Chapter 15: Unspoken Truth

A Beautiful Curse

Unspoken Truth


“Luhan?” She turned around only to see the baby-face male smiling at her. Surprised that it was him all along who pulled her away from Jongin just when she was about to have a talk with him, she asked. “Why did you?”

“Sorry was I too rough?” Luhan apologised and bowed his head. He pulled her until they were quite a distant away from Jongin who was no longer in view.

“No no, I mean why did you pull me away?  I wanted to –“

“Lana, it’s best to leave Jongin alone in times like this. You saw how he is back then right?”

Lana bit her lower lip and recalled the fight scene that just happened. “Yea but –“

“It’s okay, he’ll be fine on his own for now. You know, you shouldn’t have chased him, especially inside the forest.” Luhan took the chance by diverting the topic of conversation. “Lana, don’t ever go into the forest unless you’re with us.” He added.

Guilty, Lana looked down and said. “I only wanted to make him feel better.”

Luhan chuckled upon hearing her reply and teased. “Only Jongin? How about Chanyeol?”

“I-I-I... Luhan what happened back then? Who is...”

“Jung Ah? Are you referring to her?”

The name was mentioned once again and she nodded. “Yes, who is she?”

Luhan gently ushered her to sit on one of the rocks before replying, quite hesitantly. “Well...she’s....she’s Jongin’s little sister –“ He said slowly. “Late sister.”

“Late? You mean she has passed away?” Lana turned surprise.

Luhan gave a nod and his expression solemn. “Yes, many years back.”

“What happened to her?” Lana wanted to know more but Luhan returned a sad smile.

“I think it’s best if Jongin is the one who tells you.”

Lana understood and stopped asking about Jongin. “Anyway, how’s Chanyeol feeling?”

“He’s fine. You don’t have to worry so much. This happens quite often and we’ll be okay right away.” He assured.

“So, you guys fight often?”

“Well, kind of. We are still in the phase of controlling our emotions, strengths and desires. We haven’t really fully mastered our skills. That’s why the night rounds are much needed, not just for security but also a mean for us to harness our abilities and get closer.”

“When did you realise your transformation?”

Luhan flashed a smile and said. “Come here, I’ll tell you more.” He reached out his hand and pulled her to sit right next to him. “Have you ever wondered why my name is Luhan? Tao, Kris and Yixing?”

“Yes, I wonder why your names are –“

“In Chinese?” He finished her words and then continued. “Well, I was born in China. The same goes for Kris, Tao and Yixing. We’re all Chinese.”

“Oh? I didn’t know –“

“Lana, wolf packs are everywhere in all parts of the world. In areas with high population of vampires, the bigger the wolf packs will be. We exist only because the vampires exist too. As long as they’re around, we’ll stay. EXO is a few of the biggest with 12 in a pack. Me and the rest of the Chinese guys migrated to live here because –“

“The number of vampires is high here and you need a big pack size to contain them. Am I right?” Lana cut in.

“Well that is one of the many reasons.”

“Reasons? What are the rest?”

Luhan forced a smile and thought of something else immediately. “Anyway, I realise my gift when I was 13 years old, the same year Jongin’s gift developed. He was only 9 years old, the youngest to turn among us. Kris’s realised when he’s 12 while Suho was 11. Because they were the first to change, they became the alpha males and subsequently the leaders. The faster you obtain the gifts, the stronger you become as compared as those who possess it later. Thus, Jongin is one of the stronger ones.” He explained.

“Gradually, we met one another and finally formed the pack in 2011. At first, everyone was apprehensive and mostly kept to themselves.” Luhan let out a chuckle before adding. “It was kind of awkward...”


The air in the huge living room was still and dense. Only hard breathing sounds could be heard as all 12 guys looked at one another with wary eyes. Sehun, the youngest of them all was having a hard time restraining himself. He wasn’t angry or mad. The first few weeks were the hardest and for Sehun, his transformation was the last, it just happened two weeks ago. Thus, his body began its changes and his desires, be it ually or not was already posing problems to him.

Luhan noticed Sehun’s shaking body and placed his hand on top of the younger male. “Calm down.” His words were soft yet articulated. It wasn’t an order but an assurance to the frightened male that it was normal.

Finally, Uncle Lee entered the room and instantaneously all pairs of eyes were directed at him. He hasn’t met any of the guys but he was already aware of their existence. Dressed formally, he took a spot in the centre of the living room and scrutinised their faces one by one before speaking.

“Let me introduce myself first. My name is Lee Soo Man and you can call me just by Uncle Lee.” At first, he was serious but subsequently his face changed and he managed a smile.

“EXO –“ He began. “Your journey starts now. This might be hard for some of you but as the fresh descendents of our kind, you have to carry out the duty and maintain the legacy for as long as you exist in this world. Strange encounters, feelings and the changes in yourselves, this will be a part of your life from now on. You’ve heard past histories of our ancestors. Don’t be afraid or terrified.” He paused and turned to Sehun as if directing the last sentence especially for him.

“You are chosen and have ascended the highest repute in the family. Protect our kind.”

Uncle Lee ended. He took at step backwards as if waiting for questions, doubts or even protests from the guys. But he was impressed when none showed any expression of rejection. Instead, it displayed acceptance.

“Live together, learn and understand one another. On your left, on your right and every faces you see in this room, those are your brothers.” Uncle Lee affirmed.

“In two years time, we shall meet again.”

And that was the final. No one saw Uncle Lee ever.


One of the nights in 2003, Luhan tossed and turned in his bed struggling to sleep. He was shivering and breaking out in sweats at the same time. His body felt warm but the night was chilly. There was something not quite right. He jolted up and switched on the bed lamp. He buried his face in his hands and trembled even harder. He wanted to scream and shout his lungs out. It wasn’t painful, not at all. Yet, this uncanny feeling was uncontrollable.

Luhan pushed the bed cover and picked himself up. He swayed to the mirror just by the bed and looked at himself. He looked awful and felt awful too. His eyes were red and his hair was messy. Everything about him was disorientated. His shaking right hand touched his face and he felt his burning hot skin.

“What is wrong with me?” He mumbled feeling enraged suddenly when he couldn’t figure out what he was going through that night.

Impulsively, he let out a growl and glared at his own reflection. Still trembling, he rolled up his right sleeve and noticed the glowing symbol, embedded right from birth. He stared at it, absolutely amazed at the light emitting from his own flesh.

On a full moon, it glows and determines your fate.

Luhan shuddered as a familiar phrase entered his mind. His father used to tell him every night before bed, on the nights when he was still alive. He spun around and headed to the window. He unlocked and pushed it open, with the cold air gushing in impatiently. He peered outside and gazed the black starless sky.

There was the sole victor of the night, the full moon. His mind wandered and painful memory was brought into light.

Luhan had planned a surprise for his dad and mom as he skipped gleefully back home after school. He just received his report card and his exam results were nothing but exemplary. Being the only son, Luhan has never failed to make his parents proud time after time. Although they were never the strict parents, Luhan still gave them the best just like how they have given him the best. Their love was unconditional.

Just as he reached the doorstep to his small yet cosy home, he stopped suddenly. The door was slightly ajar. He pushed it slowly and it creaked open. From cool and bright outside, the air turned still and quiet as soon as he entered the dimmed house.

“Ma? Pa?” Luhan called but not in his usual bubbly voice. He didn’t know why but his voice seemed to reflect the cautious feeling he was having.

No response.

Usually, he would straight away enter the house and walk to his room. But that particular afternoon, his legs appeared to be navigating him to somewhere other than his room. He turned right to where the living room was and scanned the room. It was empty.

It was empty until his eyes darted down to the carpet.

Both his mom and dad lied motionlessly with their eyes tightly shut. He ran straight for them and shook their shoulders. Crying and wailing out loud so that they would wake up miraculously but they remained cold. No movement and no heartbeat.

Cold, drained without even a drop of blood sparred and gone. They were gone.

And that was 3 years ago.

Luhan felt wetness on his cheeks as he slowly opened his eyes. Three years ago, his parents left him. Now, he only had one thing in his mind; vengeance.


Lana remained in silence and watched Luhan wiped a tear which flowed down his cheek. Her heart contracted in pain and even though she was not the person to experience the dark moment, she shared his sorrow. Luhan never forgets. Even after many years, he only has vengeance and Lana could feel it. Luhan didn’t have to tell her straight, she knew it.

What made it even worst; Lana belonged to the same kind who mercilessly killed Luhan’s parents. No matter how they viewed her, she knew that half of her blood was the same blood which ignites immense hatred from Luhan and probably the rest of EXO perpetually.

She was disgust to them, the only unspoken truth she knows.


To be continued



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Chapter 51: Damn she can't do this.. And why do I feel this is all planned by Yongguk? Bcoz he know Lana will hate him if he betray them and do this so he is faking innocence so Lana trust him?
Thank you for such an amazing story.. Now off to part 2..
Chapter 30: yo just got down like damn
se_xing #3
Chapter 35: Wtf lana
se_xing #4
Chapter 16: I really want to punch this mira girl
se_xing #5
Lolypop123 #6
Chapter 16: Wtf that mira girl,ugh =_=
Chapter 51: Off to part 2~~
Chapter 50: Oh my god...
Chapter 46: Yongguk...
Chapter 44: Ho Ho Ho! Well, jealousy make you do crazy things!