Chapter 4: Trust

A Beautiful Curse



The clock struck 2 in the morning yet Lana was still struggling to sleep. Tossing and turning for the past two hours, she just couldn’t get to sleep. Whenever she closed her eyes, she would have the same nightmare of pale looking people with bloody fangs and fiery red eyes, watching her every move. No matter where she escaped to, her she was constantly monitored and their eyes were not only hateful but also of hunger. She couldn’t even hide. They wanted her more than anything. The nightmare came to a when one of those cold-blooded kind managed to catch her and was about to plunge their sharp fangs on her neck when suddenly, she woke up with her heart beating so fast and perspiring all over.

“Urgh!” She buried her face in the palm of her hands.

It was frustrating. It wasn’t the scary nightmare that irritates her but the fact that she was having sleepless nights was making her grouchy. Thankfully for the weekends, she could still rest during day time but if it was on school weekdays, she often struggled to keep up with lessons because of fatigue. She turned around and saw the bottle of sleeping pills. She hated it so much only because she wanted it badly. However, she promised Uncle Lee not to consume the pills unless needed. She was aware of the side-effects and at one point of time, she relied it so much that she almost became an addict. Luckily, Uncle Lee stopped her before it got worst. Since then, he controlled the number of sleeping pills she could consume in a week.

Lana got up from bed and headed to the balcony. Maybe the outdoor air could make her sleepy, she thought. Just as she stepped out, she heard a howling sound which sent shivers down her spine. It was loud, almost haunting yet she bravely walked forward to see what it was. Standing at the balcony ledge, her eyes scanned the area below. It was dark and she couldn’t see anything at first but when she focussed a little more, she saw a pair of red eyes.

“!” She cursed and panicked. The pair of red eyes was similar to the one in her nightmare.

However, she looked intently at this pair of red-eyes until she fully saw who it was. It was one of EXO guys. Her eyes widened in surprise when the guy caught her watching. She trembled slightly when the night turned chilly out of a sudden. The guy walked until he reached just below where Lana’s balcony was.

“Why aren’t you sleeping?” Luhan asked out loud. Lana remembered he was the same guy who asked her about dinner. His voice was raspier and course as compared to how gentle it was before. She didn’t answer and stepped backwards when he said. “You can’t sleep, do you? Do you want to see something?” Curious, Lana stepped forward. Luhan saw that she accepted his invitation and went on. “Come down and meet me here. Oh, remember to wear a jacket. It’s going to be a cold night.” Lana looked at the sleeveless top he was wearing and the tattered jeans. Why wasn’t wearing a jacket himself, she wondered. However, she disregarded the thought quickly and went back to her room. She grabbed a jacket from one of her bags and headed out without hesitation.


“Luhan Hyung, are you sure this is okay?” Kyungsoo asked.

“Of course, she has to know who we are sooner or later.” Luhan replied.

Lana stepped out of the house and her body shivered from the cold sudden air which engulfed her thin body. It was really cold outside. She walked slowly towards Luhan and noticed he wasn’t alone. There were several others. He smiled and held out his right hand in which Lana accepted it. Luhan felt her soft cold hand for the first time and it sent him an electrifying feel throughout his body.

This is scary.

“Don’t be scared. I’m Luhan.” He said.

Similarly, one by one the rest introduced.

“Hi, I’m Kyungsoo.”

“I’m Tao and nice to meet you.”

“Hi, I’m Jongdae.”

Just like Luhan, the rest of them; Kyungsoo, Tao and Jongdae felt an electrifying shock when their hands touched hers. It was as though for that split second, they could read her.

Lana smiled and then timidly asked. “What are you guys doing at this hour?”

“This is usual, Lana. We are active mostly at night.” Luhan answered.

“Active?” She tilted her head.

Kyungsoo chuckled and said. “Let’s meet the rest first.”

Slowly, they walked into the forest. It was so dark and Lana couldn’t see anything. She stopped her track and asked. “We’re going in there?” She pointed to the black forest.

Tao nodded. “Why? Are you afraid?”

The guys expected a yes from her but surprisingly it wasn’t. Instead, she said. “No, let’s go.”

Amazed by her braveness, the guys led her into the forest. Because Lana couldn’t see anything, Luhan held her arm gently and guided the way inside. The only sounds Lana listened were the guys’ heavy breathing and occasional growl, and at times the howling sound which she heard before. Other than that, it was painfully quiet.

Where are they bringing me? It’s so dark but..... I’m curious.

Luhan shuddered out of a sudden when he listened to the voice in his head. Lana felt his grip loosen and wondered why.

“Is everything okay?” Lana asked.

“No, everything’s fine. You trust us right?”

Yes, I do.

Once again, Luhan was surprised. Right at the moment, he discovered something really extraordinary. Lana didn’t answer his question verbally but he already knew it.

Finally, after walking for about 5mins, Luhan stopped. Lana stopped as well and she could hear growling sound, louder than usual. She felt there was more presence coming her way.

Kris: Damn it, Luhan! Why did you bring her here?!

Baekhyun: Hyung, get her away before...

Joonmyun: Baekhyun, control!

Jongdae: Guys, she needs to know.

Luhan: Yixing, fix the fire. We need some light.

Suddenly, Lana’s vision caught a bright light and instantly, the dark forest was lighted up. She looked around and saw the remaining EXO guys piercing her eyes on her.

“Stop it guys. Lana, come take a seat here.” Luhan said and brought her to one of the fallen tree trunk to sit.

EXO guys crowded around the bonfire but their eyes were still fixed on her. Still with his hand on Lana’s arm, Luhan heard.

What’s wrong? Why are you guys looking at me like this?

“Nothing’s wrong Lana. They’re just as curious as you.” Luhan smiled. He then turned his attention to the rest of his brothers and announced. “There is something I need to tell you guys. I don’t know if you will experience the same thing but it works for me.”

“What is it, Hyung?” Sehun asked and took the spot beside Lana. He flashed a smile upon seeing her.

“Lana, may I?” Luhan asked before taking her hand and placed it on Sehun’s palm. “Lana, think of something.”


“Okay, your favourite number.” He suggested.


Sehun instantly let her hand go and shuddered backwards. Lana was shocked by the response too. She stared at him with wide eyes and in return he looked at her in disbelief. “Whoa, what just happened?”

Curious, the rest of the guys came closer and watched the little experiment Luhan was carrying out.

Chanyeol: What is it, Sehun?

Sehun: I read her. I can read her.

Luhan then asked Sehun. “So, what’s her favourite number?”

“12...” He answered. Meanwhile, it was Lana’s turn to be in shocked. She didn’t say out loud her answer but it seemed like Sehun could easily guess it. It was though he could read her mind.

“Wait –“ Lana said but was quickly interrupted.

Chanyeol took her hand for the first time and then asked. “Lana, what’s your favourite food? Don’t say it out, just think of it in your head.”

Chicken Kimchi Ramen...

Similarly, Chanyeol stumbled backwards and then stuttered. “How – what? You like Chicken Kimchi Ramen right?”

Lana nodded in absolute surprise. “Yes, how did you –“

Subsequently, one by one asked her questions and tested out whether they could read her thoughts just be touching her physically. To everyone’s amazement, it worked. When EXO touched her, they could easily read her thoughts but when they had no physical contact with her, they heard nothing. It was just emptiness.

“This is the first time it ever happened. Usually we could read anyone’s thoughts but for your case, we have to be in contact with you to listen.” Minseok explained.

“You guys can read thoughts?”

Kris chuckled. He forgot that she didn’t know about it yet. “Yes, we can read people’s mind without fail but as for you, it’s a little different. We have to touch you to hear your thoughts. Well, it sounds kind of weird though.” He smiled cheekily.

Joonmyun pushed Jongin forward and said. “Go on, Jongin. You should try it too.”

It was only left with Jongin who yet to read her thoughts. It worked for the rest of them, thus it must work for him too.

Without saying anything, Lana reached her hand out and let him touch. She smiled sweetly sending butterflies in his stomach. Hesitant as first, he took her soft hand slowly. She felt her big warm hand wrapping around her and quickly thought of something.

A minute passed but there was nothing. It was just silence between them. Lana tilted her head in confusion and looked at him, waiting for his response.

“Jongin, what do you hear?” Kyungsoo asked. However, Jongin remained silent and his face was full of concentration.

“Lana, maybe you should think of something easier, maybe a place you’ve always wanted to go.” Yixing suggested.

She understood and quickly thought of it. But once again, a minute passed but Jongin remained still and quiet.

“Jongin, what’s wrong?” Luhan asked as he patted his back.

Finally, Jongin let go off her hand and replied. “I can’t read her.” That was all he said.

Luhan: What do you mean you can’t read her?

Jongin: Hyung, I can’t read her thoughts.

Minseok: But everyone else could do it.

Tao: Try harder, Jongin.

Jongin: I can’t! I tried, but there was nothing!

Frustrated, Jongin turned his back and walked away, leaving Lana absolutely confused. She stared innocently at the rest of the males.

“It’s alright. Jongin probably needs more time. He can’t read you yet.” Luhan explained and then gestured her to take a seat.

“Oh...” She muttered, fully understood his outburst.

“Anyway, we haven’t officially introduced ourselves. I’m Joonmyun, one of the leaders of the pack.” Joonmyun stood up and greeted. “I’m the guardian who –“

“Okay next!” The rest of them interrupted and laughed when he was about to do his usual cheesy introduction. Joonmyun pouted and took a step back, giving up on the idea of doing his guardian talk, which all of found it embarrassing.

The tall Kris approached and said in his usual deep tone. “I’m Kris.” Lana studied the serious expression on his face.

“I’m Minseok, the oldest yet the cutest one.” Lana chuckled while the rest of the guys mimicked a vomiting action.

“I’m Baekhyun.” Baekhyun took Lana’s hand and gently kissed it, causing her heart to flutter.

Chanyeol: YAH! What are you doing?!

Yixing: Byun Baekhyun, stop pretending to be the perfect gentleman please.

Baekhyun: Don’t be jealous, you guys. She seems to love it.

Jongdae: Please, no!

Chanyeol with his usual grinning face was the next to introduce. “Hi, I’m Chanyeol the happy virus.”

“Hi, I’m Yixing. Nice to meet you...”

“My name is Sehun and I’m the youngest here.” He smiled adorably which made Lana’s heart flutter.

Then, she was left with the last one. She already knew his name. Jongin who stood the furthest at first, walked to her and greeted in a rather unfriendly tone. “Jongin. Kim Jongin.”

“Great! Now that you know our names, I’m pretty sure you know who we are known as right?” Joonmyun asked.


“Clever girl. Yes, we’re EXO and do you know who we are?”

“EXO is a wolf pack right?”

Kris nodded and replied. “So, you know. We are the descendents of werewolves but don’t worry we don’t shape shift or turn into nasty looking creatures. We still keep our physical selves.”

“But we’re a lot stronger than humans –“

“And a lot faster than them...”

“We don’t hunt other animals. The only thing we hunt is –“

“Okay that’s enough information for the night.” Joonmyun clapped his hand and signalled the rest of them to keep their mouths shut before revealing anything unnecessary.

Jongdae came closer to Lana and slung an arm around her. “Since you know who we are, aren’t you afraid?”

“We still look human but we can be rough and dangerous.” Tao added.

Lana shook her head and spoke. “If I’m afraid, I won’t be here.”

“But Lana, we can be aggressive.”

She smiled and said casually. “You won’t eat me.”

EXO roared in laughter and found her answer really cute. However, Luhan then asked her in serious tone. “So, you trust us?”

Lana nodded and replied. “Yes. You guys won’t hurt me.”


To be continued

Lana's trust for EXO right from the go, will it stay forever or will she be betrayed?

ert EXO, can hear Lana's thoughts only when they touch her... Anyway...


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Chapter 51: Damn she can't do this.. And why do I feel this is all planned by Yongguk? Bcoz he know Lana will hate him if he betray them and do this so he is faking innocence so Lana trust him?
Thank you for such an amazing story.. Now off to part 2..
Chapter 30: yo just got down like damn
se_xing #3
Chapter 35: Wtf lana
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Chapter 16: I really want to punch this mira girl
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Chapter 16: Wtf that mira girl,ugh =_=
Chapter 51: Off to part 2~~
Chapter 50: Oh my god...
Chapter 46: Yongguk...
Chapter 44: Ho Ho Ho! Well, jealousy make you do crazy things!