Chapter 27: Beginning of a Special One

A Beautiful Curse

Beginning of a Special One


Joonmyun and Kris watched the moon which would turn full in a few nights, the same night the solstice would occur. Sitting on the ledge of the balcony with a cup of coffee before the usual night round, Kris’s mind wandered towards Lana. Similarly, Joonmyun settled his back against the pillar and faced Kris with a distraught expression.

“Hyung, do you think it’s right of us to join forces with the royal vampires?” Joonmyun raised a question to the other alpha wolf.

Kris could only shrug and say. “As much as I don’t want to be associated with their kind but Yongguk seems really sincere.”

Joonmyun folded his arms and then added. “I sensed that too but why suddenly? After many years –“

“Because Lana is 18 years old... It’s the same reason why we are tasked to protect her now.” Kris clarified.

“She still doesn’t know about the curse. Should we tell her soon?” Joonmyun asked.

Kris stared blankly as he pondered on whether it was the right time to tell Lana everything she needed to know. However, it might be too terrifying for her. The fact that her life would be constantly hunted, especially her blood. Living in fear for her whole life, that wasn’t what EXO intend to make her feel. Although she already sensed fear just by having EXO around her all the time, it wouldn’t help to tell her the real truth of the curse.

Yet, for how long would they hide it away from her?

Just when the two leaders were about to get ready and assemble the rest of the guys, Lana popped her head inside the balcony. Obviously, Kris and Joonmyun weren’t so surprised by her appearance considering they had sensed her coming.

“Hmmm, can you spare me a minute?” Lana asked timidly.

Joonmyun turned to Kris who was already nodding his head, signalling to Lana that they were free at the moment and could hear her out.

“What is it?” Joonmyun asked as he gestured Lana to take a seat.

Lana looked at both males before softly muttering a question. “I heard there will be a solstice coming soon in a few days. And I was wondering if I could stay over at –“ Lana stopped to swallow the saliva. She looked nervous which heightened the leaders’ curiosity. “Junhong...  Junhong’s place...the palace...”

“Lana, what?” Kris asked although he clearly heard her. “You want to go to the palace where all the vampires live?”

“They aren’t the kind of vampires –“

“Lana, did Junhong tell you about the solstice and ask you to come over their place?” Joonmyun asked.

“Yes, he said the moon will be nicer that night and asked me to stay the night at the palace because it has a better view of it.” Lana replied innocently.

“Is that all he said?” Joonmyun looked at her seriously.

Lana looked at him questioningly. “Yes, that’s all.”

Kris: I don’t think they told her what’s the real significant of the solstice is.

Joonmyun: I know they don’t want her to know but how could they possibly thought of having her there with all the bloodsuckers?

Kris pulled Lana to sit closer to him and placed her head to rest on his shoulder. “Lana, we can’t allow you as yet. We have to discuss this with Yongguk first. Please try to understand.”

Lana nodded and replied. “I understand. If you don’t allow me, it’s okay. But can we at least watch it on our side? Please?”

“Of course we will, sweetie.”Joonmyun pinched her nose lovingly.

Sandwiched in between both leaders, Lana felt really safe at the moment. After months staying with these guys, she has never once felt unprotected. They were always making feel comfortable and pleasant.

“Lana, do you want to hear a story?” Kris asked carefully as he held her soft hand in his.




Kim Tae Hee rubbed her bulging stomach and watched her reflection on the mirror. Only days left before her special one enters the world. Although she was feeling ecstatic, there was still worry. Even a tinge of it was enough to turn her fearful of what was to come. The blissful feeling she once felt and then taken away from her right away; that was exactly the worry. To be going through the same unfortunate event again just like the last few hours while she was still human, Tae Hee was scared.

The fact that her special one might not live, she shivered at the thought of it.

Lee Byung Hun entered the room carrying a big bag with him. Implicitly, Byung Hun could feel her fear. He went behind Tae Hee, his beloved wife and ultimate soul mate, embracing her tightly. “Everything will be fine.” He whispered, nuzzling his nose in her sweet smelling hair.

Tae Hee flashed a weak smile. “It will.”

“You’ll be okay.” Byung Hun assured as he placed his chin on her right shoulder and looked at the reflection on the mirror of the both of them.

Tae Hee shook her head suddenly. “No, she’ll be okay.” She pointed towards her round tummy. Instantly, Tae Hee spun around and faced Byun Hyun solemnly. “Oppa, promise me you’ll do anything to make her live. She must survive.”

“I will, my love. You too –“

“No. Do whatever it takes to make her live even if killing me is the only way.”

Byung Hun shook his head severely. “I can’t lose you.”

“I can’t lose her. Please... I can’t lose my child again.” Tae Hee pleaded. “Promise me, she’ll live normally like a human with our without me.”

“I promise...” Byung Hun’s heart shattered but he accepted her wish. He wished it would end the way they wanted. Yet, deep down he knew this was not going to be easy. He was aware this could be her last wish, their last wish. “Our daughter will live, I promise.”


Elder Kim, Tae Hee’s creator knelt beside the bed holding her hands tenderly. He was the one who turned her to become who she was. Regardless whether she has broken many of the forbidden, he still sees her just like his own, like a father to his daughter. All he ever wanted for her is happiness. Right from the start, he knew Tae Hee deserved to be happy.

“My child, are you ready?” Elder Kim whispered as he gazed her terrified eyes. Without verbally saying, he was aware of the fear in her.

Lying on the bed inside his grand room, the safest room; Tae Hee nodded weakly and replied. “Yes...” Byung Hun was on the other side of her, caressing her forehead lovingly and held her hand tightly. Tae Hee turned around and lifted her hand to touch his face. “Oppa, do you remember our promise?”

“Yes, my dear.” Byung Hun kissed her delicate hand.

Next, she turned to Elder Kim and asked another question. “Elder Kim, have you conveyed my wish to him?”

Elder Kim smiled and replied. “Yes. In fact, he will be reaching tomorrow. You’ll get to meet him –“

“I don’t think I will exist up to tomorrow.” Tae Hee cut.

“Shhh my child, don’t speak such words.” Elder Kim spoke. “Maids, prepare... We’ll do it now.” He ordered.

Subsequently, time past much quicker than usual yet Tae Hee was fully attentive, not wanting to miss even a second of the moment. The physical pain was not a slight hindrance to her at all. Byung Hyun looked worried and tensed but Tae Hee calmed him by flashing a warm sweet smile. Before they knew it, the crying sound of their little one resonate the room.

Byung Hun’s eyes widened delightfully as Elder Kim handed to him his precious baby girl. Gently as possible, he cuddled the baby who has stopped crying and went straight to Tae Hee who has steadied and cleaned herself.

“Tae Hee, look...” Byung Hun placed the little girl beside her.

Without breathing a word, Tae Hee cupped the adorable cheeks of her daughter and kissed her lovingly. Words couldn’t describe her feelings at the moment. After years, many years of hardship and suffering, Tae Hee finally was bestowed with the best gift she could ever dream of.

However, the precious moment was short lived when Tae Hee stared straight into Byung Hun’s eyes and spoke. “Take her away. Take her to as far as possible.”

“Tae Hee –“ Byung Hun opposed.

But Tae Hee cut him immediately. “Oppa, take her away. You have to. If she stays here any longer, she’d be killed. Please I beg you...” Tae Hee sobbed.

Elder Kim placed a hand on Byung Hun’s shoulders and added. “Byung Hun, do as she requested.” As much as he hated seeing the separation between a mother and her new born child, he was aware of the consequences if the baby girl was to stay here any longer. If he wanted to protect the child and fulfilled Tae Hee’s wish, then he had to ensure that the baby was to be taken far away from here.

“Tae Hee –“ Byung Hun weep as he embraced her. “I...I...”

“We’ll name her Lee Ah Na.” Tae Hee smiled. Byung Hun couldn’t say a word. He nodded his head profusely as tears flowed down his cheeks. Tae Hee wiped the tears with her thumb and said sweetly. “Oppa, I love you.”

“I you too, Tae Hee.” Byung Hun replied as he kissed her deeply.

The brief moment ended when Tae Hee pushed him away gently and said. “Now, go!”

“Tae Hee –“


Byung Hun stood up shakily as he held his baby girl in his arms. “I will come back for you. I promise.”

Tae Hee could only flash a smile. She had nothing to say knowing well that even if he comes back for her, it might be just too late.




Lana’s soft sobs lingered as Kris and Joonmyun ended the story. Despite concealing the names in the story blatantly, Lana knew they were talking about her parents; the sacrifice they made in order to get her safe and live a normal human life. At first, she questioned why her parents left her. Now, she understood that it took them more than just a simple goodbye. Joonmyun pulled the girl closer and embraced her tightly. He brushed her hair and cupped her face as he whispered.

“Lana, your mother was a remarkable person.” He spoke. Coming from a wolf, this meant a lot.


To be continued



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Chapter 51: Damn she can't do this.. And why do I feel this is all planned by Yongguk? Bcoz he know Lana will hate him if he betray them and do this so he is faking innocence so Lana trust him?
Thank you for such an amazing story.. Now off to part 2..
Chapter 30: yo just got down like damn
se_xing #3
Chapter 35: Wtf lana
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Chapter 16: I really want to punch this mira girl
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Chapter 16: Wtf that mira girl,ugh =_=
Chapter 51: Off to part 2~~
Chapter 50: Oh my god...
Chapter 46: Yongguk...
Chapter 44: Ho Ho Ho! Well, jealousy make you do crazy things!