Chapter 41: Two Different Bonds

A Beautiful Curse

Two Different Bonds


Youngjae searched through the massive bookshelves containing thousands of books in the study room. He spent nearly two hours in there but he couldn’t find anything. Last night, out of nowhere, he remembered a belief; a belief he chanced upon many years ago. Hoping to find a book which confirmed the belief, he frantically searched for it. Just when he was about to give up, he finally grabbed the book which might hold the answer to his curiosity.

Potions and Spells...”  He muttered under his breath as he looked carefully at the ancient book. It was probably even older than he was, not that he was any young either. Gently, he flipped the pages as he eyes scanned the scriptures. “Aha –“ His brows raised.

An eternal bond is created once you drink the blood of the Royal. You will become his soul mate for the rest of your existence. He heals you completely. He protects you dearly. Most importantly, he loves you unconditionally...

An unbreakable bond not even the World can despise.

Another drop of his in you, a life can be reversed...

Like the Sun rises from the West and the Moon shines the daylight; even nature bows down and abides the impossibility.

The answer lies in him... “


“The answer lies in him.” A voice suddenly echoed his thoughts and immediately, Youngjae turned to see Yongguk.

“Oh Hyung...” He greeted.

“Where did you find this?” He asked as he went closer to scrutinise the book. “When it says, another drop of his in, a life can be reversed, does it mean our blood could –“

“Probably wake the dead...” Youngjae replied. “Nah I don’t think –“

“Are you disregarding the content of the book and not believing in it?” Yongguk stared intently. “You’ve just insulted the Council because they recorded this.” He took the book from Youngjae, turned it to the back and showed him a Star logo, which clearly symbolised the Council. And the Council of vampires held the highest power, even above the King.

“You said, recorded? What do you mean by recorded?” Youngjae frowned.

“Well, none of the books here are tales. Everything is accountable, and everything is the past itself. These are written accounts which happened.”

“You’re saying it might have happened? A blood from any royal family could wake the dead?”

Yongguk shook his head and replied. “The second drop of blood... The first is the bond; next is the power which could save your other half. So, you need to be bonded first before you attain the power of waking the dead.” Youngjae smiled and then nodded excitedly upon hearing Yongguk’s words.

 “Well, it seems like if anything happens to Lana, I can save her?” Yongguk asked as he thought of the possibility that his blood could cure and even reverse her life if anything untoward happened to her. She was his to begin with, so the bond has been created.

 “I knew it! And I thought such belief doesn’t exist until last night when I suddenly recalled. Now, we don’t have to worry since we know you’d be able to help her in any way. Let’s see what’s more in this book –“ Youngjae suddenly stopped.

“I’d be in my room.” Yongguk turned his heel and was about to leave the room.

The answer lies in him...

But once the Sun rises from the West and the Moon shines the daylight, only you survive...

Only you...” Youngjae ended. He looked up at Yongguk who was walking towards the door and said. “Hyung, you’re aware of this, aren’t you? You save her, she lives and you die.”

Yongguk stopped abruptly with his back facing the male. He flashed a smirk and shrugged. “I’m dead anyway.” With that, he left the room leaving Youngjae in disbelief. The younger male knew that Yongguk would do anything to make sure Lana lives even if it costs his existence.



Jaejoong paced back and forth the room, frowning in frustration. It has been a week since they last encountered Yongguk yet they heard nothing in return. He was sure his words probably have triggered that little part in Yongguk which desired to have Lana by his side for the rest of his existence and that meant turning her into their kind. It was the best option considering if she remained human, then Yongguk would eventually lose her one day.

“Do you think he is considering or at least still thinking about it?” Jaejoong asked Yoochun who seemed to be more relaxed despite the lack in progress. Just yesterday, they were reprimanded by the King after failing to get Lana for him. The King even decided to give the task to other warriors since both Jaejoong and Yoochun seemed to be incapable of handing it.

“I don’t know... Possibly...” Yoochun answered flatly.

Jaejoong stomped his feet and raged. “Will you help me think of a way?! The King is beginning to lose his hope on us and if this continues, we might not be able to ascend the power we’ve always wanted!”

Yoochun only shook his head lightly as he watched his frantic brother. “Give him more time. I believe there is a selfish part of him who wants Lana all for himself. Besides, she’s also a wolf’s mate. If he can’t decide on whether to turn her into our kind, then we force him. His weakness is not only losing Lana, but also seeing her with another mate. And rest assured, I think the latter might be a stronger drive for him to turn her into one of us. He would rather die than allowing anyone else taking his role for his Princess”

Jaejoong’s eyes suddenly lit up after hearing Yoochun’s logical explanation. “What makes you so sure he wouldn’t let Lana go away and be with someone other than him?”

“He won’t commit the same mistake again, leaving his beloved only to die right before his eyes. He won’t ever leave Lana like how he left Tae Hee unprotected.” Yoochun answered with a smirk.

“Do you have a plan?” Jaejoong asked as he approached closer to Yoochun.

“Simple; she just needs to hate him.”

“And when she hates him, his desire for her will increase.” Jaejoong added.

Yoochun nodded and continued. “The more she pulls away, the more he needs her.”

“We need that wolf boy’s help. What’s his name again? Jongin?” Jaejoong stated.

Yoochun let out a laugh and said. “Nah, Jongin doesn’t need to do anything. His presence is enough. This is about Lana, the heroine and Prince Yongguk, the hero turned antagonist.”

“Oh what a perfect drama...” Jaejoong clapped his hand triumphantly.


Jongin twirled around Lana’s hair with his fingers as she rested her head on him. They were lazing on a warm afternoon at the balcony watching the view of the canopy of trees before them. Their relationship has gotten so much better after realising that they needed each other undeniably. Lana understood the pain Jongin was feeling, suppressing his innate desire which definitely required a great amount of mental and physical strength. She was just glad he respected her and still viewed her as a normal girl, not his ultimate soul mate whom he could take control if he wished to. On the other hand, Jongin realised Lana was going through a tough time for an 18-year-old girl. Hence, he accommodated for her as best as he could.

Out of a sudden, he let out a chuckle. “Did you really have to do that? Shun me away and let me be with Mira instead?”

Lana looked up and met his eyes. “Why are you asking?”

“I don’t know. Probably because I know you actually can’t live without me...” He shrugged confidently as if a matter of fact.

Lana rolled her eyes and spoke. “What makes you think I can’t live without you, huh? I’ve always been an independent girl anyway.”

Jongin sighed and said. “Yes, you’re so independent. You don’t need me. Besides, you have that blood er –“ He stopped suddenly.

She faced him and stared right in his eyes. “Yongguk?” He might seem fine on the outside but she knew how difficult for him to speak of him. Worst, she could never run away from having Yongguk’s name being constantly reminded by the both of them. It wasn’t Jongin’s fault, her fault or even Yongguk’s. No one’s at fault. It was just her destiny and the only way to end the misery was for her to make a decision. “I wish things are a lot simpler. I’m sorry if I’ve hurt you. I know I did and I’m still hurting you. Jongin –“ She sighed.

“Hey, don’t be sad. That hurts me more than anything.” He said as he cupped her face in his hands tenderly. “I don’t want you to force yourself. Whatever the outcome is, I’ll gladly accept.”

She shook her head. “No, I don’t want anything bad to happen to you. I know what happens if –“  She stopped briefly before adding. “Luhan told me...”

“That I’d die if you leave me? Well technically, I’ll still die regardless. I’m human, not like some immortal colourless creatures.” He said with a smile but Lana could see that he was forcing his words out. “What is more important is that I want you to keep this beating even if it’s not meant for me.” He lightly jabbed his index finger on her right chest. “I don’t want you to change, ever. Would you promise me at least?”

“Trust me, I can fulfil that promise.” She assured.

“Good –“ He stopped and looked down. “Because I don’t want to end up killing you...”

Her heart skipped a beat as she saw a tear dropped. “Aww Jongin...” She pulled him and hugged him tightly.

Now, she realised how badly he wanted her to stay human because if she ever changed, then he would be left with no choice but to kill her with his hands.

After a while, they settled and enjoyed each other’s company when suddenly Jongin spoke. “Do you want to start from the beginning? How about we get to know one another, be close friends, like buddies?” Lana quickly straightened her back, puzzled by his request. “Well, I just want to make sure you don’t have to think so much about what we are. Stop the soul mate thingy and just be normal.” He added as if he could read her thoughts demanding an explanation from him.

Lana smiled and nodded. “I like that. I don’t really know much about you either. Everything happened so fast.”

“So, buddies?” He held out his hand.

She reached it and said. “Buddies then...”

“What do you want to do? It’s the school holidays next week.” He asked.

Lana tapped her chin as if thinking. “Cliff diving?” She suggested with her eyes beamed excitedly.

On the other hand, Jongin’s tone shifted. “Lana –“

“Hey, aren’t buddies supposed to do things together?” She quickly cut in before he could speak.

“Yeah, but not something like cliff-diving... I mean it’s –“

“Dangerous?” Lana laughed. “Cliff diving as compared to vampires hunting me down, which is more dangerous?” She shook her head with a smile. “I think my life is pretty much synonym with dangerous anyway.” She finally said.

Reluctantly, Jongin decided. “Oh well, cliff diving it is then.”


To be continued

HI I'M BACK! Sorry that I missed last weekend. Been busy preparing for the start of a new semester. Oh well... Here it is!

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Chapter 51: Damn she can't do this.. And why do I feel this is all planned by Yongguk? Bcoz he know Lana will hate him if he betray them and do this so he is faking innocence so Lana trust him?
Thank you for such an amazing story.. Now off to part 2..
Chapter 30: yo just got down like damn
se_xing #3
Chapter 35: Wtf lana
se_xing #4
Chapter 16: I really want to punch this mira girl
se_xing #5
Lolypop123 #6
Chapter 16: Wtf that mira girl,ugh =_=
Chapter 51: Off to part 2~~
Chapter 50: Oh my god...
Chapter 46: Yongguk...
Chapter 44: Ho Ho Ho! Well, jealousy make you do crazy things!