Chapter 29: Blood Bond, Another One?

A Beautiful Curse

Blood Bond, Another One?


“Take care of her for me, please. She’s yours.” That was Tae Hee’s last words to him before passing him a bottle and closing her eyes.



“I’m sorry Junhong. I can’t stay at your palace on the full moon night.” Lana spoke over the phone. As much as she wanted to watch the moon, she believed it was still too risky for her to be among the vampires. Although Junhong kept insisting that she was a part of them and that he would never cause her harm in any way, she felt safer with EXO, the humans.

Junhong let out a sigh and replied. “It’s alright. Some other time then... Bye.” He ended the call and put his phone away. Across the room, Yongguk looked at him with a similar deflated expression. “Hyung, how are we going to protect her?” Junhong asked.

“We’ll figure out a way.” Yongguk assured.

Back in EXO’s crib, Lana and the boys gathered in the living room after a sumptuous dinner. Beside her was Jongin, who has been rather moody these past few days. Lana noticed his frown and tugged his arm. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing...” Jongin lied. Obviously, there was something bothering him. He couldn’t sit still knowing that the solstice was going to take place just two nights away. Yongguk has been trying to contact him, asking him to bring Lana to their palace, but Jongin wasn’t going to take that risk. It was too dangerous. He told Yongguk off and warned him never to mess with Lana’s life anymore. He recalled last night’s heated conversation when they bumped into each other while Jongin was doing his usual night round.

“Jongin, you have to bring Lana to the palace. It’s the safest place –“

“Are you kidding me?! Do you even realise what you have just said?” Jongin yelled furiously.

Yongguk nodded. “Yes, I do and I’m not insane or anything. Jongin, you don’t know what you’re dealing with. These vampires they’re out looking for her.”

“And we’ll be here to stop them from doing so.” Jongin added.

Yongguk shook his head. “I have never doubted your ability in protecting her but this isn’t just a mere cat and mouse game.”

Jongin stepped forward with piercing eyes. “You don’t have to tell me, I know.”  He continued to stare at Yongguk bravely. “Listen, just because you’re different from your kind doesn’t give you the right to meddle into Lana’s life. She might be a part of you but her heart is still beating unlike you. Don’t ever think she will go over to your side because I won’t let that happen.”

“Jongin, trust me. I will never turn her into our kind.” Yongguk spoke.


“Jongin... Jongin...” Lana shook his arms and called his name twice when he didn’t respond.

“Oh?” Jongin dazed.

“What are you thinking?” Lana looked at him curiously.

“Nothing...” He mumbled the same answer.

Lana pouted but instantly diverted the topic of conversation. “Anyway, I was thinking, let’s go to the cliff on the full moon night. We can stay out and –“

“Lana, you can’t.” Jongin cut.

“Awww, why?” Lana whined. “The rest of them are okay with it.”

Jongin turned to see the rest of EXO. He knew they couldn’t say no just because they promised Lana to bring her watch the full moon. Yet, he wasn’t going to let this go easily. “Lana, we can’t. We have to stay in for the night.”

“Why, Jongin? You’re always like this.” Lana complained as she folded her arms and looked away from him.

Kyungsoo came to sit beside her and said. “I told you, didn’t I? Jongin won’t allow you.”

“But you guys promise. Since I can’t go over to Junhong’s place, you’ll bring me out instead.” Lana stated. “Now, you’re taking back your promise.”

Luhan sighed. “Lana, it’s not that we are taking back our promise. That night will be a busy night for us.”

“Why? What are you busy with?” Lana questioned.

Chanyeol stepped forward. “Because it’s the solstice night where all vam –“

However, before Chanyeol could finish, Kris intervened. “It’s alright. We’ll go and see the moon that night okay?”

Lana instantly shot up from her seat and beamed. “Really?”

Joonmyun nodded. “Yes...”

“Hyung!” Jongin stood up. “How could you?”

Kris placed a hand on Jongin’s shoulder and said. “For how long do you want to keep her inside? She needs to live a life as a normal human, that’s her dad’s wish. You remember right?”

Yixing agreed. “Kris Hyung is right. It’s our duty to protect her, not restrict her freedom and happiness.”

Jongin looked down and sighed. “Fine...”


Mira folded her arms and waited at the front porch, carrying a backpack with her. She seemed all ready to embark on the night journey along with EXO and Lana. Lana noticed her from far and she felt uneasy. Honestly, after that unfortunate incident which left Lana badly injured, she was rather apprehensive towards the girl knowing that she lied all her words regarding Jongin’s secret message which she edited herself to make it seem like Jongin was at fault. Lana pulled Sehun’s arm and tiptoed to whisper.

“Is Mira coming as well?” Lana hushed.

Sehun sighed and nodded. “Yes... We can’t leave her alone in the house for the whole night.”

After hearing Sehun’s reason, Lana understood. As much as she didn’t like Mira’s presence around her, she didn’t wish for anything bad to happen to her. Hence, she was fine with Mira following them.

Tao and Minseok approached Mira. Tao pulled the backpack Mira was carrying and asked. “Do you want to put some of your stuffs in my bag so it’d be lighter for you to carry?”

Mira shook her head in response while Minseok patted her cheeks lovingly and said. “Mira, please behave okay? We don’t want any more trouble.”

Mira pouted and looked away before replying. “Yeah whatever...”

With everyone all set and ready, they slowly entered the forest just before the sun set and turned dark. Lana was slightly afraid but she was more excited over what the night would bring. Jongin stayed beside her the entire time as he heightened his senses. Unlike Lana, Jongin was wary because he knew that night wasn’t just a mere full moon night.


Yongguk and the rest of his brothers watched from the balcony of the palace at the entrance of the grand palace, as well known vampires from all parts of the world gathered. Just like many centuries before, the annual event was a highly respected one. Every vampire looked forward to the day and it was the only time, the Royal family was able to mingle freely with the rest of their kind. Unfortunately for that year, the Royal Princes were not allowed to roam as free as before. Besides, the palace was barred from the rest of their kind. There were already whispers and gossips over the sudden change but the vampires knew too well to even bother asking more.

Himchan sipped a glass of hot deer’s blood and looked at the growing crowd. “I hate gatherings so much. Why must there be such a tradition?”

Youngjae looked at his brother before waving his right arm as the vampires looked up. Some giggled while some smiled in awe. “Do you not like the attention, Hyung? Look, that’s a cute one.” He nudged Daehyun’s arm and both of them stared at a group of female vampires.

“It’s the only time the vampires are allowed to be close to us, the Royalty. It’s also the time we can find our partners –“ Junhong explained but then stopped at the last bit. “I don’t see any special one at the moment.”

Yongguk only listened as his mind wandered to a past memory.



“Bang Yongguk, why are you hiding in your room?” The Queen barged in. Yongguk looked away, absolutely uninterested. “Yongguk, can you please show yourself to the public?” The Queen came closer to him and placed a hand on his shoulder as she tried to soother him. Just like many years before, Yongguk was the only Prince who hated exposing himself to the crowd. He saw no point in it. So what if he was a Royal Prince? He was just like the rest of the monsters; the blood of innocent humans just to exist. Every single one of their kind was equal.

“Can I be excuse this year?” Yongguk replied.

The Queen could only sigh and say. “That’s what you said last year, and many years before. Yongguk, you’ve been hiding away far too long. The King will be upset if he knows you’re going to break the rules again.”

“But –“

“Come on, no more but. I need to find a Princess for you.” With that, the Queen pulled him up and dragged him out of the room.

Reluctantly, Yongguk followed. The noise level increased as he made his way towards the crowd. He smelt blood and the room was reek of it but it didn’t entice him at all. Not until his nose picked up a sweet smelling scent which made him shiver, in a good way.  As the Queen dragged him, the attention was instantly directed at him and he could sense the many pairs of eyes. Yet, he wasn’t concerned so much on the female vampires throwing love signals at him. Instead, he was searching for that particular scent which further heightened his curiosity.

“My Queen, may I?” Yongguk pulled his arm away from the Queen and stared at her innocently.

“Where are you going?” The Queen scolded.

Yongguk gave a smirk before replying. “I’m finding a Princess for you. Isn’t that what you wish for?”

The Queen looked at him suspiciously. “Make sure you find one.”

Yongguk walked away from the Queen as he continued his search. His senses heightened with every step and he couldn’t help but feel excited. He turned to the left and then the right as he navigated his way when suddenly, he stopped. A pair of beautiful eyes pierced right straight at him and right at the moment, Yongguk knew she was the one.

“H-H-Hi...” Yongguk stuttered. The female vampire looked at him carefully as she inspected him from head to toe. Yongguk was handsome, undeniably. He was after all a Prince. Yet, the female vampire didn’t seem interested at all. Instead, she flashed a dry smile before turning away. “Hey...” Yongguk called again as he pulled her arm gently.

Just when he wanted to ask more, an old man approached the both of them. “Oh Prince Yongguk, nice to see you... I’m Elder Kim from the Council.” He bowed.

Yongguk bowed before the old man and spoke. “Elder Kim, I’ve heard of you.  Nice to see you here...”

The old man nudged the female vampire and then said. “Come on, this is a Prince you’re looking at.”

The female vampire bowed sweetly and then finally spoke. “Good evening, Prince Yongguk. My name is Kim Tae Hee...” She flashed a smile.

Yongguk’s heart fluttered uncontrollably. Even her name was just as beautiful as the way she graced herself among the crowd of vampires. “Kim Tae Hee, can I have the honour to dance with you on this wonderful night?” Yongguk knelt down as he reached for her hand.

Surprised by his action, Tae Hee remained speechless for a while before replying. “Alright, only for tonight...” She grabbed his hand and the both of them danced the night away.


Subsequently, after the solstice, Yongguk could not stop thinking about Tae Hee. She was stunning and elegant. Everything about her was just perfect for Yongguk. Just a night spent and he was already madly in love with her. Secretly, he ventured out of the palace in search for her. After receiving information on the whereabouts of Elder Kim, he decided to find her at his place. Because Elder Kim was part of the council, it wasn’t too hard.

Yongguk finally reached the doorstep of the Elder Kim’s mansion. He was about to knock when the front door opened. There stood Tae Hee looking at him with a clueless expression. “Oh? What are you doing here?”

“Tae Hee, who is it?” Elder Kim asked from inside.

Yongguk scratched the back of his head, feeling anxious and nervous out of a sudden. “I-I-I-...”

“Prince Yongguk, why are you outside? Please come inside my humble home.” Elder Kim requested when he saw who the visitor was. “Tae Hee, why didn’t you let the Prince inside?”

“What is he doing here?” Tae Hee snapped.

“Shhh... Go get something for the Prince to drink.” Elder Kim hushed her.

Yongguk slowly went inside the spacious mansion. He examined the interior and it was neatly decorated. He took a sit on one of the sofa while Elder Kim remained standing. He felt uncomfortable and said. “Elder Kim, please take a seat.”

Elder Kim flashed a smile before taking a seat before him. Tae Hee came into the living room with a glass of hot liquid. Yongguk could smell the blood but it felt strange. “My Prince, please have a drink.”

Yongguk looked at Tae Hee before diverting his eyes on the glass in front of him. Tae Hee watched him expressionlessly. Yongguk took the glass of blood and sipped it when suddenly he spat out. “Ewww, what is this?!” For the first time, he hated the taste of blood. It was so different, so bland and tasteless.

Elder Kim smiled while Tae Hee chuckled sneakily. “My Prince, that’s what we can offer, a lion’s blood.”

“A what? Lion’s blood? Don’t you have human blood?”

Elder Kim shook his head. “We don’t...we don’t consume human blood.”

“What?” Yongguk tilted his head. “How can you survive with such an awful blood?”

Tae Hee stared at him and replied. “You just have to get used to it.”

“It’s just impossible.” Yongguk felt completely baffled.

“It’s possible.” Tae Hee reinstated. “Oh wait... Maybe because you have high-class taste, that’s why you can’t take it.” She sarcastically commented.

“Tae Hee...” Elder Kim gave her a warning look. “My Prince, as part of the Council, I’ve been tasked to send the message to the Royal family to consider the new diet plan and possibly become a new law for the vampire society to adhere if you wish to live harmoniously with humans. I’ve talked to the Queen on the night of the solstice but –“

“But?” Yongguk questioned.

“Apparently she disagreed to the whole idea of living on animals’ blood.” Tae Hee answered instead. Yongguk could sense the tension in the air. Her words were sharp as though she hated the Queen’s decision.

Elder Kim looked down and spoke. “I’m sorry, Prince Yongguk. I’ve tried. The reason is because as the numbers of vampires keep increasing through the years, the need for human blood will inevitably increase too. If it continues, I’m afraid the existence of our kind will be exposed and there might be war between the two kinds; humans and vampires.”

Yongguk nodded. “I understand but –“ He stopped and glanced at the glass of blood. “Is it possible to live just on this?” He pointed.

“I’ve been practising it ever since I joined the Council 300 years ago. Similarly, Tae Hee has only consumed animal blood ever since she was created.” Elder Kim clarified. Yongguk turned to Tae Hee, surprised that she still looked as normal as other vampires despite the different diet. “My Prince, I can guide you in overcoming your thirst for human blood. Tae Hee can help too, right my dear?”

Tae Hee shot a doubtful look and said. “It’s going to be hard.”

“Fine, I’ll take that challenge.” Yongguk confidently answered. If that would make him get closer to Tae Hee, he didn’t mind the hardship.


Days turned to months and eventually a year has passed since Yongguk started his promise. It surprised Tae Hee so much that the Royal Prince was willing to give up his luxurious lifestyle all because he wanted to ensure peace in the future.

“Kim Tae Hee, what are you doing?” Yongguk entered the garden where the girl was sitting cross-legged with a book in her hand.

“Can’t you see that I’m reading?” Tae Hee answered flatly. After a year together, both of them had become close that Tae Hee could address Yongguk just by his name. “Yongguk, how’s life in the palace?”

“Boring, as usual. Everyone is meddling in their own affairs.” Yongguk replied as he sat opposite her.

“Anyway, did you –“

Before Tae Hee could ask him the same question every time he comes back from the palace, Yongguk cut her. “I tried but to no avail. The King was enraged and so was the Queen.”

“Awww, it’s alright. I’m sure they will accept it one day.” Tae Hee soothed.

“But I managed to convince my brothers and they seemed interested. I hope I can start with them first.”

“Hey, that’s great!” Tae Hee beamed delightfully as she gave her a hug.

Yongguk embraced her just as tight as he smelt her hair. She was delicate and if he could, he just wanted to be in her embrace forever. He gently pulled away and looked at her. “How are you?”

“I’m good.” Tae Hee smiled.

Yongguk noticed a slight change in the way she smiles at him. “You look happy. What’s up?”

“Nothing...” She answered with a giggle.

“Come on, no secret between us right?” Yongguk said.

Tae Hee pouted. “Fine.” She looked away briefly before asking Yongguk a question. “Have you ever been in love?”

“Huh?” Yongguk tilted his head.

“Aww, this is embarrassing.” Tae Hee covered her face with her bare hands to avoid the embarrassment.

However, Yongguk pulled her hands away and looked straight into her eyes. “Yes...”

“You do?” Tae Hee was surprised by Yongguk’s answer.

“Yes Tae Hee, I’m in love with someone.”

“Really?! Who’s the one keeping secret now?” Tae Hee joked and placed both hands on her hip.

Yongguk took out a small bottle with unknown content inside. He handed to Tae Hee carefully with ease. Tae Hee stared as she looked into his eyes. She was slightly taken aback at the seriousness in his expression. “Yongguk, what is this?”

“I’m not keeping any secret from you, Tae Hee.” Yongguk explained.

However, before Tae Hee could ask further, Yongguk stood up and left her in daze. “Yongguk –“

“Open the bottle and you’ll see the answer, you’ll see everything.” Yongguk said before leaving her in deeper confusion.

Tae Hee examined the bottle before opening the lid. Suddenly, the air around her was filled with the scent of blood. It felt so pure that she shivered. She looked into the content of the bottle only to realise what it was.

An eternal bond is created once you drink the blood of the Royal. You will become his soul mate for the rest of your existence. He heals you completely. He protects you dearly. Most importantly, he loves you unconditionally.

Tae Hee remembered Elder Kim’s words. Her eyes widened in shock as she mumbled softly. “It can’t be...”


“Hyung... Hyung...” Junhong nudged the dazed Yongguk. “What are you thinking about?” He asked when Yongguk finally turned to look at him.

Yongguk flashed a smile. “Nothing... Listen, whatever it is, we must protect Lana.” He reminded.

“I know... She’s our sister-in-law after all.” Junhong cheekily added.

Yongguk could only smile as he pictured Lana’s gorgeous face in his mind. She looked just like Tae Hee, in fact even prettier. He was glad Tae Hee allowed him the chance to protect her daughter. Although his blood was meant for Tae Hee initially, he was just as honoured to have his blood running in Lana instead.

Yes, his blood has become a part of her. And she has become his soul mate.

“Take care of her for me, please. She’s yours.” That was Tae Hee’s last words to him before passing him a bottle and closing her eyes.

Yongguk still remembers.


To be continued







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Chapter 51: Damn she can't do this.. And why do I feel this is all planned by Yongguk? Bcoz he know Lana will hate him if he betray them and do this so he is faking innocence so Lana trust him?
Thank you for such an amazing story.. Now off to part 2..
Chapter 30: yo just got down like damn
se_xing #3
Chapter 35: Wtf lana
se_xing #4
Chapter 16: I really want to punch this mira girl
se_xing #5
Lolypop123 #6
Chapter 16: Wtf that mira girl,ugh =_=
Chapter 51: Off to part 2~~
Chapter 50: Oh my god...
Chapter 46: Yongguk...
Chapter 44: Ho Ho Ho! Well, jealousy make you do crazy things!