Chapter 16: Mira's Plan

A Beautiful Curse

Mira's Plan


Mira paced back and forth her bed room for the past hour. She just couldn’t keep still knowing EXO was about to do something special for Lana on the full moon, three nights away. Just two hours ago, she was walking along the hallway when her ears picked up something as she past the guys’ room.

“Shall we bring Lana out on the full moon night? Let’s bring her to the top of the cliff.”

“No, not on a full moon. Your desires and temptations are at its peak on every full moon. It will be harder to control your lust and emotions.”

“But Hyung, you have to agree that the cliff overlooking the sea looks the best on a full moon. Besides, it’s the Super Moon.”

“Yea Hyung, the next time the Super Moon is probably next year.”

“Come on, just this once.”

“Alright. We’ll bring her.”


So, Mira heard their conversation. And she was even more furious that EXO didn’t invite her. When asked, they pretended to be unaware and said they’re going to be busy that night. Hence, she had to take matter in her hands and devised a plan to oppose. Mira flashed a scheming smile when the light bulb inside her head switched on in an instant.


Jongin was cutting the log into pieces in front of the garage. His sleeveless top displayed his muscular arms as he continued with the job effortlessly. Mira ventured outside and sneakily approached Jongin from behind. Obviously he sensed her coming but what took him off guard was when she hugged his back.

“Oppa, I miss you!” Mira exclaimed loudly.

Momentarily, Jongin had to stop his work and threw the axe away fearing it might hurt Mira. He dusted his hands and pulled Mira’s arms off his waist.

“What are you doing?” Jongin asked in a raspy voice.

Mira smiled and said. “Let’s go play somewhere. I’m bored.” She pouted.

Jongin wasn’t a fun person. He rarely pampered himself or went for entertainment activities such as watching movies or hanging out with friends. Yet, he felt sorry for Mira and decided to follow her request.

Without saying a word, he put on a plaid shirt over his sleeveless top and reached his hand for Mira and led her somewhere he frequents. Mira was unable to contain her glee and her smile never disappeared even for a second. Besides, that was the first time Jongin actually agreed.

They walked for a while until they reached a small stream which flowed inside the forest, a place Mira wasn’t supposed to be in as well. Just like Lana, Mira was not allowed inside the forest unless she was accompanied by any of the guys. She was surprised to see the surrounding inside the forest the first time and was amazed at the stream of fresh water. Jongin brought her the side where the rocks were and sat there. He rolled his jeans, exposed his shins and dipped his feet in the water. Mira had it easier since she was wearing shorts and dipped hers right away.

“Whoa, so cold!” Mira screamed a little. Jongin looked at her expressionlessly without breathing a word. They stayed quiet for a few minutes, enjoying the sounds of water gushing.

“Oppa, do you feel like your life is restricted?” Mira asked suddenly. Jongin just kept silent. So, Mira said. “You can tell me honestly.”

Jongin inhaled deeply and replied. “Maybe...a little.”

“Just a little? I don’t think so.” Mira commented. “You don’t enjoy doing this at all, am I right?”

“No, I don’t enjoy. No one does.”

“I knew it. Every night you have to stay awake, work your tireless body, running here and there just for the sake of Lana. Why would you protect someone who is half vampire?” Mira asked but Jongin kept quiet. So, she went on. “Her kind, are they really out there?”

“Yes and we are protecting human kind not just –“

“Lana? Yeah right. Then tell me why do your only protect this forest surrounding our house? You get what I mean right?” She added. Seeing that Jongin only remained quiet she continued. “See, it’s only for Lana. Her Aunts that were killed, you could have saved them but because you guys are here, you –“

“No Mira, it’s not.”

Mira tilted her head and looked at him. “What it’s not Oppa? The fact that you just stick around here and couldn’t do anything for others just means that you solely dedicate your existence for her and no one else. You work only for her. You live only for her. Isn’t that...well...a little thoughtless?”

Jongin sighed. “Yes, we are but look we don’t have a choice. We are born to protect our kind and Lana, although she’s only half of us, is still a part of our kind. Whether we like it or not, we have to protect her because the vampires are –“ Jongin paused as if the next information wasn’t something Mira must know.


“Nothing.” He said.

Mira frowned at his unfinished sentence. Nonetheless, she poked further. “What if she’s not around, as in if she doesn’t exist, will you still do what you are doing now?”

Jongin thought for a while before replying. “No, most probably not...”

“And why is that?”

“Because...the curse –“ Jongin stopped once more, trying to find the correct words. “The boundary was set and the treaty was in place but something happened which changed everything. Instead of living peacefully, we now have to ensure they don’t seek the chance of becoming more powerful by using Lana’s –“

“Lana’s parents right? They were the ones who caused all this?” Mira cut in before Jongin could finish. However, he stopped and didn’t end his explanation. His mind wandered to Mira’s questions. “Why are you keeping silent? If not for them, you might have led a normal life.”

“No that’s not it –“

“Come on, don’t you wish to be normal at least for once? You stopped school before you could enter university, the same for the rest of the guys. You can’t work because this is your job. Your life is nothing but of constant worry and danger. Where do you see yourself 10 years down the road? You will still be here protecting and risking you life every single day and night because I believe this will never end as long as she’s still here.”

Jongin turned around and faced Mira. He wanted to decline her claim. Everything she said is not true. “Mira –“

“Answer me honestly; do you want to continue doing this for the rest of your life?” Mira once again cut in before Jongin could speak.

“No –“ He replied but paused briefly. “But I promise to keep Lana safe and that I will do for the rest of my life.”

Jongin stood up and then jumped to the other side of the stream gracefully with ease. He picked up stones lying by the side and threw it into the stream. He just needed the time for himself to let his mind rest. Silently without Jongin looking at her, Mira sneaked her hand into the pocket and clicked off the tape recorder. With a smirk, she then raised her head to see Jongin, who was still clueless that he was trapped in Mira’s scheming plan.


Lana was quietly reading a book in her room when there was a knock on her door. She turned around only to see Mira walking in with what seemed like an evil grin. However, Lana brushed the thought away and asked her. “What is it?”

“Nothing, I just want to talk.” Mira replied as she took a spot comfortable on Lana’s bed. Feeling wary, Lana put her book away instantly and focussed on Mira who still has that grin on her face. “Lana, how is it so far? Do you like this place?” Mira asked.

Surprised that Mira was talking to her in a nice tone, Lana stared at her for while before replying. “Well it is okay I guess.”

“It’s pretty boring right? You can’t really go out and there aren’t many activities you can do here.” Mira said.

“I’m fine. I’ll get used to it.” Lana responded.

Mira shuffled a bit and folded her legs up. That was the first time she looked friendly and polite in front of Lana. “Lana, I want to let you hear something.”

“Okay, what is it?”

“But promise me you won’t reveal that you heard it from me.  Will you?”

Lana was apprehensive at first but finally nodded and said. “Alright I promise.”

Mira took out a tape recorder and handed it over to Lana. “Lana... I think you deserve to know this.”

Lana grasped the tape and examined it. She switched it on and listened intently to its content.

Oppa, do you feel like your life is restricted?

Maybe...a little...

You don’t enjoy doing this at all, am I right?

 No, I don’t enjoy. No one does...

Her kind, are they really out there...

Yes and we are protecting human kind...

Then tell me why do your only protect this forest surrounding our house? You get what I mean right?’s only for Lana. Her Aunts that were killed, you could have saved them but because you guys are here, you -  The fact that you just stick around here and couldn’t do anything for others just means that you solely dedicate your existence for her and no one else. You work only for her. You live only for her. Isn’t that...well...a little thoughtless?

Yes, we are but look we don’t have a choice. We are born to protect our kind and Lana, although she’s only half of us, is still a part of our kind. Whether we like it or not, we have to protect her...

What if she’s not around, as in if she doesn’t exist, will you still do what you are doing now?

No, most probably not...

Come on, don’t you wish to be normal at least for once? You stopped school before you could enter university, the same for the rest of the guys. You can’t work because this is your job. Your life is nothing but of constant worry and danger. Where do you see yourself 10 years down the road? You will still be here protecting and risking you life every single day and night because I believe this will never end as long as she’s still here... Answer me honestly; do you want to continue doing this for the rest of your life?


The tape turned silent and that was the end. Lana stared blankly in space as she tried to slowly register the voices she just listened.  It was Jongin’s. He said it all. He said everything Lana has expected it all along.

EXO was protecting only Lana. EXO never wanted such a life but because of Lana they had to endure it for the rest of their lives. If she wasn’t around, the outcome would have been different. These young boys would be able to achieve their dreams and goals. They would have studied, earned high accolade, got into normal respectable professions and most importantly, they would be leading normal lives like everybody else.

“Lana, I’m sorry...”  Mira apologised.

Lana shook her head and said. “Don’t apologise. Thank you for telling me this.”

Mira faked a smile. “Lana, I hope you don’t take it too hard and leave –“

“Mira, I believe having me out of the picture is the only way to end this. Once I leave, EXO does not have to protect me and they can enjoy a normal life for once. Besides –“ Lana paused and took a deep breath. “I don’t care if I have to die at the hands of the vampire. I don’t deserve the mercy of being protected when every other human gets killed instead.”

“Oh Lana...”  Mira pretended to soothe her.

Lana straightened her back and spoke to Mira seriously. “Mira, you have to help me get out of here...secretly.”

Mira came closer and threw hug around Lana. “Lana, don’t do this.” She faked.

“I have to. Help me please.”

Mira Lana’s back gently and feigned a cry. With her face hidden behind Lana’s back, Mira smirked. Her plan was working just the way she wanted. Lana made it too easy for her.


To be continued



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Chapter 51: Damn she can't do this.. And why do I feel this is all planned by Yongguk? Bcoz he know Lana will hate him if he betray them and do this so he is faking innocence so Lana trust him?
Thank you for such an amazing story.. Now off to part 2..
Chapter 30: yo just got down like damn
se_xing #3
Chapter 35: Wtf lana
se_xing #4
Chapter 16: I really want to punch this mira girl
se_xing #5
Lolypop123 #6
Chapter 16: Wtf that mira girl,ugh =_=
Chapter 51: Off to part 2~~
Chapter 50: Oh my god...
Chapter 46: Yongguk...
Chapter 44: Ho Ho Ho! Well, jealousy make you do crazy things!