Chapter 38: A Tempting Offer

A Beautiful Curse

A Tempting Offer


Jaejoong and Yoochun were right before his eyes yet Yongguk showed no weakness as he stood firmly. If he was alone, he would have gone against these two vampires without thinking twice on it. However, Lana was with him, all sick and vulnerable. He knew one wrong move by him; everything would be over in a blink of an eye.

“What do you want?” Yongguk asked in a menacing deep tone. His eyes pierced right at straight at the both of them furiously.

Yoochun tilted his head and examined Lana. “Oh, is she unwell?” He noticed her once lovely face has turned really pale. “Mind if I check –“

“If you step forward, I’ll kill you.” Yongguk warned just when Yoochun took a step towards him.

Jaejoong sniggered while Yoochun pretended to be afraid pouting and frowning like a kid who lost his mother. “Tell me how do you intend to kill us when she’s in your arms?” Jaejoong asked and then vanished only to appear right behind Yongguk. He was about to touch Lana but Yongguk was quick enough to pull away.

“Don’t you lay a finger on her!” Yongguk yelled angrily.

Jaejoong pouted and said. “Awww, you’re selfish. I just wanted to check if she’s okay.” He said sarcastically. Obviously, he never had the intention to only check on Lana knowing well that she was his ultimate prey.

Yoochun folded his arms and stared at Yongguk. “Will you relax? Although she’s absolutely gorgeous, we won’t ever steal her away from you. She is your fiancée after all; the future Queen of our kind.”

“Yes, my future King, we won’t cause harm.” Jaejoong smirked and bowed before Yongguk and joined Yoochun.

Yongguk shivered upon the mentioning of the Royal King and Queen. Lana, the future Queen of vampires was just absurdity. He never once thought of her position among his kind. However, whatever they just said was not incorrect either. If he was the Prince and Lana was his fiancé, then if he ever became the King, which would make Lana the Queen.

“Ahh, I see you’re thinking of the possibility of making her the Queen.” Yoochun grinned.

“Shut up...” Yongguk sneered.

“Alright let’s get this over and done with. Firstly, we’re not here to fight you. We’ve come because we have something to discuss.” Yoochun said.

“I’m sure you know what the King wishes; to end the curse. By doing so, the blood of the forbidden child will need to run inside any of the Royals. Simply means, someone needs to drink her blood.” Jaejoong blatantly said it while pointing his finger at Lana.

“We’re giving you a choice. Bring the girl to the King and let him enjoy the richness of her blood –“

Yongguk’s face stiffened. “How dare you?!”

“Or you drink her blood instead.” Jaejoong ended.

Yongguk’s eyes widened. He would rather kill himself than to drink Lana’s blood; not even a drop of it. Yes, he might have killed numerous humans in the past and was nothing but a lowly murderer, but he would never ever place his fangs in her. “Don’t play around with me.”

Yoochun shook his head and said. “We’re not. This is a good deal we could offer. You know very well that if she lands in the hands of the King, he would her dry and it would only be a wasted death.”

“But, if you bite her, she would change and be just like one of us. The curse will end since you’re also a Royalty, and she will live eternally.”

“I believe you want her to be your Queen.” Yoochun smirked.

“Don’t tell me you have never thought of it?” Jaejoong probed.

“Shut up...” Yongguk snarled as his body started to shake.

“If you don’t turn her, she will remain as a human and eventually die. She won’t last and by then, you will be left all alone.”

“How will that be possible since she’s your other half? Imagine losing her just because she’s a mere human who can’t escape death.”

“But if you change her, you’ll live blissfully together forever.”

“I said shut up!” Yongguk burst. “I will never turn her!”

“We give you more time to think about it. Do you want the King to kill her wastefully or do you want to be the one to change her? Remember, that’s the only way to save her.” Jaejoong spoke. He turned around and grabbed Yoochun before disappearing into thin air.

“The...nerve...of them...” Yongguk growled. He was fuming after hearing the way they speak so carelessly over Lana’s life. Slowly, he glanced at her face with more determination than ever. He gripped her firmly in his arms and dashed straight to the palace. “Your life will not be wasted, I promise.” Yongguk muttered softly.


Luhan frantically searched the school ground but no signs of Lana. The rest of EXO scrambled all corners of the school and even the surrounding area yet, there was no trace of her. School was long over.

“Where could she have gone to?” Chanyeol yelled frustratingly.

“She couldn’t possibly have gone far considering how unwell she was.” Joonmyun figured.

Jongin’s face was tensed. He turned to the leaders and said. “I think I know where she is –“

“Where?” Kris asked.

“Promise me you won’t be angry if I break the peace treaty?” Jongin looked at the leaders.

“What are you talking about?”

“I’m going to go the other side... To the palace and if she happens to be there, don’t be sorry if I have to kill tonight.” He tightened his jaws and clenched his fists, ready to attack.

The maids rushed in and out of the room, obeying the orders given by Prince Yongguk. With a human in the room, they were quite taken aback by her presence yet stayed silent without questioning the Prince further. Meanwhile, Yongguk sat by the edge of the bed beside Lana and dabbed warm towel on her forehead. Although her eyes were shut, her head kept tossing and turning as she mumbled incoherent words. Her skin was burning that even Yongguk’s cold touch was insufficient to cool her body temperature.

As he shifted the warm towel, Lana slowly opened her eyes and instantly it landed onto Yongguk. She stared long at his face, admiring his face, that very same face she looked forward every night. They thought she wouldn’t recognise but not a single night she never pictured his face in her mind. And she finally spoke. “You were gone...” Yongguk tilted his head and avoided her gaze. She coughed weakly before adding. “You left me.” A tear dropped as she sniffed away.

Swiftly, Yongguk wiped her tears and gently said. “Lana, I’m sorry. All I ever wanted is for you to grow up normally.”

“I hated you for leaving me.” Lana spoke quite harshly. Her eyes kept fix on him while Yongguk’s shoulder deflated in despair.

“I’m deeply sorry but sweetheart, you know I’ve never left you. I was there all along. You knew it.” He caressed her cheeks lovingly. Although she was angry at the man in front, she allowed his touch. “Didn’t I promise you I’ll be back? I am here, my Princess.”

“Don’t... Don’t call me that...” Lana brushed him off.

“The stories I told you every night when we were together, it’s the truth. Lana, you’re the one for me.” Yongguk explained as he tried to lean closer to her.

However, Lana faced the opposite. “I don’t remember. I was too young.” She closed her eyes, feeling giddy from all the memories of the past. She lied. She definitely remembered every single details of it.

“Gukkie, why are your hands always so cold?” Little Lana asked yet she hugged him tighter. “Are you sick? I’ll make you better.”

Yongguk smiled as he watched her adorably. “I’m not sick. Lana, I’m always going to be cold. Will you hate me because I’m cold?”

Lana looked at him and pouted. “Of course not! I will always like you like how you’re always cold.”

Yongguk smiled at her silliness but it gave him assurance at least. “Are you sure, Princess?”

“Why are you calling me a Princess?” Lana frowned. “I’m not a Princess.”

“Yes, you are because I’m a Prince.” Yongguk pinched her cheeks.

Her eyes suddenly beamed. “You’re a Prince? Really? I thought they don’t exist!”

What a naive little girl, Yongguk thought. But he couldn’t blame her for it. Besides, it was the truth after all. “Yes and you’re my Princess. Do you want to be my Princess?”

“Of course. I’ve always wanted to be a Princess. I get to wear nice dresses and live in a huge castle.”

“I’m honoured to have you as my Princess.” Yongguk smiled. “Lana, will you be my Princess forever?”

“Yes, I will be your Princess forever. I promise.”

Yongguk looked disheartened after hearing Lana’s words. He wished he could turn back time and didn’t let her go. He stood up and was about to leave her alone for her to calm down when he heard soft cries.

“Why did you do it? I know you were there watching me grow. I knew it. When I had nightmares, you made it disappeared right away. When I cried, you wiped my tears while I was sleeping. When I was sick, you took care of me. You did all of it without showing yourself but I knew. You said you were gone, but you were there for me all along. Why did you make me suffer, taunting my feelings and leaving me empty?” Lana sobbed.

Immediately, Yongguk went to her and embraced her tightly. “Lana, I’m sorry. If I knew you’re going to hurt this much, I wouldn’t have left you.”

“It’s too late –“ She said. “My heart hurts so much and it’s not because you left me. Because I don’t think I can be the same Lana as I promised to you.”

“It’s okay, sweetheart. It’s okay.” Yongguk her back tenderly. “I’m already overjoyed just by having you by my side. Your warmth is enough to settle my soul in peace.”

“Don’t do this. Don’t be so nice. It hurts me so much.” She continued to cry. Her feelings were entangled and she was absolutely confused whether if hurt was the right word to describe.

She loved Yongguk. He loves her, still. She loves Jongin and he loves her.

And both men, she couldn’t live without.

“Lana, I’ll do anything for you. Tell me how can I stop your pain?” Yongguk’s voice was soothing but it wasn’t enough to calm her aching self. Lana was obviously torn apart. She hated how this man sacrificed so much for her and longed for him to come back. But now that he’s back, why was everything so hurtful for her?

“J-J-J-Jon...J-J-Jongin...” Her body was shaking as she whispered. Upon hearing the name, Yongguk pulled away from the embrace and looked right straight in her eyes.

That was it. Her tears, the sorrow and pain from her eyes were enough for him to realise that Jongin’s existence was more than just an encounter but a destiny between the both of them. Just like how his future only contained Lana, her future might only have Jongin in it.


But only because she thought Yongguk was gone. But he’s back and by right her future should only have him and no one else. No way would Yongguk ever let Lana go so easily for the second time.

Just when his thought wandered about, his sense picked up an oh-too-familiar smell. Instantly, the door to the room was smashed open and entered, Kim Jongin; the man whom Yongguk could kill right in an instant. Without a second passed, Yongguk was thrown off the ground and landed roughly with his back hitting against the solid wall. Thankfully, it was solid or it wouldn’t have withstood the immense impact Jongin caused. It took him a while to realise the scream.

“Jongin, stop!” Lana’s voice blasted as she stepped protectively in front of Yongguk.

She still cares for me; Yongguk thought. I still have a chance; a smile formed.

“Bloody hell! Stay away from her, you filthy creature!” Jongin roared as he stood firmly above Yongguk who was sprawled on the floor.

Meanwhile, some of EXO and the rest of the Princes came. Seeing their eldest Prince on the floor, the rest turned mad. Immediately, they planned an attack on Jongin but with the handful of EXO who came along, it wasn’t going to be an unfair battle. With two sides gearing up on each other, Yongguk finally intervened.

“Don’t fight them.” He ordered the Princes. “Lower your fangs.” He said it soft yet it was frightening in a way which displayed Yongguk huge power.

Himchan crouched over to Yongguk. “You okay?”

“A simple push is nothing. I can handle that.” Yongguk stood up and dusted himself as he glared at Jongin. “But your provocation is admirable, I must say. You are the only being who I’m letting go even after laying your hands on me quite rudely. Let me remind you. I am a Prince and –“

“You can be God for all I care but once you lay that icy hand on her, I won’t think twice on ripping that thick white neck of yours.” Jongin snarled.

Yongguk shook his head and flashed a smirk. “I have touched her more than you can possibly imagine.”

“Shut up...” A voice interrupted and this time it was Lana.

“It’s the truth, Princess. You know it.” Yongguk provoked.

Lana stepped forward and stared at him without fear.  “Leave Jongin out of this...” With that, she grabbed Jongin’s hand and pulled him away as they walked out of the room. “Come on, let’s go back.”

“Lana, for how long are you going to run away from me? Sooner or later, you will come back for me. You are my –“

“I’m not your Princess... I’m Lana, a human girl.” Lana emphasised before leaving Yongguk all shattered, again. Only this time, she had to remind him of who she is. Whether if she was Yongguk’s Princess or not, she was still a human who would eventually leave him.

Out of a sudden, Yongguk remembered the talk with Yoochun and Jaejoong. Maybe; just maybe they actually provided him with the best solution.


To be continued

Alright I'll be nice.... Double update yay!

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Chapter 51: Damn she can't do this.. And why do I feel this is all planned by Yongguk? Bcoz he know Lana will hate him if he betray them and do this so he is faking innocence so Lana trust him?
Thank you for such an amazing story.. Now off to part 2..
Chapter 30: yo just got down like damn
se_xing #3
Chapter 35: Wtf lana
se_xing #4
Chapter 16: I really want to punch this mira girl
se_xing #5
Lolypop123 #6
Chapter 16: Wtf that mira girl,ugh =_=
Chapter 51: Off to part 2~~
Chapter 50: Oh my god...
Chapter 46: Yongguk...
Chapter 44: Ho Ho Ho! Well, jealousy make you do crazy things!