Chapter 42: A Contemplating Decision

A Beautiful Curse

A Contemplating Decision


“Your Highness, you don’t have to –“

“It’s alright. I’ll go hunt.” Junhong spoke as he put on his black leather jacket and tidied his blonde hair.

“Let the guards go with you, Prince Junhong.” The servant requested and turned around to see the guards already up on their feet.

Junhong shook his head. “I don’t want any unnecessary attention.”

“Yes, said someone with blonde hair.” Daehyun entered the hall and placed a black cap on top of the youngest head. “It’s broad day light. Just let the guards hunt instead. You’re going to attract more attention with that hair of yours.”

“I’ll go with him.” Yongguk came and put on his jacket as well. “I heard the blood supply is running low.” He faced the servant.

The servant frantically bowed and apologised. “Please forgive me Your Highness for overlooking on such an important matter. Rest assured, I’ll order the guards to hunt right away and ensure there will be ample supply for everyone in the Palace.”

Yongguk lightly tapped the male servant’s back and said. “Don’t worry about it. It’s about time I start sharpening my hunting skills again. I’m turning rusty.”

“No, you’re not. Please don’t trouble yourself.”

“You heard what Prince Yongguk just said, didn’t you?” Junhong asked. “Now go and relax while we bring in some fresh blood for you.” He said with a smirk.

“Dae, want to come along?” Yongguk asked.

The younger male shook his head. “Nah, I’ll pass but if you can, get me a fresh deer’s blood please.” He cheekily requested.


Both Yongguk and Junhong set on their feet into the forest which house their delicacies and also a place for them to hunt. For centuries, the forest has been the one providing them with food. Thankfully for its wide area, they didn’t have to worry of shortage. With perfect ecosystem, the forest was never empty. Besides providing them with food, the forest was also the area where the boundary was. One side belonged to them, while the other was their enemy’s. Hence, whenever they went to hunt, they had to make sure they were within their boundary to avoid any conflict or even another outbreak of war.

It has been a while since the Princes were allowed to hunt. Although they weren’t any short on the skills of hunting, the royal servants and guards were always the ones who brought back fresh blood for the Princes. However, that particular day, Junhong and Yongguk decided to go hunt instead. With heightened senses and agility, they began searching for the perfect prey. In the middle of the forest, Junhong signalled to Yongguk, telling the older male that he would be going towards the East. Yongguk, on the other hand, reminded Junhong to keep within the distance. As they parted in different directions, Yongguk stopped his track and closed his eyes as he inhaled any scent of prey.

In a split second, he caught hold of what seemed like wild boar’s scent and immediately dashed for it. Equipped with extraordinary speed and strength, it only took less than a minute to seize his prized possession. The smell of animal blood was definitely tantalising especially when the last time he had it was two nights ago. He pulled out his backpack, took out large metal containers and filled the blood in. Once in a while, he drank it since fresh blood was too hard to resist. Despite being thirsty still, he didn’t finish it all on his own and remembered to keep most of it for the rest of them in the Palace. After draining the animal and leaving it dry, he stood up with his back pack and decided to pursue another one. This time, he was aiming to find a deer for Daehyun.

Luck seemed to be on his side, when a deer just happened to cross the river ahead. He the remaining blood from his hand and kept his eyes fixed on his prey. Just when he was about to make a run for it, he heard a yell.

“! Get the hell out of my sight!”

Yongguk stopped and tilted his head. That sounded like Junhong. Without wasting any time, he disregarded the deer and ran towards Junhong who seemed to be in trouble.

“Junhong, what –“

“Oh hello, Prince Yongguk...” Yoochun bowed politely which only angered Junhong knowing there was something up his sleeve. Yongguk faced Yoochun whose lips had formed a smirk. Unconsciously, he clasped his fists tightly as his body became tensed. “Are you hunting for blood? Are you sure animal blood suffices, my Princes?” He glanced at the two dead rabbits Junhong was holding.

Junhong was obviously furious that he stepped forward and yelled. “Get lost before I –“

“Junhong, don’t...” Yongguk warned.

Yoochun chuckled which further annoyed Junhong. “Relax, Prince Junhong... This is a hunting ground for me too. Such a perfect place –“ He twirled around with his hands gestured up high. “There are plenty of deers, wild boars, rabbits and –“ He stopped and flashed a wicked smile. “Human...” He added while his lips which gave off the lingering smell of fresh human blood.

“Damn you...” Junhong gritted while trying to stay as calm as possible. Although they weren’t feeding on human blood anymore, it was still a challenge to resist the smell of it, especially a fresh one. He knew a human has fallen victim to Yoochun’s malicious act, again.

Yongguk, on the other hand, displayed a different response. Instead, he seemed rather cool-headed. “You do know that you won’t have much time left if you keep up that diet of yours, don’t you?” He said casually as he noticed Yoochun’s body began to tremble slightly. Furthermore, Yoochun looked even older than the last time they encountered. Both Yongguk and Yoochun were the same, as of human age but at the moment, Yoochun seemed like he has aged forward, almost 10 years difference.

However, instead of showing any signs of fear, Yoochun stood boldly with his back straightened. “I’ll survive long enough to reverse the curse.” At the mention of the curse, both Yongguk and Junhong tightened their jaws furiously. Seeing their grim expressions, Yoochun added further. “Do you still remember the deal? I hope you’re still considering –“

“You speak one more word of it, I’ll kill –“ Yongguk cut in however before he could finish Yoochun stopped him.

“I believe your Princess seems to be enjoying the wolves’ company. I mean, I heard she’s even joining them for cliff diving tomorrow evening. Did she tell you about it?” Yoochun smiled as he noticed Yongguk’s face hardened. “You didn’t know about it?” He further provoked. “How reckless could she be? She should at least tell you what she’s doing. She’s your Princess after all. She shouldn’t endanger her life by following the filthy wolves, right? Tsk... If you continue to let this happen, I’m afraid you might lose to a pathetic dog.”

“Shut up... I don’t believe Lana will do such a thing.” Junhong defended although a part of him was doubtful.

Yoochun raised his hands and shrugged nonchalantly. “Oh well, see it for yourself. Tomorrow 6PM at the cliff...” He ended before turning his heels and disappeared into the depth of the forest.

Both Yongguk and Junhong didn’t move an inch as they let him off without a fight. Junhong turned to face his older brother whose face was dark and stiff. He knew right away Yongguk has taken Yoochun’s words seriously. “Hyung, you’re not believing him, aren’t you?” He asked, hoping Yongguk would just forget the conversation without thinking so much about it.

Instead of answering him, Yongguk said. “Let’s get back to the Palace.” Instantly, Junhong knew Yongguk would never let this off his mind.



“Lana, are you sure? Don’t you want to do something else?” Kris asked as they gathered in the living room, preparing to head out. The guys were worried, especially Jongin but Lana didn’t falter at all. She was probably the only one so excited.

“I’m positive. I want to try this at least once, please?” She begged as he tugged Kris’s arm.

Reluctantly, Joonmyun placed his arm around her shoulder and said. “Oh well, let’s do this then.”

“Promise this is the first and the last time, okay?” Yixing added.

Lana pouted knowing that she would love to try it again in the future but since they already accepted her request just this once, she replied. “Okay...”

Chanyeol frowned and said. “That’s not a promise. I know that...”

Lana recalled the talk she had with Chanyeol and only he knew she didn’t mean the promise. “Ahh Oppa, can you don’t be like this?”

“Oppa?” Baekhyun’s eyes turned wide suddenly. “Did you just call him Oppa?”

“Yes –“ Lana answered shyly.

“That’s so unfair!”

“How could you call Chanyeol Oppa and me by the name when I’m older than him?”

“Lana, call me Oppa too!”

“Duh! She loves me the best!”

“Oh please, I’m sure you blackmailed her into calling you Oppa!”

Jongin pulled Lana away in the midst of the little bickering as they entered the forest ground. Lana could only chuckle softly, listening to the endless squabbles between them. She thought she finally managed to get away from trouble when suddenly Jongin whispered in her left ear.

“I’m officially jealous and hurt.” Lana stopped to look at him. He was pouting quite adorably, melting her heart instantly. “Why didn’t I get the privilege of being called Oppa first?” He bent down with his face almost touching hers.

Lana smiled and replied. “I was actually thinking of calling you something else. You know, like darling, dear, honey, baby and more but if you insist that I call you Oppa just like the rest –“

“No, don’t.” He suddenly cut and shook his head vehemently. “I’d prefer if you call me by those names instead.”

She laughed upon hearing his reply and ruffled his hair playfully. “I didn’t know you’re such a jealous boy.”

Jongin pouted and said. “It’s already difficult enough that I have to compete with a vampire prince, now with my own brothers too?”

“Aww, you’re still my cute little pup...” Lana pinched his cheek before running away from him.

“Aish, don’t call me pup please... I’m a wolf, a big bad wolf and I’m going to eat you up.” Jongin chased after her.

Lana ran as fast as she could, trying to get away from Jongin. “Hahahahaha!” She laughed and continued teasing him until she suddenly stopped when she saw who was there right by the edge of the cliff. “What are you doing here?”

“Lana –“ Jongin called and stopped as well after his eyes caught someone. “What do you want?” His tone shifted almost immediately. The cheerful and happy Jongin was gone in an instant and now he has turned cold and harsh.

“Lana, why are you doing this?” Yongguk stood up from seating on one of the huge boulder and slowly approached her only to be stopped by Jongin.

However, Lana pulled Jongin’s arm and spoke nicely to him. “Jongin, it’s okay. He won’t harm me.”

Once again, her voice soothed and calmed his nerves. Reluctantly, he stepped back and let the both of them talked while still keeping watchful eyes over Yongguk.

“Doing what?” Lana asked Yongguk.

“Why are you risking your life doing such a dangerous activity? Cliff diving, seriously?  This is not how a Princess supposed to act.” Yongguk looked at her and Lana could sense the anger in him slowly rising. He was probably angry at Lana for doing such a reckless act knowing that it could endanger her life, especially when he was trying to protect it.

However, Lana let out a hiss instead. “It’s my choice –“

But before she could finish her explanation, Yongguk went straight at Jongin and began lashing the guy. He threw a solid punch across his jaws. “BLOODY HELL, WHY DID YOU BRING HER –“

Just when he was about to throw another punch, the rest of EXO came and stopped the fight before it got any worst. Kris pulled Yongguk away as the vampire struggled to break free. Jongin, on the other hand, was absolutely furious that he growled loudly with his eyes turning golden brown.

“WHY ARE YOU RISKING HER LIFE ON DOING SOMETHING SO IMMATURED?!” Yongguk yelled out loud despite being held back by Kris and Chanyeol. “YOU DON’T MAKE HER DO STUPID –“

However, before he could finish his sentence, a tight slap hit his cold, hard face. He stopped abruptly only to see Lana looking at him with an angry glare he has never seen before. “Who are you to tell me what is stupid or dangerous?!” She yelled.

“Lana, don’t follow their way of living –“

“Don’t tell me what to do...” She spoke harshly. “This is my choice. It’s not Jongin’s fault or anyone’s.”

“It’s dangerous...” By then, Yongguk was set free as he stood a few steps ahead of Lana. Meanwhile, Jongin tried to control his anger and after seeing the slap, it definitely made him feel a lot better.

“You know what’s dangerous?” Lana pierced right at Yongguk’s eyes. “This... Talking to you and being around you...”

“You know very well I won’t harm you!” Yongguk snapped suddenly. “This is exactly the reason why I don’t want you to hang out so much with them!” He glared at the wolves. “You’re doing stupid things and you’re beginning to talk stupidly.”

“How dare you call my family, stupid?” Lana tightened her fists angrily. “Go away...”

“What happened to the girl who used to call me so lovingly?” Yongguk looked at her in disbelief.

“The girl has changed...” Lana answered.

“So, you’ve finally decided who family to you is? Lana, let me remind you that you’re still half of us and you’re still my Princess.” Yongguk was turning impatient.

“Speak one more word and I swear –“ She stopped and looked away in absolute rage. “I will hate you forever.”

Yongguk shook his head, feeling utterly disappointed in Lana. Her actions and words were making him speechless. As he watched her silently going towards Jongin and hugging him tightly, Yongguk punched the air furiously. Immediately he turned around and sped away, far away from the sight of Lana and Jongin.

As he ran, his mind constantly played the same tune.

“Lana, you’re mine! I would do anything to make you mine! Anything!”


To be continued


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Chapter 51: Damn she can't do this.. And why do I feel this is all planned by Yongguk? Bcoz he know Lana will hate him if he betray them and do this so he is faking innocence so Lana trust him?
Thank you for such an amazing story.. Now off to part 2..
Chapter 30: yo just got down like damn
se_xing #3
Chapter 35: Wtf lana
se_xing #4
Chapter 16: I really want to punch this mira girl
se_xing #5
Lolypop123 #6
Chapter 16: Wtf that mira girl,ugh =_=
Chapter 51: Off to part 2~~
Chapter 50: Oh my god...
Chapter 46: Yongguk...
Chapter 44: Ho Ho Ho! Well, jealousy make you do crazy things!