Chapter 23: Reconciliation

A Beautiful Curse



Dressed in sleeveless black and top and loose denim Bermudas, Tao listened intently as both leaders gave their individual commentary of each of their strengths and weakness. The first one to be evaluated is Minseok. Undeniably he was strong despite his small size but simultaneously, his small size resulted in him being one of the slowest in the pack.

“Hyung, your speed is still a problem.” Joonmyun told him.

Kris stepped forward and added. “Maybe you should try leaping through the way. Like jumping...”

Minseok nodded compliantly. “Working on it...”

“As for you Tao, you need to stay as grounded as possible. You’re always careless. When you sense something, you go straight for it only to realise you have missed it and have overshot your pace.” Kris commented.

Tao nodded and accepted his weakness. “I know. I keep getting too ahead of myself.”

 “Glad you know...” Chanyeol inserted as he patted the disappointed young male.

Joonmyun glared at Chanyeol and said. “And you, Chanyeol, you need to be more serious! You have good reaction and probably one of the fastest, but because you’re always jesting around, it’s going to be your weakness.”

“It’s just a facade I’m displaying. I’ll be serious when I see the real enemy.” Chanyeol tried to reason.

“That will be too late already.” Yixing scolded.

“Okay Baekhyun, as for you, try and be not too...hmmm...obsessed with your...desire.” Joonmyun placed his words correctly to prevent any misunderstanding.

“In simple words, control your lust.” Jongdae added.

Joonmyun shook his head and explained. “No, that’s not what...”

“I’m trying...” Baekhyun pouted.

Yixing slapped his shoulders and teased. “Maybe you should cut down on the adult movies –“

“Hey! I’m not the only one watching okay!” Baekhyun defended himself.

Kris shook his head and said. “Baek, try to sniff slowly. I know you get agitated with even the faintest sweet smell.”

Baekhyun could only nod and listen. “Yes, I’ll try.”

“Yixing, well as for you, you need to communicate more with us. Don’t just keep it to yourself. When you hear and smell something, tell us and vice versa. Listen to our thoughts too. I know you’re reminded of your past but we need to work together.” Joonmyun continued.

Yixing nodded. “I understand.”

Jongdae stepped forward and asked. “Kris Hyung, how about me?”

“Okay Jongdae, you’re a smart person undoubtedly but don’t hold on to details like why is he here or what is she doing here. If they’re the enemies, then they are. There’s no need to question them. Don’t think too much, that’s your weakness.”

“Then, me?” Kyungsoo asked.

“Kyungsoo, you’re just too nice, too gentle. You need to toughen yourself. We are tasked to kill if we need to. Do you get me?” Kris said.

Kyungsoo nodded and replied. “I know...”

“Don’t worry about having to kill them because technically, aren’t they dead?” Chanyeol slung an arm around Kyungsoo to provide support for his comrade.

“Well, I guess they are.” Kyungsoo grinned.

Joonmyun then went to Sehun and said. “Alright maknae, well you are...actually you’ve been doing well lately. So keep it up!”

Sehun’s face brightened instantly. “Really? I’ve been really training well. I realised it gets riskier by the day and I worried for Lana.”

Impressed, Kris commented. “What a mature maknae we have here.”

Joonmyun cleared his throat before approaching the last two guys; Luhan and Jongin who were standing a few metres apart. “Luhan Hyung and Jongin, both of you are probably the best among us. Jongin, you’re incredibly fast and Hyung, you’re smart and strong. However, both of you need to control your emotions.”

“Luhan, you are too strong-headed and lack the ability to allow others a chance. You act mostly on your own, for your own benefit. And you, Jongin, you have quite a temper. Control it or you’ll end up hurting yourself more.” Kris added.

“And Lana...” Luhan mumbled softly but obviously loud enough for the rest to hear.

The atmosphere suddenly took a turn. It became tense especially when both Luhan and Jongin had serious and grim expressions. The rest of them could feel the disparity between both males. It was such a pity because Luhan and Jongin were really close before. But now, they seemed to hate each other’s guts. Although they didn’t outwardly say it, it was pretty obvious.

Kyungsoo walked towards Jongin and gave a tight squeeze. “Jongin, relax a bit.”

Meanwhile,  Sehun approached Luhan and asked. “Hyung, are you okay?

“Yes, I’m fine.” Luhan replied in a harsh tone.



In the evening, sitting with their legs folded comfortably on Lana’s bed, both Jongin and Lana were on a game of chess. As it was Lana’s turn to move, her face creased in concentration making her look absolutely adorable. Jongin smiled lovingly as he focussed on her more than the game.

“Lana, can I ask you something?” Jongin disrupted her focus.

Lana kept her eyes fixed on the chess board but she heard him and replied. “Yes –“

“Who’s Junhong?” Jongin went straight to the question.

“Oh Junhong? He’s a friend, my classmate.” Lana moved a chess piece and then looked up, signalling that it was Jongin’s turn now.

However, the male concentrated on her and asked another. “What do you know about him?”

“Well, nothing much... We sit beside each other in class.” Lana shrugged nonchalantly.

“Where does he stay?”

Lana raised her shoulders and replied. “I don’t know. I never ask. I don’t tell him where I live; I can’t possibly ask him where he stays right?”

“Okay... How is he like?”

“He’s alright. A friendly and nice guy I supposed. Why are you asking me this?” Lana frowned suddenly.

“Nothing, I just want to know. Anyway, maybe you should bring him here –“

“Oh you know, he’s always not eating in front of me.” Lana interrupted and then laughed at the mention of Junhong’s weird behaviour. “Come to think of it, I’ve never seen him with food or drink. Weird, right..?” Lana smiled.

However, Jongin turned serious. “What else do you know about him?”

“Hmmm, he’s good at guessing. He knows that I hurt my back even without me telling. It’s pretty weird but –“

“Lana, if I ask you to stay away from him, will you do it?”

“Huh? Why?”

Jongin held her hand and stare right at her eyes. “Stay away from him, please.”  He pleaded. However, Lana remained a poker face. She didn’t say anything and only looked at him strangely. “You’re not going to listen to me, aren’t you?” Jongin said and immediately he knew Lana was not going to hear him out in this.

“You have to tell me why.” Lana said.

Jongin could only shake his head and let out a sigh.


Jongin stopped running and leaned against the tree. He has been running full speed continuously for an hour around the forest that it finally took a toll on his physical self. He wiped his sweat with the back of his hands and took a long deep breath. His mind kept whirling over the conversation he had with Lana before. She meant the world to him and would never hurt her in any way but he couldn’t stop worrying about her. Even right at the moment, he wondered if she was sleeping safely at home. Sometimes, he wished she could understand him but it was going to be hard knowing how stubborn Lana is.

Out of a sudden, he felt a presence behind him and quickly turned around only to see Luhan approaching him with a dark expression. Luhan swiftly tackled Jongin to the ground and then pushed him down. Jongin struggled but because he wasn’t fast enough, Luhan managed to grip him tightly.

“Don’t lose focus. Concentrate!” Luhan scolded.

Jongin pierced right at the older male’s eyes and spat. “Move away!” Luhan pulled himself up and let Jongin away. However, he reached his hand and offered his help. Reluctantly, Jongin took his hand as Luhan pulled him up of the ground. “Thanks...”

Jongin walked away feeling even more upset than before, more towards himself than anyone else. He lost focus just a bit and totally let his guards down. As a result, Luhan managed to pin him down. That was just Luhan, imagine if it was the enemy instead. Jongin would probably struggle even more.

Luhan watched him sympathetically. As much as he was angry that Jongin was Lana’s mate, he acknowledged the responsibilities Jongin has to shoulder. The young male was probably stressed and feeling even more disappointed at himself. “What’s wrong?” Luhan asked in a much nicer tone.

“Urgh!” Jongin ran his fingers across his hair and cried frustratingly. “I don’t know, Hyung.” He blurted.

“Is it because of Lana?” Luhan asked. Jongin was a little hesitant to talk about Lana to Luhan but whatever he was feeling at the moment, was mainly because of her. Luhan sensed something and so he said. “If you don’t want to talk about it, then I’m fine –“

“Yes, it’s about Lana.” Jongin cut and then stopped briefly before adding. “I wish she understands me more.”

Luhan looked at him. “Why do you say that?”

Jongin shook his head and replied. “I’m not sure. I don’t think she knows how much she means to me.”

“Don’t think about what she thinks because trust me, you’re thinking it wrongly.” Luhan answered and sat on one of the rocks.

Jongin sighed and sat too. They remained silent for a while before Jongin started to speak again. “Hyung, you like her?”

“No –“ Luhan replied before continuing straightforwardly. “I love her.”

Jongin wasn’t surprised. He expected the answer. “You were right, maybe I shouldn’t have given her my blood –“

“Yes, I love her but you deserve her more than any of us.” Luhan quickly inserted before Jongin could end his words. Instantly, Jongin looked up. This time, he was taken aback. “Jongin, you are the only one who hears her heart. You know where she is, what and how she feels. When she’s happy, you’re the first to know. When she’s sad, you’re the first to know too. You listen to her heartbeat, that sweet tune only you can hear. Her most vital part of her is already ingrained in you. None of us has that ability, none but only you.”

“I don’t think I deserve this ability if I can’t do a simple task in protecting her.” Jongin mumbled. “I just wish I can be the best for her.”

Luhan stood up and dusted his pants. “You are the best for her. Trust me.”

“No, I’m not –“

However, Luhan interrupted and said. “Jongin, I can hear her thoughts. Trust me, she only wants you.” With that, he took off in a speed of lightning leaving Jongin speechless.



Luhan sipped the warm coffee, just what he needed in the morning. While the rest of EXO were gulping down the breakfast, Luhan remained relatively quiet and only took a few bites of the food. Sitting across him was Jongin, who was just like Luhan, quietly eating his breakfast.

Jongin: Luhan Hyung... Hyung...

Luhan: You’re talking to me?

Jongin: Yes...

Luhan: What?

Jongin: Is it okay if you send Lana to school today?

Luhan: Well, are you okay with that?

Jongin: Hyung, I’m sorry... Thanks for last night.

Luhan: Don’t apologise. It’s my fault too.

Jongin: So, will you...

Luhan: You don’t have to ask. I’ll drive her.

Jongin: Thanks

Both Jongin and Luhan looked and flashed a smile to one another. Unknowingly, the rest of them saw and were quite surprised. Jongin thought that it’s about time he ends the cold war with Luhan. For how long can they remain silent, especially when Luhan was one of his closest Hyung? Hence, he was trying to make up for it by letting Luhan drives Lana to school. Besides, Jongin trusted Luhan the most when it comes to Lana. He had no worries.


“So, you’re finally talking to Jongin?” Lana asked as she sat beside Luhan in the car on the way to school.

Luhan chuckled at the question and said. “Yes.”

“Great! I mean both of you are close right? Although I don’t know the reason why you guys fight but I’m just glad it’s alright now.” Lana said gleefully.

“Yes, I’m glad it’s okay now.” Luhan smiled.

“Even though, Jongin can be such an sometimes but I think he’s sweet and loving.” Lana commented.

“Are you falling for him already?” Luhan laughed. It was a genuine question and no hard feeling was involved. Luhan has already accepted that Lana was Jongin’s mate.

“Tsk...Don’t ask me such a question.” Lana pouted, feeling shy and embarrassed suddenly.

 “It’s not wrong anyway since you’re his anyway.” Luhan stated.

Lana remained quiet as her attention was shifted to a tall guy with blonde hair walking on the pavement just a few blocks away from the car. She realised who it was and faced Luhan. “Can you stop the car?”

“Eh?” Luhan was surprised by her sudden request.

“My friend’s over there walking to school.” Lana pointed outside the car. Luhan tried to view who it was but because they were other students in the same school uniform, he was confused who Lana was referring to. “Can I walk to school with my friend? Please?”

“Okay...” Luhan replied and stopped the car at the side of the road.

Lana smiled and said. “Thanks!”

But before she went out of the car, Luhan pulled her hand and said. “Lana, call me once you reach school.”

“Yes sure!”

As soon as he let her go and she stepped outside, Luhan sensed something was not quite right. But he was too late to stop her. Lana was already, camouflaged among the rest of the students.

“!” Luhan cursed and took out his phone to dial a number. “Come on Lana, pick up.”


“Lana, where are you come back –“

“Luhan, I can’t hear you... I’m fine, do not worry... My friend is just ahead... I’ll call back when I reach already... Bye!”

And then the phone beeped continuously. Luhan looked around from inside the car only to see a crowd of students. He didn’t know what to do. He must receive a call from her soon. He glanced at his watch and calculated how long will it take for Lana to reach school; approximately 20 minutes. That was pretty long and anything could happen within. He waited in the car anxiously and held his phone.



Lana saw Junhong from far and followed him behind. She had to quicken her steps as the male was walking fast, especially when he has long legs. She trailed at the back and called out his name but he didn’t seem to hear her. She noticed that he turned left to an alley and Lana paused for a while, wondering where he was going since the school was at the opposite direction. However, Lana followed and turned left as well.

“Junhong...” Lana called.

But to her surprise, he wasn’t there. She walked in the alley but stopped because it was a dead end. She wondered where he went.  He simply vanished. If he had walked out, she would have seen him. Lana looked up and there was no sign on him. The wall was probably a few metres high and he couldn’t have possibly climbed it over in a short span of time. She turned around and decided to forget about pursuing for him and just head to school on her own.

However, as she turned around, there were two males in front of her suddenly. Panicked, she didn’t know what to do.

“Why are you following Young Prince?” One of the males asked in a grave tone.

Lana tilted her head and frowned. “Who are you talking about?” However the males stepped closer to her slowly and that was when Lana noticed something strange, which sent shivers down her spine. “Oh my God, it’s that –“

Before she could finish what she intended to say, one of the male advanced forward and knocked her off. In a split second, her world turned dark.

With Lana in their captivity, the two males looked at one another as they smirked and flashed their sharp fangs.


To be continued


Hmmm... Just another chapter!


However, what's going to happen to Lana.......WILL SHE BE OKAY? WHAT IF..... T________T 


P.S: SHINee's BACK BACK BACK BACK BACK (yes my bias group is actually them). Who's excited? Cause I know I am. ^__^

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Chapter 51: Damn she can't do this.. And why do I feel this is all planned by Yongguk? Bcoz he know Lana will hate him if he betray them and do this so he is faking innocence so Lana trust him?
Thank you for such an amazing story.. Now off to part 2..
Chapter 30: yo just got down like damn
se_xing #3
Chapter 35: Wtf lana
se_xing #4
Chapter 16: I really want to punch this mira girl
se_xing #5
Lolypop123 #6
Chapter 16: Wtf that mira girl,ugh =_=
Chapter 51: Off to part 2~~
Chapter 50: Oh my god...
Chapter 46: Yongguk...
Chapter 44: Ho Ho Ho! Well, jealousy make you do crazy things!