Chapter 6: First and not the Last

A Beautiful Curse

First and not the Last


The afternoon activity was fun yet tiring but it was just what Lana needed the most at the moment. Her sleepless nights came to an end when she finally got a peaceful sleep without any scary dream that could wake her up in cold sweat. EXO was contented by the progress of their relationship so far. She was slowly getting used to them while they were slowly getting used to her scent without the need to bite her; not literally though.

Confirmed Lana was already sound asleep, the guys resumed their night activities. Just like any other nights, that night they had to do train their senses and strengths as well as doing their rounds to guard the area. Lana’s presence meant only one thing; the enemies were certain to be anywhere close to them. They could be hiding or even passing by the territory which was highly guarded by EXO now, just so they could smell her scent. Her scent was just as alluring to them as to EXO. However, it wasn’t her scent they strived for. It was the blood of the supposedly immortal child and it was none other than Lana’s. They wanted her blood more than any existing humans. Because her blood was the only cure to the curse they were bestowed.

The forest surrounded the entire house was the buffer to the noise of the bustling city. First, it was to ensure no other humans were going to be implicated in the mess between the two kinds and second, the stillness and quietness of the forest allowed EXO a better grip of their senses. They became more attentive to even the slightest sound made.

Baekhyun sprinted and covered a kilometre in less than a minute. While he was running, his ears sharpened to any possible sound and his nose tried to pick up unfamiliar scent. Similarly, Luhan and Sehun dashed in a speed of lightning and covered as many grounds as possible. Meanwhile, Kris and Tao stayed still and stood silently while hiding behind the darkness of the forest. It wasn’t long before they caught something amiss. With their exceptional ability, they communicated.

Joonmyun: Chanyeol, did you hear that?

Chanyeol: 10km to the East!

Jongdae: I’m going now!

Minseok: I’m going too!

Joonmyun: Yixing and Kyungsoo, stay at your respective positions! Jongin, where are you?

Kris: Jongin?

While the rest of them were making their way towards the sudden noise, Jongin was already at the area. He took a sniff and then muttered a curse. “ –“ He stretched his neck and used his instincts to hunt for the intruder.

In seconds, Chanyeol, Jongdae and Minseok reached the scene and questioned him.

“What is it?” Minseok asked.

However, Jongin remained quiet and concentrated by using the awful stench his nose has picked up to follow the trail.

“To the North, now!” Jongin ordered.

Without questioning further, the four of them ran across the forest; leaping and soaring past the trees and swiftly dodging the trunks and branches. The speed and the distance weren’t any of hindrance to them. They neither sweat nor pant in exhaustion. They were born with this.

Jongin being the fastest out of EXO was ahead of his brothers. He used his extra skill and eventually it paid off. He managed to catch a glimpse of the intruder who was just as fast as him. He doubled up his speed, however, the intruder fled away until he dived right into the sea. The dead end to the forest was a cliff just beside the sea. Jongin braked on time and stopped just right at the edge of the cliff. He wanted to plunge down and continue the chase but someone stopped him.

Kris: Jongin, no! Don’t jump!

Of course, the leader command has to be obeyed and thus, Jongin stopped and looked at the black water from the top. Because the intruder jumped into the sea, the awful stench was gone and he could no longer trace it.

Joonmyun caught up with him and the rest at the cliff. While they were looking down, the leader asked Jongin. “What is it?”

Once again, Jongin remained quiet and avoided the question. But the leader wasn’t going to let it go. “Jongin, answer me!”

“Vampire...” Jongin finally replied.

It has been long since the enemy was mentioned. It wasn’t like they haven’t seen vampires. They were fully aware of their existence as well as how much they couldn’t stand their stench. It was so bad they could smell it even miles away but this time; surprisingly only Jongin could sense it. Furthermore, the male vampire was loitering within the area meaning, news will spread and soon enough more will come in search for Lana.

Chanyeol stared at the tracks on the ground made by the vampire and mumbled. “How come I can’t smell it?”

Minseok nodded in agreement and said. “Yea, I can’t either.”

“Because he was holding Lana’s soft toy... He used it to hide his stench.” Jongin said out slowly.

“What?!” Joonmyun roared.

Kris who came with Tao heard the conversation and was just as shocked. Similarly, the rest of them who weren’t there could hear one another’s thoughts.

“How did –“ Jongdae raised.

However, Luhan interrupted as he joined. “He got it from the previous house Lana stayed. And –“ He paused and his face turned grimace. “Uncle Lee just called in. The Aunts who used to take care of Lana; they’re all dead.”

“The blood er did it?” Minseok asked.

Luhan nodded. “Yes and I’m afraid the situation is getting out of hand because the bodies were disposed indecently. Now, the police might be involved.”

“This is too much! They’re not supposed to leave their mess unattended!” Chanyeol barked.

Something was troubling Jongin and he could feel it. A frown appeared on his forehead and instantly he turned around to make a dash back home. But Kris stopped him before he could and asked. “Jongin, where are you going?”

“Lana –“ He answered. “Hyung, those Aunts were really close to Lana.” He explained.

Joonmyun understood and ordered. “Let’s go back now. We shouldn’t be thinking about this when the one who is hurting the most right now is Lana.”


EXO sprinted their way back home and as soon as they entered the living room, Uncle Lee was standing while Mrs Yoon was sitting down beside Lana, who surprisingly remained still and quiet. She wasn’t crying. She wasn’t talking. Her face was just expressionless which was even more worrying.

Mrs Yoon gently Lana’s back and hushed. “Lana, are you okay sweetie?” Lana stared blankly into space. She wasn’t responding to Mrs Yoon question.

Meanwhile, EXO began questioning Uncle Lee what exactly happened.

“The police informed the bodies were found in the house, all drained of blood. It wasn’t a burglar since nothing was taken away from the house. So, they are suspecting it’s a murder case.”

Kris shook his head and said. “The vampire has taken something from the house.”

Uncle Lee’s eyes widened and asked. “What are you saying, Kris?”

“We encountered one of them tonight.” Joonmyun reported.

“Unfortunately, he escaped but –“ Luhan paused for a while before going straight to Lana and then kneeling before her. “Lana, are you okay?”  He asked with his eyes looking up at her. “Lana, I need you to answer this.”

Luhan: Jongin, how does the soft toy look like?

Jongin: It was a teddy bear wearing a red baseball jersey and shorts.

Luhan heard and then focussed onto Lana. He wrapped his right hand around hers and then asked nicely. “Lana, do you have a teddy bear wearing red baseball top with shorts?” She heard and instantly looked into his eyes before nodding. “Is it with you?” He asked more.

“No. It’s back in the house.  I didn’t –“

“What is it, EXO?” Uncle Lee interrupted impatiently.

Minseok went behind Uncle Lee and whispered. “We’ll tell you what we found but not in front of Lana.” Uncle Lee understood and turned quiet immediately.

Thankfully, Lana didn’t catch their secret conversation and wasn’t going to ask EXO more about the teddy. Instead, her eyes shifted away to see the time on the wall clock. It was nearly 3 in the morning and she barely slept. Yet, she was determined to stay awake until the next morning. She turned to Uncle Lee and requested. “Uncle Lee, is it okay if I attend the funeral wake?”

Uncle Lee gulped and timidly looked down. He was afraid to tell her she couldn’t because it was just too risky. The fact that a vampire was already loitering at their previous house was enough to send shivers down his spine. If Lana and he were just a day later in leaving the old house for EXO, then the vampire could have found them and of course, their lives wouldn’t be spared as well.

“I’m sorry but –“

“It’s okay. I understand.” She cut him and stood up.

“Lana, are you sure you’re okay?” Mrs Yoon stood up and gave the young girl a warm hug. “If you have to cry, just cry it out and let everything go. Don’t bottle up. It will hurt you more.” She said. It was worrying her to no end that Lana was acting too relaxed despite the great loss of her beloved Aunts who took care and watched her grow.

Lana forced a smile and replied. “Yes, I’m fine. I’m going back to my room.” She excused herself and left while the rest of them were feeling nervous towards her unusual behaviour.

Mrs Yoon sighed as she watched Lana leave and then ordered EXO at once. “You guys need to look out for her and not let her do stupid things.”

Uncle Lee couldn’t keep still. He walked up to Joonmyun and asked. “What is it, Joonmyun? Tell me...”

“We encountered a vampire and –“

“He was holding on to the soft toy which belongs to Lana.”

“You mean the teddy bear with red top?!” Uncle Lee was in utter shock.

Chanyeol nodded and then added. “We couldn’t track his stench but luckily, our ears picked up his movement.”

“So, we gave him a chase until right at the edge of the cliff before he plunged into the sea.” Baekhyun continued.

“Oh my...” Mrs Yoon’s heart leaped fearfully. “They are so close –“ She stuttered.

Luhan approached her and gently pattered her back. “Don’t be afraid, Mrs Yoon. They won’t come anywhere near.” He assured.

Uncle Lee paced back and forth for a while before finally saying. “You guys need to step up on the rounds. We aren’t sure if the vampire has picked up Lana’s scent in here, but if one came, more will come in the future.”


To be continued


A vampire finally enters.......hmmmmm. It's going to get interesting.

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Chapter 51: Damn she can't do this.. And why do I feel this is all planned by Yongguk? Bcoz he know Lana will hate him if he betray them and do this so he is faking innocence so Lana trust him?
Thank you for such an amazing story.. Now off to part 2..
Chapter 30: yo just got down like damn
se_xing #3
Chapter 35: Wtf lana
se_xing #4
Chapter 16: I really want to punch this mira girl
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Lolypop123 #6
Chapter 16: Wtf that mira girl,ugh =_=
Chapter 51: Off to part 2~~
Chapter 50: Oh my god...
Chapter 46: Yongguk...
Chapter 44: Ho Ho Ho! Well, jealousy make you do crazy things!