Chapter 18: Jongin's Blood; the Cure

A Beautiful Curse

Jongin's Blood; the Cure


Tao sprinted across the forest ground when his eyes noticed a figure walking just ahead of him. He picked up speed and finally caught up with…

“Jongin? ! What happened to Lana?” Tao’s eyes immediately landed on the girl in Jongin’s arms who was already semi-unconscious.

In just seconds, the rest of EXO caught up with Jongin. Luhan who saw Lana lying motionlessly went towards Jongin in panicked. “Jongin, what –“

“Hyung, I –“ A tear dropped.

Luhan patted his back and calmly assured. “Jongin, she’ll be fine.”

Kris and Joonmyun dashed ahead of the pack to alert Uncle Lee. Lana’s injuries were too severe that the only way to get her treated is to send her to the hospital. Of course, it was going to be a great risk because –

Nonetheless, EXO would have to figure out the way quickly since the clock was ticking not in their favour at all.

Jongin climbed the stairs with Lana in his arms and went straight for her room. He lied her gently down on the bed and by then, the girl was fully unresponsive. Jongin lightly tapped her cheeks but it was futile.

Kyungsoo came closer and checked her pulse. Jongin didn’t need to touch her wrist to know that her pulse was slowing down. Every beat of her heart was tormenting him so much. It was slow and too faint to the point he afraid it might just stop suddenly.

Yixing who possessed expertise in treating injuries knelt beside Lana. He ran his fingers from her neck, to her shoulders and downwards, feeling the bones. It might seem disrespectful but he had to touch her in order to determine the seriousness of the injuries.

Yixing inhaled deeply before speaking out. “It’s pretty serious. We have to get her to the hospital right away.”

Just then, Uncle Lee entered the room. “Lana...” He called out as soon as he saw the girl lying on the bed. He sat by the bed and caressed her cheeks tenderly.

Jongin stood up with a solemn expression and approached Uncle Lee. “Is it true that the blood belonging to the descendent of wolves can heal any injuries when –“

“Yes but –“

“Take my blood and use it for Lana.”

Uncle Lee shook his head and warned. “Jongin, do you know the consequences of it? You and Lana will be –“

Luhan stepped forward and snubbed rudely. “Jongin, you can’t.”

Jongin ignored Luhan and focussed on Uncle Lee and Lana. “Uncle, I know the consequences. You have to do it. That’s the only way.”

“No it isn’t!” Luhan shouted angrily. He vehemently rejected Jongin’s proposition. No way Luhan was going to allow Jongin healed Lana because he knew once Jongin’s blood is mixed with Lana’s, Luhan won’t stand a chance.

Jongin turned to Luhan and said. “What do you want to do? Send her to the hospital which is an hour away from here? She will not survive by then.”

“Then, why must it be your blood and not –“

“Luhan!” Kris interrupted. “This isn’t the time.”

However, Luhan ignored and advanced towards Jongin and shoved the younger male roughly. “I won’t let you –“

“Hyung, stop.” Baekhyun pulled Luhan back.

Jongdae stood protectively in front of Jongin and looked at Luhan sternly. “Luhan Hyung, it will happen sooner or later. Jongin is –“

“No!” Luhan shouted.


Tae Hee was so weak that she could barely move an inch from her bed even after drinking the deer’s blood. There was something inside her, alive and growing. It has been a month, long enough for her to realise that she was indeed pregnant. A pregnant vampire was just too ludicrous but Tae Hee was more than positive. She went through this before and she knew it. The feeling was still the same even when she is a vampire now.

However, what Tae Hee feared is that whatever growing inside her might need more to survive than what she could give. Tae Hee was inadequate in many ways. She doesn’t eat nor drink. How could the baby live if the most basic things are too hard for Tae Hee to provide? Forcing herself, she sat up to a seating position when the door to her room suddenly opened.

“Tae Hee, how are you feeling?” Byung Hun asked as he entered the room worriedly.

“Honestly, I don’t feel too good.” Tae Hee replied and leaned her head on Byung Hun’s neck as he cradled her in his arms.

Byung Hun gently her back and spoke. “If what you said it true and that you’re pregnant, Tae Hee I’m sorry –“

“Why are you apologising?” Tae Hee cut him.

“It’s my fault that you have to suffer.” Byung Hun explained.

However, Tae Hee shook her vehemently and told him. “It’s no one’s fault. It’s not suffering at all. Byung Hun oppa, this is blessing.”

“But –“

“Oppa, I need –“ Tae Hee cut him once again. “More blood...”

Byung Hun gazed her face lovingly. “Sweetie, how do you hunt in this condition? You can’t even stand on your own. You are too weak.”

“B-B-But...” Before she could continue, Byung Hun grabbed the nearest sharp object he could reach, the scissors, and then slashed his arms. Red hot liquid flowed out, causing Tae Hee to shudder as she tried to control the thirst. “What are you doing?!”

“Drink this.” Byung Hun offered his arm but was pushed away.

“I can’t drink your blood!” Tae Hee shrieked. No matter how thirsty she was, she could never drink her own soul mate’s blood. She could never bring herself.

“Just do it!” Byung Hun insisted.

It was possibly the greatest temptation, smelling her soul mate’s blood just inches away. Tae Hee didn’t want to but seeing the sincerity in Byung Hun’s eyes, she closed in and placed her lips on the cut. Slowly and gently, as smooth as possible without causing any pain, Tae Hee drank his blood. As if she finally found her drug, the most sensational drug, Tae Hee’s body reacted differently. She felt strength. She felt like she gained power in an instant. Her world was spinning, in the most euphoric state.

After a while, Tae Hee let him go and shut her eyes to control. If she could, she would have gone on and on, not wanting to stop at all. With his blood drained, Byung Hun became weak but he was still capable enough to keep his firm. It was only going to take just a brief moment to recover his strength.

“Thank you.” Tae Hee finally spoke.

Byung Hun smiled. It has been while he saw her face glowing and radiating. She was turning back to her usual self. Tae Hee was no longer exhausted or weak. In a flash, her body was responding positively to his blood.

“I’m just wondering, does my blood taste...good?” Byung Hun scratched the back of his head. It was a genuine question. He really wanted to know if it was good enough to her. It was probably the weirdest question considering he was a wolf and she was a vampire. How in the world can a wolf give his blood, willingly?

Tae Hee chuckled. “It’s not good. It’s perfect.”

“Phew, glad you liked it.” Byung Hun joked.


Subsequently, Tae Hee became dependent on his blood. The moment she stopped drinking his, her body turned weak and sickly. Living off animal’s blood was insufficient for her. She needed more. No wait, it wasn’t her. The baby needed more. Byung Hun’s blood was probably the only thing that is keeping the baby alive, and kicking.

“Oh my, it just kicked.” Tae Hee exclaimed on one of the nights they were chilling in front on the TV set.

Surprised, Byung Hun turned around. “What did you say?”

“The baby just kicked. I could feel it!” Tae Hee was just as shocked.

Pulling her closer, Byung Hun rested his right ear on Tae Hee’s tummy which has significantly grown in size. He listened intently and that was when he noticed. “Is that the sound of –“

“Yes Oppa, the baby’s heartbeat.”

Byung Hun rose and looked at Tae Hee straight into her eyes. “Are you saying –“

“Yes...the baby is alive, the baby is human.”

“But, how is that possible?”


“The blood of a wolf is a healing gift. It heals injuries, sickness and even provides sustainable support to keep one’s alive. If you consume a wolf’s blood and let it flows in your bloodstream, you feel nothing but immeasurable pleasure and strength. He is your greatest enemy and also your greatest strength but...” The old man paused and turned quiet briefly before adding. “Many said that a wolf’s blood will cause you to inherit human qualities and you’ll be his for the rest of his existence.”

“Is that a bad thing?”

The old man shook his head. “No, it’s just not possible. No vampire wants to be a wolf’s soul mate.”

“Nothing is impossible now.” Tae Hee assured as both her hands gently the little bulging tummy which the old man has yet to notice.


Jongin was on his knees as he knelt before Luhan. “Hyung, you have to trust me. I will devote my life for her. I promise.”

Luhan looked away unable to see Jongin’s eyes. As much as he hated the fact that Lana was possibly never going to be his, he also wanted to see her happy. And Lana’s happiness lies in the man kneeling before him; Jongin. EXO including himself knew right from the beginning that Jongin was the one for Lana. His inability to hear her thoughts yet he was able to listen to her heart beat instead, separates him from the rest of the pack. The way Jongin’s eyes looked at her and the way he desired her more than anyone else. It was enough to prove that Jongin was the one for Lana.

Reluctantly, Luhan walked and left the room, a signal he has accepted. Luhan was unable to watch further as Uncle Lee took out a syringe, preparing for the healing process which will inevitably made Lana, Jongin’s ultimate mate.

“Are you sure about this? Jongin, your weakness will be hers too. If you’re hurt, she’s going to feel it too.  Are you aware of that?”

“Yes I do.” Jongin confirmed.

Uncle Lee nodded and added. “Find your weakness else she suffers.” He held the syringe in his hand and carefully touched Jongin’s bare arm. The rest of EXO, minus Luhan watched in anticipation. This would be the first they ever witnessed, a ritual which involved great risk yet highly reputable in the wolf family.

Jongin was composed as Uncle Lee gently pierced the needle into his skin and out dark red blood. His mind wandered at the possibility of having him succumb to his own weakness, bringing Lana down as well. Jongin vowed never to hurt her ever again. What just happened is entirely his fault and he has no one but himself to blame. His lack of control of his anger was needless.

After getting a bottle of Jongin’s blood, Uncle Lee approached the bed where Lana was at and lifted up her arm. Smoothly, he poked her skin and watched as it flowed right into her bloodstream.

The only cure to Lana’s injuries was Jongin’s blood.


To be continued


GAAHH... I just love Kim Jongin Kai so much that he will probably be the lead to all my exo fanfics. I'm sorry if it bores you but i'm bias just like that. Anyway, going to be pretty busy in the next few weeks but i'll try to update every weekends. Thanks for subscribing and reading my humble story! ^__^

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Chapter 51: Damn she can't do this.. And why do I feel this is all planned by Yongguk? Bcoz he know Lana will hate him if he betray them and do this so he is faking innocence so Lana trust him?
Thank you for such an amazing story.. Now off to part 2..
Chapter 30: yo just got down like damn
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Chapter 35: Wtf lana
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Chapter 16: I really want to punch this mira girl
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Chapter 16: Wtf that mira girl,ugh =_=
Chapter 51: Off to part 2~~
Chapter 50: Oh my god...
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