Chapter 13: An Organised Date

A Beautiful Curse

An Organised Date


Lana was packing her bag when suddenly Junhong startled her from behind. “Hey Lana!” The girl dropped her purse accidentally but Junhong caught before it reached the floor.

“Junhong, you scared me.” Lana stammered. “By the way thanks. You have good reflexes there.” She complimented while taking the purse from him.

“Sorry.” He apologised. “So Lana, do have anything on this weekend?”

“This weekend…” She slurred. “Well, I don’t have anything on. What’s up?”

Delighted at the response, Junhong sat on the table gleefully and said. “Great! Want to catch a movie?”

“Movie? Yea sure, what time and where?” She asked, feeling a little excited by the invitation. It has been a while since she last caught a movie in theatre.

Junhong hopped down with a bright smile. “Really? You’d go out with me? I mean –“

“Why?” Lana cut him.

“Nothing. So meet me at this address at 5pm on Saturday?” He scribbled a note and passed it over. “See you there!” He beamed.


Lana pondered around the room as she made quick glances at the time. She hasn’t seen EXO since back from school. They didn’t even come back for dinner and she had to eat all by herself. It was almost midnight and she hasn’t gone to bed yet.

As she plopped down the sofa lazily, the guys made their entrance.

Kris’s voice was the first she heard. “We need to step up the rounds. The scent is getting really strong.”

“I ran all the way to the most Southern until I can’t even cross over since –“ Baekhyun said.

“Yea we know the palace.” Chanyeol finished his sentence.

“I think whoever out there, they’re using the boundary as an escape. They know we can’t cross over to the other side.” Tao figured.

“But they’re not supposed to be in our territory to begin with.” Sehun voiced out.

Joonmyun stepped forward and said. “Yet, it is not a good enough reason to cross over to their side.”

“Okay, now the main concern is to catch them the next time before they could reach the end. Man, I need to train harder.” Minseok sighed.

“Jongin, you’re the fastest maybe you should locate yourself at the South. Where were you back then? Jongin?” Kyungsoo called.

Jongin remained silent as his attention was instantly diverted. “Lana’s still awake.” He whispered to the guys.

“What –“

They marched in and saw her sitting alone in the living room with her eyes looking down in fear. She heard them all. Luhan went to her and gave her a nice warm hug. “Why are you still up?”

“Lana you heard everything?” Yixing asked carefully.

Lana nodded. “Yes…”

Jongdae sat beside and comforted. “Don’t be afraid. Everything’s fine.”

“Yea Lana, there’s nothing to worry.” Luhan added.

Lana looked up and flashed a smile. “Be careful okay?”

“We always are.” Jongdae assured. “So, why are you still up? Were you waiting for us?”

“I hope there’s still food. I’m famished.” Sehun dragged his feet tiredly to the kitchen.

“I need sleep more than food now.” Tao yawned and stretched his arms up. There were dark circles under his eyes and it was more obvious than usual.

Lana looked around only to see tired and lethargic EXO. She couldn’t bear to ask the request knowing it would only weigh their shoulders more.

“So why are you still up?” Jongdae asked again, bringing Lana back to the conversation.

“Hmm, I can’t sleep.” She lied.

At the corner of the room Jongin detected something rather odd and he knew right away what it was. He approached Lana and towered before her. “You’re lying.”

“Huh?” Lana tilted, absolutely puzzled by his sudden remark.

“You have something else you want to tell us. Your heartbeat –“ He added but suddenly paused.

Luhan looked at Jongin and then back at Lana. Instantly, he took her hand and closed his eyes.

How did you..?

“Lana, what is it?” Luhan demanded.

Caught, Lana decided to tell the truth. “Well I wanted to –“ She stopped, afraid to continue.

“Tell me first.” Luhan offered and she gladly took his hand.

I want to catch a movie with a friend tomorrow but if you don’t allow me, I will…

Luhan laughed and pinched her cheeks playfully. “Go ahead. We’re not going to stop you from having fun.”

Kris came forward with a serious frown but his words came out rather nicely. “Lana, you should have just told us the truth. It’s not like we won’t allow you.”

“I’m allowed to go?” Surprised by their reaction, she just had to ask again.

“Yes but –“ Joonmyun turned serious suddenly. “We’ll send you off and then pick you up after the movie.”

Lana agreed instantly. “Sure!” She skipped closer and gave Joonmyun a hug which startled the guy. “Thank you!” She grinned widely.

“N-N-No pr-problem.” Joonmyun stuttered nervously and his heart beating in a rapid speed. The hug was unexpected.

Meanwhile, Jongin wasn’t particularly in favour of having Lana out of his sight, especially in a public crowded area. As they went inside their respective room, Jongin raised his concerns. Yixing eased his worry, telling him that it was going to be alright and they couldn’t possibly control her freedom. Still, Jongin wasn’t satisfied with the reason.


Lana couldn’t stop smiling as the car entered the city since it has been so long. Bustling with the usual Saturday crowd, she watched as the car passed by the endless shopping malls. Beside her was Jongin and his expression was totally the opposite of hers. He volunteered to send her instead of Luhan after talking with the rest of the guys.

Lana turned around to see a straight face Jongin. She knew he was probably the only one who didn’t like her going out. She understood and so she placed her right hand on top of his left shoulder. “Don’t worry. I’ll just watch a movie and come back.” She reassured.

With just her soothing voice, his feelings took a turn and he felt bad for her right away. He shouldn’t be acting like a kid, sulking unnecessarily. “It’s here.” He told her.

“Oh right. Thanks! I’ll see you in three hours time.” Lana’s face brightened as she fixed her hair for the last time before hopping out of the car.

However, Jongin grasped her arm and asked. “Which one is your friend?”

Lana searched around for a tall blonde guy but he was not at sight. “He’s probably already inside. I’ll introduce him to you after the movie. Bye!” She dashed out quickly even before Jongin could stop and ask her further.



Lana tiptoed to find Junhong when she felt someone tapped her shoulder. Instantly, she turned around and there he was standing right before her. Dressed casually in a loose shirt with jeans and shoes, he sure was good looking. It was the first time she saw him in another outfit besides the school uniform.

“Hey, you’re here.” He smiled. “Come on, let’s get inside. The movie’s starting soon. I already got the tickets.” He raised his voice a little since the place was too noisy.

Lana just followed him without breathing a word. As soon as she entered the cinema hall, her body shivered. “Wow, it’s so cold.” She exclaimed. Away from the crowd, the atmosphere became chilly. Thankfully, she had her jacket on but quickly thought of Junhong. “Aren’t you cold?”

“Hmm...well...a little I guess. Yes, I found our seats!” He gestured.

As they got comfortable, Lana took out the popcorn which she bought earlier and offered Junhong. “Popcorn?”

He shook his head and replied. “Not hungry. Thanks.”

“Okay. A drink perhaps?” She asked but once again he shook his head and smiled.  “Not thirsty too?” She commented.

In the middle of the movie, there was a scene whereby the lead actor was walking out of his car and suddenly Junhong stated randomly.”He shouldn’t have gone out of the car –“

Right at the moment, the scene dramatically changed and the lead actor was shot by an assassin. Lana didn’t expect the series of event to occur in the movie and she was quite surprised Junhong could actually guess it correctly. She picked up the drink when her hand brushed Junhong’s hand accidentally.

“Gosh, you’re so cold.” Lana exclaimed a little too loud and she received a wave of hushes from the strangers around. Embarrassed, she whispered softy. “Junhong, are you cold?”

“I’m fine Lana. It’s normal.” He flashed his usual grin.

“You should have brought along a jacket.” She told him.

“Shh, concentrate on the movie because the killers are going to escape.” He hushed.

Lana directed her attention back to the movie and to her surprise; the next scene was exactly what Junhong just said. She looked at him and asked. “Have you watched this movie before? How did you know –“

“This is the first time they’re playing it in the cinema. I just guessed it.” He explained.

“Your guesses are really on point.” She complimented.


The movie was two hours long and before they knew it, the credits rolled out on the screen. Junhong felt that it was too short and wished it would have been longer. Lana, on the other hand, felt contented. The movie was good and Junhong had been really nice to her throughout. He slid in a few details at parts when she was confused with the story. Although it was short, she loved it.

So they strolled out of the hall and were the last ones to leave. Lana faced Junhong and said. “Thanks for the night. The movie’s really good.”

Junhong smiled brightly and replied. “Yes, thank you to you too for going out with me.”

As they were approaching the exit, Junhong stopped abruptly. “Hmm, I have something to attend to.”

“Oh? What is it?” Lana asked curiously.

“Well...I have to get something for home. You would be okay right? Someone’s picking you up right?”

“Yea – How are you going to go back?”

“I will...I’ll walk. My place isn’t that far.”

Lana nodded. “Okay. I actually want to introduce someone to you. Do you have a minute? He’s just over there. I’ll call him –“

“It’s okay Lana!” Junhong snapped. “Sorry, I’m in a rush. I’ve got to go. See you in school and take care!” With that, he turned around and walked away.

Lana watched his back disappeared amidst the crowd. “Oh well.” She shrugged and walked slowly to the car where Jongin was already leaning his back against. He opened the door for her and she went inside immediately.

Jongin joined in the driver’s seat but just as he was to start the engine, he asked. “Where’s your friend?”

“He already left.” She replied.

Silently, Jongin pressed the accelerator and drove away. He thought it would be nice to see the ‘he’.


In a distant, Junhong watched as the car sped out of the compound in a flash. He pressed his back against his own car and then folded his arms. Beside was his older brother, who was there all along right from the start of the so-called date. From the moment when Junhong met Lana outside the cinema, during the movie and even now, his brother was watching from afar, specifically watching Lana.

Junhong tapped his feet and faced his brother. “So Hyung, is she the one?”

With a smirk, the older male answered. “Yes, absolutely –“ He paused briefly before ending. “Her scent is exceptional.”


To be continued


Hmmmmm.....something's fishy

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Chapter 51: Damn she can't do this.. And why do I feel this is all planned by Yongguk? Bcoz he know Lana will hate him if he betray them and do this so he is faking innocence so Lana trust him?
Thank you for such an amazing story.. Now off to part 2..
Chapter 30: yo just got down like damn
se_xing #3
Chapter 35: Wtf lana
se_xing #4
Chapter 16: I really want to punch this mira girl
se_xing #5
Lolypop123 #6
Chapter 16: Wtf that mira girl,ugh =_=
Chapter 51: Off to part 2~~
Chapter 50: Oh my god...
Chapter 46: Yongguk...
Chapter 44: Ho Ho Ho! Well, jealousy make you do crazy things!