Chapter 10: Day with EXO

A Beautiful Curse

Day with EXO


“You guys are bullies.” Lana complained as she picked up a big bag filled with dried leaves which she picked up from the backyard. EXO thought it would be nice for Lana to carry out activities with them so that she would not be bored at home.  Besides, physical activities would get her tired and she won’t have a hard time sleeping at night.

Luhan came from behind and carried the bag for her quite effortlessly. “Come, I’ll help you.” He smiled.

“Hey, you’re not supposed to help. She has to do it on her own.” Minseok scolded.

“Lana! We need to cut the logs.” Yixing ordered.

Lana stared at Luhan and asked. “I must cut the logs?”

Luhan chuckled and replied. “I guess so –“

“Lana! Come over here now.” Baekhyun called.

“You have to help me.” Lana pleaded.

“Lana!” The guys called again.

Lana was left with no other option but to continue with the work the guys have planned out for her. It was Saturday but instead of spending her time lazily at home, she was required to help out the guys.

Lana dragged herself and stood in front of Yixing, Kyungsoo and Baekhyun who were already waiting for her. “What? Can’t I rest for a while?” She glared.

“You can rest the whole night. Now, come and help us with this.” Kyungsoo smiled.

“Can you carry the logs over here?” Yixing ordered as he pointed to a pile of logs which was stacked up neatly.

Lana widened her eyes and said out loud. “All of that?!”

“’Yes, unless you want to cut the logs instead.” Baekhyun grinned and then swiftly cut a log into halves with just a swift movement.

Seeing that it was a lot harder to cut, Lana chose to carry over the logs instead. One by one and slowly, she carried the logs without questioning more. It was tiring but with the guys continuously joking around, she was feeling happy. Although they wanted her to do the work, the guys weren’t going to let her tire herself too much.

“I’ll help you.” Kyungsoo offered as he carried five thick logs easily.

“Whoa!” Lana stared in amazement. She was struggling to carry a log but these guys; she was amazed by their immense strength. “How did you –“

Before she could finish, Baekhyun sneaked from behind and lifted Lana up in his arms. “You mean this?” He teased.

Lana kicked her legs in the air and lightly punched Baekhyun. “Put me down.” She ordered.

Baekhyun laughed and placed Lana gently on two feet on the ground. “Girl, you need to eat more.”

“I’m pretty sure the logs are heavier than her.” Kyungsoo added and laughed.

Embarrassed, Lana pouted and stomped her feet. “You guys are mean.”

Yixing grabbed her hand and led her to sit. “Aww, don’t be mad. We’re just playing.”

“Yes Lana. We’re sorry.” Kyungsoo smiled.

“We just want to get closer to you.” Baekhyun added and pinched her nose playfully.

Lana flashed a bright smile and then said. “Don’t apologise.  It’s nice to be spending time with you guys once in a while.”

Yixing slung an arm around her and said. “We’re cool people okay. They are plenty of things we have yet to show you.”

“Really? Like what?”

Right at the moment, Tao and Sehun approached them.

“Come on Xing Hyung, it’s our turn now.” Sehun said.

Lana was clueless. Tao grabbed her arm and led her to stand. “Alright Lana, let’s go fishing.”

Joonmyun joined but only to warn Tao and Sehun. “It’s going to rain.”

“Don’t worry, Hyung. We won’t be out too long. We’re just going to show her where the lake is. I’m sure Lana wants to see the lake right?” Sehun grinned.

Meanwhile, Jongin came and said. “Sehun, I don’t think it’s a good idea. It’s near the Southern –“

“Near what?” Lana asked curiously.

Kris knelt down and looked at her in the eyes. “Nothing, we’ll bring you fishing some other day alright? It looks like it’s going to rain soon.”

Lana pouted. “Aish, I was looking forward to seeing the lake.”

Tao clapped his hand as he thought of something. “Okay, maybe we’ll go fishing some other time. Let’s go somewhere else than. Do you want to explore more of the forest?”

“Tao no...” Jongin interrupted once again.

Lana looked at Jongin and frowned. “Why, Jongin? Why is it you always stop me from doing things?”

“Because it’s not safe...” Jongin replied expressionlessly.

“If that’s the case, then I shall just stay indoors.” Lana answered sarcastically.

“Lana, that’s not it.” Joonmyun explained. “Alright Tao, don’t bring her too far. It’s going to rain.” The leader finally complied.

Jongin looked unhappy and was about to oppose again but Chanyeol stopped him. “It’s alright, Jongin. We are still here to keep a lookout if anything happens.”

“Fine, I’ll follow.” Jongin stomped forward and walked ahead.

Lana smiled as she followed Jongin, Tao and Sehun without having a clue where she was going.

“Stay safe! Be back before it rains!” Baekhyun reminded.


Lana trudged the forest carefully as they brought her deep inside. She was excited because the last time she went in, it was at night. Now, she could fully see her way and be amazed by the beautiful trees and surroundings. Thick roots protruding from the ground and she looked up only to see tall canopy trees covering the sky.

“Lana, you’re okay?” Sehun checked.

Lana smiled and replied. “Yes, of course!”

Tao softened seeing her adorable and curious expression. “This forest is huge. If you go towards the North, you’ll end up at the edge of a cliff above the sea. If you go Southern, you’ll find a lake. The Eastern and Western side will lead you to the city area. Our house is located in the middle. So, it’s pretty quiet and isolated but we can still do many fun activities.”

“Like fishing, cliff diving –“

“Cliff diving?” Lana became interested.

“Yes, we jump off a cliff and dive right into the sea. It’s amazing. You should –“

“Tao, no!” Jongin cut.

However, Lana ignored and asked further. “Can I try?”

Sehun looked at Jongin before answering as if afraid. “Hmmm –“

“I’m a good swimmer and I’m not afraid of heights. I’ve always wanted to try.” Lana stated bravely.

Finally they stopped at the same spot they gathered the first night Lana came into the forest. Lana remembered the area and although they brought her to the same spot, she didn’t mind it at all. It was different looking at it in the daytime.

“Let’s sit here.” Tao said and sat on one of the fallen tree trunk.

“You haven’t replied me.” Lana said as she took a seat beside Tao.

Tao looked down and shook his head. “I don’t know Lana. Jongin’s right, it’s too risky to let you cliff dive.”

“Then you shouldn’t have told me about it. Whatever.” Lana sighed and stood up. “I’m going to walk.” Her expression changed instantly.

“Lana, where are you going?” Sehun asked. “It’s going to rain soon.” Just as he said that, a loud thunder hit the sky.

Jongin didn’t mean to stop Lana from enjoying herself. He was just being protective. He didn’t want her to get hurt.

Tao looked at Jongin and advised. “Jongin, you shouldn’t be like this. If you keep overprotecting her, it won’t do yourself any good. I’m sure you don’t want history to repeat itself. You have to trust Lana.”

“I know. Give me time.” Jongin answered as he watched Sehun going after Lana.

“Come on Lana, we have to head back. It’s going to –“ Sehun grabbed Lana’s hand but before he could finish his sentence, he felt rain drops falling on his hair. “!”

However, Lana on the other hand turned bright and thrilled. Instead of panicking that she would get wet, she spun around and spread her arms wide. “Wow...” Instantly, the rain got heavy and in a matter of seconds they were all drenched. Unknowingly, the three guys softened with a smile as they watched Lana enjoying the rain. “Why are you guys standing there awkwardly? Come join me!” Lana skipped happily and then closed her eyes letting the rain washed her from head to toe.

“Lana we have to go back –“ Sehun called.

However, Jongin stopped and said. “It’s alright, Sehun. Let her enjoy.”

Immediately, Tao and Sehun joined as they played under the rain, laughing and giggling like kids. They were drenched and cold but they continued. Jongin stood a few metres away and watched them. Although he was one of the youngest in EXO, he wasn’t as playful or childish like Sehun and Tao. However deep down inside of him, he wanted to join in the fun but he had to maintain his coolness.

“Come on Jongin, join us!” Tao urged.

“Nah I’m fine –“

Lana approached and grabbed Jongin’s arm. “Why are you too cool play in the rain, Mr Over-protective? You’re all wet anyway.” She dragged him and laughed. “Loosen up!”

Instantly, Jongin spun Lana around and placed her behind his back as he piggybacked. “As you wish...” He sped across the forest at top speed.

“Oh my God...” Amazed by the speed, Lana held on to Jongin’s back tightly. “This is so fun!” With the rain washing down and experiencing how fast these guys could be, Lana was ecstatic. But her happiness was short-lived when Jongin brought her back home. “Aish, Jongin why did you –“

Jongin placed her down at the front porch and quickly ordered the maids “Can I have a towel please?”

Tao giggled as he joined them a few seconds later with Sehun. “That was so fun!”

“Yes!” Sehun agreed.

“Jongin just had to bring me back –“

“Get yourself dry.”Jongin stopped her and wiped her wet hair with a towel. “I think it’s enough fun, little one. You’re going to get sick if you stay out in the rain any longer.” He said.

“I don’t fall sick easily –“ Lana stopped and then sneezed. “Achoo!”

Jongin looked at her worriedly. “Change your clothes now.” He then turned around and said. “Can you bring Lana inside?” He requested the maids.

Sehun looked down guiltily. “We have some explanations to do now.”

Both Kris and Joonmyun stepped out and looked at the three youngest, frowning unhappily.


To be continued

Is Jongin being too over-protective or is there a reason behind his actions?


Don't mess with Jongin oppa HEOL ;;~~~~;;



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Chapter 51: Damn she can't do this.. And why do I feel this is all planned by Yongguk? Bcoz he know Lana will hate him if he betray them and do this so he is faking innocence so Lana trust him?
Thank you for such an amazing story.. Now off to part 2..
Chapter 30: yo just got down like damn
se_xing #3
Chapter 35: Wtf lana
se_xing #4
Chapter 16: I really want to punch this mira girl
se_xing #5
Lolypop123 #6
Chapter 16: Wtf that mira girl,ugh =_=
Chapter 51: Off to part 2~~
Chapter 50: Oh my god...
Chapter 46: Yongguk...
Chapter 44: Ho Ho Ho! Well, jealousy make you do crazy things!