Chapter 1: A perfect birthday gift

A Beautiful Curse

A perfect birthday gift


Lana sat by the window hugging her legs as she watched the full moon radiating its light among the vast black sky. There weren’t any stars; hence the moon outshone itself on the peaceful night. Lee Ah Na, that was her full name but everyone called her by Lana. The maids in the house, her friends and her beloved uncle, everyone was used to Lana.

Waiting for time to pass by when suddenly the L-shaped necklace around Lana’s neck sparkling brightly from the reflection of the moon. Her fingers touched the only possession she has of her mother; her late mother. Slowly, she closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, absorbing the calmness and serene atmosphere before the wall clock in her room emitted a ticking sound. The sound of the clock was haunting and Lana shivered. She grasped the necklace tighter and bent down a little.

“Happy 18th Birthday, Lee Ah Na.” Lana muttered faintly that only she heard. No matter how soft the birthday wish could go and no matter how much she wished no one knows about the day; still she could never run away from the fact that that day, her life; everything was about to change. She knew it. She knew it so well that she wasn’t even afraid any more.

 Across a distance, her ears picked up a howling sound and unknowingly, she smirked.



At the edge of a cliff, a group of young guys gathered. Their necks craned up as they watched the full moon in awe. Standing in two feet, still; one of the guys stepped forward while the remaining stood behind him like a pack, a pack of guys waiting for the time. As if he could feel her presence watching them from far, the lone guy was hesitant at first before finally letting out a loud howl. In a blink of an eye, the rest of them followed. They howled like wolves. Yet, they weren’t really wolves, just extraordinary young guys.



The next morning came faster than expected. Lana didn’t really get much sleep the night before but she didn’t really feel tired. She showered, then put on a comfortable black tank top with straight-cut jeans and a loose plaid shirt to cover her top. That was the only clothes left in the wardrobe. She stared at her own reflection and looked right into her own eyes, her light brown eyes. Her hair was still damp so she decided to let it dry before styling it. Specifically that day, she felt the need to look good or maybe at least look presentable. Not because it was her birthday, it was because she wanted them to have a good impression of her. She touched her hair for the last time before her eyes caught the sight of huge bags lying on the floor beside the dressing table. With a sigh, she looked away and walked out of her room.

“Good morning, Lana.” One of the maids greeted with a smile before walking up to Lana and wrapping her arms around her. “Happy Birthday, Sweetie.”

Lana flashed a smile, it wasn’t really a happy smile but a symbol of gratitude at least to someone who remembered her birthday, not that she wanted to be reminded in the first place. She smelled the old lady’s hair which reeked of oil and out of a sudden; a feeling of sadness engulfed her. The hug could probably be the last ever. Thus, Lana decided to disregard her selfish and depressing thoughts and embraced the short-lived moment.

“Thank you, Aunt Jihyun.” Lana replied.

Subsequently, the rest of them; Aunt Jung Min, Aunt Suri and Aunt Hyemi wished and did the same, hugging and kissing Lana affectionately. They cried and Lana was on the verge of tearing but she already vowed never to drop a single tear. It wasn’t supposed to be a farewell. These people who took care of Lana ever since she was still in diapers, they probably viewed it as a final goodbye. Lana didn’t want to make it seem like it was the end but no matter how hard she tried to stop them from crying, it just won’t work. It was indeed the last time she would see these lovely people.

“Lana, I’m going to miss you. Remember to have your meals on time and please stay healthy. Don’t get into unnecessary trouble. I hope you get along well with them.” Aunt Suri reminded.

Lana nodded. She couldn’t bring herself to say anything other than listening to their constant reminders. She took every single word they were saying with utmost care and promised to remember all of it. She wasn’t particularly a careful person. She was clumsy, forgetful and a little childish at times and thus she knew they were just worried for her.

Sound of footsteps broke the emotional scene when Uncle Lee, Lana’s biological uncle, entered the room. “Jeez, at least let her have breakfast first.” He spoke and then limped straight to Lana with what seemed like a birthday gift in his hand. “Happy Birthday, Sweetheart.” He wished and gave a light peck on her forehead.

Uncle Lee raised Lana up just like her own daughter. He didn’t marry anyone and remained single throughout the 40 years of his life. He was a nice, fine man with fatherly and protective instinct over Lana. He loved her more than anything in the world because she was the only reminder to his late brother. He walked with a limp on his right foot cause by an unfortunate incident in the past. Thankfully for Lana, she still has him around her. If it was only going to be just her and them, it would have been a mental breakdown.

 Lana accepted the gift before saying. “I told you not to spend anything for me this year, have I?”

“I didn’t spend a single cent on it. Open it and you’ll see.” He replied and then motioned her to take a seat before opening the gift.

Lana scrutinised the wrapped gift and then slowly she tore the wrapper. Once done, she examined the box and when she opened it, she saw a badge pin designed like a wolf with its neck stretched up and letters ‘EXO’ engraved on it. She looked up to Uncle Lee and asked. “What’s this?”

“That belongs to your dad.”




“Hyung, do you think she’d like pink? I mean girls usually like pink right?” The youngest male asked his baby-faced older brother.

The older male chuckled and replied. “Of course she will!”

“Great! I’m almost done with the bed sheets. Now, it’s time for the wardrobe. A girl would need a big wardrobe. Oh and a dressing table of course. Oh yes, the bathroom needs to have a mirror and maybe a nice flower printed wallpaper too. Hmmm, what else?” He spoke, mostly to himself.

However the excitement in his voice was clearly evident and it made the older male laughed. “Wow, aren’t you excited?”

“I guess I am. It’s about time we have a new addition in this big house. Plus, we need more girls here, Hyung. Just Mira is not –“

“Don’t say it in front of Mira, or else she will kill you.” The blonde baby-faced male warned jokingly.

“Right –“ He muttered. “Anyway, since she’s going to live here now, I’m going to make it as comfortable as possible for her. I hope she will love the room we prepared.”

“She will, definitely.”

“Hyung, she’s going to like us right?”

“Trust me, she will. I can feel it.”




The soft music accompanied their ride inside the BMW car as Lana watched through the glass window in silence with the road, trees, houses and people clouding her sight. The driver’s seat beside her was occupied by Uncle Lee, with both hands gripping the steering wheel firmly. It was just herself and him in the car for a long ride. However, she wasn’t going to sleep and let the precious moment passed just like that. She was going to miss everything. Her Aunts, friends, schools, the places here and even the strangers living in that small town she grew up; she was going to miss it all. It was unsure when she would be back and there was a possibility she won’t come back either.

Lana grew up in a blessed environment. Even without parents, she was still loved by everyone. There was never a time she felt inadequate. She was a kind and thoughtful girl. However, things slowly changed when she knew the time was almost up for her. Her life wasn’t going to be how it used to be; carefree, peaceful and normal. Yes, it wasn’t going to be normal. She knew right from the start there was something different in her. Uncle Lee was nice enough to explain to her instead of hiding the truth. A secret only she and Uncle Lee knew; and also them. Now that she has turned 18, she was prepared to live with them. She hasn’t met them but she heard stories of them before.

Them, who?

Her thoughts wandered back to the present state. She was still inside the car. Carefully, she ped her bag which was on her lap and pulled out the small badge that was just given to her hours before. She didn’t have time to look at it closely but now that she had a long ride to go, she looked at it with great curiosity.

Uncle Lee noticed her action and a smile formed. “Beautiful, isn’t it?”

Lana was startled by the sudden voice and stopped briefly what she was doing. However, she managed a nod as a reply. The wooden wolf badge was really beautiful and unique. It was nicely crafted and it could be use to hang on her bag or even clipped it on her necklace. It was just the right size. Her index finger grazed over the letter ‘EXO’ engraved on it.

“Those letters, it’s pronounced as Ek-So and it means something.” Uncle Lee spoke when he spotted her looking with intensity at the three letters.

“What is EXO?” Lana turned her head and looked at Uncle Lee.

He smiled and replied. “It’s not what but who. EXO is not a thing, Lana.”

“Who are they?”

Uncle Lee let out a soft chuckle, obviously amused at Lana’s clueless expression. “You don’t remember, do you? All the stories I told you before, about you being different. You know how the fantasy realm for many is actually a reality for you.”

Lana remembered all those stories but she didn’t remember anything about EXO. “Yah I know –“ She stopped before adding. “I know I’m different. The werewolves and vampires, everything apparently exists in my world.” She said in a slightly displeasing tone.

Uncle Lee caught the tinge of sadness in her. “You don’t believe all of that? The stories I told, you don’t believe it’s real?”

“I do. I believe it and I already accepted my fate long before.”

“Lana sweetie, don’t say like that. Nothing will happen to you.”

Lana smirked. “Of course, messing with wolves and vampires is normal and my life will be perfectly fine.” The sarcasm in her voice caused Uncle to let out a long sigh. “But I’m kind of curious to see these beings for once.” She added lightly hoping it would ease the slight tension. “Have you seen them?”

Uncle Lee laughed at the sudden question. “Vampires, no, but wolves, well technically they’re not really wolves. As in, they don’t physically look like one.”

His answer heightened Lana’s interest and immediately she straightened her back and asked more. “So, you’ve seen them? I mean the wolves?”

“Lana, they’re not wolves.”

“Huh? If not, then what are they?”

Uncle Lee turned quiet, trying to find the right words to describe. “They look like human and they are human but because they are descendents of the werewolf clan, they’re special.” He explained.

“The vampires?” She asked.

His face turned slightly white. “Lana, I haven’t seen one and I don’t want you to see any one from that kind.” His voice shifted seriously. “You’re not supposed to be asking about vampires. They are the enemies. You might or might not see them ever but they are still here. Their existence is still around despite –“ He stopped.


“Nothing. Just don’t talk about vampires anymore okay?”

Lana nodded and understood. “So, who’s EXO? You haven’t told me anything about them.”

“Well EXO is a name of a wolf pack and –“

“And what?”

Uncle Lee paused for a while and then continued. “You’re going to meet EXO. You’re going to live with them.”

“What?! I thought you said –“

“I told that you’re going to live somewhere else so that you will be well protected.” He cut in.

“But you didn’t tell me I’m going to live with a freaking wolf pack!” She said in shocked.

Uncle Lee laughed. “They’re nice, Lana. Don’t worry. You will never become their dinner for sure.” He teased.

Lana’s mouth widened at his casual remark. “I can’t believe this.” She blurted. “Wait, they’re not scary right? I mean are they like hairy or –“

“Lana, they are fine young men.”

“Are you sure?” She asked.

“Can never be surer than ever.” He confirmed.

Lana settled back and relaxed a bit. However, something caught her attention.  “You said wolf pack, so how many of them?”


“What the?! I was expecting not more than 5. Wow, what a perfect gift.” She retorted and ended cynically.


To be continued


First chapter done! ^_______^

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Chapter 51: Damn she can't do this.. And why do I feel this is all planned by Yongguk? Bcoz he know Lana will hate him if he betray them and do this so he is faking innocence so Lana trust him?
Thank you for such an amazing story.. Now off to part 2..
Chapter 30: yo just got down like damn
se_xing #3
Chapter 35: Wtf lana
se_xing #4
Chapter 16: I really want to punch this mira girl
se_xing #5
Lolypop123 #6
Chapter 16: Wtf that mira girl,ugh =_=
Chapter 51: Off to part 2~~
Chapter 50: Oh my god...
Chapter 46: Yongguk...
Chapter 44: Ho Ho Ho! Well, jealousy make you do crazy things!