Chapter 7: Fresh Start

A Beautiful Curse

Fresh Start


Lana was supposed to start school last week but Mrs Yoon requested for her to stay at home for one more week since the passing of her Aunts. Lana was transferred to a new school nearby, the same school Mira was in. She didn’t like the idea of transferring school and meeting new schoolmates but there wasn’t a choice. If she had to stay here then she must school here too. It has been two weeks living in a new environment yet Lana’s mood wasn’t like how she first came. She became quiet and lifeless. The only time she would be out of her room was during meals and then subsequently, she would coop all day. Such a pity since EXO guys thought their relationship would get better as days passed. They tried talking to her and she responded but it was often forced or expressionless.

Ever since the deaths of her Aunts, Lana was guilt-ridden. This was the first tragedy occurred and it was all because of the kind of life she was living. She was sure this wasn’t going to be the last either. The thought of having more innocent people being killed by vampires; be it people she knew or not was just too painful. Sometimes she wondered why her because she wasn’t the strongest girl in the world. Every girl wanted fantasy in their life but for her; this wasn’t the kind of fantasy she prayed for. Werewolves and vampires; yes they’re cool but there was always a huge price which came with it.

Her parents; she didn’t hate them for leaving or having her in this world. She accepted everything. Furthermore; for her to cease existing won’t solve the problem. These creatures still continue with or without her in this world. The only difference was that she is aware of the kind of life which many people thought it to be unreal. This was what disappoints her the most. She knew yet she was helpless about it and could only watch more and more innocent lives being sacrificed. Worst, she possessed half of the vampires’ blood.

Mira was taking this opportunity to increase the distance between EXO and Lana. One night, she went over to Lana’s room since she had something up her sleeves. She barged into her room without knocking and found her packing for school tomorrow. It came across Mira’s head that Lana would be in the same school as her starting from tomorrow. She dreaded it so much. Lana heard someone entered her room but she ignored and continued packing. She thought it was just one of the guys until she turned around and saw Mira.

“Because of you, they have to go without sleep for days.” Mira snapped. Lana listened but remained quiet. She knew Mira was talking about EXO. “You stay in this room comfortably while they have to work hard. Stop being a princess.” She scolded. Once again, Lana kept quiet. “You think they actually care about you? Tsk –“ She hissed. “They’re doing this because they’re forced.”

Lana looked at her and asked coolly. “What’s your point in telling me things I already know?”

“Oh wow...” Mira clapped her hands while taking small slow steps in encircling Lana. “Look at how she speaks.” She added sarcastically and then stopped just right before Lana and glared at her eyes. “Listen! You’re not going to come here out of nowhere and ruin EXO’s lives. Don’t even try and think that they’re going to be all nice and gentle with you because no one wants you in this house.”

“I don’t care if anyone doesn’t like me. I don’t want to be here either. If they’re forced, then so do I.” Lana replied.

Mira smirked. “Your pathetic Aunts –“

“Don’t call them pathetic!” Lana turned mad out of a sudden. “They didn’t know anything!”

“Exactly! The fact that they didn’t know and yet they had to be killed mercilessly, don’t you think it’s unfair?” Mira was just adding fuel into the fire. Lana on the other hand became tensed with her fists tightly clenched. “This is why no one should be associated with you. I don’t want to be near you, I don’t want my mom to be near you and lastly and especially EXO, they should just stay away from you, filthy blood! And did you know; your mom’s kind killed some of EXO’s parents and leaving them as orphans?”

A knock disrupted the intense atmosphere and then came Luhan and Sehun. Sensing something wasn’t quite right, Luhan asked. “What’s going on?”

Mira faked a smile and replied. “Nothing, I was just talking to Lana about school tomorrow. Right, Lana?”

Lana turned to Luhan and Sehun before giving a nod. “Yes.”

“Okay cool, time for dinner now.” Sehun stated before grabbing Lana’s arm to lead her out of the room. However, she pulled away and glared. Without saying anything, she headed out of the room all alone.

Sehun was obviously surprised by the sudden hostility in her. Similarly, Luhan noticed the change in her behaviour. She used to be friendly and warm but that particularly moment, she was rather harsh. Sehun looked at Mira, suspecting something might have happened between the both of them.

Mira acted nonchalantly and skipped her way out. “Let’s go, I’m hungry.” Smirking, she knew the guys were beginning to question Lana’s indifference attitude and maybe, just maybe, they would eventually get irritated by her.


Dressed in a new set of school uniform, Lana looked into the mirror and sighed upon seeing her own reflection. A new school, new friends and of course, new enemies too... Lana has her own fair share of experience in her previous school. She made friends obviously. She made enemies too and all because she was an outstanding girl, academically and physically. She was a smart student and she was also an exceptionally good in sports, especially baseball. She was pretty which further earned her the spotlight. It wasn’t like she chose to be popular. She was just being herself yet the girls viewed her as their competitor. While the male students wanted to be close to her, the female students were not so friendly. Thus, she didn’t really have that many friends. On second thought, it was better to be friendless. It was only going to be burdensome if she has to keep lying to her friends about who she really was and what she really knew about the world.

Lana walked down the stairs carrying her backpack to meet the rest for breakfast. It was rather awkward considering she didn’t really talk or meet anyone these two weeks. With a nervous feeling, she entered the dining room where EXO was already having their meals.

“Good morning, Lana.” Joonmyun noticed her and immediately greeted with a sweet smile. He gestured for her to sit on the empty seat beside him and placed the food on her plate.

Lana walked over and pulled the seat before saying. “Good morning.”

“You look good in that uniform.” Baekhyun commented and then gave her a cheeky wink. Chanyeol saw and kicked his leg underneath the table.

Chanyeol: Stop it, you flirt!

Baekhyun: What?! I’m telling the truth. She does look good in it.


Lana returned his compliment with a smile and began eating. Meanwhile, Mrs Yoon watched her lovingly. She knew it must have been tough for Lana to endure the burden and pain. Thus, she hoped that going to school might allow her to open herself more, make new friends and be happy.

Mira finished her food quickly and instantly pushed her seat. “I’m done.” She said before grabbing her bag to leave.

However, Mrs Yoon stopped her and said. “Wait for Lana. You’re going school with her.”

“She can go by herself.” Mira hissed. “You know, I have friends and they are waiting.” She emphasised and left them.

Mrs Yoon sighed and was about to give her handful but Luhan interrupted. “It’s okay Mrs Yoon. I’ll send Lana to school from now onwards.”

“You will? Won’t you be tired?” Mrs Yoon asked.

“I’m fine.” Luhan replied nicely. He then turned to Lana who wasn’t really eating her breakfast well. “Lana, slowly eat your breakfast alright?”

Mrs Yoon handed Luhan a few papers and reminded. “Since it’s her first day, could you accompany her to the school’s office and help out with the administration process? I’m sorry I have to rush for work now –“ She paused and came closer to Lana. “Lana sweetheart, Luhan oppa will help you with school okay? I’m sorry I can’t accompany you. You’re going to be just fine. Tell me about your first day during dinner later alright?” She said and gave her a light peck on the forehead.

“Thanks Mrs Yoon.” Lana replied.


Luhan drove the car while Lana sat beside him with backpack on her lap. She looked outside the window to see the surrounding area. She was also taking note of the route to school because moving forward, she would rather go school on her own than having Luhan sending her every day. Last night encounter with Mira was still fresh in her mind. She wanted to be less dependent on EXO so as to lessen their burden. Even though they didn’t explicitly say it, she knew how much of a problem she was.

“Nice chain you have there.” Luhan’s voice broke Lana’s train of thoughts.

Lana looked at the little chain hanging on her bag. It was the gift she received from Uncle Lee which belonged to her father. “Thanks. It is a gift.” Lana said.

Luhan nodded and spoke. “From someone special I guess.” He could tell that the gift was from her father after seeing the little EXO symbol on it.

Lana smiled and replied. “Yes.”

Luhan watched the road and turned to check on Lana occasionally. It was quiet in the car and the journey to school became unnecessarily longer because of the silence. He wished she would have been more open and maybe revealed more about herself. It must have been tough for her and he understood it.

“Lana, you will love school. I used to be a student in that high school but it has been a few years since I graduated. I know many of the teachers there and of course the nicest secret hideout. You know, the rooftop is the best place in school. Technically, you can’t go to the rooftop but hey, there isn’t any sign which says you can’t be there either.” He smirked. “I hope you check the place. It’s quiet and windy; the right place to calm down after a long hectic day in school. If you wish to go to the rooftop, you need to go to the fourth floor of the science building. There you will see a long stretch of corridor and you just walk until you reach the supposedly dead end. But if you turn right, you could see a small gap which leads you to the outside. Just bend down a little and step out in which you will see a small staircase. Climb it up and you will finally reach the top. Anyway, this is a secret between us. Don’t tell anyone of the place. No one knows except me, EXO and now you. Not even Mira knows about it. ”

Lana turned around to face him. “Why are you telling me then?”

Luhan smiled before pulling the handbrake and stopping the car just right in front of the school. “Because that’s where everything started.”


“You will know soon. Come on let’s get you to the school office to register.” Luhan said and exit the car.


After registration, Lana waved goodbye and said. “I think I’m all good now. Thanks.”

“Are you sure? Do you need me to show you where your class is?” Luhan asked.

Lana shook her head and answered. “I’m fine. Thanks for coming.” With that, she smiled and left in search for her new class. Luhan stayed for a while until she disappeared out of his sight. He heightened his sense of smell to check on any unwanted intruders. Thankfully, it was only just humans all around. Even if it was just a school, it was possible to have non-humans pretending to be students because this was where Lana’s parents met for the first time.


Lana stopped in front of a classroom and confirmed the place. Timidly, she knocked on the door and gently pushed it open. She was greeted by a male teacher as well as a class full of students who looked at her curiously as she entered the room.

“Are you Lana-shhi, the new student?” The male teacher asked.

“Yes –“

“My name is Mr Park and I will be your form teacher.” He smiled while Lana bowed. He turned his attention to the rest of the students and announced. “Alright everyone, listen up! We have a new student joining us today.”

Lana took the opportunity to greet the class. She didn’t particular like being the centre of attention but she was left with no choice since she was the new person. She had to at least be friendly to portray a good first impression. “Hello, my name is Lana and I will be your new classmate. Please treat me well. Thank you.”

After the brief introduction, there were buzzing sounds among the students. The guy students were elated while the female students looked rather uneasy as if she was a threat.

“Thank you, Lana. Alright let’s see where you shall sit –“

“Right here Mr Park!” A guy shouted and pointed a sit beside him.

Meanwhile the rest of the male students jokingly jeered and teased. “Lana, you can sit beside me!”

“No way! I’m a better partner for her.”

Mr Park could only sigh and shake his head. He faced Lana and said with a tinge of sarcasm. “I guess your classmates are very welcoming.”

She smiled and replied. “Thank you.”

“Lana, how about you sit beside Mira?” Mr Park announced.

The mention of Mira’s name surprised Lana. What were the chances of being in the same class as Mira? She looked up to see Mira’s irritated expression. However, to make things simpler Lana decided. “I will sit at the back since I’m quite tall.”

“Oh right. Go on and sit beside Junhong, that one.” Mr Park pointed to a cute blonde guy sitting alone at the back. Lana made her way slowly and pulled the seat.

“Hi, I’m Junhong. I hope we can be friends.” The guy smiled which immediately made her heart fluttered uncontrollably. He was undeniably good looking and this made her even more nervous. She wondered if it was even possible to be friends with him when the girls in class were already sending piercing glares at her. It was going to be a great school year, she sighed.


To be continued


Hmmm.... I wonder which Junhong this is.... ^__*

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Chapter 51: Damn she can't do this.. And why do I feel this is all planned by Yongguk? Bcoz he know Lana will hate him if he betray them and do this so he is faking innocence so Lana trust him?
Thank you for such an amazing story.. Now off to part 2..
Chapter 30: yo just got down like damn
se_xing #3
Chapter 35: Wtf lana
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Chapter 16: I really want to punch this mira girl
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Chapter 16: Wtf that mira girl,ugh =_=
Chapter 51: Off to part 2~~
Chapter 50: Oh my god...
Chapter 46: Yongguk...
Chapter 44: Ho Ho Ho! Well, jealousy make you do crazy things!