Chapter 46: Jongin's Past & Yongguk's Deal

A Beautiful Curse

Jongin's Past & Yongguk's Deal


Jongin slammed the door loudly before heading out into the wild. He was irritated and needed some fresh air to cool himself down. He knew he should get a better grip of his temper but he also wished she would understand his predicament and be on his side. He always thought he had her supporting him but instead, she was just as stubborn. Refusing his request and making him angry were few of the reasons their relationship has slowly drifted apart.

“I’ve told you many times; do not go out with him!” Jongin yelled as he ran his fingers across his hair angrily.

“Oppa, you’re being unreasonable!” She yelled in return.

“You don’t know who he is and what he’s capable of.” Jongin spoke in much calmer tone than before but he was still serious. “If you continue to see him, I will have to be the one sending and fetching you from school starting from tomorrow.”

“Stop treating everyone like those blood ers! You need to trust people. You need to trust me!” She provoked.

“Don’t bring them up.” Jongin replied.

“Who? You mean the vampires?! I’m not afraid of them!”

Jongin slammed his fist against the table and stood up. “Stop!”

“Yes, I’m aware your world is different from mine. Your life is different from mine. You have responsibilities. But that doesn’t give you the right to control my life.” She shook her head in utter disbelief.

 “I’ve all the right ever since Omma and Appa passed away!” Jongin raised his voice. “They’ve entrusted you to me so don’t you dare –“

“I don’t think they ever want me to lead such a miserable life.” She muttered quite harshly which only made Jongin more agitated. “Because of you, I can’t be a normal student...  Because of you, I can’t do many things... Because of you, I don’t have friends... Because of you, I won’t be able to achieve my dream...”

“Are we really having this conversation?” Jongin looked at her with his jaws tightened. “You know how hard it is for me to ensure you don’t end up like Omma and Appa. I don’t want to lose you too.” He revealed with a tinge of sadness in his voice.

“Just because you have a life you need to fulfil, you have to cut away all of mine?” She questioned. “Maybe one day you might just lose me if you continue being like this.”

“Is that a threat?” He turned angry again.

“Oppa, it’s not a threat... I just want you to trust me.” She explained in a much nicer and loving tone.

That was the last talk he had with her before leaving the house and venturing into the forest to clear his thoughts. He was upset at himself for failing to make her happy. Yet, he was left with no choice but to cut her freedom.


One afternoon, Jongin headed home after school. Thankfully, his supplementary lesson was cancelled and he was able to end school earlier than usual. He went straight for the front door and entered the house. It was quiet, too quiet. He looked at the clock to see the time. That was when he finally heard laughter coming from a room. Slowly, he climbed up the stairs and approached the noise.

“Woo Bin ah, it’s not like that. You’re supposed to –“

“Supposed to?

“Take off –“

Jongin kicked the door open forcefully to find two pairs of shocked eyes staring at him. His fists balled up and his body was shaking.


“What do you mean by take off?” Jongin’s voice was rough and daunting.

“Oppa, I think you’ve misunderstood. We were talking about our project –“

“You get out of this house now!” He suddenly burst and grabbed the younger boy’s neck roughly.

“Oppa, what are you doing?” As Jongin released him, the boy frantically scrambled out of the room, feeling terrified.  “Oppa!” The girl screamed but abruptly stopped when she noticed Jongin’s eyes have turned golden brown, signalling his transition.

“Shut up –“ He threw a hard punch against the wall smashing and leaving a huge dent. His knuckles bled a little but he didn’t display any signs of pain. Immediately, he turned around and dashed out of the room.

“Oppa!” She called for him, hoping he would calm down and not do anything reckless. She knew that whenever he was angry, it was best to leave him alone. However, at that moment, she wanted to be by his side. She realised that it was her fault after all for making him angry. Although it was just a simple misunderstanding, she was worried he would hurt himself. She chased him into the forest where he was heading to. “Oppa!” She called again. “Oppa, stop! I can explain...” She shouted hoping he would listen to her.

Instead, Jongin continued leaving her behind and dashed into the forest. He didn’t want to hear her explanations at all. All he knew is that he was disappointed in her. Just when he was about to take another step ahead, he heard a loud piercing scream. He recognised the voice and turned panicked.

He ran as fast as he could until his eyes landed on another pair of eyes. That was when his world suddenly stopped. Those pair of eyes he treasured so much was looking back at him, lifelessly. He stumbled forward, grabbing her shoulders and shaking her body.

“Jung Ah!” He cried when he realised she was gone.


“Jongin, wake up...” Lana shook Jongin’s arms and body for him to wake up from his nightmare. She heard his scream which woke her up and instantly ran to his room, only to find him breaking in cold sweat, tossing and turning in his bed.

Jongin opened his eyes and woke up with a jolt. He inhaled and exhaled deeply, trying to get rid of the painful images of the nightmare and memories which kept haunting his mind. He was visibly shaken and his face has turned pale. He looked up with teary eyes and without breathing a word, he pulled Lana for a tight hug. “I killed her –“

Lana tilted her head, puzzled by his words. “You killed who?” She pulled away from him slowly and gazed into his guilt-ridden eyes.

“Jung Ah, my sister.” Jongin revealed and tears started to flow down his cheeks.

Lana wiped his tears away with her hands and then gently cupped his face. “No, you didn’t...” She spoke sweetly.

Jongin shook his head and let the tears flowed. “I killed her. If only I’ve stopped and listened to her, then maybe she will still be alive and probably achieving her dream.”

“I’m sure she knows how great you are as her brother.” Lana said.

“She ran after me, cried for me and depended on me to give her chance to explain but I was too conceited and selfish. She slipped on a rock while trying to reach me and tumbled down the jagged steep slope before hitting her head. I couldn’t even tell her how much I’ve loved her and how much I was sorry for controlling her life, making it miserable. If only –“ He sobbed into her arms and let all his pain out.

Lana brushed his hair with her fingers and cuddled him securely in her arms. She might not understand the pain of losing your own sister because of your mistake but she definitely understood the pain of losing loved ones. She wanted Jongin to realise it wasn’t his fault and it was just an accident.

“Baby, it’s not your fault. It was an accident.” Lana consoled.

“Even if it was an accident, it can’t change the fact that I caused it to happen.” He spoke in trembling voice.

“Cry all you want... Let it all out...” She her back and let him released all the pain he has been bottling up. That was the weakest Jongin, Lana has ever seen. It ached her to see how he has suffered and blamed himself all this while.

Before they knew it, the Sun was already rising and light has begun to enter the room. Throughout the night, Jongin held onto Lana, finding strength in her. It was a huge relief to pour out his grievances to her. After hearing Jongin’s heartfelt words, now Lana realised why Jongin tried to control his anger the best he could. He didn’t want to commit the same mistake again. Yes, he was still controlling her but he slowly trusted her to take care of herself too. Lana, on the other hand, would never question his worry for her. 

“Feeling better?” She finally spoke when he pulled away from her briefly.

He nodded and flashed a small smile. “Thanks –“

“No worries...  Don’t suffer in silence. Tell me everything and we’ll go through this together.” She said with a bright smile.

Jongin stoked her cheeks tenderly and looked into her eyes. “Do you remember the time when I hurt you? I was so scared. I thought I was going to lose you, lose someone so dear to me.”

“Hey, you managed to save me. You didn’t lose me. I’m still here for you.” She replied.

He smiled and brushed the strands of her hair. “I hope you understand why I was so adamant to use my blood on you. To keep you alive... I’m sorry for –“

“Why are you sorry?”  She cut in.

“That you have to become my mate as a result... You were forced –“

Lana knocked his head with her knuckle playfully and pouted. “You’re making me angry by saying all this. I’m honoured to be your mate and this isn’t forced.”

“You really mean it?” Jongin smiled as he wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on the top of her head.

“Yes...” She answered.

“Even on the other night, when you said –“ He paused.

“That I love you? Yes...” She revealed. “I’ve decided to have –“

“Shhh –“ He hushed her to keep quiet for a while as he absorbed the fantastical moment. Facing the same direction, they looked towards the Sun that was slowly rising from the horizon. “Let’s stay like this forever. It’s sufficient...”


In a distant palace, Yongguk sat cross-legged on the King’s throne which has been empty for a while. He closed his eyes, immersing himself with the atmosphere on what it was like to be the ruler of his kind. It was a position he wished to obtain, undeniably. And he was going to obtain it with someone together, forever. If Lana has made her decision then so does he.

He opened his eyes when he heard footsteps entering the King’s hall.

“So, you’ve finally decided?” Jaejoong entered with a smirk plastered across his face.

“The King must never harm the girl. Both of you join my side...”

Yoochun tilted his head and stared in confusion. “What do you mean?”

“Don’t you want to be on the same side as the new King?” Yongguk raised his eyebrows and flashed a smirk.

“What are you going to do?” Jaejoong asked.

“I will be King and she will be Queen. And the curse shall never be reversed. You’ll get whatever you want as long as you fight with me. Fight the King and make her the Queen...”

“That sounds like a reasonable deal. So, what will happen to him?”

“We’ll get someone to kill him...”




To be continued


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Chapter 51: Damn she can't do this.. And why do I feel this is all planned by Yongguk? Bcoz he know Lana will hate him if he betray them and do this so he is faking innocence so Lana trust him?
Thank you for such an amazing story.. Now off to part 2..
Chapter 30: yo just got down like damn
se_xing #3
Chapter 35: Wtf lana
se_xing #4
Chapter 16: I really want to punch this mira girl
se_xing #5
Lolypop123 #6
Chapter 16: Wtf that mira girl,ugh =_=
Chapter 51: Off to part 2~~
Chapter 50: Oh my god...
Chapter 46: Yongguk...
Chapter 44: Ho Ho Ho! Well, jealousy make you do crazy things!