arms"


"Yeah, okey, Fine, I need to hang up now" She needs to end the awkward conversation before things turn more awkward.


"Wait wait, you’ll be having lunch with me today, I missed having time with you alone, okey" it was a statement more than an offer, he wasn't waiting for a NO.


"But...." She was about to protest, but it was too late.


"See you at lunch, love you honey, bye" He said before finally ending the phone call.


Standing dumbfounded at her spot, while looking blankly at her phone screen, Alice started mumbling to herself.


'That was awkward, Is he suspecting something about mine and Yuri's relationship, no no I don't think so, he was talking normally, but still I feel that something was wrong in his voice.

I think the lunch will be a good opportunity to talk and discuss things with him, and maybe I’ll have enough courage to end our engagement and tell him about me and Yuri.

I don't want to hurt him anymore, he's a nice caring guy, and he doesn't deserve being cheated. I really feel guilty, but ending our engagement will be the best solution to end our suffering. I need to be honest with him, after all he's my friend before being my fiancé, I am sure he'll understand and maybe forgive me.

Aiiiish, its cold out here, it's simply because I am only wearing Yuri's shirt, nothing underneath, and when I say nothing it's really noooothing.  I need to head inside, or else I may catch a cold. And also I want to check on my handsome y girl and see if she's still deep in her sleep. ow I already miss her so much.'


So without wasting another second away from her lover, Alice headed towards the balcony door. The moment she stepped inside the bedroom, she heard crushing sounds coming maybe from the kitchen.


"Oh god, what is this?....



Yuri's bedroom (While Alice's having the phone call):


Feeling the emptiness and With her eyes still closed, Yuri used her hand trying to reach the girl that was supposed to be laying next to her right at this moment.


She was hoping to touch the warm soft skin of her lover, but unfortunately, her palms only caressed the bed coverlet....


 And finally it hit her, no one is beside her, Yuri jerked with the idea of her princess left her, she started turning her head to each side of the room trying to look for her princess. But she found nothing.


With a panicked expression, Yuri stood up from the bed, and still with her bare state, She checked again around the room in attempt to find her missing lover,


"Maybe she's taking a shower" She said to herself trying to calm her throbbing heart, and without waiting another second, she headed straightly to where her princess could be, but only to find an empty bathroom welcoming her, no Jessica was there.


'Sica-ah' she whispered to herself, with the fear covering every part of her face.


She left her bedroom and started looking around the house, she didn't mind being running around the apartment looking like a maniac mad person she only want to find her princess.


"Don't tell me she left me again, no no no, it can't be" She mumbled to herself while ruffling her hair, the tears started forming in her eyes.


"Did she regret what we shared last night, was she just playing around with my emotions" and now instead of hurt, the anger started rising inside her chest. Just the thought of jessica leaving her again for the second time drove Yuri insane.


With those negative thoughts running inside her head, she reached with her shaking hand towards the empty bottle that was near her and threw it at the wall in front her, in attempt to calm her nerves.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaah........." She screamed out of frustration.







Hearing the soft voice calling her name, and still with her trembling legs, Yuri gathered the rest of her senses, and headed towards the source of her lover's voice. The tears are already falling down her cheeks.


The moment she entered her bedroom she found a confused Jessica looking at her with so much questions and worry in her eyes.


"Yuri-ah, what happened? Are you okey?" She asked looking dumbfounded; she was shocked looking at the crying Yuri in front of her.


Without bothering to answer her lover, Yuri hurriedly headed towards Alice and enveloped her in a tight Hug.


"Oh god, I thought you left me" Mumbled Yuri against her princess's neck. The latter was still confused with the situation. Till now she couldn't understand why Yuri was crying.


Alice let Yuri hug her as long as she want, even when the hug was a little bit suffocating, the only thing that matters is to calm the crying Yuri down. But heck no, She couldn't keep silent when she heard Yuri's soft sob and felt her hot tears running down her neck, Something was wrong, and she needs to know what is it.


She broke the hug and guided her hands towards Yuri’s cheek, She started wiping the tears away with her thumbs. Yuri kept moving her head from side to side trying not to look at her lover directly in the eyes, She was embarrassed to show her puffy teary eyes to Alice.


"Shh, look at me, Yuri, please look at me, what's wrong, Are you hurt somewhere? Did I do something wrong?" Asked the now teary eyed princess, it was hard for her to hold her tears at the sight of the broken crying Yuri.


"You left me" Responded Yuri softly; her eyes are looking down her feet.


"What?" now Jessica's confused state turned to a shocked one.


"When I woke up, you weren't beside me, I thought you left me again" This time Yuri was looking at her lover's eyes while saying those words, some tears were still falling from her swollen eyes.


And finally it hit her, Yuri's messy state is only because she thought that her lover left her, Alice chuckled at the thought.


"Now you are totally an idiot, Pabo-yah" Said Alice trying her hardest to stop a laugh from escaping .


"Yah, don't make fun of me, you don't know how much I was afraid that you regretted what happened last night" mumbled Yuri pouting, Her eyebrows are crossing together


"I was just in the balcony talking on the phone, I will never leave you, and I will never regret what happened between us last night..." She stared at Yuri's still teary eyes and sighed.


"Aigoo, I have a pabo Girlfriend, where's my charismatic Boss I saw a week ago, The one who was teasing me nonstop huh?" Alice said those words trying to form a smile on Yuri's face, and thank god, she succeeded. A smile started sneaking to The handsome girl’s face.


"I need a kiss to make sure that you didn't leave me, that you're really here standing in front of me" This time Yuri's smile turned to wide smirk, A ert is always a ert.


"Pabo-yah" Uttering this word, and with a blushing face, Alice leaned towards Yuri’s face trying to lock their lips together.


While enjoying the sweet kiss, Yuri let her hands sneak inside her princess's shirt to be welcomed with the soft bare skin. She guided her y hands up towards the now perky s, and gave to each one of them a playful soft pinch.


"Hmmm" moaned Alice while playing with the ends of Yuri's hair, her arms were encircling around the bare neck of her lover.


"You are wearing nothing under the shirt, y" Whispered Yuri between their kiss, her palms are kneading the round s of her lover.


Alice broke the kiss, leaving a shocked Yuri staring at her with a slightly open mouth.


"And you are wearing nothing at all" Said Alice moving one of her eyebrows up and down. This time, she's the one who looks like a ert while checking Yuri's body from head to toes.


Realizing what her lover meant, Yuri looked down at her own body, to find herself really wearing nothing at all.


Instead of covering her glory, Yuri stood proudly at her spot, and averted her eyes towards her love one.


"I look y though, right??" She said winking. She wrapped her arms around her princess's waist bringing their bodies together.


"Yeah, a y handsome sweaty stinky ert" responded Alice trying to act annoyed, she tried to free herself from yuri's strong grip, but heck no, yuri didn't let her.


"You are going nowhere, till you admit that I am y and handsome and ... I smell good"


"I may admit the first two, but the last one, I don't think so" Alice guided one hand towards her face in attempt to close her nose, Acting disgusted of Yuri's sweaty body.


"Okey, I have an idea, what about heading to the bathroom and take a warm shower together" suggested the smirky tanned girl.


"No, you go first, and when you finish I will take my own shower ALONE" Alice refused her lover's offer, she know for sure that taking a shower with Yuri will take forever. So many naughty things will happen inside the shower.




"We don't have time to fool around; I know you won't keep your hands to yourself"


"You can't blame me, I own the iest girl ever on the earth, I need to treasure her?"


"You'll treasure me by molesting my body every time we're together!!!???" 


"Yup" Responded Yuri proudly, Her grip around her lover's waist is still ON.


"ert, no"






"Pretty pretty please"  Puppy eyes.


"Yuri-ah, you are wasting time, I said NO, you won't change my mind, I am still sore from last night" Tried Alice to explain to the sulking kid in front of her , but for no use.


"Just a quickie" Pouting




"A quick quickie"




"A short quick quickie"


"I said N...... oh my god Yuri, What are you doing" squalled Alice when she felt her feet losing contact with the floor. Yuri already lifted her and led both of them to the shower; they will absolutely be super late for the company.


"You are so stubborn, I'll just do it my way" Stated Yuri smirking.


"You are a hopelessly crazy" muttered Alice while tightening her arms around Yuri's neck afraid to fall down.


"Hopelessly, crazy in love with you"


The company parking lot:


Yuri’s POV


After Stopping the engine, I stepped out the car, and made a V turn around the car towards the passenger's door, then opened it for my princess.


"Here we go your majesty, Show your beauty, princess" I said with a wide smile on my face.


"No, I can't, its embarrassing" responded my lover, she was still sitting on her seat not daring to move out the car.


"Wae??" I already know what her answer will be, but I just wanna enjoy teasing her a little. Hihi.


"I look weird wearing your clothes, I don't know, But I just can't" The cute pout she made, made my heart flutter with love and warmness.


"But why, you really look cool wearing my outfit, Just like me, the coolest ever" I stated smirking, then kneeled down to have a full contact with her eyes. The eyes that are swallowing me in their charm every time I look at them.


“If you weren't so aggressive last night, and tore my blouse to pieces, I won't be in this state right now" Oh my god, the pout is still on, and this time her puppy eyes are making my whole body tremble.


"I am sorry about your blouse, I promise I’ll buy you a new one. But really baby, you look beautiful and stunning in this outfit, the whole world will know that you're mine" I am sure the excitement is clear on my face while saying those words. I reached to her hands and interviewed our fingers together. I used my free hand and tried to caress her cheeks, but she didn't let me.


"Just go, I'll stay here "She yanked her hands away from mine. I frowned at the gesture.


"I bet I look funny right now"


I sighed hearing the same words for the ninth time. This girl will drive me insane.


"Okay, I have an idea" I said excitedly, and this time she moved her eyes from looking at her own fingers and stared at me with a questioning expression.


"What is it?" She asked.


"Take them off; I really prefer you with no clothes on, You look Super h...." She didn't let me finish my teasing words, a hard slap landed right on my poor chest.


"Ouuuuuch, not again, now who's the molester one" I said pouting while caressing the spot where she hit me, I am sure it's red right now. Aiiiiish I need to deal with her violent habit.


And to make it worst, she pushed me away from her, this time my poor landed harshly on the hard floor. I have no y anymore. pouting


She stepped out the car, and headed to the company's elevator, leaving me behind looking at her y back swinging from side to side. Seductive princess.


"Baby, I was just kidding, wait for me, babeeee" I fought the ache on my back, and stood on my feet. After closing my car's doors, I ran straightly towards the elevator door before it could close.


"Don't talk to me anymore, that's what you got from making fun of me" Her back was facing me while stating those words.


 I stepped inside, and moved towards my now mad pouting princess.


No one's POV ( the elevator)


"You know I wasn't making fun of you, I swear I am just addicted to your body, I was saying the truth" said Yuri to Alice's back, she was standing inches away from her lover, but afraid to move closer, a flaying kick may land on her body again.








"Stop poking me"


But the poking game didn't stop; Feeling annoyed, Alice finally turned around, so she's now facing the puppy eyed Yuri.


"Oh my god, are we staying here the whole day, why didn't you press the button to our office's floor" Said Alice with raised eyebrows, they were still on the ground floor , The elevator wasn't moving.


"You are my assistant, so you are the one who should press the button" Yuri was wearing a poker cold face while stating those words; she was acting like a stern Boss.


"Aiiiish I need to deal with a dorky crazy Boss" Alice pressed the button to their office's floor. She moved backward and stood by the wall with crossed arms. Yuri's gaze never left her lover.


Few seconds have passed, hen Alice broke the silence.


"Want me to forgive you" There was a grin forming on her face while asking this question.


With no sight of hesitation, Yuri nodded her head eagerly.



"I want your lips on mine" commanded the now smiley princess, her smile turned to a frown, when Yuri didn't move or tried to kiss her, she stood at her place open mouthed. A shocked expression was covering her face


"You are so slow" without waiting for Yuri's move, Alice grabbed her by the collar and lock their lips together.


Finally gathering her senses, Yuri pinned her princess against the near wall, still not breaking the heated kiss. She then let savor the soft addicting lips of her lover.


"I am addicted to you" Yuri mumbled between the kiss, and to make the sensation more perfect, she darted her tongue inside her lover's sweet mouth, Their tongues collided perfectly, with their Salivas mixed together making the most addicting flavor ever.


The couple was so drowning in the sweetness of the kiss; they didn't notice the elevator's door that was widely open signaling that they’ve already arrived at their floor. But heck No, They were living their own world, nothing matters right now. They only want to enjoy each other's lips as much as they can.








"Good morning lovebirds, I bet you enjoyed your y time last night" Said the guy with crossed arms; standing by the elevator door, A smirk was covering his face while he was looking at the dumbfounded couple in front of him. They were still locking in each other’s arms in a so intimate hug.


"Okey, we can explain" they both stated at the same time.








Okey, we will hear Yulsic's explanation in the next chapter

I kept listening to Ed Sheeran's song 'Kiss me' again and again while writing this chapter, a big thanks to jessewardlovessnsd am really addicted to this song right now.

A big Chu~ to all my lovely awesome readers. I really love you, like really really love uuuu

Have a nice day :)


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Kkomofam #1
Chapter 50: Really, this is intese and interesting story... would love to have an update
beatle87 #2
Chapter 49: March still here.. waiting for the update..
how are you author-nim?
Chapter 50: Hey... i just miss this fic so much and hope u can feel the longings for this.
Chapter 50: Authornim,,, please update this storyyyyy
This is amazinggg
Buzz96 #5
Chapter 50: please update this story...
Hi, I just find another fic of yours. I'll read it & hopefully you'll update this one as well :))
gumakamada #7
Chapter 50: Heyy you are back xD
I will suport your new pict. But are you not gonna continue this fict first?
I waiting for this fict btw
Chapter 50: Hey.I would definitey support your new fic but I wish you could update this one as well.But its up to you. :D
Welcome back!!!:)
Chapter 50: Will u finish this or not??? Plz ... make them a perfect family & as an awesome fic.
beatle87 #10
Chapter 49: Where are you authornim??kind a miss this story so much