Chapter 2: The Special One

A Beautiful Curse

The Special One


“Kris Hyung, do you know what time she’ll be here?” Jongdae asked the older, sitting lazily in front of the TV set. EXO just ended their morning run, just a few rounds around the forest opposite their huge house. They needed to test out their strength, agility and senses constantly, just so that they could stay in shape. It was still a new world for some of them, especially Sehun, the youngest.

Sehun walked in with Baekhyun with a bag of chips. Instantly, the rest of the older males attacked him and viciously snatched the chips from him.

“HEY!” He pouted adorably. That was always the case. They teased and disturbed one another and when it comes to food, they will fight for it, quite literally. Their appetite was undeniably huge. They ate like animals and behaved, okay not so. They still behaved just like humans. Only when they were eating, things could get ugly if food was insufficient.

EXO, who were they?

EXO was a group of gifted guys, possessing rare extraordinary abilities, quite animalistic. They were known to be descendents of werewolves but with a modern flavour. They were the so-called the modern wolf pack, handsome and good looking, not hairy or scary. Also, they didn’t evolve or shape shift into beastly wolves. They still kept their human form all the time. Even during the full moon, they still remained fairly human, physically. The shape shifting happened in the past and was mostly just myths. They were a lot different from their ancestors. However, they shared a few traits.

EXO might not turn into scary looking creature during full moon but they were a whole lot stronger than humans, a lot faster than humans and their senses were the finest. Despite the incredible strength they possessed, they were still very much humans in appearance, in a way. Even so, no one would choose to mess with them. They might look human but once provoked, they could be dangerous and lethal.

Barely a minute, the whole bag of chips disappeared. Sehun growled softly and glared at his older brothers. Joonmyun came from behind and lightly patted his head. “Sorry Sehun, you know we’re like always hungry right?” He tried to clarify.

“Yes I know, but can you guys please at least behave like a human.” He spoke.

“We are humans okay?” Chanyeol threw a pillow at the youngest but with his quick reflexes, he dodged it swiftly.

“Sehun’s right, you guys need to behave yourself.” Mrs Yoon joined.

Mrs Yoon was the guardian in the house and was also like a mother to EXO, who lost their parents when they were still young. All of them were orphans and since Mrs Yoon didn’t have any son, she decided to take these guys and treated them just like hers. They lost their parents either due to sickness or because they were killed by the cold-blooded. Of course with their gifted abilities, it came with a price.  Their family was always the target of the cold-blooded and because they lost their loved ones to them, their hatred for the vampires ran so deep.

“She’s going to be here anytime soon and I hope you guys treat her nicely.” She reminded.

Minseok let out an annoying grunt while some of them had uncomfortable expressions. The only ones who seemed fine were, Luhan, Sehun, Kris and Joonmyun. The rest, they didn’t quite like the new guest they were about to meet.

Yixing stepped up and said bitterly. “What for? She’s a half filthy –“

“Xing, sit down!” Kris commanded. Being the alpha leader next to Joonmyun, Kris’s orders were taken seriously.

“Yixing, that’s not how it is. She needs you guys. She’s nothing like the vampires. She’s an innocent girl, a human.” Mrs Yoon clarified.

“Mom, no matter how human she is, we can’t escape the fact that her mother was a filthy vampire.”

Mrs Yoon turned around to see her only daughter. “MIRA!” She scolded. “Did you even realise what you just said? What if you hear someone calling your own mother, me, a filthy? Will you accept it?!”

Mira kept quiet. She was Mrs Yoon only daughter and has been living with EXO ever since they were formed. She was just unhappy that there would be a guest in the house with them soon. She hated it especially when she knew it was going to be a girl. Jealousy was a trait Mira can never escape. Whether the girl was nice or not, Mira was unwilling to share the attention she has been receiving with another person. The guys of EXO had always been the dearest to her and their relationship had been pretty good; at least that was what she feels. But once the girl arrived, it would turn complicated. She might not have unparalleled sense yet her guts told her everything was going to change.

Luhan stood up and looked around the faces of his brothers. “Guys, remember who we are and the duty we’re entitled to fulfil.”

“Yes, you don’t have to like her but at least don’t treat her badly. If she falls in the hands of the wrong –“

“Yes Joonmyun Hyung, we got it.” Jongdae complied reluctantly.

The sound of engine disrupted their conversation and instantly they knew that she has arrived. As much as they pretended to be unhappy about it, they were still very excited and interested to meet and eventually get to know her. EXO never hated the girl. They were well aware that she was innocent despite being half vampire.

“She’s here.” Jongin thought. He has been listening to the rest of them. Just like the rest, he wasn’t particularly keen on having her around considering some of EXO’s parents were killed by vampires but he wasn’t going to hate or treat her badly. His wolf instinct believed that she was more than just a girl they needed to protect.



The car finally came to a stop but Lana was asleep since she fell tired just an hour before they reached. Uncle Lee pulled up the handbrake and switched off the engine. Slowly, he turned his gaze on the sleeping girl beside him and shook her shoulders lightly.

“Lana, we’re here...”

It took just a few seconds for her to wake up and as soon as she realised the car has stopped, she straightened her back and looked outside, rather frantically. She noticed a huge house, a really huge house, even bigger than the one she used to live. She turned and looked at Uncle Lee, who in return gave her an assuring smile that everything was going to be just fine. Although she might look relaxed, her inside was anything but calm.

“Come on, don’t be scared.” Uncle Lee said before exiting the car.

Lana took a deep breath and finally hopped out of the car. The Sun was just about to set as she studied the house and its surrounding. It was a huge house in the middle of what looked like a forest. She turned left, then turned right and lastly, turned behind. All she saw is trees and many trees. It was as though the house was located right in the middle of a thick dense forest. She didn’t know exactly the location but it was definitely really far from all other access to civilisations. They weren’t any other houses or buildings. The city and town which she frequents were totally out of her sight. She sighed at the thought of how troublesome it was to go to school every day or just go out for that matter.

With careful steps, she walked forward and followed closely behind Uncle Lee.

“Soo Man shhi, you’re finally here.” Mrs Yoon greeted as she made her way out of the house with unknown strangers to Lana following closely behind. Lana couldn’t see clearly their faces but there were a few of them, more than she could count with her fingers.

“Hello, Mrs Yoon. How have you been?” Uncle Lee greeted as they bowed before each other.

Lana ignored their little conversation and continued examining the house with much fascination. The house was warm yet daunting. The area surrounding was foreign to her yet oddly familiar. As she was admiring the scenery, her eyes caught the attention of a puppy that had pulled itself beside her right leg. Right away she knelt down, patted its head and smiled gleefully. “Hey little one, what’s your name? Are you lost?” She asked and continued adoring the puppy. Her face brightened as she entertained herself with that cute puppy that seemed to like her too. She its head and chuckled softly when the puppy leaned even closer to her. “You’re so cute.” She beamed.

Meanwhile, EXO stepped out of the house and followed Mrs Yoon from behind. They first noticed Uncle Lee, whom they have met once before. Then, their eyes loitered until it landed on Lana who was busying herself with the puppy. Instantly, their hearts softened and the unhappiness which surrounded just minutes before was totally erased. With the way she was treating the puppy cutely, she has already gained interests from the guys. Furthermore, she exuded a really exceptional nice scent in which the guys sensed as soon as she stepped out of the car. Her scent was so alluring that some of them had a difficult time controlling their sudden attraction for her.

Lana was too engrossed with the puppy that she totally disregarded the many pairs of eyes on her.

“Lana dear, introduce yourself.” Uncle Lee said nicely.

She patted the puppy for the last time before looking up. Immediately, she stunned when 12 guys stood before her out of nowhere. She almost stumbled forward but managed to calm down a little. Slightly embarrassed by the attention, she bowed slowly and greeted with a small smile. “Hi, my name is Lana.”

Mrs Yoon walked towards closer and cupped her face lovingly with her soft hands. “Lana sweetie, welcome to our house. I hope our entrance didn’t scare you.” She said and then directed her eyes at EXO, who instantly loosen up a bit. They were tensed before but only because there was something in Lana.

Baekhyun nudged Chanyeol’s arm and whispered. “Can you read her?”

Chanyeol shook his head. He was just as confused and clueless. The rest of them soon communicated in their heads.

Luhan, can you read her?

No, I can’t.

, what’s wrong with me?

Anyone can read her mind?


Jongin, can you...

No, I can’t read her too.

The guys in EXO possessed ability in which they could read each other’s thoughts as well as the thoughts of any random human. Basically, they could read minds of anyone. They could read Mrs Yoon’s, Uncle Lee and Mira although they chose to hear their thoughts only when necessary since they didn’t want to invade their privacy. Besides it was exhaustive to read thoughts of humans. It required more energy than when they read thoughts within the pack. However what puzzled them is, they could read everyone else’s but not Lana. No one could read her. No one knew what she was thinking or feeling. This was frustrating since they really wanted to know what her first impression of them was.

 Lana saw the tensed expressions of EXO. She didn’t know whether it was natural or because they didn’t like her there. She felt the latter. She felt that her presence was causing them to feel uncomfortable.

“Oh right, Mira. Mira, come here.” Mrs Yoon called out. “Lana, this is Mira, my daughter. I’m pretty sure the both of you will get along well.” She smiled.

Lana offered her hand but Mira accepted it quite rudely, earning stares not only from her mother but also from EXO. Lana didn’t take it too offensively. She brushed off the cold treatment instantly and remained quiet.

“Okay great, I’ll introduce the boys later. How about we show you the room?” Mrs Yoon said brightly and led Lana into the house.

As she walked in, Lana could sense the piercing stares from the guys and Mira as well. She swallowed the nervous feeling and stayed timid. She entered the vast house and carefully examined each corner of it. It was big yet cosy and warm. She turned around and saw the kitchen at the side, and a long dining table. There was a grand staircase which led to the second floor where all the rooms were. She climbed up and followed Mrs Yoon right until a door to a room. With a pretty hand crafted sign which says, ‘Lana’s room’ hanging on the door, she guessed this must be her room.

Mrs Yoon pushed the door open to let Lana in. Her eyes instantly brightened at how neatly decorated the room was. The bathroom was located at the left side and the right, it was the balcony. Lana gulped nervously. This was going to be her room from now onwards. She had to make herself comfortable regardless. She walked inside and the first thing she checked was the queen-size bed. Her hand the bed sheet as she felt the softness of it.

“I hope you like pink. I chose the colour and prepared the bed for you. I hope you’re okay with it.” Sehun spoke suddenly.

Lana looked at the bed and smiled to herself before turning around to face him. “I like it. Thanks.” She said and gave the sweetest smile.

“N-n-no problem.” Sehun stuttered. His heartbeat raced so fast after hearing her voice and seeing the way she smiled so angelically.

Tao then came in, carrying Lana’s bags. Lana noticed how effortlessly he carried the heavy bags with his pair of arms. She was amazed knowing that it was quite impossible to even carry one bag by a person but Tao. He did it all by himself with three bags in his hands.

Lana rushed towards him and said. “Oh thank you.”

Tao placed the bags just in front of the wardrobe and then stood really close to her. He picked up her scent and because she was really close to him, it became too overwhelming that he let out a soft growl. He closed his eyes briefly and tried to calm his feelings down. If he could, he would have embraced her tightly and never ever let go off her. But he couldn’t do it. He had to resist his temptations.

Lana watched Tao’s odd behaviour. She took a step back before Tao walked away from her.

“Alright, let’s leave Lana for a while. My dear, join us for dinner at 7 later okay? For now, just rest for a bit. You must be tired.” Mrs Yoon said and then hurried the rest of them out of her room, leaving Lana all by herself.


The door to Lana’s room shut and instantly EXO guys scanned each others’ faces before turning to Mrs Yoon.

“Mrs Yoon, there is something about Lana.” Luhan mentioned.

“What is it, Luhan?”

“We can’t read her thoughts.” Kyungsoo said.

Mrs Yoon smiled before replying. “I told you, she’s different.”

Mira overheard the conversation and then approached Jongdae. “Jongdae Oppa, is it true you guys can’t read her?”

Jongdae nodded and replied. “Yes Mira. This is weird.” His forehead creased.

Mira turned jealous when the guys began to question Lana’s existence. It also enraged her that the guys seemed to have taken interest on her just barely an hour they met. They were talking about her sweet scent, her beauty and even the way she looked at them. It was as though their minds were clouded by Lana and only Lana. There was nothing else and this made Mira furious.

Mira saw Jongin and held his hand lovingly. “Oppa –“ She called out in cutesy manner which didn’t really create any special effect on Jongin. “She is a freak, that’s why you guys can’t hear her right?” Jongin remained silent and stared blankly into space. “Oppa, she’s a freak right? Remember, her mother was a vampire –“

“Mira, I can read your thoughts clearly and my advice to you is, don’t even try. Don’t even try to do anything stupid against Lana.”

Mira stomped her feet angrily and walked away. No matter what she said to them, they seemed to have erased the hate they initially felt for her.

Luhan leaned against the wall and folded his arms. As the guys were talking among themselves, Luhan, on the other hand, remained silent. He recalled Lana’s beautiful eyes and his heart fluttered just by picturing it in his mind.

He let out a sigh and confirmed without a doubt. “She is the special one, not us, not EXO...”

The rest of them heard him and couldn’t agree more to his statement.


To be continued


Alright, we have EXO  in the picture already! And of course one of the antagonist.......

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Chapter 51: Damn she can't do this.. And why do I feel this is all planned by Yongguk? Bcoz he know Lana will hate him if he betray them and do this so he is faking innocence so Lana trust him?
Thank you for such an amazing story.. Now off to part 2..
Chapter 30: yo just got down like damn
se_xing #3
Chapter 35: Wtf lana
se_xing #4
Chapter 16: I really want to punch this mira girl
se_xing #5
Lolypop123 #6
Chapter 16: Wtf that mira girl,ugh =_=
Chapter 51: Off to part 2~~
Chapter 50: Oh my god...
Chapter 46: Yongguk...
Chapter 44: Ho Ho Ho! Well, jealousy make you do crazy things!