Chapter 45: A Selfish Sacrifice

A Beautiful Curse

A Selfish Sacrifice


“Hyung, are you still thinking over what the Council said?” Jongup asked Yongguk who was looking out the window.

He glanced up the black night sky to see the full moon shining brightly. His shoulders deflated as he began to question. “What should I do, Jongup?”

“I’m in no position to tell you what to do but I can speak my mind on it.” Jongup approached the older male and stood before him. “I think you should be King and make Lana, your Queen. It will save everyone.”

Yongguk swallowed hard. He loved to have Lana as his Queen but it has to come with a hefty price for sure. He was in a dilemma. He wanted to keep Lana’s life as a human but he also wanted her to stay beside him eternally. And it’s not possible if she remained as a human.

“Let me guess, your biggest problem is turning her into one of us?” Himchan entered the room and joined them.

Yongguk snarled suddenly. “Don’t speak of such things. I can never turn –“

“You don’t have to be one who does it.” Himchan broke in. “I know it’s hard for you to turn her, but I believe deep down inside, you yearn for her to be just like us.”

“Himchan!” Yongguk snapped angrily.

“Yongguk, just answer a simple question, will you? Can you see yourself without her?” Himchan provoked and this time Yongguk took a step back and gave it a thought. “Come on, Yongguk. We know how much she means to you. If you can’t do it, then you can leave it to us. We can handle –“

 “Shhh –“ He hushed for them to stay silent. Just when he thought the night was going to be peaceful after the Council members left, he felt a strange gut feeling which tells him that something was going to happen. He looked out the window once again to see the full moon and in a distant, he heard a loud howl. He listened to the distant cry carefully and felt tensed out of a sudden. There was this feeling inside of him which was trying to convey a message, a message telling him that if he didn’t take action then Lana would slip from his hands forever.

“Listen... If there is a time when she has to turn into a vampire, I will be the one who change her...” Yongguk finally spoke. As compared to his previous replies, it seemed like after that moment, he has taken a stand.

If Yongguk wanted to see a future together with Lana, then he had to make a sacrifice, a selfish sacrifice for himself.


“Tonight, on a full moon, I’m all yours.”  Those words stunned Jongin, leaving him speechless and incapable of what to do. Lana was leaning and hugging him so closely that his body was starting to shake. He closed his eyes and tried to pace his breathing but it was useless. His ears kept hearing Lana’s soft melodious voice calling him and dragging him into a euphoric dream he didn’t feel like waking up. His hands unconsciously went behind her back and underneath her top. He could feel his warm hands her back, feeling her smooth silky skin. “Jongin –“ She whispered in his ear and instantly pulled her closer to him as their bodies rubbed against one another. Her strawberry scent hair tickled his nose as his lips made its way to her right ear.

“Lana –“ He called out in respond to hers. Slowly, Lana his bare body with her eyes closed, letting her hands moved up and down. The electrifying feeling she gave him was too immense that his body began to shake even more rigorously than before.  “Oh Lana –“  Whispering and then lifting her up from the bed, with her legs wrapping around his torso. Unknowingly he was standing up on two feet, holding her right in front. His face was up on her neck and he gently kissed it.

“Jongin, just do whatever you want...” Lana spoke in a surrendering tone.

Jongin moved his lips towards hers and kissed it tenderly. His hands unconsciously slid below her top and was about to take it off her when he stopped abruptly. He shut his eyes tightly and he let out a soft growl. “We can’t do this... I can’t do this...” He finally spoke. Lana slowly opened her eyes and stared right at his. “No, Lana... I don’t want to hurt you. I’m sorry I couldn’t control myself.” He said while placing her gently back on her bed.

Lana released herself from him but still held his hands tightly. “What do you mean by hurting me? You won’t –“

“I don’t want you to regret this. Lana, we’re still too young. You’re still too young, my love.” He shook his head, trying to explain his reason.

“But I thought you want this? You’re having a difficult time restraining yourself. So, I’m letting you have what you desire.” Lana said with her eyes staring innocently.

Jongin smiled and cupped her cheeks. “Don’t do this because of me. Do it because you want it.”

“But –“

“Lana, you’re young and you have a bright future ahead. Like I’ve said, I don’t want you to regret this.”

“I won’t... Jongin –“ Lana pushed herself closer to him. “This is what I want too.”

Jongin wrapped his arms around her and gently hair. “Okay but not now, baby. Not now...”

“I l-l-love you...” Lana spoke softly.

Jongin stayed still after hearing her words. His heart was already beating fast to begin with but now it was in danger of melting away. He didn’t expect to hear her confession so soon. He thought he wanted to take things slowly with her, afraid that she was going to be uncomfortable. But everything was proven wrong with the few words she just revealed to him. With a big smile, Jongin answered. “I love you too...”


The sunlight penetrated into the room causing Lana to open her eyes slowly. She yawned with her hands stretched widely. She tossed to the left only to find Jongin missing. Alone on the big bed, she spread herself and then rolled around happily. Her mood definitely started on a bright note. As she gleefully rolled around comfortably, she recalled last night’s event. A blush crept up her cheeks as her mind kept replaying the many kissing moments she had with Jongin. Last night was probably the closest she has ever been with Jongin or any guy ever. His perfect sculptured body and hard toned abs which her hands have touched many times only caused her to feel even more embarrassed.

“Are you going to stay in bed the entire day?” A voice broke her dreamy state causing to jolt up. Jongin came with a tray of food and settled down on the edge of the bed. His body was already covered in a shirt and his hair has been neatly styled. He flashed a smile while placing the tray of food in front of her. “Do you know that it’s already lunch?”

Lana looked at the tray of food consisting of sandwiches and a glass of juice. Although she was famished after skipping breakfast, she stared at the food without moving an inch. Apparently, she was still embarrassed over last night and wasn’t ready to face Jongin who seemed to be perfectly normal.

Jongin noticed how awkward, hence he playfully grabbed the sandwich and took a big bite out of it. “You’re missing out a lot. This sandwich is delicious.  You sure you don’t want it?” He asked while chewing noisily. Lana took the other half of the sandwich timidly and took a small bite. He smiled as he watched her eating the food slowly and carefully. It was intimidating to have Jongin watching her, but eventually she did finish her food and placed the tray on the table beside.

“Thanks...” Lana finally spoke softly as she stood up. “I’m going to wash up.”

Jongin smiled the entire time seeing her behaving shyly around him. It was definitely different from how she was last night. As she walked towards the bathroom, he crept behind her and then lightly pulled her for a back hug. Startled, Lana’s eyes turned wide with the physical contact. Although it felt good, she was speechless and it caught her off guard.

“Stay with me for a while, please?” Jongin begged as he nuzzled his nose, sniffing her sweet smelling hair. Even before shower, Lana still smelt wonderful to him. He wrapped his arms around her tiny frame and cuddled her tightly. “If I say that I will never let you go, what would you do?”

“You won’t like it if I start smelling bad.” Lana chuckled, lightly pushing his arms away. She turned around and grinned. “At least let me shower first.... Later, Jongin...” She waved cheekily and made a dash towards the bathroom.

“Aish, I was expecting a loving reply.” He pouted. “And it’s Jongin Oppa... OPPA!” He emphasised.


After a nice warm shower, Lana put on a nice comfortable pullover and jeans as she wanted to head to the super market. She skipped down the stair case, feeling fresh and light hearted. As compared to her foul mood a few days before, she was obviously feeling much better that day. Tao saw her cheerful self and immediately stopped her to question. 

“Someone’s in a good mood. Where are you going?” Tao asked.

“To the super market...” Lana smiled brightly.

“Are you going alone?” Tao looked at her warily. “You know that you can’t travel alone.”

Lana shook her head and said. “Of course not... Where’s Jongin?”

Tao pouted as if hurt by her reply. “I thought you’re going to ask me.”

“Oh? Do you want to go out?” Lana realised her mistake.

“Jongin, can I go to the super market with your soul mate?!” Tao yelled across the big house.

In a flash, Jongin appeared with a frown. “Why do you want to go super market? You can always tell us what you want and we’ll get it for you.”

“I’m bored and I want to go out. Please?” Lana pleaded.

“Come on, I’ll look after her.” Tao said as he tugged her arm.

Jongin pulled Lana from him and embraced her tightly. “Take care alright?”

“Jongin, I’m just going to the super market –“

Before she could finish her words, Jongin lightly pressed his lips against hers and held her hands. “Even if it’s just the super market, promise me you’ll take care and never leave me?”

“I promise...” Lana answered softly and his cheeks.

Tao rolled his eyes as he watched the both of them and has to pull them apart before they could separate themselves. “Will the both of you stop? You make me want to find a mate for myself.” He spoke enviously and dragged Lana with him.

“Yah! Don’t go out for too long.” Jongin reminded as he watched the both of them leaving from the front door.

Tao sniggered as he unlocked the car door. “Such an over protective dude...” He sat at the driver seat and started the engine. “But I don’t blame him for it.” He mumbled.

Lana fastened her seat belt and then faced him curiously. “Why do you mean by that?”

“You’ll know from him.” Tao smiled as he stepped on the accelerator.

In the super market, Lana searched for the items she needed while Tao was order to push the cart. He tagged beside her, following wherever she went. Although he was a little bored, he ensured Lana was still within his sight and moved along with her. He wanted to get a few things for his own but let Lana took care of hers first.

“Oh yes, I need shampoo too.” Lana said as she read from the list she wrote down.

“Lana, we already passed the toiletries section. It’s over at the other side.” Tao frowned.

“Never mind, you wait here. I’ll get it and come back quickly –“ Lana said and instantly travelled away from Tao.

“Yah!” Tao called but she was already heading to the other side of the super market. He pushed his cart and navigated his way to find her. Since the place was rather crowded, he was slowly losing her from his sight.

In just seconds, Lana was already at the other side of the mart. She stepped to the right where the shampoos were and searched for the one she wanted. She saw that it was placed a few racks high and tiptoed to reach for it. As her right arm stretched itself for it, she saw another arm reached for the same shampoo she wanted.

“Here –“

Lana turned around only to be surprised. “Yongguk?”

“Your shampoo...” Yongguk gave the item to her. Lana accepted the shampoo and then continued staring at him in shocked. “I followed you.” He confessed.

“Thank you for this.” Lana gestured at the shampoo before turning her heel and walked away when Yongguk lightly grabbed her arm.

“Lana, I’m sorry about the other day.” He said.

She turned around to face him again and spoke. “Just forget about it...”

Suddenly, Yongguk took a sniff and his face contorted in disgust. “Lana, why do you smell like –“

“Like a wolf?” Tao approached from behind and immediately snatched Lana’s arm, pulling her away from Yongguk. “Just so you know, she’s here with me.” Tao glared.

“I know... I can smell you miles away.” Yongguk nastily commented. “But you –“ He frowned while studying Lana. “Did you come alone?” He turned to Tao suddenly.

“So what if I did? I’m not afraid of you.” Tao stated bravely.

“So, you’re alone... But why do I smell –“

“Continue enjoying your smelling treat...” Tao ended and then walked away with Lana, leaving Yongguk.

Instead of chasing them down, Yongguk stood still. His eyes remained fixed at Lana, trying his hard to calm himself down by not thinking negatively. However, the more he looked at her, the more he sniffed her scent, the more disgusted he was feeling. The fact that the scent was too strong to go unnoticed only made him furious. He was sure his senses weren’t wrong.

“Jongin –“ He mumbled under his breath.

He could smell Jongin in Lana which only confirmed the terrible gut feeling he was having last night. Maybe, Jongin and Lana were slowly becoming one... And he must stop them before it was too late.


Has Yongguk finally realised his selfish desire for Lana? Will he ever turn her into one of his kind? 

To be continued


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Chapter 51: Damn she can't do this.. And why do I feel this is all planned by Yongguk? Bcoz he know Lana will hate him if he betray them and do this so he is faking innocence so Lana trust him?
Thank you for such an amazing story.. Now off to part 2..
Chapter 30: yo just got down like damn
se_xing #3
Chapter 35: Wtf lana
se_xing #4
Chapter 16: I really want to punch this mira girl
se_xing #5
Lolypop123 #6
Chapter 16: Wtf that mira girl,ugh =_=
Chapter 51: Off to part 2~~
Chapter 50: Oh my god...
Chapter 46: Yongguk...
Chapter 44: Ho Ho Ho! Well, jealousy make you do crazy things!