Chapter 22: Jongin's Intuition

A Beautiful Curse

Jongin's Intuition


Quietly hidden in the Southern part of the forest, there stood a magnificent building away from the eyes of civilisation. Dark and eerie, the building was a home to a few of the most powerful and old beings ever existed. Lords and princes belonging to the royal vampire family resided in what known as the palace for their kind. High ceiling and tall huge doors were among the features of the palace. There were many rooms, halls and even dungeons located at the basement of the centuries’ old palace, almost as old as the beings inside.

On that night a grand meeting was held among the princes. They were the only ones occupying the palace at the moment. The lords were gone, possibly carrying out their role as the creators of their kind and also to ensure none of their kind broke the law.

In one of the grand hall of the palace, the princes gathered to hear the announcement by the oldest of them all. He was the oldest and also the most powerful. His skills and gifts were beyond most of their kind. Yet, he wasn’t out to show his talents off. His existence was to ensure peace and by peace meant protecting the girl.

Yes, that girl you’re thinking.

The male dressed in a long golden robe, sat cross-leg before the rest of the princes, who were also in golden robes, a symbol of their power and rank within the palace. He cleared his throat and finally began.

“The summer solstice will occur in exactly a week, an annual event where vampires from all over the world will gather here. Expect the number of visitors to increase and ensure they are properly contained. To prevent a similar misfortune happened last year to happen again, we shall bar them from entering the palace other than the grand courtyard outside –“

“Hell yes!” One of the younger princes responded.

The eldest looked at him expressionlessly before continuing. “More guards will be deployed and the security will be tighter. I hope all of you do not loiter unnecessary. Go out only when you need to. Only when you have to hunt…”

“As part of the royalty, I hope you be an exemplary to the rest of our kind. There will be newborns, lots of them.”

“Oh have mercy, I hate the newborns.” One of them grunted.

“Tell me about it. They are the worst of our kind. They lack control over their thirst and their ual fantasies are just too appalling. Do they think vampires are ual predators? Remember last year when –“

“Hyung, don’t remind me! I am scarred for the rest of my entire existence!” The youngest out of them blurted.

The rest of them roared in laughter as they recalled the incident which happened last year. The youngest was the centre of attraction for the newborns and after knowing that he was one of the princes, the newborns mostly females were out to hunt him more than blood.

Being a part of the royalty had its fair share of risk as well. Although their kind viewed them reverently, they still didn’t like the idea of imposing strict orders within vampire family. The royalty imposed laws only because they wanted to have peaceful cohabitation with humans if they wish to exist in this world for a long time. They would interfere to prevent and stop any forms of exposing their existence and would banish these vampires from the face of the earth. Yes, even if they were their own kind. Hence, the royal family often faced all sorts of vampires who were out to damage and probably abolish the whole law system which they think was totally unnecessary.

The eldest prince cleared his throat to grab attention of the rest of the princes once more. He had more to say; even more important and he expected the rest of them to listen intently. The younger princes instantly stopped and revert back their focus at the oldest.

“As I was saying, take extra precautionary for next week’s solstice. Other than the fact there will be more newborns, I will like to remind you that this solstice is going to be held on the 18th year of the curse, which means –“

“They’re going to find her.” One of them finished.

The oldest male nodded and added. “Yes and we have to protect her.”

“But Hyung –“ One of the them tried to cut in.

The eldest cracked a smile and said before the other male could speak. “She’s a part of us, remember?”




Jongin sprinted across the dark forest away from the house as far as possible. He was angry but mostly disappointed. He slowed down and found a spot by the lake, the same lake he was with Lana the other day. He sighed and plopped on the ground, all defeated. After listening to the earlier conversation and knowing Lana’s feelings, he questioned whether the whole mate thingy was even real. She was supposed to have her eyes only for him and a heart dedicated only for him. However, Jongin didn’t see any at all from Lana. She was clueless and hesitant on everything about Jongin. It was as if, she didn’t see anything in him other than doubts.

Jongin lied on his back and stared at the night sky. It was frustrating enough he was the only one who couldn’t hear her thoughts. He judged only by what she says, verbally. The next problem was Luhan. Luhan was probably his greatest competitor. Jongin never wanted to see Luhan that way but after that night, he was left with no choice. Luhan seemed to be Lana’s favourite and Jongin could not help but be envious. He wished Luhan would just stop and allow Lana for himself. But of course, Jongin knew Luhan too well. The older male wasn’t someone who gives up easily. Unless Jongin proved to Luhan that he’s capable to take care of Lana for the rest of his existence, Jongin would forever be second to Luhan.

“Gosh, the stench is not helping at all!” Jongin scrunched up his nose and then sat up to a seating position. His eyes stared straight at the building opposite the vast lake. Although the building looked tiny from where he was at, he was sure on how huge it is. Even though he was many kilometres away, he could still pick up the awful smell.

Jongin used his unparalleled eye sight and noticed a lighted room, probably the brightest room. The rest of the building was dark and soulless, well technically there weren’t any human beings.

“The un-dead territory...” Jongin mumbled softly. He wasn’t allowed to be at the other side of the lake, never ever. But he was curious to know how it feels like to step in that territory. Although he knew he was going to suffer from the entire stench and also probably from the high level of disgust just by being around them, he was still dying to know what was happening at the other side.

Just when he was about to head back to the house after calming his thoughts, Jongin ears picked up noisy activity on that territory he wasn’t supposed to be at.

Yes and we have to protect her...

But Hyung...

Because, she is a part of us too...I think I’ve said enough.

Alright we got it...

Anyway, have you given her the...

Yes, Hyung. She has taken the medicine you’ve asked me to hand it to her.


Jongin tilted his head and wondered who they were talking about. There were buzzing noises of males talking and he could only pick whatever he managed. Jongin wanted to further continue the eavesdropping but was instantly disrupted by another voice in his head.

 Kris: Jongin, come back home. Lana needs you.




Crowded yet the silence was unbearable in Lana’s room. The guys watched and listened to her soft breathing as she lied in bed with a pained expression. No one knew what happen other than Luhan who caught her just in time before she collapsed on him. It was too sudden. They were casually talking when suddenly she frowned and winced in pain.

Tao crawled beside Joonmyun and whispered. “Hyung, how is she?”

“I don’t know. She keeps saying it’s painful.”

Minseok inserted. “Maybe she hasn’t fully recovered.”

Suho nodded and agreed. “I guess so. I can’t think of anything else. I mean, she seemed fine yesterday but –“

Lana stirred to the right and then mumbled a name. “Jongin…” She finally opened her eyes and her face looked better.

Luhan stayed by her side and held her hand. “Are you alright?”


Luhan’s heart crushed as she called for Jongin again. However, he turned around and signalled to Kris. “Where is Jongin? Bring him –“

Before Luhan could finish his sentence, Jongin barged into the room with a worried expression. He went straight for Lana, glaring at Luhan and pushing him aside. Jongin was upset that Luhan had the cheek to hold Lana’s hand in front of him. He ignored the older male and then focussed his attention on Lana.

“Hey, I’m here.” Jongin muttered faintly.

Lana pouted and scolded. “Where have you been?”

“Errr…I was –“ Jongin stumped when Lana asked him his whereabouts. Technically, he was out there to calm his mind over her. But of course he couldn’t say the truth to her. So, he lied. “I was doing my rounds.”

The rest of the males looked at each other, puzzled because EXO never does their rounds alone. They would do it together in a pack or at least they would bring someone along and work in pairs. If they ventured into the wild on their own, it was probably because they wanted to harness their abilities or just needed a peaceful time on their own. The rest of them agreed that for Jongin, he was probably doing the latter. They have guessed something must have happened causing him to leave Lana, temporary.

Without saying anything more, Lana pulled him closer and rested her head on his shoulders. Surprised by her action, Jongin’s eyes widened. She nuzzled deeper in his neck and whispered. “It’s painful. It’s the same feeling I had the night before.” She complained.

Jongin soothed her back and loosen up a bit. Her voice was melodious that whatever past anger he had for her just simply vanished. Besides, this was the first time she’s actually really close to him, so close that he could hear her heartbeat without listening to it in his head. “Shhh...I’m here. I will erase the pain away. I promise.”

“And whenever this sudden pain hits me, I could only think of you.” Lana said softly. Once again, Jongin was thrown into another surprise. Honestly, these were the kind of surprises he loves. “You enter my mind and I can’t help but need you by my side, to calm myself.” She added.

“Lana, I’ll always be by your side.” Jongin hushed.

“Promise?” Lana sulked like a kid, making Jongin’s heart fluttered.

“It’s not just a promise.  It’s my duty.” Jongin assured and pinched her nose mischievously.

By then the rest of EXO had left the room, except for Luhan who watched them with his heart broken into pieces. He was definitely envious and could only imagine himself being in Jongin’s position instead. Lana might believe that love at first sight exists. But at the end of the day, her happiness was what matters the most. Sadly, Luhan confirmed, it wasn’t him.

 It was Jongin.

Taking steps backwards slowly, Luhan exited the room and left them on their own.

After tucking Lana to bed, Jongin stretched himself up and yawned. It was such an eventful night, a night of rollercoaster emotions for him. He was happy, angry and lastly happy again. It was just impossible to be angry at Lana for a long time, especially now when she mentioned she needs him by his side. It sure felt damn good, even better that she said it in front of the rest of EXO, specifically in front of Luhan.

Jongin was walking towards the balcony to close its door as it was getting chilly. However, he stopped his track when he noticed a bottle on Lana’s dressing table. Curious, he diverted his attention and went to see what it was. He held the bottle containing unknown liquid and then opened its cap to check further; nothing was strange so far. Not until he saw a name written on the bottle.

“Get well soon. From, Junhong...”

Immediately, Jongin recalled what he heard just hours before.

Anyway, have you given her the...

Yes, Hyung. She has taken the medicine you’ve asked me to hand it to her.


Jongin spun around and watched Lana who was sleeping peacefully. But for Jongin, his mind was anything but peaceful and he had so many unanswered questions. He just wished all his intuition was false.

Then again, Jongin’s intuition was always right. 


To be continued


OKAY JONGIN, YOU WIN! #likeaboss


Hey! Sorry for the skip last weekend. Been busy with school assignment and events. Here's an update... ^___^

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Chapter 51: Damn she can't do this.. And why do I feel this is all planned by Yongguk? Bcoz he know Lana will hate him if he betray them and do this so he is faking innocence so Lana trust him?
Thank you for such an amazing story.. Now off to part 2..
Chapter 30: yo just got down like damn
se_xing #3
Chapter 35: Wtf lana
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Chapter 16: I really want to punch this mira girl
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Chapter 16: Wtf that mira girl,ugh =_=
Chapter 51: Off to part 2~~
Chapter 50: Oh my god...
Chapter 46: Yongguk...
Chapter 44: Ho Ho Ho! Well, jealousy make you do crazy things!