Chapter 9: Compromise

A Beautiful Curse



Chanyeol yawned out loud while Tao jumped beside Lana on the sofa at the living room and smiled tiredly at her. The rest of them trudged in to the room with red eyes and exhausted bodies. Lana remained still as she concentrated on the TV but she could sense them. They looked tired, sleepy and almost lifeless. She spotted Luhan coming in together with Jongin and their eyes met. It has been a week since they had the tensed conversation back in the car. She was still just as quiet and the rest of EXO took it as her being introverted and shy. So, they didn’t probe on it and act normally. However, Luhan knew she was feeling distress especially now when the guys just got back after a night of guarding the area, for her. Yet, he wasn’t going to comply with her ridiculous request. How could EXO stop everything and not protect her from harm when the reason they existed is only because of her? It was because Lana didn’t know how important she is that she could be making such a casual statement. But Luhan couldn’t tell her more than she already knew.

It wasn’t the right time yet.

Joonmyun and Kris entered the room last. As the boys began to slowly calm down and settle in, the two leaders were about to begin their daily briefing when suddenly they turned quiet.

Luhan: Don’t do it now. Lana’s here.

Joonmyun: Oh right. We’ll talk about this later.

Yixing: Last night, I picked up a strong smell near the river.

Kyungsoo: Me too! I tracked it down but it was too fast.

Baekhyun: Damn! They’re always so fast.

Chanyeol: That’s because you guys are slow. Stride faster!

Xiumin: Yes, TALL guy!

Jongdae: Chanyeol, how about you do the chase next time?

Kris: Stop playing around! If Xing managed to pick up a strong smell, then it means they’re near here. Jongin, how about your side?

Jongin: I...

“Just speak out loud. You don’t have to talk in your minds now. I’m leaving anyway.” Lana said and stood up. She guessed the guys were communicating with each other but because she was there, they did it silently in their heads.

“No Lana, we’re not.” Tao said and pulled her arm for her to sit back.

“I’m going to my room –“

“Come on, let’s chat shall we?” Sehun asked nicely.

She sat back and replied flatly. “Okay...”

Luhan didn’t like the sound of it. But he wasn’t going to stop them. Instead, he took a seat and glanced at Lana occasionally, hoping she won’t start talking the same way she did with him.

Sehun came closer and started first. “So, how’s school?”

“School is fine.”

“I’m sure you made many friends right?” Joonmyun smiled and asked.

Lana shook her head and replied. “I don’t have any.”

“How can it be?” Baekhyun enquired further.

“Because I don’t want any...”

“Why, Lana?” Jongdae asked as he knelt in front of her.

Lana kept silent briefly. She looked down and avoided the stares. “I don’t want to put their lives in danger and –“


“The same for you guys. I don’t want you to tire yourselves out unnecessary and risk your lives every single night. Just stop doing it already.”

Kris moved forward and towered in front of her. He bent down and so that they were at the same eye-level. Gently, he wrapped his hand around hers and said. “We are doing this for you and it’s not unnecessary at all –“

Don’t! Just stop!

“Lana?” Kris’s eyes widened.

“You heard me right. As a leader, I hope you do as I told.”

Kris shook his head and immediately stood up. “No.”

“Lana, I don’t want to hear this conversation again.” Luhan said and his tone voice wasn’t as friendly as the rest. “Does it matter if we risk our lives or not? It’s ours not yours.”

“Luhan Hyung...” Jongin in but was cut off.

“Listen, you can’t just ask us to stop what we’re doing. If we can accept who we are then you need to learn to accept who you are too. I know this is tough for you but you can’t be affected just because –“

“My Aunts got killed innocently?” Lana finished the sentence for him.

“Lana, their death was unpredictable.” Tao comforted.

However, Lana disagreed entirely. “No, it wasn’t. It was already predicted right when they started being with me.”

“Lana...” Sehun sighed.

Instead of hearing out, Lana stood up abruptly and left the room. But before she stepped out, she turned around and spoke for the last time. “I really mean what I said.”

“And we mean it too when we said we aren’t going to stop what we are doing.” Luhan shrugged.

The both of them stared at each other with their eyes piercing at one another. Luhan was not going to give in. On the other hand, Lana took his words as a challenge. Suddenly, a hand tapped her shoulder and she turned around to see Jongin right beside.

“I hope you understand.” He spoke in a coarse voice yet lovingly which caused her to stop pursuing the matter anymore. She chanced upon his pleading eyes and handsome face up close. With a sigh, she walked away feeling sore.


Kris and Joonmyun gathered all the guys in the living room to have a discussion before they embarked on their usual night duty. Their exhausted bodies and tired faces were evident. Even so, it won’t stop them from fulfilling their duty. They just needed more time to get accustomed to the changes in their lives especially now that it has been a month since Lana has been living with them, their level of activity has doubled. The risk and danger only heightened with her presence. Nonetheless, EXO never complained no matter how exhausted they were. They knew right from the start they were not going to live normally.

Kris stepped forward and turned to Luhan who still had a grim expression after the little argument with Lana in the afternoon. “Luhan, do you know why Lana is being like this?”

Luhan shook his head and answered. “I don’t know. The fact that I can’t listen to her thoughts just like any other humans is frustrating.” He clenched his fists tightly.

“She’s probably affected by her Aunts’ deaths.” Jongdae spoke up.

Joonmyun nodded. “Yes, but to the point that she tells us to stop protecting her? That’s not right at all.”

“She doesn’t understand because she doesn’t know how grave the situation is if she ends up in the wrong hands of the blood-ers.” Baekhyun sighed.

“She knows nothing as yet.” Chanyeol added.

Yixing stood up and joined. “She still views herself as half vampire. Maybe that’s why she thinks we hate her.”

“I don’t hate her.” Sehun inserted.

“Sehun, none of us hates her.” Kyungsoo confirmed. “Although those blood ers killed our family but Lana is innocent and she needs our help more than anything. Besides, she’s human.”

While the rest of them were talking, Jongin tilted his head as he felt something inside him. Without saying anything, he stood up and climbed the stairs to Lana’s room.

“Jongin?” Tao turned to see the younger male leaving them.

Jongin knocked Lana’s door before pushing it open. On the bed, he noticed Lana was tossing and turning with a pained expression. Quickly, Jongin went closer and tapped her shoulders.

“Lana, wake up...”

“G-G-Go a-a-away. D-d-don’t t-t-touch them.” Lana mumbled incoherently still with her eyes closed.

EXO came shortly afterwards with Luhan taking the spot on the other side of her. “Lana, wake up.” He shook her shoulders gently.

“Argh!” Out of a sudden, Lana jolted up to a sitting position screaming and crying. She was shivering despite perspiring on her forehead and instantly hugged her knees and buried her face.

Jongin wrapped his arms around her and whispered softly. “Lana, it’s only a dream.”

“It’s not only a dream.” Lana sobbed. “It’s real. I saw them. I saw them killing every one of you. Their eyes...fangs...I’m so scared...”

Minseok’s heart contracted in pain as he listened to her cries and the same for the rest of EXO as they watched her helplessly without knowing what to do.

Luhan her back gently and said lovingly. “Lana, nothing will happen. It was only a scary dream.”

“What do they want from me?” Lana trembled. “I have this dream every night. I’m scared. I don’t want anything bad to happen to all of you.” She said.

Kris held her hands and lifted her chin to look at her right in the eyes. “Hey sweetie, nothing bad will happen. Please trust us.” He wiped her tears away and smiled affectionately hoping it would calm her down a little.

“Yes, Lana. See everyone is here watching over you. Nothing –“ Joonmyun but only to be interrupted.

“As long as you’re with me, they will hunt you guys down too.” Lana said. “They won’t stop until they get me. I should –“

“No...” Jongin cut her. “Don’t even think of having such thoughts.” Jongin looked at her seriously. “If you think by sacrificing yourself will end all this, no it won’t.” Jonging scolded. “Lana, look at me.” Jongin cupped her face as he stared right into her eyes. “Don’t even try doing things on your own.”

“Jongin...” Joonmyun called out, hoping the male would be nicer to Lana at least.

“Do you understand?” Jongin asked. Lana heard and replied with a nod. Because Jongin could feel that her heart was beating fast, he pulled her in a tight embrace and whispered. “I’m sorry if I was harsh.”

Tao was by the bed watching Lana from the back when he noticed a bottle on the table at the side. He walked over to see what it was. “Lana, what’s this?”He asked.

Lana has already stopped crying and was a lot calmer than before. She turned around to see Tao holding a bottle containing pills and she knew right away, she was in trouble. “Errm...”

Sehun came closer to Tao to see. “Sleeping pills?”

Kris faced Lana and questioned. “Lana, you’ve been taking sleeping pills?”

Lana looked down nervously and replied. “Yes because I can’t sleep.”

“Uncle Lee has warned us about this.” Joonmyun spoke to Kris. He took the bottle from Tao and then turned to Lana. “We’re taking this away.”

“But –“

“No but. You’re not supposed to consume this, baby girl.” Chanyeol advised.

“I really can’t sleep if I don’t take that.” Lana retorted.

“We need a compromise baby girl. Let’s not argue anymore, shall we? Don’t worry. We’ll make sure you sleep peacefully starting from tonight.” Minseok said with a smirk.

Lana pouted. “I don’t like what I’m hearing.”


To be continued


Another chapter done! Sorry I can only update on the weekends since i have tons of assignments these coming weeks. 

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Chapter 51: Damn she can't do this.. And why do I feel this is all planned by Yongguk? Bcoz he know Lana will hate him if he betray them and do this so he is faking innocence so Lana trust him?
Thank you for such an amazing story.. Now off to part 2..
Chapter 30: yo just got down like damn
se_xing #3
Chapter 35: Wtf lana
se_xing #4
Chapter 16: I really want to punch this mira girl
se_xing #5
Lolypop123 #6
Chapter 16: Wtf that mira girl,ugh =_=
Chapter 51: Off to part 2~~
Chapter 50: Oh my god...
Chapter 46: Yongguk...
Chapter 44: Ho Ho Ho! Well, jealousy make you do crazy things!