Chapter 8: Forced Confession

A Beautiful Curse

Forced Confession


“I can’t believe it! Why is she in my class?!” Mira yelled angrily as she complained over lunch to her friends.

“What? You mean you know her?” Hara, Mira’s close friend asked.

Mira slapped her forehead. She had mistakenly revealed her connections with Lana when she didn’t intend to tell anyone about it. “Yah –“ She answered dully. “She’s living in the same house as me.”

“Who is she to you?” Hara asked.

“Nothing... Someone I don’t want to be associated with.”

Hara spotted Lana sitting alone in the school cafeteria during. However, it wasn’t long before a group of guys joined her. “Well, she seems popular among the guys.”

Mira hissed. “Whatever. No one can beat Mira. I am after all the school belle.”

Hara laughed and then further provoked. “Not when Choi Junhong seems to be interested in her now.” She pointed a finger at the school’s eye candy who apparently sat beside Lana in class and now sitting beside her during lunch.

Mira turned and watched in disgust. Mira has a lot of guy crushes in school but Junhong has got to be her favourite boy. Even though they weren’t a couple, every other girl was afraid to approach him knowing Mira has her eyes on him. She was the most popular girl while he was the most desired guy in school. It was only right for the two most popular guy and girl be linked together as a couple. However, this wasn’t the case anymore when Junhong seemed to have found someone worthy of his attention. He never once showed interest towards any girl before not even Mira. He was always seen with his group of guy friends which made Mira felt relatively safe since there wasn’t much competition. But now everything wasn’t like before. For the first time, Junhong was talking to a girl.

Mira has finally found her competition and she vowed to make her life in school as miserable as possible because no one ever dared to go against Mira. This would be one of the many reasons to include in her hate list towards Lana.


“So Lana, where are you from?” Junhong asked as he picked up the juice and drank it.

Lana was quite apprehensive to answer his question. In fact, she didn’t want anyone to be talking to her during lunch. She would rather be alone than having the most popular guy with her. Even without looking around, she could already sense the hateful stares coming right at her.

“Somewhere...” She managed a reply but kept it short.

Junhong nodded his head as if her short reply was sufficient. “You don’t feel like talking, do you? I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have come and sit here with you.” He said nicely however it only caused Lana to feel guilty. He was just trying to be friendly.

He was about to leave when Lana stopped him and said. “I’m sorry for being rude.”

Junhong smiled and went back to sit. “Nah, I understand. New environment and new people do make you feel uncomfortable. Just so you know that I’m here if you need anything. We’re friends right?”

“Friends..?” Lana blinked innocently.

Junhong chuckled upon seeing her surprised yet adorable expression. “Why? You don’t want to be friends with me? It’s going to be tough since we’re going to be seating partners for the entire school year. You will have to be beside me every day whether you like it or not. So, we’re friends right?” He offered his right hand.

Lana was taken aback. Being friends with Choi Junhong wasn’t really a wise choice especially when she was just a newbie. But whatever he just said is true in a way that she couldn’t avoid him even if she chose to. “Well, I guess we’re friends then.” She finally decided and shook his surprisingly icy cold hand briefly.


School was unexpectedly fast and Lana was already packing her bag when Junhong approached her and asked. “Where do you live?”


Realised that it might have been too much information required from her after only just a day they met, Junhong cut in and said nicely. “It’s alright. How about we leave school together then you know we can go separate ways if you are okay with that?”

“I –“ Lana stuttered. “Someone is picking me up.”

“Ah I see. Alright then, see you tomorrow and don’t forget to bring calculator for math class. Bye!” Junhong smiled and waved before leaving her in the class alone.

She breathed a sigh of relief. It was hard answering his questions but it was even harder avoiding him because he was really nice to her. Despite her short replies, he was still patient and considerate in making her feel as comfortable as possible. She resumed her packing and was the last one to leave the class when suddenly she was stopped by a group of girls together with Mira just outside.

“Excuse me, who are you to be talking to Junhong like that?” Mira eyed her from head to toe with her arms folded authoritatively. Lana looked at her and immediately shifted her gaze elsewhere. “Hey you ! I’m talking to you!” Mira raised her voice and barged towards her. However, Lana remained still and expressionless. The girl pushed Lana against the wall, causing her to stumble a little and her bag to drop to the floor. Mira then glared furiously. “I’m warning you. Stay away from Junhong or else –“

“Or else...?” Luhan’s voice shocked Mira. She turned around to see Luhan standing right beside them with his eyes piercing right at Mira. His angry stare caused her to loosen her grip on Lana and then took a step backwards.

“Oppa?” Mira mumbled.

Luhan picked up Lana’s bag which was on the floor and dusted the dirt away. He pulled Lana’s arm gently and then snapped at Mira. “In the car... Now!”

Mira gulped nervously and scrambled to get her backpack. Meanwhile, Luhan brought Lana to the car. He was disappointed at the way Mira was treating Lana. She was supposed to look after her and not make her life miserable in school. If he didn’t reach on time, it would have been worst. The fact that it was only the first day of school for Lana was making him even angrier.

However, while they were walking towards the car, Lana stopped and tugged his arm. “Don’t get angry at Mira.” She muttered.

“What?” Luhan asked as if he hasn’t heard her words.

“I don’t want you to scold her.”

“But she –“

“I said don’t. Just let it be.”

Lana went inside the car without saying anything more. Luhan watched her in disbelief and then turned to Mira who was already standing near the car. She was nervously looking down, avoiding his stare.

“Mira, don’t do that again alright?” He said nicely and patted her head. Mira could only give a nod and then went inside the car timidly. 

The ride home was unbearably awkward with the three of them in the car. Luhan was still unhappy at Mira, Lana was just silent while Mira was back to her usual self, fidgeting on her phone and giggling as if nothing happened. So, he decided to start the conversation.

“How’s your first day, Lana?”

Lana forced a smile and replied. “It was okay.”

“Are your classmates good?”

“Yeah –“

Luhan turned to look at her. He was turning frustrated seeing the way she was. Furthermore, he couldn’t read her thoughts. He badly wanted to know what has been weighing her mind. He wished she would open up more but it didn’t seem like it. The car drove in to the house’s porch and eventually stopped. Mira was the first to exit the car however when Lana wanted to open the car door, it was locked. She looked at Luhan but instead of unlocking the door for her, he released the handbrake and stepped on the accelerator.

“Hey where are you –“ Mira watched as the car drove out of the porch and disappeared from her sight.

Meanwhile, inside the moving car, Lana kept her eyes on Luhan who didn’t even once turn to look at her. Finally, she asked. “Where are you bringing me?” However, Luhan remained quiet and drove along. Lana could only slump back in her seat and watch the road ahead.

After quite a while, the car stopped in front of what seemed like a deserted park. There was no one. It was just her and Luhan inside the car. She listened to his hard breathing and then slowly turned her head to look at him.

Luhan let out a sigh before speaking. “Lana, what’s wrong? Why do you seem unhappy all the time?”

Lana shook her head slowly and said. “Nothing’s wrong. I’m not unhappy.” But the tone of her voice was telling Luhan the otherwise.

“It’s not so hard to detect someone’s feeling you know. You don’t look or sound happy –“

“You can’t hear my thoughts. How would you know if I’m feeling unhappy? If I say, there’s nothing wrong then –“

Luhan tightened his grip on the steering. “The fact that I can’t hear your thoughts frustrates me to no end!” He raised his voice slightly. “If you are unhappy, tell us. We’ll try to change our ways –“

“No. Don’t do things you don’t like just because of me.” She cut him.

“Huh? What are you saying?”

“You’re forced, aren’t you? You hate doing things you don’t like, running around guarding the area and protecting me. Don’t do it anymore.”

“Lana, what?!” Luhan instantly moved his body to the side and stared at her in surprise.

“I know it’s hard for you guys but I don’t expect any protection. Do it to the people who deserve it more than I do. Besides, I am half their kind right? Shouldn’t you hate me instead?” Lana provoked.

“Do you even know what you have just said?” Luhan raised his eyebrows in utter disbelief.

Lana nodded and replied. “Yes, I’m perfectly sane right now. Just –“ She stopped for a while before adding. “Please stop. Please just leave me alone.”

Luhan ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. It was hard talking to her. So, he grabbed her hand and tried to read her thoughts.

Let me go.

Annoyed, he let her go and then stepped on the accelerator. He sped back home and throughout the journey, his eyes kept fix on the road.

Luhan was really upset with Lana.

Meanwhile, Lana watched outside the window. She felt really bad for telling him things she didn’t mean to. But she was left with no other option. As time passed, she realised it isn’t just about her. EXO existed only because they had to keep the other kind away from Lana. Yet, if innocent lives were jeopardized just because these guys were tasked to only protect her, then what was the point of letting her live in this world. The amount of guilt she had to face every single time these guys went for their rounds at night. Similarly, the guilt of making friends with people like Junhong because she couldn’t tell him the truth and protect him from harm, was going to haunt her as well.

A tear dropped silently as she recalled the wonderful moment she had with her Aunts. They were the first victims and she was sure they weren’t going to be the last. Also, she believed EXO hated her after what the vampires did to their parents. They were just forced to protect her. Why would they want to protect someone whose mother belonged to the filthy kind who killed their parents? She would rather they protect people who deserved it more than she does. Thus, Lana had to resort to anything to make sure no one would lose their life innocently.

Being a harsh Lana who would tell people off just so they could avoid her was terrible. But being a helpless Lana who watched innocent lives being taken away was even more terrible. 


To be continued


Lana sweetie, don't hurt Luhan. He only wants the best for you :(

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Chapter 51: Damn she can't do this.. And why do I feel this is all planned by Yongguk? Bcoz he know Lana will hate him if he betray them and do this so he is faking innocence so Lana trust him?
Thank you for such an amazing story.. Now off to part 2..
Chapter 30: yo just got down like damn
se_xing #3
Chapter 35: Wtf lana
se_xing #4
Chapter 16: I really want to punch this mira girl
se_xing #5
Lolypop123 #6
Chapter 16: Wtf that mira girl,ugh =_=
Chapter 51: Off to part 2~~
Chapter 50: Oh my god...
Chapter 46: Yongguk...
Chapter 44: Ho Ho Ho! Well, jealousy make you do crazy things!