Chapter 40: Promise

A Beautiful Curse



“Okay, that’s all for today. Remember to submit your homework next Monday.” Mr Park announced to the students who were already busying themselves, preparing to leave school and gearing up for the weekends.

“Hara, see you at the party tomorrow.”

“Wear something nice alright? See you!”

Mira pretended to not have heard their conversation. She occupied herself by putting her books inside the bag and avoided any eye contact with any of her classmates. However, just when she zipped her bag, someone sat on her desk.

“What are you going to do during the weekends, best friend?” Hara asked mockingly as she folded her arms.

“Nothing –“ Mira replied flatly and stood up.

“Of course! You can’t possibly go to the mall with that hideous scar of yours right? I mean –“

“Just shut up or I’ll –“

“Or you’ll what?” Hara looked at Mira with piercing eyes. “Call your good looking oppa-deul to rescue you? Oh by the way, how are they? Are they coping well, having to live in the same house with someone as ugly as you?”

Mira gritted her teeth and lifted her hand to shove but stopped when someone prevented her. “It’s not worth your time.” Lana held her back and advised nicely. “Don’t waste your time on her.”

“Let go of me.” Mira turned to Lana as she stared at the hand that was grabbing hers. Slowly, Lana pulled apart and gazed into her eyes sympathetically. Mira hated the way she was looked at especially if Lana was the one. Instantly, she brushed her aside, picked up her bag and walked away.

Lana watched as Mira exited the room. Quickly, she took her bag and tried to catch up before Junhong grabbed her arm, preventing her from leaving. “Don’t chase after her. She’ll only hurt you.”

Lana intently looked into his eyes and spoke. “I’ve hurt her more than she could ever hurt me.” With that, she walked away and continued pursuing Mira, ignoring Junhong’s concern.

“Mira, wait... Hey, where are you going?” Lana called as she quickened her pace. She reached her hand and tapped Mira’s shoulder, when the girl suddenly turned and scowled angrily. Lana saw tears in her ears and her heart sank in despair. “Mira, are you alright?”

“Do I look alright to you?!” Mira burst. “Bloody hell, do you even have eyes to see this?!” She pointed at the jagged scar across her face. Although it wasn’t as prominent as before and the wound has definitely healed, there was still a faint mark which might be permanent.

“Mira –“ Lana reached her hand but was instantly pushed away. “I’m sorry –“

“You did this to me. You did it on purpose, right? So, are you happy now for making my life so miserable?!” Mira shouted as tears rolled down her face. Her body was visibly shaking and Lana could see that she was trying to contain her anger.

Lana looked down in shame. She swore it wasn’t intentional. Everything was an accident but it was no used trying to convey her point. “Tell me what can I do? I’ll do anything –“

“Leave Jongin...” Mira suddenly spoke in a calmer tone than before.

Lana looked up and met her eyes. “But –“

“Leave Jongin... You have someone else, don’t you?” Mira said and her words cut deep into Lana’s heart. Was Mira referring to Yongguk as someone else? “I only have Jongin Oppa.” She added. Her eyes didn’t falter and Lana could see that she meant every word said. Not even once she blinked an indication that she was dead serious. She looked for a while before turning her gaze and leaving Lana, conflicted and utterly helpless.

Lana didn’t know what to do. She didn’t want to be selfish but she needed Jongin just as much. Yes, she has Yongguk. Yet, she wanted to be with Jongin too. No matter how hard she tried to erase him, she ended up getting hurt instead. Now, Mira’s request only made Lana even weaker than ever. If only Lana was strong enough to make a decision, to decide on her best option, then everything could be easily settled. However, she couldn’t decide on anything.

Who she should be with or who she should love more than the other?

Lana exited the school with her head hung low and her steps so slow. She walked towards the school carpark, waiting for her usual pick up from either Luhan or Jongin. Of course, since she was still acting aloof with Jongin, she would probably see Luhan. She walked without looking ahead until someone finally spoke.

“How’s school?”

“School’s –“ Lana was about to reply when she realised it wasn’t the usual voice she hears. “Chanyeol?”

“Hey, happy to see me?” Chanyeol grinned brightly.

“Oh?” She looked at him expressionlessly.

“Do you really have to be so glum just because I’m not Jongin or Luhan Hyung?” He pouted. “Do you know how hard it is for me requesting a turn to fetch you from school? I had to vouch my life okay, since I’m dealing with high risk being....rare but pretty one, I must say. You can see the knife right down my throat if even a single hair from you is missing.” He continued sulking.

Lana flashed a smile and shook her head. “You’re full of nonsense.”

“I’m not kidding, baby doll. I can already hear the screaming voices in my head right now. Is she with you? Is she alright? Chanyeol, I’m going to kill you if she comes back with a scratch!” He spoke.

“Tell them I’m fine and I’d rather Chanyeol fetching me than Kris.” Lana yelled cheekily as though she could literally speak to the rest of EXO.

Chanyeol winked and smiled. “Message sent...” He opened the door and Lana gladly hopped in the car. “Oh, Kris told me to tell you that you’re so done when you get back.” He chuckled. Lana laughed and rolled her eyes. She fastened her seat belt while Chanyeol started the engine. Maybe having Chanyeol around wasn’t that bad after all. Her mood got uplifted and her worries were gone, temporary. “How’s school?” He asked again as the car began cruising out of the school compound.

“Good, alright...normal, I guess.” Lana replied with a shrug.

“Isn’t that what everyone wishes for, to have you living normally?” Chanyeol stated.

“Of course, everything’s normal. I have a father who’s a wolf and a mother who’s a vampire and then now I have two soul –“ She stopped and looked out the window. She sounded unpleasant almost cynical as she spoke.

Chanyeol glanced slightly to her and sighed. “I guess it’s not so normal to have two soul mates.”

“I’m sorry...” She apologised. She felt that her words might have made him a little uncomfortable. “I’m just not ready for all this. I don’t even know what I’m supposed to do.”

“You don’t have to do anything. Just be yourself...” He said and then took a quick glance at his watch. “Lana, want to go somewhere?”

“Bring me anywhere, Chanyeol.” Lana replied with a smile.


“WOOOO! AHHHHH!” Lana grabbed hold of the buckle that has been secured tightly around her waist. She squinted her eyes as the strong wind blew across her face. Suddenly, she felt warm hand enveloped her left hand.

“Are you scared?!” Chanyeol yelled amidst the deafening screaming sounds.

“No! It’s fun –“ Lana nodded and answered, almost yelling to him.

After hours of fun and joy, both of them finally had their feet on the ground as they began walking around the amusement park which Chanyeol decided to bring Lana to. They thoroughly enjoyed the endless rollercoaster rides and now there were just strolling passed the shops. Lana ate the cotton candy while Chanyeol sipped on the milk shake they bought.

“Oh look, a carousel!” Lana exclaimed delightfully. With the lights decorated beautifully, the ride was hardly unnoticed.

“Do you want to ride it?” Chanyeol asked. She looked at him innocently with puffy adorable eyes like a small child. He couldn’t help but squeeze her cheeks. “Come on, let’s go.” They lined up while waiting for their turn and once they were already at the front, the female staff looked at Lana who was still in her uniform. “She’s with me.” He pulled Lana by his side and gave the female staff a wink.

Flustered, the female staff stuttered. “O-O-O-Okay... T-T-Two tic-tickets for y-y-you.”

“Thank you, pretty.” Chanyeol smirked and pushed Lana into the carousel quickly.

“Oh someone’s smitten –“ Lana looked at him.

“Can’t help it that I’m good looking you know...” He replied proudly.

They climbed up one horse each and when the carousel started to spin, Lana squealed delightfully. “This is so pretty!”

“Lana, look here. I’m going to take a picture.” Chanyeol held out his phone to take a photo of Lana but immediately the girl looked away.

“Don’t take a picture of me. I look ugly especially in my school uniform.”  She pouted.

“Jongin wouldn’t like it if he heard you’re calling yourself ugly.”Chanyeol chuckled. “Jongin has high standard, just so you know.”

“Oh really?” Lana stuck out her tongue. “I guess I don’t meet his standard then, that’s why he hated me at the beginning.”

“He didn’t hate you, silly.” Chanyeol playfully hit Lana’s forehead. “He never hates you. He was just being cautious.”

“Cautious? Cautious of what?” Lana asked curiously.

“Oh look the lights are changing colours.” Chanyeol diverted the conversation. Lana, however, remembered his words but decided not to ask further. Instead she asked him another.

“What do you think of Mira and Jongin?”

“What?” Chanyeol frowned. “What do I think of them? They’re just –“

“Close?” Lana cut in. “They’re close right? I mean, I’m sure Jongin might have feelings for her.”

“Of course, he has feelings for her.” Chanyeol said. Instantly, Lana’s expression fell. Her heart ached upon hearing Chanyeol’s words. So, it was true after all. Jongin and Mira did have a special relationship. “But it’s a different kind of feeling as compared to how he feels for you. He sees her as his little sister whereas you, he sees you as his, totally his.”

Lana’s eyes widened suddenly. “Oh?” Jongin only viewed Mira as his sister. “But feelings can change...”

“Not when it’s you. His feelings will never change for you.” He said confidently.

The carousel came to a stop and he hopped out, with Lana trailing at the back. The sky was slowly turning dark as they headed back to the car. Once again, Chanyeol glanced at his watch and mumbled softly. “We still have time...”

Quickly, they settled in the car and the engine roared. “Are we going back?” Lana asked.

Chanyeol shook his head and replied. “I need to visit somewhere first. You don’t mind coming, do you?”

“No, I’m fine. It’s Friday anyway.” She smiled.


Lana stood behind Chanyeol a few steps away as he watched his back. The place was still and quiet that she could only hear soft sniffing sounds coming from him. She felt like giving him a hug but maybe he just needed some time alone.

“Appa, Omma, Noona and Dongsaeng, we meet again. It’s been 10 years... I want you to know that I’m doing fine though it would have been better if all of you are around. Nonetheless, I know you are at a safe place watching me all this while...” He sobbed and then slowly knelt down to place the flowers he was holding. “I miss you...” He ended.

A tear dropped as it flowed down Lana’s cheek. For the first time, she watched the cheerful Chanyeol broke down in tears right before her eyes. Standing in front of the grave stones carved the names of his family members. The date was written and she realised that today was the 10th year anniversary since their passing. Just like herself, Chanyeol lost both his parents and his siblings.  Slowly, she approached him and knelt beside.

“Thank you for watching Chanyeol all this while. May you rest in peace...” Lana said, trying hard to hold back her tears as she speaks. She dusted the fallen leaves away from the grave stones and placed the bouquet of flowers neatly. After a brief silence, she turned around to face Chanyeol and hugged him tightly.

“I didn’t get the chance to say that I love them.” He sobbed.

“Chanyeol, I’m sure they know... I’m sure...” Lana assured as she patted his back.

The sky finally turned dark and both Chanyeol and Lana sat silently in the stationary car. It must be hard for Chanyeol, losing the ones he loved dearly. Lana reached out her hand and took his. Without breathing a word, she leaned closer and rested her head on his shoulders. Although he has stopped crying, she could see that he was trying his best to hide his loss. Gently, she began his hand and prayed time will heal his pain.

“My little sister, she loved riding the carousel.” His voice suddenly broke the silence. “My Noona loved eating the cotton candy. It feels like I see them in you. Lana, thank you... Thank you for spending your time with me.”

“It’s alr –“

“Lana, in life you make countless of promises.” He cut in. “Sometimes you fulfil it, sometimes you can’t. Most importantly, don’t make promises you don’t fulfil. You’ll end up hurting not just yourself, but everyone around you. If you can’t fulfil the promise, the very least you tried. But if you don’t fulfil it, it means you didn’t even try.” He stopped for a while before adding. “I made a promise I didn’t fulfil. I wanted to tell how much I love them but I didn’t... A promise I didn’t even try when I could.” His hand began Lana’s back gently. “Lana, only make promises you know you can fulfil.”

Lana’s eyes were brimmed with tears as she listened to Chanyeol intently. She could feel the weight in his words. Don’t make a promise, because you have to but because you can fulfil it.


The car finally entered the mansion. Although they were out the whole day, Lana didn’t feel tired at all. In fact, she was glad having Chanyeol around to spend her evening. As he pulled up the brake and switched the engine off, Lana faced him and said. “Thank you for everything, Chanyeol O-O-Oppa...”

Chanyeol’s face lit up instantly. “Am I the first in EXO you just called Oppa?” Lana nodded and smiled. “I’m reminded more of my sister now.” He said as he cupped her face and looked into her eyes lovingly.

“I’d do anything as long as it makes you happy.” She said.

As they entered the mansion, the rest of them glared at Chanyeol.

“Yah, where have you been?!”

“Do you know what time is it?!”

“We asked you to fetch her from school not bring her on tour!”

Amidst the little chaos, Lana searched for Jongin only to see him standing at the corner with his eyes displaying a sense of relief. Without saying a word, she dashed right straight and held him close to her. Her arms wrapped around his neck and she rested her head on his chest, listening to his heart thumping loudly.

“Jongin, I promise I’ll never stop beating my heart for you. I promise...”

Jongin was taken aback by her sudden embrace yet nonetheless, he smiled upon hearing her words. Meanwhile, Chanyeol watched the entire scene.

Lana, I know you can fulfil that promise. I believe in you.


To be continued


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Chapter 51: Damn she can't do this.. And why do I feel this is all planned by Yongguk? Bcoz he know Lana will hate him if he betray them and do this so he is faking innocence so Lana trust him?
Thank you for such an amazing story.. Now off to part 2..
Chapter 30: yo just got down like damn
se_xing #3
Chapter 35: Wtf lana
se_xing #4
Chapter 16: I really want to punch this mira girl
se_xing #5
Lolypop123 #6
Chapter 16: Wtf that mira girl,ugh =_=
Chapter 51: Off to part 2~~
Chapter 50: Oh my god...
Chapter 46: Yongguk...
Chapter 44: Ho Ho Ho! Well, jealousy make you do crazy things!