Chapter 50: Lana's Promise

A Beautiful Curse

Lana's Promise


The King was restless after days of not having a sip of human blood. His thirst kept biting him even though he already had glasses of animal blood. He hated the taste of it and only drank it just to exist. It didn’t satisfy him one bit. He knew that his time was nearing and he must find the girl fast. The more he consumed human blood, the more cursed he was. If his diet continued without getting the girl, he wouldn’t last long. He could feel his skin shrivelled and dried up with every drop of blood. Yes, the taste of human blood gave him the euphoric state of blissfulness. Yet, the feeling always short lived when he realised the only thing he yearned for, was the same thing that was slaying him

He called for Jaejoong and Yoochun to enter his room at once.

“What have you been doing?! I want the girl now! We’ve been here for days!” The King snarled with his fiercely red eyes, signifying his immense thirst.

Jaejoong bowed before the King and spoke calmly. “I have good news, my King. The girl is living somewhere within the forest.”

“We’ll go hunt tonight and bring the girl back to you –“ Yoochun added but was interrupted by the King, whose eyes lit up instantly at the mention of the girl’s whereabouts.

“No, I’ll come with you and –“ He stopped and flashed a smirk. “We’ll bring Prince Yongguk along.” Having Yongguk with him and then letting him watch the girl he loved being killed at the hands of Jaejoong and Yoochun, was definitely what the King has always wanted to do.

Jaejoong and Yoochun bowed and agreed as told. They glanced at one another and smiled, knowing well that the King has just fallen into their trap so easily.


Jongin looked at the time. It was 8 at night, just hours before they started entering the forest and finishing their ultimate job. He was sitting alone in the living room, trying to ease and calm himself. He stood up and made his way to Lana’s room, hoping the girl was still up. He would like to see her at least once before the fight. Lana was still clueless on their plan. She thought they were just doing their usual night round; hence, she didn’t seem too bothered by it. EXO planned to keep it away from her until everything was over, to avoid making her worry.

Jongin stood outside her room door and then closed his eyes, listening to the soft sound of her beating heart. At that moment, that sound gave him all the strength he ever wanted. Lightly, he knocked on her door.

Within seconds, Lana stood before him wearing a pullover and shorts, smiling so sweetly at him. Her face flushed delightfully right before him and he couldn’t help but feel even grateful just by seeing her.

“I miss you.” Jongin said and then hugged her immediately without letting her speak a word of reply.

Lana wrapped her arms around him and hugged him just as tight. “Silly, you just saw me at dinner but –“ She cuddled and nuzzled deeply in his embrace. “I miss you too.”

They kept their embrace for a while before finally letting go. Lana pulled Jongin inside her room while he followed her without hesitation. She brought him to sit and held his hands tightly. He smiled and felt thankful for the love he received from her. He couldn’t describe how his emotions turned wild every time he sees her.

“Are you going for your night round soon?” Lana asked and slightly pouted as if she didn’t want him to leave her that night.

Jongin wished to stay beside her every night too but he has obligations he needed to fulfil and that night seemed to be the most important one. “Yes my dear... I want you to sleep well tonight for tomorrow will be a brand new day, a brand new start.”

“You know I can’t sleep without you beside.” She revealed. Every night, Lana would only fall asleep only after Jongin comes back. No matter how hard she tried to close her eyes or how tired she felt, she wouldn’t be able to sleep peacefully without having him by her side. His warmth was her comforter.

And it wasn’t because he’s a wolf but because he was Jongin, warm and loving.

Jongin gently brushed her cheeks with his fingers and looked at her tenderly. “I’ll come back as soon as I can.”

“Promise? Because if you don’t, I’ll come find you...” Lana said firmly, as if scolding him if he ever showed up late.

Jongin could only smile. “I promise...” He stood up and prepared the bed for her, gently patting the pillow and pulling the covers. “I’ll tuck you in before I go.”

Reluctantly, she slid underneath the covers as requested and laid down on her bed while he sat by the edge, still smiling at her sweetly. She glanced at the clock to see that it was only 9PM yet he has already asked her to sleep. Curiously, she looked into his eyes and asked. “Do you have to leave so early?”

“I have an important task to settle.” Jongin said carefully, hoping he wouldn’t give away the secret EXO intended to hide from her for now.

“Why is Tao skiving again?” Lana chuckled remembering the incident when Tao didn’t turn up for the night round because he was sleeping hard like a rock. As a result, Jongin had to cover the ground Tao was supposed to inspect.

“Well, no...” Jongin laughed and pinched her nose playfully. “We just have to assemble early tonight but don’t worry, I’ll come back or –“ He paused and then . “You may find me if I don’t.” He was confident it wouldn’t have to result to having her to find him because he knew he would come back for her, as promise.

“Honestly, I’m a little worried. I don’t know why but I have this bad feeling.” Lana said softly as he eyes slowly revealed a tinge of sadness.

Jongin bent down and kissed her right cheek tenderly. He closed his eyes and then whispered. “It’s going to be okay. I got to go now –“ However, just as he was about to stand up, he whispered again. “Lana, I love you.”

Just three simple words made her world stopped momentarily.



The King, Yongguk, Jaejoong and Yoochun were already inside the dark forest, searching for their prey. The King’s prey was obviously the girl who he believed to be living somewhere inside the forest. He didn’t know that Jaejoong and Yoochun had deceived him all along into thinking that they had captured the girl. Meanwhile, Yongguk heightened his senses, scanning for the presence of wolves.

“Prince Yongguk, I have a question.” The King spoke to his eldest Prince as they trudged the forest ground.

“What is it, my King?” Yongguk asked calmly.

“Do you ever believe in love?”

Yongguk was slightly taken aback by his question but still replied. “Yes, I do.”

“Do you know the feeling of losing a loved one?” The King asked again. This time, he was smirking.


“Of course, Kim Tae Hee was someone special and you lost her.” The King provoked.

The mentioning of Tae Hee’s name caused Yongguk to stop his track and looked at the King with a stern, cold expression. He recalled the scene when the King executed Tae Hee right before his eyes and in a flash, the person he loved the most just disappeared out of the world.

However, Yongguk remained calm and spoke. “It was her destiny.”

“Ah her destiny... You’re right. You couldn’t control her destiny. You’re powerless.” The King said. “My Prince, you’re too indulged over the things you can never control, such as love. Let’s see how long you will protect this love. Jaejoong, where’s the girl?” The King demanded.

However, instead of the girl, the King was stunned to see 12 guys stood before him with golden brown eyes. He stumbled a little when he realised they weren’t ordinary guys, but wolves. He turned to see Jaejoong and Yoochun, who were already standing behind Yongguk instead of him. Right away, he knew he has been trapped.

“I’ll protect the girl forever and it’s such a pity, you wouldn’t be able to see it.” Yongguk spoke as he made his way before the King who was looking at him shockingly.

“What are they doing here?” The King scanned the wolves’ hard expression, aware that there was no escape for him anymore.

“You’ve existed well, my King. Now it’s time to end this.” Yongguk said.

The King listened to the loud growls of the wolves. He didn’t expect Yongguk to join forces with the wolves, the enemies. He underestimated his power. For a mere human girl, Yongguk took everything chance he could to keep her safe, even at the cost of the King’s existence. The King shot pleading look at Jaejoong and Yoochun but the both them had surrendered to the back, waiting for the scene to unfold.

“This is outrageous! I’m still the King!” The King blasted.

Jongin stepped forward bravely, with his fists balled up and body all tensed. He approached the King without wasting any more time and lashed out on him. Although the King was not in his prime stage, he was still powerful. He took the punch received and was thrown against the tree roughly. The impact was great but he managed to keep his feet up.

The rest of EXO only watched because they knew Jongin could handle the King. Besides, his hated and vengeance were enough to drive him up the King’s neck. Jongin growled furiously as he made a dash once more for the King. He just had to find his neck and twist it, to end his existence. That was the only way to kill a vampire.

“Yongguk, you will lose eventually!” The King yelled at Yongguk but his words were put on deaf ears. Jaejoong and Yoochun weren’t going to help him. Yongguk wasn’t going to help him either. Then, his eyes fell on the other Princes who came to watch as well. Just like the rest, they weren’t going to help him. He was left alone and in a flash, his neck was lifted up by a pair of strong arms. He could feel his body slowly disintegrating.

Jongin’s body was shaking vigorously as he lifted the vampire by the neck with all his strength. The anger in him was making him even more determined to end this right away. Without wasting another breath, he pulled the King’s neck and twisted it. At the moment, all he could think of is seeing Lana’s smiling face every day. How she could live peacefully without worries.

With flashes of images entered his mind, he further twisted the King’s neck until it was fully detached. He let go off the body and slowly it turned into dust particles. The King’s cry was still ringing in his ears but it didn’t bother him at all. With the dust flowing in the air, he could already feel the victory. He has done it.

However, just when he thought everything was fine, he heard a familiar beat in him. A beat that was too fast and rapid but way too familiar. It was becoming louder with every second as if she was right there. He turned around only to hear a loud cry.

“Jongin, no!”

“Lana?” Jongin tilted his head.

“Kill him now!” Another voice entered and this time, even Yongguk was surprised to see the new presence in the forest. Other than Lana, there were others, he didn’t expect to meet.

His eyes widened as he turned shocked to see them. “The Council members...” He muttered under his breath.

The Council members’ eyes weren’t focussing on Yongguk. Instead, they were looking fiercely at Jongin, who definitely has become the new target.

“He killed the King. Kill him now!” A member of the council shouted while the rest of them charged towards Jongin who seemed rather stunned himself. Not because of the presence of the Council, but because Lana came, to find him.

Just as she promised...


To be continued

Hey guise, been really busy with school. So, I may not be able to update as often; maybe fortnightly. Nonetheless, I would like to thank the readers for your time and also for the comments you've given. Really appreciate it. Just an update that this story is not going to end so soon... ^__^ v


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Chapter 51: Damn she can't do this.. And why do I feel this is all planned by Yongguk? Bcoz he know Lana will hate him if he betray them and do this so he is faking innocence so Lana trust him?
Thank you for such an amazing story.. Now off to part 2..
Chapter 30: yo just got down like damn
se_xing #3
Chapter 35: Wtf lana
se_xing #4
Chapter 16: I really want to punch this mira girl
se_xing #5
Lolypop123 #6
Chapter 16: Wtf that mira girl,ugh =_=
Chapter 51: Off to part 2~~
Chapter 50: Oh my god...
Chapter 46: Yongguk...
Chapter 44: Ho Ho Ho! Well, jealousy make you do crazy things!