Chapter 17: Unforgivable Mistake

A Beautiful Curse

Unforgivable Mistake


Just a day before the full moon night and Lana was all prepared. She has decided to leave and go back to where she came from. She would go back to Uncle Lee and return to her old life. She would refuse all possible connection with EXO and would do anything to stay away from them. Uncle Lee was going to be mad for sure but Lana was adamant about this. If he insisted, then the last option was to leave him too. But she knew Uncle Lee would never let her astray. So, either he let her go or listened to her. She was confident on the latter.

Leaving EXO was probably the biggest decision she has ever made. It was definitely a sacrifice especially when they were nothing but nice to her. They weren’t at fault, not at all. It was her. She was the one who has to leave eventually.

Mira has carefully planned out the route Lana would take and that was to pass the forest. Mira would accompany Lana until a certain distant and then Lana had to go on her own. Lana was a brave girl and she wasn’t afraid of venturing in the wild alone.

Besides, that was the only way for her to escape whether she liked it or not.

The clock struck 8 at night, a few more hours before Lana made her final move and bade goodbye to EXO. EXO just ended dinner and was oblivious to the planned escape Mira and Lana were going to carry out that night. Last night, Mira overheard the guys’ conversation and she noted that they were going to cover the Northern part of the forest. Hence, she told Lana that it was best to head Southern, away from the guys so that they would have a longer time tracking her. Lana agreed as told.

Joonmyun came inside Mira’s room where she was and said. “Mira, we’ll be going for the night. Mrs Yoon and Uncle Lee aren’t around. Can you please look out for Lana?”

“Okay.”Mira replied with a smile which surprised Joonmyun. Usually, she would have told him off and refuse to comply but that night, she agreed unhesitant.

“Thank you.” Joonmyun said sincerely cupping her face in his hands. Mira was a nice girl. Only at times she could be trouble; alright most of the time.

As soon as the house turned quiet after the guys have left, Mira quickly headed into Lana’s room. Lana was looking out the window, just waiting for time to depart.

“Lana, let’s go.” Mira entered and immediately ordered.

Lana heard and grabbed the bag which she has packed the necessary clothing and items. She only needed just the important things and would leave behind the rest. Nodded without saying anything, Lana followed Mira who was already on her toes. She was nervous and was having second doubt but looking at how Mira was all at ease; it gave her strength in a way. Mira seemed relaxed. In fact, she looked excited.

Lana stepped outside and walked a few steps before she turned around to catch the last glimpse of the house. She was going to miss it definitely. Even though she has stayed for only 4 months, it did give her pleasant memories.

“Lana, come on!” Mira raised her voice since she was slightly ahead. “We have no time.”

Lana once again just nodded with speaking and ran towards Mira. That was it, she thought


EXO entered the forest for their usual night rounds. After a hearty meal, they were feeling rather upbeat. Some were topless while the rest were having at least a sleeveless top. Their eyes turned golden brown, a sign that they were all ready to use their wolf abilities, a sign they have transformed. Instead of turning into wolves physically, they just became a lot faster, stronger and more aggressive. Some growled and trembled. They also had fangs but it was mostly hidden and only used when necessary. Their muscles became tighter and veins were more prominent. At this stage, they were mostly incapable in controlling themselves if provoked. They could even kill without thinking twice on it.

Minseok ran across at top speed and leaped from one place to another effortlessly. Similarly, the rest dashed past the trees as they harnessed their strengths. They picked up unfamiliar yet familiar scent. Even the smallest unnoticeable movement could be seen miles away. Their ears sharpened picking up the slightest sound.

Luhan came from behind and tapped Minseok’s shoulders.

Luhan: To the left.

As heard, Minseok turned left together with Luhan as the pack separated in pairs. They ran to the most Northern of the forest, away from Lana unknowingly. However, Jongin slowed down his speed and eventually stopped.

Sehun: Hyung, what’s wrong?

Sehun who was Jongin’s partner that night stopped as well and asked. Jongin kept quiet as he tried to listen to that sound, the sound which only he could hear.

“We have to head back to the house.” Jongin said.

Clueless, Sehun asked. “Why?  What’s wrong?”

“I don’t feel right.” Jongin replied and instantly dashed the opposite from the pack, back to where the house was.

Sehun sent signal to the rest of the guys who just like Sehun, were questioning Jongin’s impulsive action. Yet, they followed and headed back as well.



Meanwhile, Lana and Mira were already inside the forest, navigating through with flashlights in their hands. They didn’t speak and it was too quiet almost unbearable.

In just seconds, Jongin reached the house and without wasting time, he ran straight into Lana’s room. He pushed the door open only to see an empty bed, an empty room. He stopped to listen and track her heartbeat. That was when he noticed, she was far from him. He then ran inside Mira’s room and the result was just the same. At the moment, the guys entered and looked at him.

“Jongin, what is it?” Kris asked.

Luhan searched around and yelled. “Where is Lana?!”

Jongin looked down and clenched his fists. “They’re gone.”

Understood, the guys ran straight out of the house towards the Southern as they began tracking the two girls. Bearing Lana’s scent, they used it to navigate their way. As for Jongin, he used her heartbeat to track and since he was the fastest, it only took him a minute before he reached Lana, grabbed her hand and spun her around.

Shocked, Lana screamed. Mira screamed as well when she saw Jongin towering the both of them.

Their eyes stared at one another and Jongin was glad yet surprised to see that both Mira and Lana were not in any sort of danger.

“What are you doing?” Jongin asked terrifyingly.

Lana pulled her arm away from his grip and spoke. “I’m leaving.”


“I’m leaving. You heard me. Now, go away!” Lana shouted.

Jongin trembled but still managed to control. “You will follow me back to the house.” He pulled her arm but Lana just pushed him away.

“NO! I don’t want to be here anymore!”

“You’re talking nonsense. Go back now.” Jongin was still relatively calm.

“You don’t enjoy doing all this. If you could, you would rather lead a normal life. If you could, you would stop and never do this for the rest of your life. So, I’m making it easier for you!” Lana burst.

Jongin turned to look at Mira. “Mira –“ He growled. He knew something was amiss when Lana decided to leave them out of a sudden. He recalled the conversation with Mira days ago and realised that Mira might have told Lana everything he said but of course, she might have twisted his words. Jongin, for sure, didn’t want Lana to leave. Although he wasn’t particularly in favour of his current lifestyle but it wasn’t because of Lana, not at all.

“I just told her whatever you said.” Mira replied defensively.

Lana pulled Jongin’s attention back to her. “Don’t you blame Mira.”

However, Jongin kept his eyes fixed at Mira. “ Lana, that is not what I meant.” Jongin explained.

“Jongin, I’m not angry. I’m just giving what you wish for.” Lana said rather calmly.

“No. You can’t leave!” Jongin scolded. “This is not what we wish for. Mira, why did you?!”

“Don’t scold her. Leave her –“

However, before Lana could finish her sentence, Jongin was already advancing towards Mira. “Why did you?!” He shouted. He was absolutely appalled at Mira for giving Lana false impressions of him and  EXO.

“Oppa –“ Mira shivered.

“Hey!” Lana pulled Jongin back but was ignored.

“MI...RA....” Jongin continued to advance. He disregarded Lana’s presence and kept his eyes on Mira. At that moment, his blood was boiling and it was definitely not a good sign.

“Mira, run!” Lana yelled and the girl took her order and ran away.

Meanwhile, Lana went and stood in front of Jongin. “Leave Mira out of this!”

Jongin started to shake and his eyes turned golden brown which caused Lana to stare at it. Instead of calming down, Jongin kept advancing towards Mira who had already left the scene. His expression was dark and grim. Lana gulped nervously when he growled at her suddenly.

“J-J-Jongin…” Lana stuttered as he was starting to frighten her.

 Jongin lashed his way and moved to the direction Mira went. Lana was afraid he was going to pursue Mira so she chased him and tugged his arm when suddenly; she was thrown several feet away forcefully. Jongin had unintentionally used too much of his strength in a fit of anger and flung Lana so rough that her back hit against a tree with a loud thud. He couldn’t control his anger.

Lying on the ground with nothing but the feeling of immense pain, Lana screamed excruciatingly.  Tears flowed down her cheeks as she tossed and turned like a fish out of water. Jongin realised his mistake and without wasting a second he ran to Lana.

“Lana!” Jongin called. “Lana, I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” He kept apologising and held her soft hand in his. The anger has flushed out of him and he was only left with the feeling of regret.

“I-I-I…”Lana stammered unable to get her words out.

“Don’t speak. I’m going to get you safe.” Jongin cut. “Lana, listen to me. Hang in there.”

Jongin looked around for his brothers but they were too slow for him. Lana was badly injured and there was no time to spare. Carefully and gently without further aggravating her injuries, he slid his arms underneath and lifted her up effortlessly.

“Urgh…” Lana winced. Jongin’s heart shrunk as he watched her enduring the torture. He steadied himself and slowly walked towards the house. He wanted to quicken his steps but was afraid it might cause more pain for Lana. So, he kept his firm despite her cries.

Lana began to slowly close her eyes which caused Jongin to panic. “No, don’t close your eyes. No...”

“I-I-I think I-I’m going to d-d-die.” Lana mumbled softly.

“No!” Jongin shouted. “Lana, please –“ He strode faster unable to withstand seeing her agonizing cries.  Her small body in his arms was already lying in limp. Her face has turned pale and she was mumbling incoherently with her eyes half close. “Nothing will happen.” Jongin spoke softly not to Lana but to himself as an assurance.   

As he walked towards the house, his past memories haunted him yet again. Because of his lack of control, he just hurt another important person in his life. He cursed himself yet even hurling curses was not enough to replace the grief Lana had to experience. Jung  Ah too. Both had to face his wrath and suffered. But just this once, he was going to make sure Lana would end up differently.

She will live. He will make her live.


To be continued



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Chapter 51: Damn she can't do this.. And why do I feel this is all planned by Yongguk? Bcoz he know Lana will hate him if he betray them and do this so he is faking innocence so Lana trust him?
Thank you for such an amazing story.. Now off to part 2..
Chapter 30: yo just got down like damn
se_xing #3
Chapter 35: Wtf lana
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Chapter 16: I really want to punch this mira girl
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Chapter 16: Wtf that mira girl,ugh =_=
Chapter 51: Off to part 2~~
Chapter 50: Oh my god...
Chapter 46: Yongguk...
Chapter 44: Ho Ho Ho! Well, jealousy make you do crazy things!