Chapter 21: Lana's Confession

A Beautiful Curse

Lana's Confession


Hey Lana, are you free tomorrow? Can we meet up? I need to ask you a few things about homework. – Junhong

Lana read the text message on her phone and was about reply when Jongin entered her room. Surprised by the intrusion, she scolded. “Can you knock?”

Jongin pulled a chair and sat facing Lana who was sitting on the window ledge. “Why? Are you doing something behind my back?”

“I’m not.” Lana answered. She returned to her phone and prepared a message.

“Who are you texting?”

“A friend –“ Lana answered but her eyes kept fix on the phone. Jongin reached for the phone and snatched it away. “Hey!” Lana shot.

Jongin noticed the name of the recipient. “Junhong?”

“Give it back!” Lana reached for her phone which Jongin finally gave it to her. “Grrr, that’s rude. You’re not supposed to –“

“Who’s Junhong?” Jongin cut.

“I told you, he’s a friend.”

“He? You mean a guy?”

“Yea…” Lana replied.

Jongin became tensed out of a sudden. “What does he want?”

“Well, he wants to ask me about homework. I’ll be meeting him tomorrow.” Lana answered casually despite the fact that Jongin was already feeling pissed.

“Who said you can go outside?” Jongin questioned as he towered before her.

Lana pulled herself a step back. “Why? I can’t go out?”


“But Jongin, he only wants to ask me about homework.”

“I said no!” Jongin raised his voice. Out of a sudden, Lana felt a sharp pain throughout her body and immediately she dropped to her knees and closed her eyes tightly, bearing the pain. Jongin swiftly went for her and asked. “Lana, are you okay?” From angry, Jongin turned worried in a flash.

 Thankfully, the pain subsided and Lana managed a soft reply. “Yes…”

Jongin helped her stand on two feet and led her gently to bed. “Take a seat.” He said and then knelt before her, clasping both her hands lovingly. “Lana, you can meet your friend tomorrow. It’s just that…tell me earlier the next time, alright?”

“So, you let me go?” Lana mumbled softly, almost whispering.

“Yes.” Jongin her cheeks and smiled. Restricting her freedom would only do more harm than good. Besides, he believed she needs to hang out with her friends more often. Maybe that would help her recover and be normal, for once.

Lana leaned closer and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Thanks…” She whispered and shut her eyes, embracing the moment.

 “What happened just now?” Jongin recalled suddenly.

“I don’t know but it was painful.” Lana complained adorably as she nuzzled against him.

Jongin confirmed that the only way to win Lana’s heart is to treat her delicately.


“Firstly, you have to work this math problem backwards. Add this first before you divide it –“ Lana stopped and checked on Junhong who seemed to be daydreaming. “Junhong are you listening?”

“Yes…okay maybe not.” Junhong cheekily smiled. “Lana, can we stop doing math?” He requested after studying the whole afternoon the next day.

Lana sighed and said. “I think that’s enough maths for today.” She closed her textbooks and kept the pens inside her case.

“Yes, you’re right!” Junhong beamed brightly.

“Let’s order some food okay. I’m famished.” Lana raised her hand for the waitress. A sweet looking waitress came to their table. “What do you want?” Lana asked Junhong.

The male just shrugged. “Nah, I’ll pass. I’m not hungry.”

“Really? Are you sure?” Lana asked and the male confirmed with a nod. “I’ll get a tuna sandwich and apple juice. Thank you!” She ordered. Turning her attention back to Junhong, she commented. “You’re always not hungry. I’m a little self conscious when I’m out with you okay.”

Junhong laughed. “Please don’t feel uncomfortable. The one who needs to eat more is you anyway.” The food came within several minutes and Lana began eating. She offered a share of the sandwich but Junhong still refused. He sat there watching her eat and half way through, he started to speak. “So, how are your holidays so far?”

“It’s okay. How’s yours?” Lana answered and took a bite.

“Well, it has been rather productive.” Junhong smirked. “Are you okay? Did you get hurt in any way?” He questioned.

Lana nodded. “Yah, I got into a little accident and hurt –“

“Here take this.” Junhong pulled out a bottle of unknown liquid and slid it across the table to her, before she could finish her sentence. “It’s medicine to relieve pain. It’s really good.”

Lana took the bottle and examined it closely. “What’s this? Is it okay?” She asked warily.

“It’s medicine. Just drink it and you’ll be fine. It will heal your back real quick, trust me.” Junhong stated.

“Whoa, okay thanks!” Lana smiled and took the bottle without questioning further. She picked up her tuna sandwich and was about to take a bite when she realised something was odd. “Junhong, did you…how did you know I hurt my back?”

Junhong raised his brows and then folded his arms. “Well, like you’ve said before, my guesses are always spot on.”

Lana looked at him in the eyes and turned attentive when she noticed the change in his eyes. “Your eyes…did it change colour?”



Alone in the balcony room, Luhan rested his back against the sofa and watched as the sun slowly faded away. It has been a while since he gets to rest comfortably. He yawned and rubbed his eyes, feeling sleepy out of a sudden. Just when he was about to lie his head and doze off, a voice entered his ears.

“Here you are. I was looking for you all over.” Lana stood right before him.

Feeling awake and refreshed, Luhan jolted up from his seat. She appeared unexpectedly causing him to fumble a little. “When did you enter?”

“Just…may I?” Lana asked and gladly took a spot beside him. “Feeling tired?”

Luhan nodded and replied. “Yea, a little. You said you were looking for me, what is it?”

Lana shrugged and calmly said. “Nothing. I just wanted to know where you are. It’s been so long since we talked.”

“It’s only just a week.” Luhan reasoned. “And you’re still recovering. I don’t want to bother you.”

“You didn’t want to bother or is it that you’re avoiding me?” Lana jumped straightforwardly.

It caught Luhan off guard as he stuttered to reply. “N-N-No…it’s not that.”

“I feel like you’re avoiding. What’s wrong?”

“Lana, I’m not –“

“You know out of all the guys, I thought you’re the most approachable, the most caring but I don’t know now.” Lana pulled up her knees and hugged it tightly.

Luhan’s heart sank hearing her words. He pushed himself closer to her and wrapped an arm around. “Lana –“ He called but the girl continued to sulk. “Hey, look at me.” Luhan soothed and lifted her chin so that their eyes met. “I’m sorry if I make you feel that way. I’m not. I just went through a rough patch these past few days.”

“You can share with me. Maybe I can help.” Lana said.

Luhan cracked a smile and replied. “Nothing –“

“See, you’re not telling me. Jongin’s not telling me things and now you too.” Lana pouted.

“Jongin doesn’t tell you stuffs?” Luhan’s eyes widened suddenly.

“Well he told me the part about me being his mate.” Lana spoke shyly.

“Oh, so you know –“ Luhan mumbled softly.

“I feel weird being around Jongin.” Lana said truthfully.                

Luhan brushed away her statement quickly and looked right in her eyes. “Lana, answer me honestly. What do you think of Jongin?”

 “Well…he’s okay I guess.” Lana muttered.

“Do you love him?”


Luhan pressed on.”Lana, do you love him?”

“I don’t know.” Lana replied.

“You don’t know?”

Lana shrugged nonchalantly. “I just don’t know. Maybe yes, maybe no.” Luhan ran his fingers across his hair frustratingly which wondered her. “Luhan, why?”

Luhan stared blankly in space and remained silent for a while before finally spoke his mind. “Lana, do you believe in love at first sight?”

“Yes.” Lana answered.

“Thank you.”

Lana tilted her head and asked. “Why did you ask me such a question?”

“Nothing. I just wanted to know your answer.” Luhan smiled, feeling satisfied by her reply. They kept silent briefly when suddenly, Luhan felt weight on his shoulder and he turned around to see Lana with her eyes half-closed. “Lana?” He called out.

 “I don’t feel good.” Lana murmured. Just like the night before, she felt a sharp pain.

Luhan shook her shoulders and tapped her cheeks. “Lana, what’s wrong?” However, the girl slowly closed her eyes and fell in his arms.


Outside the room, Jongin punched the air furiously and spun around instantly, refusing to listen to their happy conversation any further. He was mad at Luhan but he was more shocked at Lana’s reply. She didn’t have feelings for him. She was unsure. This angered him because he has made it clear to her that she was going to be his, regardless. Lana didn’t seem to realise the importance of sharing a blond bond.

Jongin left the house, unable to contain his rage. As he eyed the dark forest ahead of him, a phrase entered his mind.

Find your weakness else she suffers.


To be continued



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Chapter 51: Damn she can't do this.. And why do I feel this is all planned by Yongguk? Bcoz he know Lana will hate him if he betray them and do this so he is faking innocence so Lana trust him?
Thank you for such an amazing story.. Now off to part 2..
Chapter 30: yo just got down like damn
se_xing #3
Chapter 35: Wtf lana
se_xing #4
Chapter 16: I really want to punch this mira girl
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Chapter 16: Wtf that mira girl,ugh =_=
Chapter 51: Off to part 2~~
Chapter 50: Oh my god...
Chapter 46: Yongguk...
Chapter 44: Ho Ho Ho! Well, jealousy make you do crazy things!