Her Newly Found Magic

My Six Voodoo Dolls


After spending all night in her room, and also until noon of Tuesday, Jae Ren finally came out.  She already bathed and she looked as if nothing happened. They couldn't feel her magic either.

"What happened? What did you do? Are you alright?" N pelted her with questions and shook her by the shoulders. She locked the doors last night, which made the boys worried. They also felt her magic energy expanding last night. Slowly getting stronger before disappearing completely.

"I'm fine." She simply answered with a smile. "I learned how to hide my magic energy last night." She announced proudly. "I also learned the basic spells of my scent!"

"Like how?" Ken asked from the couch.

She took the cup of water Ravi was holding and poured it on the wooden flooring.

"Hey why did you-" Ravi stopped himself when Jae Ren moved her hands and the water floated back to the glass. She handed it back to him, leaving his jaw agape. "But I won't drink this anymore."

Jae Ren chuckled and shook her head. "I can only do that on small objects right now, though..." She hung her head low.

"That's a great improvement already!" Hongbin smiled brightly at her to make her feel better. "I could only sense a little magic from when you did that!"

"But the journal said that I should be able to do it perfectly." Jae Ren pouted, but made sure to rephrase the words from the journal. Which were: 'Perfection is the key. If you can't do it perfectly, then don't do it anymore. It would be a waste.' Her grandmother was so uptight.

"Who cares! You're amazing!" Hongbin poked her cheeks, something he learned to do when he saw Jinyoung do it to her. "Practice makes perfect, right?"

Jae Ren blinked before slowly smiling. "Yeah. I guess so."

"Then can you buy us school supplies? Spider legged teacher guy scolded me for not having a single pen." Hyuk pouted.

"Oh. You mean Mr Seo?" Jae Ren asked. "He's actually really nice."

"To you. That's because you're said to be the best in Alchemy!" Ken whined.

"He told you that?" Jae Ren pinked. "I just follow instructions..."

"He told the whole class that." N smiled, praising in his head how humble and cute she was. "Well, figures since Witchcraft is involved in Alchemy."

"Yeah. Well, whatever. Let's just go." Jae Ren waved it away and got her bag from the couch where she last left it.

"Wait," N held her arm back. "If you're going to pay for everything, how much will this cost you? How can we help pay?"

"It's no problem." She shook her head. "My father and mother left me inheritance money. It's enough to even send us all through college. And you don't have money, how can you even help pay?" She raised an



"Well... we can do jobs..." Ravi suggested.

"You don't need to. And you can't even arrange a cabinet, I can't expect you to work." She bit back a chuckle, to avoid hurting their feelings. "It's really no problem. Now let's go."


After they went for a quick supply shopping, they went to school. Being early too with their amazing speed which helped them into spending only a minute inside each store.

"Hyung. You're not with Jae Ren sshi today?" Sandeul nudged Jinyoung.

"No. I don't even know if she's going to school today... VIXX won't let me inside the house last night." Jinyoung pouted when he remembered how Leo and Ravi guarded the front door like Guard Dogs.

"Awww." CNU cooed, making Jinyoung roll his eyes playfully.

"Isn't that her?" Baro asked and straightened from the post he was leaning on. They were still waiting for Gongchan.

Jinyoung whipped his head to Baro's line of vision and his eyes slowly widened, his lips slowly curving into a smile. With his speed, he quickly ran to her.

"Jae!" He yelled, and before she could react, he already hugged her. "Where've you been?! I missed you~"

Jae Ren pinked at how close he was and cleared . "I t's only been a day, Oppa."

"Still." Jinyoung reasoned as he pulled away. "Do you feel better?" He put his hands on her shoulders and examined her from head to toe. He couldn't tell what, but there was something different about her.

"Yup! It was just a fever." Jae Ren nodded. She turned her attention to VIXX who were glaring holes into Jinyoungs head. "You guys can go ahead. I'm going to tag along Jinyoung, okay?"

They all hesitantly left, mumbling incoherent words that were probably curses directed to the Red Wolf.

Once they left, Jinyoung and Jae Ren started to walk to class, Jinyoung forgetting about Gongchans whole existence.

"Are you sure you're better?" Jinyoung asked again. "What happened anyway? You're temperature was a little too high for it to be just a fever." He squinted his eyes at her and leaned closer. "Are you hiding something from me?"

Jae Ren started to become flustered, "N-no..."


"I'm not."

"Yes you are."

"No. I'm not."

"Jae." Jinyoung repeated with a sigh before leaning back and continued to walk with her beside him. "This is the first time you've hidden anything from me..."

"No it isn't." Jae Ren denied. "I have hidden a lot of things from you." She blurted, making Jinyoung give her a weird look.

"I know every nook and cranny in your house, and I'll find the truth!" He determinedly announced as they neared the classroom. "I didn't mean it to sound that way..." He awkwardly coughed. "But I will find the truth, one way or another." He huffed.

Jae Ren could only chuckle at his childish behavior, making Jinyoung soften.

*But seriously. I will find the truth.* Jinyoung determinedly repeated in his mind.

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Hi-ya guys.I'll be posting the seq probably a day or two after VIXX's comeback. I think their concept will go well with the story.Great timing don't ya think?


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onigiri- #1
OMG I LOVE STORIES LIKE THIS. Please keep making stories like this author-nim ❤️
When I first know this story I keep coming back to it. I love how you make the characters, the plot, everything! No matter how many times I read this your story is just so mesmerizing I can't forget about it.
Fighting author-nim!
Chapter 54: *cries a river* i think my faith in humanity is increasing... i'm really happy for them... you are awesome, Author-nim <333
Chapter 48: no no nooooooooooo... you can't let anything bad happen to them!! they are my precious babies!!!
Chapter 28: *goosebumps* woah... Xero?
Chapter 2: OH. MY. GOD... how can she torture them??!! *gasps dramatically*
Just found this and read it all in one night loved it!!
Angelz0715 #7
Chapter 57: Omg I love this story so much!!! I read it all in one shot and now it's 5am lol xD I can't stop haha Now on to the sequel~
I love this story.. and I miss it! I read it again!!!
Chapter 57: Great story author-nim omg i love it soooooo much XD