Chapter 20: The Acceptance

A Beautiful Curse

The Acceptance


“Lana…” Jongin called but Lana remained deep in her sleep. A few days passed and she has gotten much better than before. Injuries which would probably take weeks to heal, was already gone in just days. But he was going to play safe and put her on medication until she fully recovered. It was almost lunch yet she was still in the comfort of her bed. “Lana, wake up…”

“Hmmm…” Lana murmured incoherently. She rubbed her eyes and yawned. “What time is it?”

“It’s almost noon princess.” Jongin sat by the bed, holding a plate of sandwich.

Even after knowing the time, Lana was still feeling lazy. Thankfully, it was still the school holiday and she had the entire day to herself. Slowly, she pushed up to a sitting position. Her eyes then landed on Jongin’s, who was staring straight at her. Lana didn’t know why but she gets nervous seeing Jongin, especially after the incident. It wasn’t because he hurt or something. It was a different kind of nervous feeling, almost tingly and electrifying. She wasn’t sure if it was fine to feel that way. Whatever happened to her that night must have knocked a little part of her brain because how in the world can she possesses sudden attraction for him over night. Jongin appeared in her mind all the time. Heck, he even appeared in her dreams too while she’s asleep.

Frustratingly, Lana buried her sleepy face in her hands and growled. “Grrr… Give me the food.” She demanded and took the plate right away. Maybe she was hungry, that explained the crankiness and the strange feeling she keeps having.

Jongin watched worriedly as she gulped down the sandwich. “Slow down.”

“I’m hungry.” Lana pouted and continued finishing the sandwich.

Jongin smiled knowing that she still has her appetite. He bent closer and patted her head. “Okay you’re hungry. Just eat slowly alright. There is more.” Jongin’s touch sent her into another rollercoaster ride of emotions. Her heartbeat escalated which caught Jongin’s attention. “Lana, what’s wrong?”

Lana stopped eating and looked at him in the eyes which were of course a bad move, not when her heart wasn’t going to slow down. “I need fresh air.” She pushed herself out of bed but Jongin instantly obstructed her way.

“Where are you going? You haven’t fully recovered.” Jongin spoke.

“Tsk, I’m fine.” Lana replied. “I need to get away from –“ She paused because she was afraid the next word my hurt Jongin’s feelings. To be honest, she wanted to get away from him. He kept giving her this unexplainable sensational desire for him. Every time her eyes landed on his, she felt like he was pulling her soul towards him. Every time she listened to his voice, it was like the sweetest tune and she prayed it won’t stop. Every time their skins touched, she turned giddy in excitement. Something must have happened that night.

“Lana?” Jongin called, snapping her out of her thoughts.

“I want to get out of this room.” Lana blinked as she quickly came up with a lie. Well technically she did want to leave her room too, but mostly she just wanted to get away from Jongin.

Jongin shook his head. “But… Fine, I’ll go with you.”

“What? No! I mean –“ Lana raised her voice abruptly. “Can I be alone, please?” She begged.

“Lana, what’s wrong?” Jongin wrapped his right arm around her shoulders but was immediately brushed away.

“No..nothing…just –“ Lana stuttered.

Hurt and rejected, Jongin spoke in a rather serious tone than before. “You have to tell me what you’re thinking. I can’t hear your thoughts.”

Lana realised she has hurt him, quickly she apologised. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.”

 “You’re still not well enough –“ Jongin came closer and cupped her cheeks tenderly in his hands. Lana closed her eyes and tried to control her breathing. They were so near that she could smell his cologne. He was touching her yet again and she was thrown once more in a whirl of euphoria. She felt like she could faint soon. “Lana, you okay?” Jongin’s voice snapped her back to reality as she opened her eyes.

“Let’s just go out, the both of us. Okay. Cool?” Lana finally accepted that he will accompany her.


Lana walked ahead with Jongin trailing at the back. As soon as she stepped outside, she noticed Luhan and called for him. “Hi Luhan!”

However, Luhan just turned to catch a glimpse of her briefly before walking away without greeting. Surprised by his behaviour, she turned to Jongin who only gave her a clueless shrug. She guessed he was probably not in the mood at the moment. She scanned the area searching for the rest of EXO but they were not in sight. At least if there were other guys around, it would be less awkward. Having only Jongin was somehow frightening. Well not because he has a temper, but because she just couldn’t see him in the eyes like how she was previously without blushing like an idiot.

Lana walked slowly until she was just a few metres away from the forest. It was day time and even so, she wasn’t allowed in. She halted her steps and looked at Jongin. As if he understood what she wants, he led her in with his hand holding hers.

Lana could not stop staring at their linking hands. Jongin, on the other hand, was oblivious to it. He actually thought it was normal. Lana was his mate after all.

“If you’re feeling tired, tell me.” Jongin finally spoke after keeping silent for a while. He kept on going like he has somewhere he wanted to bring her.

Lana shook her head and replied. “I’m fine. Where are we going?” They had been walking for a few minutes.

Jongin didn’t answer instead Lana stumbled across a beautiful lake which out of nowhere appeared amidst the thick forest. Speechless by the magnificent view of it, Lana walked closer to the edge of the water. She knelt down and dipped a finger in. The water felt cold but it was pleasant. She didn’t know such a big lake exists.

Jongin wasn’t supposed to bring Lana to the Southern part of the forest.  In fact, it was forbidden for her. But he thought that the tranquillity of the lake might ease her mind and improve her health. There was nothing scenic around the area other than the lake. The forest was nothing, mainly filled with tall trees with few streams flowing across. Other than that, it was quite dull. Maybe it was dull to him considering he combed the forest every single night that he knew every corner of it at the back of his hands.

Jongin sat on the wooden bench constructed by him. He watched attentively at Lana who seemed brighter and contented than when she was in her room. Jongin wondered whether if he should tell her the truth about the night’s event. He worried she might get angry.

Lana dusted her hands after checking out the water and walked back to where Jongin was seating. She took a spot beside him but still maintained quite a distant away from him.

“Are you feeling better?” Jongin suddenly asked.

Lana nodded. “Yes.” She leaned against her back and inhaled the fresh air. “I didn’t know there’s a lake here.”

“Actually you’re not supposed to know or be here.” Jongin answered.

“Really? Why?”

“Because –“ Jongin stood up out of a sudden and then pointed at the opposite of the lake which was far away. “You see that land? We can’t go there.”

“What do you mean?” Lana asked.

Jongin shrugged, refusing to answer her question straight. “You’ll know.” That was what he said.

Lana rolled her eyes and spoke sarcastically. “Of course, I’ll know.”

“Lana, there are things –“

“What happened the other night?” Lana dived directly.

Jongin looked at her and said. “You were injured, quite badly. I’m sorry –“

“That I know and trust me I don’t hold grudges. You don’t have to apologise. I was in the wrong too.” Lana stated. “I just want to know how I manage to miraculously get better in a short span of time because I remember the pain was so unbearable, I thought I was going to die –“

“Lana, don’t say such things.” Jongin cut her firmly. “Nothing will happen to you, I promise.”

Lana smiled after hearing his promise. “Thank you. I really appreciate but...I still want to know, Jongin. What medicine did you use on me? Because it sure is effective.”

Jongin wanted to escape from answering but it seemed like Lana was adamant to know. So, he decided to just tell her everything. “Whatever I did is only because I want to keep you safe and...” He paused before continuing. “I don’t want it to happen the second time.”


Jongin turned to face Lana and clasped her hand. “Lana, my blood is in you.”

“W-W-What?” Lana tilted her head with a frown.

“I’m sure you have heard before that a wolf’s blood is the best cure for anything and everything. It heals wounds and injuries in a flash. So, my blood was used to heal you.”

Lana’s eyes widened. “Your blood? Really? I didn’t know a wolf’s blood can be really handy. Jeez, thanks!”

Jongin shook her head and sighed. “Lana, yes my blood does wonders but it comes with a price. Well at least it’s not really a price for me because I don’t actually have problems with it though. I-I-I...”

“What is it?” Lana was curious.

“Because my blood runs inside, you are technically my mate now, meaning I have to protect you for the rest of my existence. In other words, you belong to me now.”

“Wait, what?”

Jongin looked down and added. “We have to stay together forever. I need you as much as you need me. We can’t be separated.”

Lana scratched her neck, still confused by what he just said. “You’re kidding right?”

Jongin stared at her eyes and asked seriously. “You don’t like it? Becoming my mate and –“

“No. I mean... I don’t know about that. If you say we’re going to be together forever, does it mean we’re married unofficially?”

Jongin nodded and replied. “You can view it that way too. You are mine for life.”

Lana closed her eyes as she tried to register every single detail that was just presented. “I don’t have a choice, do I?”

“Lana you don’t seem happy.” Jongin was hurt by her words.

Lana stood up and approached the lake. She didn’t reject his claim neither did she agree. Truthfully, she wasn’t sure of her feelings. Being someone’s mate and devoting her life for him might just be a difficult task for her. She wasn’t capable of it. Jongin was a nice guy but she’s not prepared for this. Now, she understood the intensifying emotions she has for him suddenly. He gave her jitters, in a positive way. He made her nervous yet she didn’t mind being around him.

Lana inhaled deeply, easing her mind when she noticed someone familiar at the opposite side of the lake. “Is that –“

Jongin grabbed Lana’s arm and spun her around. “We must go now.” Jongin recognised the awful stench and sensed danger right away.

“B-B-But...” Lana stuttered. Without wasting a second, Jongin lifted Lana in his arms and made a dash back to the house. “J-J-Jongin, what’s wrong?”

“Don’t worry. Everything’s fine.” Jongin replied and flashed a smile.

Lana snuggled and allowed him to bring her anywhere without asking more. She watched him intently as he kept on a smiling face, assuring that it was all okay. It was definitely comforting. She didn’t feel frightened at all probably because she trusted him. Maybe she has accepted that this man was hers.


To be continued



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Chapter 51: Damn she can't do this.. And why do I feel this is all planned by Yongguk? Bcoz he know Lana will hate him if he betray them and do this so he is faking innocence so Lana trust him?
Thank you for such an amazing story.. Now off to part 2..
Chapter 30: yo just got down like damn
se_xing #3
Chapter 35: Wtf lana
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Chapter 16: I really want to punch this mira girl
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Chapter 16: Wtf that mira girl,ugh =_=
Chapter 51: Off to part 2~~
Chapter 50: Oh my god...
Chapter 46: Yongguk...
Chapter 44: Ho Ho Ho! Well, jealousy make you do crazy things!