Chapter 34: Gukkie

A Beautiful Curse



“We must do something. She has been crying non-stop.” Aunt Jihyun said.

The Aunts had been frantically trying to stop baby Lana from crying. Lana wasn’t having any fever. They checked her temperature and she was fine. Yet, she has been crying the whole night; even refusing to drink milk. She was barely 3 months old and without her parents by her side, it was harder for the Aunts to calm her down. It was as though she knew that they weren’t her parents and ultimately rejected their care.

Aunt Suri placed the pacifier inside Lana’s small mouth but immediately she pushed it away and kept crying. The Aunts were clueless on what to do. They handled babies before but Lana was definitely very different from the rest of the babies.

Uncle Lee barged into the room and went straight for Lana. He picked her up and cradled her gently as he hummed a soft melodious tone hoping it would stop her. Yet, she continued wailing and wailing. Suddenly, Uncle Lee noticed a shadow by the balcony. He stopped whatever he was doing and looked across the room. Right away, he could sense a presence, an uninvited one.

“Please leave the room for a while. I will try to stop her crying.”

“But, we have been trying to stop her the whole night.”

“Are you sure, Mr Lee?” The Aunts questioned. They were doubtful that Uncle Lee would be able to stop Lana’s cries when they already had tried to for hours but it was futile.

“Yes, please leave the room for a while. I’ll call you if I need assistance.” Uncle flashed a smile.

The Aunts left the room and waited outside patiently. Lana’s cries could still be heard from the outside. It continued for a long time and the Aunts were getting anxious on whether Uncle Lee needed help. However, just when they were about to enter the room, the cries miraculously stopped.

The Aunts looked at one another with surprised expressions. Uncle Lee opened the door out of a sudden and said. “All done.”

“Mr Lee, what did you do?” The Aunts entered the room to see Lana all quietened down. In fact, she was smiling adorably in her baby cot.

“Nothing...” Uncle Lee said.

“But –“

“Don’t ask so much. Just be thankful she’s alright now.” Uncle Lee hushed her while he gently held on to Lana’s small fingers. “Look how cute she is.” He commented.

The Aunts couldn’t help but agree. “She will grow up to be a beautiful lady.”

“She will.” Uncle Lee replied and then glanced up to the balcony. Once again, he noticed the shadow. He wasn’t afraid anymore of the uninvited guest.

Subsequently, Lana has stopped crying ever since that night. She became well-behaved and slept peacefully without having to wake up the Aunts in the wee hours of the morning. Uncle Lee requested for Lana to sleep by herself every night and even when she was left alone, she didn’t cry. Although the Aunts were a little hesitant to leave her alone, they followed his order because Lana seemed fine on her own every night.

Months turned to years and Lana has grown up into an adorable child everyone loves. Her cute laughter always filled the mansion and no matter how big, it was never empty with Lana around. From crawling to standing and finally walking, Lana’s growth was a great amazement in the eyes of the Aunts. They watched her lovingly and their attachment towards the little girl grew with every second passed.

“Aunt Suri, look at my drawing!” 5 year old Lana entered the living room with a piece of paper in her hands.

Aunt Suri lifted the girl up and sat her on the lap. “Come sweetie, show me your drawing.” Lana unveiled her drawing and Aunt Suri looked at it with astonishment. “Wow darling, this is beautiful!”

“Thanks!” Lana beamed happily.

“So tell me sweetie, who are they?” Aunt Suri asked as she scanned the drawing of figures.

Lana pointed using her small finger and explained. “Okay, this is Uncle Lee.”

“Hahahaha! That’s cute!” Aunt Suri laughed.

“Then, this is Aunt Hyemi and Aunt Jung Ming. The one on the right side is you!” Lana smiled.

Aunt Suri pinched Lana’s nose and said. “Darling, that’s nice of you to draw me so prettily.”

“Well you are pretty!” Lana said innocently.

Aunt Suri couldn’t help but chuckle at little Lana’s remarks. However, she stopped and looked at the drawing closely. There was another figure in it and apparently it looked like a guy. “Lana, who’s this?”

“Oh? He’s my friend.” Lana replied.

“Your friend?” Aunt Suri was bewildered. Beside Uncle Lee, there wasn’t any male in the mansion. Lana has never had any encounter with any guy before. So, it was weird to hear that she mentioned of a friend. “Where did you see him, Lana?”

“He’s always there. Can’t you see him, Aunt Suri? He’s there every night beside me.” Lana spoke.

Aunt Suri’s eyes widened and she closed her hanging mouth with her hand. Who was this guy Lana is talking about? Lana has been sleeping alone all along and she was positive, there wasn’t anyone with her; not even the Aunts or Uncle Lee, the only male. “L-L-Lana –“ She stuttered nervously.

The girl ignored Aunt Suri’s changed expression and continued. “He keeps me company every night. Whenever I have nightmares or cannot sleep, he’s always there singing to me.”

“L-L-Lana –“ Aunt Suri stammered and her hands began to tremble.

However, Uncle Lee entered the room and approached the both of them. He heard the conversation too. He went to Lana and knelt in front of her. “Lana, I’m sure your friend is good guy.” He smiled.

“Mr Lee –“ Aunt Suri looked at him in shocked. But the old man faced her and looked straight in her eyes as if to tell her that everything was alright.

“Yes, he is. You should meet up with him, Uncle Lee.” Lana said.

The old man patted her head tenderly and replied. “I’ve seen him Lana. He’s a good guy.”

Aunt Suri gawked at Uncle Lee but the old man only flashed a dry smile. He knew there were many unanswered questions in her mind but he couldn’t reveal anything more to her.



One night, Uncle Lee was by Lana’s bed side, telling her stories when he felt presence, a familiar one.

“Uncle Lee, what happened to Red Riding Hood? Did she manage to save –“ Lana stopped when she noticed Uncle Lee wasn’t paying attention to her. She nudged his arm and called. “Uncle Lee –“

“Do you have something to tell me?” Uncle Lee suddenly spoke.

Lana turned her attention to the approaching figure from her balcony and to her delight; she jumped in joy and squealed. “Gukkie!” Uncle Lee immediately darted his eyes back to Lana who was all smiles. It wasn’t a surprise. He knew too well the connection both of them have for one another. In fact, he was the one who brought Lana to him. “Uncle Lee, you finally get to meet my friend!” Lana exclaimed as she crawled towards the edge of the bed.

“Yongguk, we meet again.” Uncle Lee acknowledged his appearance.

Lana went straight for Yongguk and spread her arms widely. Swiftly, Yongguk picked her up and swung her around. “Lana!” He called, obviously ignoring Uncle Lee’s greeting. The world stopped every time he sees Lana and no one could steal the limelight from her; absolutely no one. She filled up the void in his life perfectly.

“Weeee –“ Lana squealed delightfully as she was spun around.

Uncle Lee stayed still and watched them carefully. He was probably insane for allowing a vampire to carry Lana so freely. He was supposed to kill him but instead, he allowed them to enjoy the embrace. This wasn’t about him, this was about Lana. Right now, only Yongguk could make Lana smiles so beautifully.

Yongguk stopped and placed Lana on the edge of the bed. He knelt in front and held her small hands in his. Despite the coldness of his hands, Lana never once pushed away. “Lana, how are you?”

“I’m fine! How about you, Gukkie?” Lana replied.

“I’m always good. I’m happy to see you.” Yongguk pinched her nose.

Lana pouted and then leaned closer for a hug. “I’m happy to see you too.” She nuzzled her face on his shoulder blade and rested.

Meanwhile, Yongguk’s eyes caught Uncle Lee, who was staring tenderly at them. “Oh, I apologise for my prudent behaviour. I should have greeted –“

“It’s alright.” Uncle Lee cut in.

Lana faced him and spoke. “Uncle Lee, meet Gukkie and Gukkie meet Uncle Lee.”

Uncle smiled and nodded. This wasn’t the first time Uncle Lee saw Yongguk. He had seen him before but Lana was way too young to know.

However, this has become a problem because Lana was slowly becoming aware of everything and anyone she encountered.

Uncle let them be for a while but it wasn’t long before he noticed Yongguk’s sorrowful eyes. “I believe you have something to tell me.” He directed at Yongguk.

Yongguk let out a heavy sigh. He just wished he could hold on to Lana forever but no. He closed his eyes and looked down in despair. Lana noticed the change in his behaviour and tilted her head; feeling confused. “Gukkie, what’s wrong?” She lifted his chin up and looked into his eyes.

“Lana –“ Yongguk started. “After tonight, we won’t be seeing each other anymore.”

“Huh?” Lana watched him innocently. “What do you mean?”

“Lana, you’re going to grow up fine. You will go to school and play like other kids. You will study hard and achieve your dreams. You’re a smart girl. I’m sure you can do well in anything –“ Yongguk stopped briefly and then added. “Most importantly, you’re going to lead a normal life; a normal human life.”

“Gukkie, what are you saying?” A tear dropped as she spoke. She didn’t intend to cry but his words caused her fragile to heart to ache. “Why are you leaving me?”

“Lana, please don’t cry...” Yongguk begged. “I’ll still be there for you. I will be your guardian.”

“But you’re leaving me... I won’t be able to see you.” Lana sobbed.

“I have to protect you –“

“I don’t need protection!” Lana snapped suddenly and pushed his away.

Yongguk shook his head and lightly her cheeks to calm her down. “Lana, you will understand one day.” He picked up her hand and kissed it. “I’m sorry. I’ll come back for you. I promise...”

“Gukkie –“ Lana called once more.

However, Yongguk stood up and then faced Uncle Lee. “I can’t see her anymore. She’s beginning to recognise me.”

“Why don’t you just stay with her?” Uncle Lee voiced out.

“I want her to be human.” Yongguk answered. “When the right time comes, we’ll reunite once more. For now, this is the best choice.”

“Gukkie, I hate you!” Lana cried as she hit his chest angrily.

“Lana, listen to me...

Take in a deep breath and let it out
You can do it, keep walking toward
your hopes that can be reached
Don’t stop in this shadow of the world
You are more free than anyone else...”
He sang.

“Remember no one can ever stop you, not even myself, from being the real you, a human.” He finally ended before giving her a last kiss. “Remember that, my Princess.”


To be continued





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Chapter 51: Damn she can't do this.. And why do I feel this is all planned by Yongguk? Bcoz he know Lana will hate him if he betray them and do this so he is faking innocence so Lana trust him?
Thank you for such an amazing story.. Now off to part 2..
Chapter 30: yo just got down like damn
se_xing #3
Chapter 35: Wtf lana
se_xing #4
Chapter 16: I really want to punch this mira girl
se_xing #5
Lolypop123 #6
Chapter 16: Wtf that mira girl,ugh =_=
Chapter 51: Off to part 2~~
Chapter 50: Oh my god...
Chapter 46: Yongguk...
Chapter 44: Ho Ho Ho! Well, jealousy make you do crazy things!