Chapter 44: I'm All Yours

A Beautiful Curse

"I'm All Yours..."


Minseok entered the living room and found Lana watching the TV on her own. The rest of EXO were either in their respective rooms or were somewhere chilling inside the mansion. The weather continued its long streak of heavy rainfall and thunderous storms. As a result, they were trapped indoors throughout the day and would venture into the wild only when it was night time.

Lana was especially bored especially when it was the school holidays. She thought she could spend her holidays doing fun activities but the weather was not in her favour. Hence, she was stuck at home watching movies.

“What are you watching?” Minseok plopped down the sofa beside her while carrying a bowl full of chips.

Lana took one chip casually from him and sighed. “Twilight...”

“Seriously, Lana?” Minseok looked at her and then stared at the TV as he watched Robert Pattinson’s face appearing on screen.

“I’m bored okay? So don’t judge me. Besides, the actors are nice to look at.” She replied defensively.

Minseok nodded and said. “Oh well, I can see why you’re watching it since you can pretty much relate yourself with Bella.” He leaned his back and settled comfortably while munching the chips noisily. Lana gave him a side-eye and ignored his statement. “But there’s one difference between you and her.” He pointed the screen when Kristen Stewart’s face appeared. “She knows who she wants to be with and what she wants to be right from the start.”

“I’m not as strong as her.” Her face fell. “I’m just –“

“Hey, I’m not saying it’s a bad thing that you’re unable to come up with a decision. I know it’s tough.” He patted her back and tried to console her. “Forcing yourself won’t solve the issue. Just go with the flow... You’ll find your answer soon.”

“But –“

“But you’re afraid you’re going to hurt someone? Hurt Jongin? Hurt us?” Minseok asked. Lana nodded and sighed in despair. “Sometimes the best decision is the most painful one. Remember that...”

“I understand.” Lana muttered softly.

Minseok pulled her closer and rested her head on his shoulder. “Don’t worry. I’m sure we will go through this together.” She smiled and snuggled, enjoying his warmth. “Anyway, what do you think of Bella? Do you think she made the right decision?”

Lana gave it a thought briefly before speaking. “I don’t think it’s a right decision but it’s the best for her.”

Minseok heard her answer and nodded. They then turned silent and watched the movie together. Although their eyes were fixed on the screen, both of them were in deep thoughts. For Lana, it was indeed true that she could see herself in Bella except that she was still unsure of what she wants for her future. Meanwhile, Minseok as well as EXO as a whole just hoped Lana will never turn her back on them.

“Oppa, what do you think of Bella’s choice?” Lana asked him the same question back at him.

Minseok smiled and answered. “Of course, I’d say she’s stupid. But she’s lucky enough to still have someone like Jacob. At least she didn’t lose him even after –“ He paused for a while and looked into her eyes. He could sense her thoughts. “We’re not as magnanimous as him. I hope you understand.” He ended on a low note.

Lana nodded, fully understand his words. No matter what lies in her future, she was sure that both the wolves and vampires can never be in the same picture, never ever.


Dinner was prepared early because they were going to have barbequed food. Although the rain has stopped, the weather remained chilly. Hence, they decided on having a barbeque by the pool side. Chanyeol and Baekhyun prepared the grill while Sehun and Yixing checked on the charcoal. Lana stood beside Kyungsoo, helping him on the food. She pierced the meat and vegetable with skewers and also prepared the sauce. After the conversation with Minseok, Lana was glad to finally get away from the depressing thoughts. She just wanted to be normal.

“Aren’t they cold?” Lana asked Kyungsoo after watching Kris, Tao and Jongdae diving into the pool. The temperature was cold because of the rain yet these guys were dipping themselves as if it was a warm weather.

Kyungsoo chuckled and shook his head. “Our body temperature is always high. We hardly feel cold.”

“Ah of course, how could I forget that?” Lana smiled as she watched them enjoying the pool.

After the food was done, they started grilling and eating their dinner. The atmosphere was nice. It has been a while since they gathered together. The last time was during the Super Moon night but it didn’t end too well. With all the wolves concentrated in a spot, it was unlikely to have unwanted intruders. Besides, this was the wolves’ territory.

Lana was enjoying her food by the pool when she saw Mira approaching the group. She was dressed in a swim suit which exposed parts of her body Lana has not seen before. Lana noticed the scar on her face and looked away immediately, focussing on the shape of her body. Mira was definitely a pretty girl with a nice body. Somehow, Lana’s eyes turned green.

“Mira, you’re going to swim?” Sehun asked. Without answering his question, she jumped right into the pool where some of the guys were already in.

Mira laughed and giggled happily as she swam around. Lana, on the other hand, watched enviously. She wanted to dip herself too and be as free as Mira but she decided not to, fearing Mira would probably get upset to have her in the pool together.

“Jongin Oppa –“ Mira reached out her hand for Jongin who was standing by the edge of the pool. “Can you help me up?” She asked.

Jongin looked at her suspiciously but still reached out his hand for her. “Here –“ However, just when he offered his hand, Mira pulled him into the pool. Of course, Sehun was pushing him from the back too. Jongin fell inside the pool with a splash and in a blink of an eye, he was entirely wet. “Mira! Oh Sehun!” He yelled but eventually laughed when he found that the water was refreshing.

“See, it’s nice and cold right?” Mira said and started clinging herself onto him.

Almost immediately, Lana looked away from them and concentrated on her food but she lost her appetite. She faced the other side only to meet eyes with Joonmyun who was staring at her.

“Lana –“

“What?!” She snapped angrily but apologised right away when she realised Joonmyun was innocent. “I’m sorry...”

“You look upset. What’s wrong?” He asked and held her hands. That was the only way to listen to her thoughts. “Why don’t you get in the pool too?” He asked after knowing what was weighing her mind. “Don’t be upset. Jongin and Mira are just –“

“Oppa, you’ll get tired listening to my thoughts.” Lana pulled her hands away from his. Joonmyun smiled warmly. Although Lana was feeling upset at the moment, at least he knew she was starting to lean her heart towards Jongin.

“Okay, Mira. I think it’s enough swimming for the night. You’re going to catch a cold.” Jongin spoke as he dragged Mira out of the pool.

“Aww, Oppa –“

Jongin pulled her up and immediately took a towel for her to dry. He wrapped the towel around her and slowly made their way inside.

Once again, Lana watched them miserably. She realised she had to do something.

The dinner came to an end and some of the guys already went inside to change. Lana stayed for a while all by herself as she dipped her feet into the pool.

“Ahhh, this feels good...” She closed her eyes and enjoyed the water.

Jongin was still inside, possibly changing into dry clothes. Or maybe, he was with Mira, staying by her bed side and watched her sleep. Just the thought of it made Lana angry and she suddenly pushed herself into the pool. She was dressed in a plain black tank top with shorts. She was not wearing swim suit and her clothes became wet and cold instantly. She couldn’t be bothered by it. She swam towards the centre of the pool and spread out her arms and legs to float. She closed her eyes and let her mind slipped away when suddenly she heard someone.

“Lana, what are you doing?” She recognised the voice and ignored. She continued floating aimlessly with her eyes closed. “Come on baby, it’s enough or you’re going to catch a cold.” Once again, Lana ignored. “Lana, don’t make me drag you out... Lana, do you hear me?” Lana let the voice entered her ears and immediately ignored. “Aish, this girl –“

Jongin who has already dried himself began to grumble when Lana refused to respond to his call. Floating at the centre of the pool, she remained still and quiet, ignoring him. With a sigh, he pulled his shirt up and took it off, leaving his body bare. He placed his feet into the water first, causing his pants to turn wet immediately and then walked towards her. Feeling slightly annoyed at her, he approached and pulled her up in his arms. “Lana, what are you doing?” He scolded and frowned at her worriedly.

Lana finally opened her eyes and stared right at his. He looked angry but she suddenly burst out giggling as she wrapped her arms around his neck tightly. “Awww Jongin Oppa, I want to swim more.”  She spoke adorably. Right away, Jongin’s heart melted upon seeing the way she was talking and hugging him. “Oppa, 5 more minutes please...” She pleaded in a sweetest voice.

Jongin sighed and said. “This is unfair.” He held on to her tightly but didn’t move. He stayed in the pool just as Lana requested. She nuzzled her head and buried herself in his shoulder blade. The amount of skinship she was doing, surprised Jongin that he had to stop her and stare at her eyes to read her emotions. “Lana?” She didn’t answer. Her hands touched his bare abs and she continued leaning towards him with her eyes closed. Jongin’s heart was beating so fast that he felt like he might not be able to control himself if she continued being like that. “Lana, stop –“ He said. However, the girl yet again ignored. Jongin looked up the sky, trying to direct his focus elsewhere. That was when he saw the full moon shining brightly at them. Without saying a word, he walked towards the edge of the pool, lifting her in his arms as he get off the water.

Lana didn’t speak anything and let Jongin carried her out of the pool and into the house. They were drenched. Her clothes were sticking to her body and she was shivering from the cold. Jongin held her tightly and walked up the staircase as quickly as possible. Upon reaching her room, Jongin put her down and grabbed the towel. He covered her hair and shook it dry with the towel.

“Jongin –“ Lana spoke suddenly. Jongin stopped whatever he was doing and looked at her. She threw the towel onto the floor and pulled him towards her.

Jongin was puzzled by her actions. “Lana, go change into dry clothes –“ Just when he said that, Lana lifted her shirt, revealing a little part of her bare tummy. He pulled her shirt down and gulped nervously. “Lana, what are you doing?”

“Jongin –“ She called and then embraced him tightly. She was touching him all over, refusing to let him go. “Don’t go...”She said and pulled him towards her bed. They settled comfortably, still with their wet clothes and damp hair.

Jongin looked into her eyes and her cheeks. Her right hand touched his bare abs and moved itself up towards his neck. She leaned closer and sat on his laps, while her fingers continued caressing his neck. With her eyes closed, Lana planted a kiss on his shoulder. Jongin trembled from the contact as he tried to grab a hold of himself. “Lana, don’t do this –“ He whispered knowing well on the direction they were about to head.

“Isn’t this what you want?” Lana whispered into his ear. It sent shivers down his spine and he could feel his body becoming hotter with every second. “Tonight, on a full moon, I’m all yours...” She leaned and let their lips met.


To be continued




I'm sorry for not updating constantly. I've been really busy with school and stuffs. Meanwhile, enjoy this new update! Thank you for reading! ^_^


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Chapter 51: Damn she can't do this.. And why do I feel this is all planned by Yongguk? Bcoz he know Lana will hate him if he betray them and do this so he is faking innocence so Lana trust him?
Thank you for such an amazing story.. Now off to part 2..
Chapter 30: yo just got down like damn
se_xing #3
Chapter 35: Wtf lana
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Chapter 16: I really want to punch this mira girl
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Chapter 16: Wtf that mira girl,ugh =_=
Chapter 51: Off to part 2~~
Chapter 50: Oh my god...
Chapter 46: Yongguk...
Chapter 44: Ho Ho Ho! Well, jealousy make you do crazy things!